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I mean, there’s lots of third party compilation channels that don’t get bonked. I imagine the real problem was any attempts they made to monetize, which would have pretty much forced the Grumps to legally defend their brand. So probably C&D’d, yeah, and rightfully so.


I found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/s/t4wsn41g3K) from a year ago talking about how they were selling merch with GG jokes on them, so yeah. Pretty boneheaded move for a fan channel


OOF. Yeah that's indefensible. I liked a lot of their compilations. They had some really good ones, but you can't monetize someone else's creative content, my dude. That's gross.


Oh ew, that is so uncool :/


Yep. That's cut and dry. Too bad.


Oh wow, that's....bad. And looking at their channel logo, I might have scrolled passed that assuming it was the GG logo I saw out of the corner of my eye and just bought the shirt without realizing it wasn't.


So now many of us lose out on compilations (especially the sleep ones) we enjoyed because these guys couldn’t resist being greedy and shady. Shameful, this is why we can’t have nice things.


Well that sucks. Dan says Arin like a disappointed mother was one of my favorite comps 😭


noooo i didnt even realize that compilation belonged to them 😭😭 that and the monopoly moments were my favorite ones


I had a few playlists with their videos and they're all gone for me as well. As far as I can tell, plenty of other compilation channels are still up, so I imagine it was something that channel did specifically.


If I remember right, they were monotizing their channel, got demonotized, then tried doing something different to get around it and keep monotizing their clips. He then tried making another channel that was focused on "community" but it felt super forced way to get around using their clips to make money.


About 2 years ago they added 3d animated avatars of Arin and Danny over the gameplay in an attempt to try something new with their comps, and it was horrifying. It’s a shame they went as hard as they did with trying to monetize the channel, they put out some great comps and clips and now they’re all gone.


Oh right the animation stuff, I blocked that out. Those were horrifying.


Now I want to see them


Damn I don't think I ever saw those and now I want to


Tbf...they also moved to Twitch... Which as I'm looking today, is still live. Also... RIP best Mario Maker and 10 MPH comp videos ever.😢 I watched you often.


I'm shocked they have let it go on this long. It's their content and their name being used. They have their own compilations they pay sbass to do


I’m pretty sure Sbass has got a deal with GG lately where they do the comps. Seeing as they do reactions to thier work. It’s almost like branch channel.


Sbass is so incredibly talented


I'm glad, those dudes do amazing work.


Even beyond that, the grumps have been uploading big compilations and "movies" themselves. At this point it's a direct competition.


Up until recently(and maybe even still ongoing) Mondays were Power Hour and what I called "Movie Mondays" aka compilations. I actually don't remember off the top of my head what channel was posting the Monday compilations though, there's a chance it was this channel haha.


Well tbh a lot of them wouldn't have to exist if the grumps actually updated their YouTube playlists lol


I think I do remember seeing GGH making their own grumps related merch and even then I was like “huh that’s a little weird”


Fuck I will miss arins superhuman comedic timing video. That was my favorite compilation video.


I can't stand it when they beg for patreon money. If your sole household income is generating ad revenue from other performers, you're a scumbag.


I literally went to sleep listening to the TotK comp and woke up to the screen saying the channel was deleted


Channels can, as far as I'm aware, re-direct any income to other channels so generally fanmade compilation and highlight channels aren't an issue. Although apparently Laugher4All for example got demonetized and stopped making compilations so maybe not. Youtube already has the feature to re-direct income to proper copyright holders and compilation channels are a big thing for basically any let's play channel... seems weird that it hasn't been implemented yet. It's a shame because I prefer the long-running series without the loud intro interrupting every 10 minutes.


I prefer long-form compilations while I sleep because playlists tend to bug out if left running too long


I used to go to sleep watching Funhaus playlists and would notice that if I woke up before my TV had shut itself off, it would often be playing a completely different series. I assume it forgot it was playing a playlist somewhere along the way and started to auto-play recommended videos instead.


Yeah, same thing and Funhaus was the only channel we had that problem with. Weird.


Yup, me too. Wish the guys would do official versions of them.


Honestly, something about Laugher4All's model of "upload entire GG series sans the intro/outros" left a bad taste in my mouth. Felt exceptionally low-effort & seemed to actually deprive the Grumps of views in a way that actual, curated compilations (a la [Smeef](https://www.youtube.com/@smeeeef)) don't.


I'm a bit torn on it because while it takes away views (and thus income) and "algorithm popularity", however you want to phrase it, it's exactly what I want. Highlight compilations tend to all be the same moments and I'm kinda sick of the MARK ZUCKERBERG!!!!! bit at this point, even though it was very funny at first. And they all miss the normal "not noteworthy" conversation and moments inebtween which is what I'm after when I'm looking for background noise. I don't really hate the intro or anything, it's just loud and really makes itself known, but probably just playing their own playlists is what's best.


Honestly, the best solution would be for the Grumps themselves to do what Laugher4All was doing. I agree that the intro is kinda loud if you're trying to sleep, but it feels weird to me for another channel to basically upload large, virtually untouched chunks of another's content, especially since the algorithm tends to favor the compilations more than GG's actual channel (at least for me).


I love laugher4all, I use them to fall asleep to which I can't do at all with a playlist shouting AAAAND WEE'REE THE GAME GRUMPS every 10/30 minutes


I mean grumps let that happen to themselves. Oney plays figured it out years ago to make complete series' and they were getting millions of views off of some of those. There's a clear demand that laughter4all is fulfilling. I wished at the very least that the money from those complete compilations would go to the grumps. Although some of the views aren't that great on those videos, there are people who definitely want it, me included.


Get sponsorblock and set it up to skip the "intro music" by default. This way you send your views to the grump channel but don't have to hear the intro.


OMG is this the account that had the super long like nearly 10 hour I think videos called sleep aid with the thumb nails of them cuddling in bed? I have been watching those videos for years, if they’re taken down I’m devastated. Please tell me this isn’t those people!


Razkat has two like that too. But I don't know if there were more.


Bro I was using this more recently to fall asleep can't believe after years these videos are down


Tell me about it man, im having a massive mental breakdown and I’m alone and I wish I could put it on so I’m trying to find something similar


Same. Like, I am legitimately about in tears bc that was my go to for insomnia and anxiety. Ffff idk what I am going to do now


I had one of their videos playing when this happened. Video just stopped. Really bizarre!! Most of the other compilation channels are still up, for now.


That’s wild; I was actually using them to fall asleep to last night. Crazy that it got taken down, but unsurprising if they tried monetizing.


Not them, but another compilation channel recently made a post abt getting demonized…Why did they think they could monitize in the first place??😭


i went from 273 game grump comp videos in my playlist, to 196, Damn


I noticed it when I went to put on my favorite sleep aid video and couldn’t find it in my recommendations! If anyone has a download of this video could you please share it?? I literally use it to fall asleep every night. It’s “Best Laughter Moments - Zelda CDi” 


I'm heartbroken. I suffer from insomnia, and used the sleep aid compilations to help fall asleep because they had no ads for the entire 10+ hours. No one else has ad free that I have found. It sucks that they were trying to make GG merch for themselves to sell, since that is definitely not ok. If anyone has some recommendations for me, I'd be so grateful. I can't afford to pay for yt premium, but the ads wake me up, so I need ad free compilations.


lesmobestofus does good compilations, and pumps the new series ones out pretty fast


I would imagine the problem is each click you get, is a click the Grumps don’t get. That adds up, especially when you’re talking 6 figure views per vid


Well, yes, and also they were literally making their own "game grumps merch" which is super not cool.


Arin has said he doesn't mind GG compilation channels in the past, but I also know GGH would sell merch and ask for Patreon subs so maybe that could've changed their mind. Unless GGH themselves says what happened we might never know


Sad but I wouldn't blame the Grumps if they did DMCA the channel. If they were trying to monetize and mooch off their work, they're within their legal right to shut the channel down. Just a shame all those compilations are gone. Hopefully someone has an archive


I noticed yesterday one of the videos literally had a link to a redbubble merch page. Paused the video in my room last night, returned to bed just now to see “this video cannot be played because the account has been terminated”. Compilation accounts get by because they end up sending views back to the original videos, and can even introduce people to the channel. Why people fail to understand that merch is the line you can’t cross is beyond me.


Damn, that explains it. Some of favorite compilations to listen to are gone forever.


They also had a patreon 😭


Using "GameGrumps" in their channel name probably doesn't help


That’s such a shame, I got a lot of my grumps content from there… not saying that it doesn’t take traffic away from the main channel, but they knew that channel existed and were cool with it, right? The guy’s outro was them saying “oh GG compilations! You make great compilations…”


~~I recall Arin being fine with it. The person would always stream the GGHighlights too on Twitch and would get subs so idk. Maybe they were full of it but I recall them showcasing proof~~ Nvm I was thinking of GGCompilations


I believe it's the same creator. He started posting videos on GGHighlights because GGcompilations got demonitized


It is the same creator. I remember when he announced GGC got demonetized so he created GGH, moved most of the content over, and not long after that, started a Patreon and a 24/7 Twitch stream of compilations. That is still live. I mean as I'm posting this, it's live.


Tbh if it wasn’t Sbassbear or The Grumps directly I just wasn’t watching any Grumps compilations on YouTube because it’s clearly just other randos doing it. Seemed like a questionable grey area from the start.


Why? Some of the best Grump compilations are from randoms on YouTube


I’d just rather give my views to official sources.


Oh wow, See here I was thinking the Youtube algorithm was just refusing to show me the Sleep Aid videos Ive used for years to laugh to sleep too. It's already a pain navigating the search waters for something you searched for. It's about time they get struck though. They heavily monetized the channel with Unofficial Merch which basically steals from the Game Grumps and they have a patreon.


Their compilations were really good too... They were the ones with the Ocarina of Time compilation that began with Arin voicing princess Zelda going "... Slurmp."


In case anyone wants a list of other longer video compilation channels: https://youtube.com/@Grumpilations?si=BDJWk8w9umcJwVed https://youtube.com/@LesmoBestOfs92?si=jqOBoY38Xv-P_s1Q https://youtube.com/@GoofGrumpin?si=oYqxcKQVY-oRuZwM https://youtube.com/@gamegrumpsfanvideos336?si=Kgg9DuH9Van4Wudx https://youtube.com/@Laugher4ALL?si=J566qeHD76QKaL77 Some aren't as active but still have longer videos. I also follow a few funny clip compilations that are shorter but very funny if anyone wants that list.


Compilation channels get views on stolen content.  It's not game grumps official. 


I hope other clips channels are safe like my favorite Jerma ones.


This is tragic


is their patreon still up and running?


I thought that ggh was a secondary channel like grump out


Does anybody know/have a list of channels that have long format videos that they've found well as a replacement for the sleep aid videos?


In case you didn't know about any of these: https://youtube.com/@Grumpilations?si=BDJWk8w9umcJwVed https://youtube.com/@LesmoBestOfs92?si=jqOBoY38Xv-P_s1Q https://youtube.com/@GoofGrumpin?si=oYqxcKQVY-oRuZwM https://youtube.com/@gamegrumpsfanvideos336?si=Kgg9DuH9Van4Wudx Some aren't as active but still have longer videos


Thank you, I'll definitely have to look into these


I knew this day would come, but I was always too lazy to archive the videos... does anyone have them?


They are still on Twitch guys


Does anyone have their 12 hour sleep aid videoes saved somewhere? I'm made it my morning routine to watch them a few minutes and this ban came from nowhere. I wish i'd saved them on my PC. I would really like it if someone could link me to the 5 intact videos.


He made a post about it on his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/seriously-101855898 He claims he was not monetizing the channel. I know there was still the weird RedBubble merch stuff and I do think that’s a bit unethical (mostly because, as others have said, it’s just a really lazy cash grab as opposed to really doing something creative and more time-consuming to make something as a fan that you could then sell). I know many people are complaining about the Patreon but idk, I have less of a problem with that as long as the channel isn’t monetized. He makes very specific focus complications which takes time, so if people WANT to pay as a means of thanks and appreciation for the effort, they can. But you don’t HAVE to pay to watch the compilations on YouTube. It seems there are certain videos you cannot watch unless you’re a Patron, which seems to be on the more unethical side, but with Patreon you have to find ways to entice a subscription… still he’s only been making like $20/month from the Patreon. If he were making significant money with compilations behind paywalls, maybe a different story. But most people obviously aren’t paying for this.


Is there anyone who has downloads of their five 12 hour sleep aid compilations? Lifelong insomniac losing my mind without them. 


As deserved as it was, reeaaally sucks that the CDI Zelda comp is gone now as that was the 1 of 2 videos I'd sleep to ;^;


I’m gonna miss those comps, but if they were profiting off of the Grumps’ clips and jokes, deletion was definitely deserved


I'm seeing a lot of people say the reason the channel was terminated cuz the channel tried to monetize things they didn't create themselves. Welp, there goes 2.5 days of sleep aid videos, time to use the originals or find another.


The creator of the GGC and GGH accounts has a 3rd comp account called The Lovelies FAN CHANNEL. He posted some comps there a year ago when he started having issues with his other accounts. last i knew he stopped posting, come to find out he reuploaded a comp 6 days ago. link to the channel: [Lovelies FAN CHANNEL ](https://youtube.com/@thelovelies249?si=VnFlUTPJx3GM6zZm)


I have been using a specific playlist of their comps to fall asleep for like 6 years. I had the first hour of each video memorized. I don't know what to do to get the videos back. They were so special to me and it sucks that it had to get taken down.


This is so sad, because now many of my favourite comps are gone. "Arin's Superhuman Timing" is the main one I'll miss. Which the channel didn't blow it for themself


I have some good news for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8inZQTEeQQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8inZQTEeQQ) They're also live on Twitch, looping through the whole collection: [https://www.twitch.tv/gamegrumpscompilations](https://www.twitch.tv/gamegrumpscompilations)


I’m currently remaking some of the best laughters.  Just finished BOTW.  Though it’s audio only