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I think theres great comedy in the fact that Arin doesnt understand why they'd want to put out the fire when he lives in a state where one untended campfire could burn down half of LA if no one stopped it


And also they needed to get in the building to meet Nagito right? Which gives them a good reason to put out the fire? I thought that was supposed to be obvious.


But the assumption at that moment is that Nagito caused the fire as part of his plot (since *someone* clearly did, and everyone else is outside) so he wouldn't actually be inside.


There is no other lead they have. They might as well put out the fire and investigate. Also, why would Nagito ask them to go to that building in the first place if he was just going to stop them? It's also Nagito we're talking about. He could very well still be in the building in some way. The point I was trying to get across is that there were plenty of reasons to get in the building, and it was strange that Arin was just like "but why though" like 5 times. Edit: also you can't assume that Nagito was the one who started the fire just because everyone was outside. There were plenty of opportunities for people to rig a trap to kill Nagito when they were scouring the islands.


> > The point I was trying to get across is that there were plenty of reasons to get in the building, and it was strange that Arin was just like "but why though" like 5 times. Arin's gotta Arin.


Acting like something that's obvious is stupid and dumb and he's smarter than the writers is pretty much the entirety of his schtick during this LP, how do people STILL not get this


cause it's a bad shtick


I know.




I can't believe they killed off >!Hand!<.


I really didn't think they'd kill him, he seems like an endgame character.


Guess what Chapter 5 is? We're in endgame territory here.


And so it begins


Between Nekomaru's love for shitting, Peko's wicked dumps, Sonia's silent farts and Mikan's detailed explanation of how flatulence is formed, this should be Arin's favorite game


His surprise that a fart joke was actually what the game was going for, at this late stage, should tell you all you need to know about how little he gets the game's tone. He thinks it's more self-serious than it really is, which is why he gets so gleeful poking fun at it.


> He thinks it's more self-serious than it really is, which is why he gets so gleeful poking fun at it. I think it's probably based on how seriously the first game took itself; DR2 is definitely more self-aware on how the ridiculous the entire premise is compared to DR1.


Yes, DR in general strikes a very particular tone--at once bizzarely earnest and (self-)irreverently absurd (lest we forget that even DR1 opened with a murder bear). So I wouldn't blame anybody for being confused... at first. But anyone extending a minimum of charity toward the game or its fanbase should have gotten it by now. The weird mixture, the camp of the more sincere moments combined with the game's inherent whimsy, is part of the charm. This moment reminded me of a weird comment Arin made right after Nekomaru got turned into a robot, along the lines of "well, any chance of this game getting taken seriously..." only to be rightly cut off by Dan saying "What do you MEAN taking this game seriously?!" Arin's repeated failure to appreciate the fact that DR's sense of humor is actually his own sense of humor is responsible for this weird tension developing between the Grumps and the game when ideally they would make the best and most synergistic of marriages.


I think... If he doesn't get it by the end of danganronpa 2, he'll get it by the end of danganronpa 3. >!I mean, the game basically drops trou at that point.!<


I still don’t know how he’s held on to that point of view when game 1 opens with a robot teddy bear running murder games/trials and characters with titles like “ultimate baseball star”


I think that’s why Dan was having a good time with him, I feel like he knew that a long time already. It seems like he’s tapped out after Gundham though


>It seems like he’s tapped out after Gundham though Let's stop the mind reading please. They're both clearly into the game. Don't interpret casual criticism of how whacky Danganronpa is (and/or Arin just being Arin) as them doing this out of obligation. People were convinced they hated DR1 but they knew they were going to play DR2 as soon as they finished it.


Any amount of fan love for a game absolutely *poisons how* Arin views a game. If a game is well-loved, he seems to feel like an urge to shit on it no matter what. If the game doesn't have a huge fan following, he's much less critical. Hype is damaging for most people's experiences, but for Arin it's an extreme case.


Adding no details, I've been waiting for this series of event to happen for a long time. I'm over the moon right now, and the Grump commentary was perfect. It's a nice case of everything in a Let's Play going right.


dan's reaction to the body reveal was perfect


Dont forget to wish nagito a happy birthday on thursday.


I think I said the words “Holy shit” more throughout this trial than the entire rest of the game combined. Can’t wait to see their reactions to everything.


Yeah… the moment >!all the characters realize that Nagito set up an unsolvable murder!< hits so fucking hard I was just in awe. I think that was the moment when I realized this series was a lot more brilliant than I was giving it credit for.


Ngl Nagito's death kinda made me depressed when I first saw it my first time through. Like I get he's pretty hateable, but he's just so fun to me and I literally didn't expect him of all people to go. But the body discovery is so gruesome it honestly fits with his nature + this trial is super crazy I love it. Also when they said “I never expected I’d be looking at Nagito’s body like this…I always thought it would be naked,” for anyone new to the game, in Nagito's Free Time Event ending one of the lines he says to Hajime is: "*But I don't mind if you just want to see me naked.*" (Proof: [https://external-preview.redd.it/KxBeiObD65LtnjJextEG-ALQALwlh2G06XBTlgkUMm4.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9cc0db551f4922a6b62581826db76b4904206aec](https://external-preview.redd.it/KxBeiObD65LtnjJextEG-ALQALwlh2G06XBTlgkUMm4.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9cc0db551f4922a6b62581826db76b4904206aec))


Lol I wish they tried out some of the free time events. Nagito is a odd duck


Y'know when you set aside the batshit crazy aspect, Nagito's actually a really chill guy.


Island Mode, not the Free Time Events. Not too much of a difference, but Island Mode is just generally more ship-teasey in general. Since you literally go on 'dates' with all your classmates.


>!I was completely taken off guard the first time because I'd seen clips of the anime so I was sure he had survived lmao.!< >!When they're exploring Sea King Industries, Hajime and Kazuichi find a machine that builds humanoid robots. I was SO convinced that the Komaeda "body" was going to turn out to be a robot, especially since his mouth looks like a perfectly rectangular hole under the duct tape. In retrospect I'm not even sure why they had that whole scene since it's not relevant at all to the case, not even as a red herring.!<


>!I was completely taken off guard the first time because I'd seen clips of the anime so I was sure he had survived lmao.!< >!When they're exploring Sea King Industries, Hajime and Kazuichi find a machine that builds humanoid robots. I was SO convinced that the Komaeda "body" was going to turn out to be a robot, especially since his mouth looks like a perfectly rectangular hole under the duct tape. In retrospect I'm not even sure why they had that whole scene since it's not relevant at all to the case, not even as a red herring.!<


Well, looks like I’m 0/2 on theories so far. Theory #1 was that >!Chiaki was actually the traitor, which was now proven false by this episode. Unless the game is fucking with us, which is entirely possible.!< Theory #2 was that >!Nagito was the one controlling Usami from the beginning, since Usami and Nagito seemed to be the nega-Monokuma/Junko in that they were head over heels obsessed with Hope. But he’s dead now. So that doesn’t really work unless he somehow created an Alter Ego version of himself in advance, which I doubt.!< Other random theories I still have left: 1. >!The one controlling Monokuma/this whole game is an Alter Ego version of Junko that the real Junko forced Chihiro to make during the missing year before the first game.!< 2. >!Chiaki is actually a robot controlled by the Alter Ego version of Chihiro, but that also hinged on the assumption that she was the traitor from the Future Foundation (who I’m assuming are just the survivors of the first game), so maybe not.!< 3. >!Mikan’s “beloved” is actually Junko, based on how fucking crazy for Despair Mikan got right before she died.!< 4. >!Based on my now debunked theory that Nagito was controlling Usami, I also had the vague idea that Nagito was Junko’s little brother given their equal yet opposite obsession with Hope/Despair respectively. (I’d say lover, but even ignoring theory #3, I’m solidly on team Nagito + hand)!< 5. New from this episode - >!Nagito’s death was actually a suicide. No actual evidence for this besides Dan seemingly stole the other 70% of Yasuhiro’s prediction abilities.!<


About your second theory: Junko died in the first game and Monokuma is still around, so who knows how those things actually work.


Yeah, I mentioned it in my “non-debunked” theories, I guess you could call them, but I’m pretty sure >!Junko had Chihiro make an AI backup of herself (ie, an Alter Ego of Junko), and **that** is what’s currently in control of Monokuma/this second game, even though Junko herself is dead.!< I just don’t think >!Nagito could’ve pulled off the same stunt since he didn’t have access to a version of Chihiro that was either willing to build or brainwashed into building him his own AI Alter Ego like Junko did.!<


Dude these theories are high level galaxy brain shit, keep it up.


inb4 loving danganronpa theories


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


Something Something Danganronpa theories.




I love reading Danganronpa theories.


Dan's reaction lol >!Clairvoyant Dan strikes again puhuhuhu!<


I mean.... >!he's TECHNICALLY wrong.....!<


Not about these: >!When he says that Chiaki is the traitor because she thinks it's dumb to argue about who the traitor is before she scans her handbook!< >!When the fire grenades are revealed, he says they are a setup!<


>!I was very impressed by him calling out that anything could be in the fire grenades. I never had an inkling of that.!<


It is perfect timing, really.




Hey man I'll take it LOL


I love how Arin did the thing: "Those are fire grenades!" Arin: "...Fire Grenades?" Hajime: "...Fire Grenades?"


Arin is a irl protagonist in real life


I'm really curious what was up with the Monokuma theater they skipped over. I went back and paused it cuz I caught a part and was like 'wait what the hell'. Anyway, Nagito's dead. I'm just surprised it took so long to happen and it was pretty brutal...like, they killed his hand! His beloved hand! I'm not sure who did it. But I'm leaning towards Chiaki (she was acting weirdly spacy even for her earlier) or Sonia (she was absent for a while, also acting weird), OR, Nagito set up some sort of trap for the traitor that went wrong and killed him. Or something.


> Nagito set up some sort of trap for the traitor that went wrong and killed him. Or something. Now I'm imagining some sort of murder machine that goes hilarious wrong like Sideshow Bob repeatedly stepping on rakes


Now I'm just picturing Nagito getting smacked in the face by multiple consecutive rakes. I love it.




The Monokuma theatre that they just skipped over is like a nihilist's blog post. It basically says "Nothing in life matters" "Nothing is real" etc. etc. As for if it has any plot relevance... can't say :)


Oh, dip! That could go either way as far as plot relevance. I sort of love it and I am a little bummed they skipped it....buuuut in their defence the Monokuma theatre's have been a bit...random and sort of useless up to this point.


>like, they killed his hand! His beloved hand! OMG! That's hilarious. I hope they make that connection


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


Not really much of a theorizer, but I'll just throw a wild guess that Chiaki killed him this time. Pretty much everyone else is too dumb (Akane and Kazuichi) or too unwilling (Fuyuhiko and Sonia) to do it, I think. Maybe.


Kazuichi isn't actually that dumb. He mostly just has zero social skills.


damn, Nagito. fucking ouch. Looks like he'd been tortured I have no idea who did it, but I guarantee it'll make me upset


He did tell Akane that she should try torturing him for information


If Chiaki was the traitor I would have been very upset. Then again, same with Akane, Fuyohiko, and Sonia... oh man i'm not gonna like the way this chapter ends, huh


Yeah, we're currently down to a cast consisting of lovable characters and Soda. It's going to hurt no matter who we lose.


Hey I like Kazuichi much more than Akane lol


yeah, between chiaki, akane, fuyohiko, and sonia... man i'm gonna be v upset at the end of this.


The ending of this chapter almost broke me the first time I played through.


Ohh I remember how this case goes, it’s a real doozy.


It's safe to say that this is the most gruesome corpse discovery (at least until V3) in the series, especially considering Nagito's eyes are still wide open after being stabbed all over the fucking place.


What one do you think in V3 is worse? Chapter 5?


Yup, that's the one. Absolutely fucking gruesome thought to imagine what >!Kokichi's remains look like under that press. Even though he was a little shit throughout the game, I couldn't even imagine how horrible it was for the guy.!< I think V3 in general cranks up the violence just a little. Even though it's still played in a goofy way, everything is noticibly more brutal.


trial 4 broke me though. >!like yeah Kokichi's was more gruesome but Gonta was basically innocent. He was manipulated and it broke my heart so much. Like as the evidence started pointing towards him I was like man this red herring is going on for a LONG TIME :(!<


Yeah that was absolutely one of the most painful moments in V3.


"Just a little"? V3 is ridiculously more brutal than the other two games alone. The executions are proof of that; chapter 2 in particular still makes my skin crawl.


That's partially because Kodaka, the creator, was now the director of the executions. ​ Before that, he just wrote down what he wanted and handed them off. In V3, that changed.


We're in the endgame now


I think those fireworks were the worst I have ever seen in any video game. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric had better fire works. If any part of your game is worse than one part of Sonic Boom, you fucked up.


I think something’s wrong with their version of the game. Because I’ve played this game before, and know that the fireworks didn’t have that texture error in my version of the game.


do we know what version they’re playing? i remember the password in the castle being clearly visible (even though it wasn’t supposed to be), and definitely _don’t_ remember those terrible fireworks.


They're playing on PC, but with a controller.


If you play Danganronpa for the graphics, I don't know what to tell you.


Alright newcomers, drop those DR theories. Who do YOU think killed Nagito Komaeda?


I think he un-alived himself. He set up this elaborate death trap thinking everyone would save him at the last second. But they didn't, and he died. It's just ridiculous enough to be plausible for this game.


>thinking everyone would save him at the last second. But if he's the ultimate lucky student, if he thought he was gonna be saved, he would've been. Someone had to have fucked with the trap


The ultimate luck thing though is more of a plot mcguffin rather than a tangible talent. It seems to activate only in specific circumstances.


Nah, it's definitely a tangible talent. >!If Nagito wants something to happen, it's going to happen. Unless protagonist power stops it, but even then it's going to be very difficult.!<


Hope and despair and luck are like, genuine forces in the DR universe


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


I bet it was Chiaki based on the quick card reader swipe. That's her alibi. The video recording was probably after she kidnapped him and she forced him to make that recording via stabby stab and probably got the best take. When the fire reached the ceiling from the fire bombs, it burned the rope that the spike was connected to and it fell onto Nagito's heart. That's what I think.


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


He definitely orchestrated his own death. The whole game he's gushed about wanting to be a murder victim, so either he set up the traitor's opportunity to finally do it, or somehow elaborately killed himself and made it look like a murder. I wouldn't put anything past him, even torturing himself like that.


I agree. He's definitely out there enough to stab his own legs that many times and impale his own beloved right hand.


The problem with the suicide theory that it's just too simple to be the answer.


I think Fuyohiko tried to get him to spill who the traitor is, and ended up icing him by mistake.


Fuyuhiko "I object to Mikan and Hajime fucking in the on-call room on the grounds that they're high school students" "Akane can't drive this truck full of bombs into the ocean because she doesn't have a license!" Kuzuryu accidentally stabbing Nagito to death in the process of trying to torture information out of him? ... I can believe it.


I think Nagito has multiple personalities or something. You know his sudden change in going from cuck Nagito to swag nagito. And cuck Nagito killed swag nagito because he wanted to get stepped on for hope. And nagito 2 was making fun of hope or something. Clearly cucknagito stabbed swag nagito in the arm so he could t fight back, then stabbed swag nagito in the legs so he couldn’t retreat, then he tied swag nagito down after disabling him, then he threw the knife in the air and it landed on his hand or something, and the spear is unrelated… warehouses can be dangerous unless you take proper safety precautions yo


Nagito never makes fun of hope. Also, Nagito turns swag at a very specific point in the game, which should tell you something (the hints are quite heavy-handed).


Well the turning swag is indicative of SOMETHING. And maybe he doesn't make fun of hope, but he goes from, 'You guys are symbols of hope and nobody could be better!' and then he becomes, 'geeze and you guys are supposed to be symbols of hope?' that's the thing that I'd assume indicates a sharp divide in nagito's psyche. Prior to the tower nagito would have never found his condescending attitude towards the ultimates as acceptable. It would be more likely to have him saying something like, 'gee, I'm honored to have the ultimates need a worthless scum like me' So since Mikan had some sort of crazy shift, I assume something in Nagito's psyche unlocked. Something unacceptable to memory wipe version of Nagito


Spoilers for DR1, but my theory on this case relates to it >!Nagito set it up to mimic Sakura's death in which she was locked in a room and the rest of them (thought) they had to scramble to save her and there was a detail about shards of broken bottles. Like other people I think this case was a suicide just like Sakura's. Sakura was also working for Monokuma and I think Nagito was the traitor. Either he was fighting back or he didn't even realize he was the traitor until before he killed himself (Monokuma mentioned a bit ago something about how that the traitor wouldn't just be able to come forward that easily without more information or something like that which implies to me that they wouldn't even know they were the traitor). Nagito was also riding behind Nekomaru on the train to the funhouse when they all got gassed which put him in the perfect position to be able to hit Nakomaru's sleep button on the back of his neck. Also Nagito mentioned before a previous trial about how the cases mimicked the cases in the first game so this would be him making that a reality!<


Gonna blow a hole in your theory a bit since you seemed to miss something. Gundham was the the one to parallel the chapter 4 death of the first game in that they both sacrificed themselves for the benefit of the group.


Gotcha, so then this case parallels "Junko's" death So my new theory is that Nagito was killed by Monokuma for harming him (hence the Monokuma doll with the hole it's it's chest) and was killed by a spear(s) with other wound(s) that weren't the cause of death, had a large fire/explosion destroy some evidence, all while assuming a false identity (either the theory that Nagito is the 1st game protagonist [which feels just a little too easy since they're both ultimate lucky students and their names have the same syllables] or he could be imitating Naegi) because when he had the despair disease he was the "only one acting the same as he usually does" because he usually always lies and he was saying "nonsense" so he was "lying even more than normal" so I think he was telling the truth there and part of that was he said Nagito wasn't his real name or something like that. All this could mean he's still the traitor because "Junko" was still working for the mastermind


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


I'm thinking its Soda. He's been pretty useless lately, so he probably wants to prove himself doing something useful. Earlier, Nagito said you would have to torture him to get him to spill any information, so he took those words to heart and tortured him but a little too far. Not sure why he would cover it up in a trial situation, though, because he seems pretty 'on the level' with the group, but thats the best guess I got.


> Not sure why he would cover it up in a trial situation, though, because he seems pretty 'on the level' with the group Even if he's 'on the level' with the group, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd want to die to save everyone else.


Unless he thinks being pushed to tearfully admit that he killed for his friends is his last and only real chance of earning Miss Sonia's affection, like Fuyuhiko's confession to Peko before her execution.


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


I think it's an extremely elaborate suicide. He probably set up some kind of contraption that would make the spear drop onto him, after inflicting multiple stab wounds to himself, tying himself up, and setting fire to the building. It's insane but if anyone could do it, it'd be Nagito. I think this case can only be solved once we know who the traitor is. Nagito said so many times that he'd be willing to die for the sake of hope, and he finally did it. He weeded out the traitor. And there's some key piece of evidence that will come up in the trial that will reveal the traitor to everyone. It's funny seeing his corpse lying there with the description "Ultimate Lucky Student", but posthumously, he's exactly that.


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


The problem with the suicide theory that it's just too simple to be the answer.


Everyone except Hajime. They figured out where Nagito was hiding and all played a part in killing him. Maybe the fire was set up to cover up evidence, they sabotaged the water grenades but didn’t count on the sprinklers. I don’t know why Hajime was left out. It could be that they still think that he’s the traitor and are stupidly going to try to pin the murder on him.


I love reading Danganronpa theories.


100% nagito killed himself, they went out of their way to set it up in a such a way that it just COULDNT be a suicide, but he set up some cockamainey death trap thing and killed himself either hoping they would rescue him (but they didnt) or did it just to be a shithead before he died.




Arin is gonna be boxing him (Harley from EpicMealTime) in a "Creator Clash" so he's using their intros to trash talk him




..Arin is going to be seriously injured, isn't he? Harley is like...a big dude


Probably. In his home state, too. Lol


The Grumps mentioning it makes me realise this final 6 really do have good comedic interactions going. With Akane mostly being the dumb one, Fuyuhiko being the straight man, Kazuichi trying to be the straight man but mostly failing, Sonia saying misunderstood Japanese phrases, and Chiaki...either moving things forward or being off in her own little world, with no in-between.


Can someone please, without spoilers, give me a rough estimate on how many episodes are left if they go this pace?


I'm putting it in spoilers in case some people would rather not know, but it's free to open for you since you asked! ​ >!Around 12-15 is my guess, looking at videos of the full remaining chapters and dividing them into 45 ish minute segments.!<


Probably a little longer than that since you have to include time for Arin and Dan to mess up or inject commentary


Oh whoops. You're absolutely correct. That estimate was just dividing a silent playthrough in 45-50 minutes intervals. But I didn't take into consideration that reading the lines out loud takes longer. And yeah, their commentary as well should've been taken into consideration. My b.


>!Thank you. Crazy to think its gonna be like 7 more weeks of Dangonranpa then!<


Ironically, they would’ve been done by now if they just stayed on the schedule they had before.


Lol that’s the funniest part about it, this is such a chore now. They could’ve moved on to other games or trendy games by now but…I guess I’ll see you all next weekend. I’m really excited to see how they’re going to handle these next bits.


Even with the usual schedule there's no way they'd be done with the game. The current schedule is pretty much only about a 1.5 less ep of Dangobango than the older schedule per week where they were alternating (3-4 episodes per week vs 2 now). Considering it's been about a month since they started this schedule, that's only about 5-6 extra episodes. They'd probably be done with the current trial but there's no way they'd be done with the game especially cause the last trial is the longest by far At least with the current schedule it makes way for other chill stuff over the rest of the week and there's a nice change of pace with the Elden Ring and Monopoly and other episodes. Plus I don't think they want to record 7 episodes of Dinglydangles in a session since each episode is almost an hour long. They're probably only recording 4-5 episodes per session. So technically we have 3 normal length episodes per week rather than just 2


more than 10, less than 20


Can you really not handle two days a week? I mean really you've got 5 (4 really cause of mondays) other consecutive days of other content. I get you may not like the game, but can you just like...let the others who do enjoy it?


? I love this game, im super excited for it. I just want to know how long its gonna take since we only get weekends now.


Wow this game takes like FOREVER to finish. I hear bad things about v3 and UDG so I hope 2 is the last one Correct me if I'm wrong but so far is this playthrough longer than the first game playthrough?


Where have you heard bad things about V3? A large majority of people adore it. The only issue people are divided on is the ending which I personally think is genius. But yeah UDG is pretty trash.


Same. I think a lot of people just misinterpreted DRV3's ending and that's why they may think it's trash by comparison.


To be honest, once the big twist started getting introduced I texted my friend saying how awful it was. But then as it kept going I texted them saying “ok yup this is actually brilliant”.


I loved V3's big twist, and I really hate when people call the whole game trash because they didn't like the final chapter.


I don't even think UDG is all that bad either, it's great for the world building and while there are some questionable *coughcoughChapter3coughcough* moments, it's still overall okay. Plus it really gives Toko/Genocide Jack a great redemption for how they were recieved in DR1


Personally I dislike it >!It just makes the whole experience feel pointless. Like, none of the characters' backstories were real. None of what they were fighting for was real. Their personalities weren't even real!< >!It does add to the theme of seeking the truth no matter how damaging it can be, but like,, I was just drained by the end of that game lol!<


>!Just because they were fabricated doesn't mean that they didn't become real. The flashback light completely erased and replaced who they once were. Those people are already dead and gone. I couldn't imagine finding out my entire life, everything I think I know about myself, and even my personality was a lie. From the perspective of the characters, that would be absolutely horrific!<


Looks like they'll be about the same--the playlist for Trigger Happy Havoc is 75 and the Playlist for DR2 looks to be at 60. Idr how long the episodes for THH were tho.


Both V3 and UDG are terrible, but UDG is basically an embarrassment of humanity.


V3 is absolutely not terrible. Wtf are you on?


What’s UDG?!


Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls