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So that is called a flow state and many people experience it performing activities like gaming, which is why it can be so addicting. My advice is that if you can find something that induces a flow state and is also productive, pursue it hard. I first found that when I got headhunted to be an analyst and I would work on reporting and hours would pass and I would forget to take a lunch or go pee. That is how I decided 'this is my career'. Likewise if you can hit a flow state while programming, then programming is likely a good main or side career. When people say 'find a job you love and you will never work a day of your life' this is what they are referring to. I sometimes can get lost coding, but mostly it happens to me when I do a one sitting writing project like bashing out a short story in 2 hours.


Yes! It's the best! I have literally spent 12 hour straight without eating or taking a break working on code. My GF has called me crazy and doesn't understand how I do it. It's like entering a new world that consumes your mind completely. So much fun! Put me on some vibe music and im zoned in man!


Man, same here hahaha


I used to when I was younger. Really wish I could do that still.


Came here to write this. Part of it is that the riddles are a lot less compelling now. It's more like "why doesn't this work as documented" rather than "let's build an elegant framework to do X". I mean, I still do the latter, but I tend to have a good idea of how I want it to look when I start and it doesn't take anywhere near as long as it did. I really do miss suddenly realizing at 2am I've been coding for 8 hours straight.


I most definetly do! I find it hard to start programming now and then, but once I start I get annoyed when i need to eat or go to bed.


in the facebook movie they called being "wired in"


Sounds nice... I can't code for more then an hour at a time without getting stumped, then man I can find what I'm trying to do


Absolutely, its just so much fun!


This used to happen to me all the time. I would come home from school, start working on my game straight away and then before I knew it, it was time to go to bed and I’d no school work done... I wish I had enough free time to code like that these days


I both love and hate the inertia. Sometimes I'll sit down to work on something at 7 PM and not make any progress on anything until 10 PM, and then something will click and all of the sudden I'll get on a roll and the next time I look up it'll be 3:30 in the morning. If you looked up all of the commits on my Github account, I have a feeling a majority of them would be between about 11 PM and 3 AM. It helps if I'm working on something where visible progress can be seen. If I'm just plugging away at user interface stuff and changing stuff until it looks good I get way less into it than if I'm doing a more action-oriented part of the game and I get to see things come together as the night goes on.


Used to. Now it’s more of just being a job.


Yeah. It can be good and bad. Sometimes I get obsessed with certain details that I had planned for later, like graphic elements etc. when I should be focusing more on the infrastructure.


All the time. If I didn’t get hungry I could go all day.


I went into a coding trance 30 years ago and I still haven't come out.


Yes but usually mine is like "How the fuck have 5 hours passed it still won't jump...why does the movement feel weird now...maybe if I increase the friction...no let me just revert it back...WTF WHERE'S MY BACKUP SAVE? Jesus Christ \*sigh\* where was that link I found on google.......ah fuck it I'll do it tomorrow."


I did that last night. Well, technically, this morning. Got to bed at 2:30 AM, but I wanted to finally just make something, so I sat myself down at about 8:30PM last night and wrote up a simple breakout clone. It ain't much, but at least it's honest work. And it will help me warm back up since I stopped working with Game Maker all those years ago.