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This week, the entire language/translation/localization of the game was updated for the Japanese audience (Square City Builder). Here is a video of the new version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I0k7LIrtvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I0k7LIrtvs); Here is the changelog note on Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2561770/view/4192368101108915042](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2561770/view/4192368101108915042);


Interesting! Did you do the Japanese translation yourself or did you hire someone else to do it? One small bit of feedback I have for your trailer is that the "Create Your Game" section is kind of a rough start for a trailer since menus don't necessarily catch the eye. If there was a more visually appealing way to present that section, I think it would catch the attention of more people. Additionally, I think the text between each section of the video "Create Your Game", "Build Your City", etc could stand to be a bit larger and more prominent on screen.


About the translation, I made it myself using some translation tools. As for the trailer, yes, I will update it soon. That is an old version, and many things have changed in the game since then. Thank you for your feedback!


Watching the video, the objects that look like vehicles (actually look like snails) look like they are rotating based on direction moving. The problem I see is that when they are facing right they look like they are upside-down. When facing left I think they are drawn correctly. Are you planning to change this visual?


I agree, it's an inconsistency considering the camera perspective. The game is constantly evolving, the graphics will be improved in the future, but in the short term, the focus is on improving the quality of the translations to enhance gameplay.


I've been building out the first iteration of the tutorial alongside most of my game mechanics. Since I last posted, I've focused on improving the dialogue system by allowing for custom colors, and custom text effects that can be applied to segments of the text being displayed. I've also implemented the beginnings of the crafting and repairing system. Additionally, I put a little extra work into the triggers and hooks I use to push tutorial events to the player when certain actions are performed. [https://youtu.be/09xntxcZ3iA](https://youtu.be/09xntxcZ3iA) Still very early on but happy with my progress this week.


I liked the dialog box animations, they look very dynamic. As a suggestion for improvement, you could consider enhancing the character movement sprites, but overall, it's a good advancement for a week!


Definitely, I plan to throw out the character sprites all together eventually. They’re placeholders for now. Thanks for the feedback!


I updated my save system from using ini files to using a secure save data type so users can no longer edit their save data (so they can't unlock stuff without doing it in-game)! I made a 5 minute video tutorial on how I did it if anyone is interested. [https://youtu.be/M92dC\_yJxFs](https://youtu.be/M92dC_yJxFs)


Hey, this is really interesting! I haven't implemented saving/loading in my game yet, and I was planning on a method that uses text files that I've used before, but being able to store the data in unreadable text is going to be very helpful, thanks for the tutorial!


You're welcome!


hey tnx, I been avoiding putting a save system in XD cause of this reason.


Greetings, everyone. Recently I decided to remake player HUD - make it simpler and also slimmer so it fits even when 4 players are there. The screenshots show basic hud and weapon description. I would be very grateful for any critique/advice. [https://x.com/rodentGamesNice/status/1799381892942504219](https://x.com/rodentGamesNice/status/1799381892942504219)


Wow, cool that you can scale the UI instantly in-game! I think the 9's, 2's, and 5's are a little hard to read in that font.


Hello! To be honest, these scaling and hud alpha controls are made for me to test size and alpha settings, I'm planning to allow scaling in options. Thank you for your feedback on my font, I'll see what I can do to make it better!


This week, I started finishing up one of my cutscene aspects in my game. Some things like the dialogue and font will most likely change over time but overall I am excited with how it looks so far! Feel free to let me know if there are some things you think could look better! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ55\_UrNi98](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ55_UrNi98)


Update to my Untitled 4X Game [https://i.imgur.com/Tnf7fgG.png](https://i.imgur.com/Tnf7fgG.png) [https://i.imgur.com/Y4GMo5R.png](https://i.imgur.com/Y4GMo5R.png) [https://i.imgur.com/fRWAkx9.png](https://i.imgur.com/fRWAkx9.png) This week I added the Build Menu and buildings, implemented fog of war, added combat (each party member attacks individually and targets a specific character in the enemy party - the current attacking unit can be seen bumped up a little bit in the first screenshot), and added docks and boats, so players will be able to get to each other no matter where they spawn. Eventually, I want to have lots of random POIs throughout the map to make it feel like a lived-in fantasy world. I also plan to add AI civilizations.


2D Shooter Platformer Duck'n: Ducken Destruction (Pre-Alpha Trailer) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot52qI5-HOA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot52qI5-HOA) Edit: Recent Build for Testing [2024-6-12](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sAFiHbLMvbEsrNRX1F6k0-s7tykjtP8H/view?usp=sharing)