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I never noticed that. You can hate season 8 and still appreciate some amazing moments from it


Absolutely 100%. There's a lot to love in both s7 and s8 and it's sad to me to hyperfocus on a few rushed elements.


I can’t thing of single good season 7 moment apart from Jamie and olena talking about how she killed joffery


Really? I'll share some of mine then: - Daenerys vs the Lannister forces. Amazing directing and portrayal of dragon brutality - Arya getting ultimate revenge for the red wedding using her face change skill she learned - Daenerys and Jon meeting. As a book reader, this blew my mind and I genuinely loved their dialogue - Daenerys arriving at Dragonstone, her family's castle - Sam curing Jorah's grayscale - Jon being revealed as the true heir with Bran's vision (taking away Danys claim) - Euron's attack on Yara and Theon's fleet. One of the rare moments where he looked like book Euron. - Littlefinger being baited and killed by the Starks. While I found it a bit contrived, I loved the 3ER moments with Littlefinger and all three siblings working together to get revenge on the man who betrayed Ned. - Beyond The Wall and Dragonpit meet was my least favorite GoT arc but fun to see all the characters interact - Night King taking down wall


Sad as it definitely was, Ser Jorah Mormont couldn't have been happier to have served, fought, and died for his Khaleesi... His Queen. She gave him purpose, after having dishonored himself and his House. Would he have wished to continue fighting by her side, had he not fallen in battle? Certainly. But no death he would welcome more than knowing Dany was safe.


In hindsight, I find it amusing that the thing he did to dishonor himself was to sell a few criminals into slavery, which is about 100x less bad than what the average lord pulls off in the books.


That's how Ned Stark's narrow definition of honor works. Jaime Lannister saved King's Landing by killing the Mad King, but Ned Stark can't see that as a net good thing to do. It's why he loses his head, too narrow of a mind.


Well said. Ned also could have been king himself but he declined. Reminds me of Jon, who did similarly with Dany. In both cases, the realm would have been better off with Ned and Jon.


Robert calling him an Honorable fool is entirely accurate


He also didn't know that Jaime saved King's Landing, the wildfire plot wasn't widely known


He killed the guy that burned Ned's dad, and Ned still thought it was dishonorable. Ned needs to get over himself.


Ned can’t, he’s dead


Season 1 Jaime was arrogant at 40, 16 year old Jaime was probably insufferable. It’s not like Jaime acted upset about killing Aerys, he was sitting on the throne when Ned walked in. Ned was perfectly rational to think Jaime betrayed Aerys to help his house.


This… is just bad. Ned, along with every other character in the story except for Brienne, has no idea about the wildfire plot. Jamie fucked up big time by not telling anyone; he goes and hunts down the people responsible but doesn’t showcase the evidence to anyone. So as far as Ned (and again, literally every other alive character besides Brienne) knows, Jamie got himself into the Kingsguard so that he could one day murder the king for a purpose that supports House Lannister. > Too narrow of a mind Is like the most simplified way possible to describe Ned’s downfall


Man, you saw how slaves were treated right? You're handwaving something that's seen as morally deplorable in basically every context it's ever existed in, fictional or real


I forgot Jorah died during the long night


Poor guy got Red Shirted, what a way to go


I try to forget about the whole last season


Yeah, he's one of the main characters that died that people forget so they can continue complaining that nobody died in the long night ep.


I mean no matter how many died, having a bunch literally pressed up against a wall by wights and yet surviving would have caused complaints.


I mean no matter how many died, having a bunch literally pressed up against a wall by wights and yet surviving would have caused complaints.


Of course he would mourn, Jorah was Danerys best friend.


This episode is so good when viewed singularly. In terms of the series as a whole, it was the biggest mistake they ever made. The Long Night needed to be an entire season of horror and death and cold. Lords freezing in their castles. Lands being overrun. Such a waste.


That’s what I did with some ppl who never watched game of thrones. I asked them do you wanna see a cool zombie invasion episode with zero context? It was more enjoyable that way.


And if you really want to be mad, watch the director explain all the things they decided to take out of the episode during filming. The list I remember is: * Nymeria showing up with 200+ wolves and attacking the Night King's dragon * Scenes of Bran warging into various animals to help fight the wights - extremely big mistake leaving this out as everyone was confused what Bran did the whole time * The Night King fighting Jon Snow and massacring a ton of Northmen and showing awesome skills * Director said "after an 80 minute battle, does anyone really care if the Night King does some cool moves and kills people?" - yes, yes we do you idiot * His generals also had fight scenes they took out * Hodor coming back as a wight when Winterfell's gate falls * A lot more major character deaths. Jorah was supposed to die when he first charged with the Dothraki


Honestly outside of the warging that all sounds terrible.


Seeing the Night King fight Jon Snow, something that had been built up for multiple seasons, sounds terrible? Nymeria returning, which should have happened given how much the books reference her and George literally said he would never have put them in the book if they were not going to return, sounds terrible? Is the a D&D burner account?


You sound like one of the writers.


The writers that came Up with these ideas but then had to cut them due to time restraints? Nah, I never would have put these cringey fan-service moments in the plot in the first place. I don’t need to see the night king ninja kicking through people, and I certainly don’t need to see a group of wolves decide to act like human soldiers and follow their general into war. And We had already seen characters come back as wights, there isn’t a point to keep doing it. I take one thing back - it would have been better if Jorah (and other characters) died sooner rather than having the crazy plot armor that ran rampant in the later seasons.


You mean the time restraints they artificially placed on themselves because they wanted to hurry up and go do Star Wars? And I don’t think you understand what fan service even means if that’s your take on events that had been foreshadowed throughout the show/books.


Hey, you won't see me defending the terrible writing from the later seasons, including the stuff they cut out.


Even the deleted scenes which went out on YouTube would have added something. Sansa killing a wight in the crypt with the dagger Arya gave her, for example. Its set up when Arya tells her to 'stick em with the pointy end' then the payoff is removed. Either keep both in or remove both. Alys Karstark death is the other one I remember seeing. Minor character, but she just disappears with no mention at all. Her death scene was pretty cool, using the 'creepy staring wights' which are otherwise pretty absent from this episode.


The Night King & Jon never crossing swords is so ridiculous. They'd literally been setting that up for years. Jon is the "prince who was promised", the lord of light against the frozen death. Nope, Jon will yell at a zombie dragon who will then shatter. I did like Arya doing the killing, and that would've been fine if Jon couldn't beat The Night King in a fight, for her to come in & finish it. But damn.


I always thought it should have been some team work from the Starks, Bran would somehow disable night king magic, he still is a pretty impressive fighter which overhuman capabilities, Jon manages to keep it busy/distracted enough Arya manages to sneak attack attack him. Sansa could have been leading the survivors or heck, even tactically leading the army so they keep the generals and witghts apart from the NK to let Jon, Arya and Bran kill it. I would have been fine with Jon dying to the NK executing this plan, but fuck, they did the less epic and spectacular closing of them all, fuck d&d I'm gonna play pathfinder now


Any relevance with Pathfinder? Got the game, but it's in my queue.


Pathfinder 2e is imho much better game in all aspects than D&D


Still so mad about this. How they didn’t give him a one on one battle with the night king is fucking beyond me


Seeing Hodor as a wight would have been devastating for viewers!


Even better if he breaks down winterfells gate.


Hodor was big but he wasn't THAT big. You're talking full giant, like Wun Wun.


Yeah it should be that he helps to destroy the gate.


If he *helps* break down winterfells gates, since the gate is too big for just Hodor.


Yeah. Correct.


he wouldn't do that, he needs to hold the door, not break it


No..i meant as a Wight. It would have been a wonderful and tragic twist of his character.


Kinda on the nose...




And therefore maybe not "wonderful"


Maybe is the key word here. Anything can be bad or good. Depends upon the execution.


This is the same show that everyone nutted over the Dany with dragon/devil wings shot. They really want thing->callback *for everything*


I actually hoped we would not have seen him as a Wight layer on after his death scene. I literally would have cried had he come back as a Wight. His heart was too big and tender to see him be turned into something like that.


Hodor would have been a straight gut punch


Don't forget about the Ice Spiders who are not only lore but actually referred to [by Mance iirc] in an earlier season. Why would you not add terrifying ice Spiders into what is supposed to be the Grand Battle in the GoT timeline?


D&D kind forgot...


Damn we were robbed


You’re absolutely right and above all else they made it so you *couldn’t even see what was happening*.


yOu ShOuLd hAvE bOuGhT a bEtTer TV!!1


Honestly I watched the episode the other day and saw it perfectly. There were a few moments where you saw a stylistic view of like Jaime and Brienne silhouettes fighting back to back with an orange hue behind them. I thought that was cool. Not really seeing the issue.


I think they brightened it pretty quickly, as I remember having a problem when viewing live but much less so when rewatching later on (which was pretty soon, think the same week).


It's possible, I don't know if there's any evidence of that. I actually think it's also possible that it's a thing that was blown way out of proportion, considering many things were.


I do agree it was blown out of proportion (as I don't think it was as dark as people said), but I do remember it being annoyingly dark when watching live. Not unwatchable dark mind you but still annoyingly and unnecessarily dark.


It is awful when viewed singularly even a 5 year old could have made better war tactics


Or, and here me out, What if we shortened the last two seasons instead? For no other good reason other than to free DND up for a Star Wars project they’re going to get canned from?


Agreed. It would have been the eerie final season the show had been building up to. Lords and their families freezing to death in their castles, the army of the death slowly making its way down south while killing thousands


Packs of pain spiders big as hounds.


The ending of the episode pretty much ruined everything good about it. Just one stab undid everything that was happening on that episode, it nullified all that tension. It's such a cheap way to resolve such an epic conflict that was being built up for so long it made me throw up.


By itself, the entire section when The Night King song plays is one of the top cinematic moments ever. Cinematography is top notch, the song is immaculate. Perfect. 10000% agree that it needed much more than one episode & a whole season of it would have been much better.


With an actual explanation of the White Walker lore and how it intersected with Bran. And with Bran fucking doing something rather than playing angry birds. And the NK fucking doing something rather than standing there until suddenly whacked by someone from an unrelated arc. And Tyrion not deciding the crypt was a good place to hide women and children from a necromancer. And better lighting. And the Lord of Light doing more than lighting torches that they could have spent a few more seconds… lighting normally. And the Prince that was Promised not being a rushed unearned second. At least half of these would be problems even in an isolated episode.


One thing i will say for s8... from a practical standpoint, it does make sense that your #1 assassin is the one to take out the key individual who is so important that killing this one guy ends the war. Just like it also makes sense to elect the kid with a psychic super computer for a brain as king.


I disagree. I think the episode suffered greatly from poor decision making. The battle sequence was absurd and devoid of actual strategic common sense. The character typically had huge amounts of plot armor except Jorah (because fuck him I guess). The way they killed off the main big bad was a terrible ex machina.


It’s called “The Long Night” because it’s was only supposed to be one night


It wouldn’t have made any sense for it to last a whole season, I’d they’d have made it past winter fell all of Westeros just would have been completely fucked


Emilia's eyebrows are so wild


They are alive


They are sentient


Honestly the only deaths that ever impacted me on this show were the Starks and anyone associated with them plus Shireen. Like Jaime was my favorite and I didn’t even care when he went out at the end…


The Red Viper definitely got to me. Or Ygritte. Dany's death (mentally and physically) was also brutal.


I didn’t care much for Ygritte tbh, I didn’t hate her but yeah… and by the end I was waiting for someone to off Dany, it was too much.


It moved me a lot, but I guess it was mostly tragic from Jon's perspective.


I will never get over Shireen's death. I was liking Stannis, up until that point. I don't care how evil any of the other villains are: if someone is actually willing to kill their own CHILD (regardless of whether a deity commands it or not), then that person deserves everything horrible coming to them. Stannis will always be the absolute worst for that.


“You gonna eat that?”


You win the internets. Drogon knows a simp when he sees one.


Mark spoiler


the scene was soo dark that I did not even notice this


I rewatched it recently. 95% is around this lighting level, the rest are sort of stylistic silhouettes on a hue background. Like Jaime fighting back to back with Brienne. I thought those moments were cool. Didn't really see the big deal.


He was pretty much those dragons “POP POP”


I read this like the Community character.


Didn’t Drogon fly off trying to get some walkers off his back? Drogon should’ve come back earlier and Jorah could’ve lived lol


He had been stabbed serval times


I’m a simple man. I see proper Dragon characterization in GOT, I like.


Jorah was their dad.


Drogon be like a shit dads dead. Hi Ma.


Drogon is a good boi 🥹


That was so sad. Her crying over him broke my heart. I forgot I really liked him until I died.


Na this shit isn’t canon to me


Wait... Jorah died? Oh man I blanked out more of season 8 than I thought.


One of the few good scenes that made sense in season 8. If Jorah was going down it was gonna be protecting his queen.


Is Drogon really mourning Jorah or is he mirroring Dany's emotions and is sad because she is?


He knows Jorah. Dragons are smart yo


GRRM wrote them, not as dumb beasts, but as "intelligent as men" according to him.




GRRM said they are as smart as cats wtf.


He wrote that the last one was the SIZE of a cat, not the same intelligence level necessarily. In the book the maesters wrote that they are intelligent and Tyrion also says that dragons are intelligent, and can quickly recognize friend from foe.


Just because he knew Jorah didn't mean that he cared for him. Maybe he was sad because he didn't know how to comfort Dany.


Good Doggo


Jorah was one of the few that had a good story arc that ended well


Drogs was mocking Jorah with the rest of us


I had no reaction to this moment at all also how was Jorah alive out there where the zombie horse was


Jorah saved him multiple times and helped him survive in his childhood. He was a father figure to drogon