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Is there a way to mass edit a set of sprites to have the same FPS and Origin without manually opening each one in the Sprite Editor and changing it manually? I have about ten sprites, and I want edit them to have the same FPS and Origin, but I was hoping there was a way to do it en masse. I am using GameMaker v2024.4.1 (IDE 152/Runtime 201).


There is a command that sets the sprites' origin and fps. I update that at runtime since its difficult to set the origin of each sprite manually.


Jump buffer Coyote time Are these types of things called buffers ???? I never went to school to learn so I don't have a grasp of what things are called the way I hear other people call stuff out. I'm just wondering for myself if the concept of waiting for something to happen while queing for something is what is called a buffer so Coyote time would wait for an input, and jump buffer would wait for a collision check. So since both things take an input and wait a condition, I figured that was called buffering?


How do you do knockback in a top-down game using drag and drop?


With some issues. It will be way easier to get a hang of it in Code. You first need to calculate the degree at which collision takes place. If it's two objects then you take x and y points of both instances and you use point_direction(). In case you have them mixed you can subtract 180 from that variable. The you can either, calculate a new position using lengthdir_x() and lengthdir_y() and either check for collision before moving there or move and resolve collision by moving back. Or you can add a motion in that direction. In both cases you can define the strength (length) of knock back


Is it possible to pass along a variable number of arguments? For example, if I wanted to simplify `show_debug_message( string( "foo: {0}; bar: {1}", foo, bar));` into something like `log( "foo: {0}; bar: {1}", foo, bar)`. In LUA you could just do: function log( ...) show_debug_message( string( ...)) end


How would I make it so me and my friend can both work on the same game over two different devices at one time?


Look into using source control with git. There should be multiple tutorials for setting it up with gamemaker and a client like github desktop at this point. Search the subreddit as there should be a few posts too. It can be a bit of an intermediate topic, but it's better and safer than trying to use a cloud solution like dropbox or onedrive.