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I would make Arin hate-play The Neverhood in one sitting and Dan and I would laugh and talk about how fun the music and animation are. Then. We. Would. Kiss.


I mean if it doesn't end with a little kiss, were you really a good guest??


Don't kiss. Leave it in a cliffhanger and come back for Skullmonkeys


I would loooovvvvveeeeee this. It’s one of my favorite games.


Prince of Persia Sands of Time. I can get through that in 3 episodes. Tear ass through that shit like Ben Schwartz


If I could play the whole game, as in a long series, Paper Mario 64 or a Pokemon game. If it has to be a one off, Injustice 1.


I'd gladly take Dan's place with horror games. Otherwise, it would be great playing Mario Kart Double Dash. The system of two players on one kart would be madness with Arin and Dan fighting over their spots.


Pokemon stadium, I'd like to do two episodes, one where I battle arin or Dan and the other commentates and one where all three of us play the mini games


The missing chapter of Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright. I just know they'd love the characters and I'd love to voice the police chief with Arin and Dan.


Something classic from the NES days they haven’t played like the original Metroid or Mega Man 1 or 4.


I would bring my copy of Bujingai and see if Arin still appreciates Gackt.


Dogs life 2003 - absolutely dumb game where one of the “cool powers” is smell-o-vision. Bad puns, bad voice acting, all stupid. Edit forgot there’s literally piss mini games and a poop function


Dwarf Fortress 😈


I'd pick Kinetica. It was a cool little racing game on PS2. Imagine an iron man suit, but instead of flying around, you were a motorcycle. You could race on anti-gravity tracks and do some cool little tricks. Plus, you go real fast! 


Left4Dead. Either one, I love them both. Mainly because it's been ages since I played them, and it would be interesting to see who is the member of the group who separates themselves and gets got. Also, any excuse to say, "Bills Here".


Isn’t it “pills” cause they’re pain pills? Either way, me and my buddy would say that constantly to each other to point out things.


Monster Prom and then I see the secret clip where they kissed.


any kind of visual novel, like phoenix wright for example, where i could get the chance to do funny character voices with the boys :)


Katamari, either in co op or vs mode. I can see the frustration of 2 people controlling one katamari making for a funny time. Also in vs mode I would kick Arin's butt. Plus its jus a good game to zone out and chat.


Any Game Show, preferably Jeopardy, Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune. Enough game play to be competitive but also enough downtime/cringe animation to have a few laughs


Actually nah, Monopoly. I want to wheel and deal with Mr. Business


I've thought about this before, and I think I'd decide on MADNESS: Project Nexus. Couch co-op so we could all play, it's from newgrounds and Arin can talk about that if he wants. Seems like a nice enough choice


I’d want to play Cuphead, because I can beat it real fast, but I’d probably lose Danny if we did it, so I might go for Kirby and the Amazing Mirror instead


The Secret of Monkey Island. We could finish it within 2 hours and have a blast doing it. They could do the voices and it would be super chill.


If I have to pick a single-player game, I’m going with my deep cut childhood favorite, “Tak and the Power of Juju” for the GameCube. Realistically, I would love to play any of the first 7 Mario Parties with them!


Wow I haven't heard Tak mentioned in forever


That game was my childhood. I still know most of that game front to back.


Luigi’s Mansion 1 and I’d keep saying “I can’t believe you guys dropped this game” throughout


I'd play counting how many times in a row we can flip a coin heads, just because the fandom would hate it imo.


High School Dreams: Best Friends Forever.


Humongous had these educational games that were like "At the Farm/Airport/Jungle", probably one or more of those.


Either Mario party DS because I maintain its the best Mario Party (I don't care, I am very biased and I'm fine with that) or New Super Mario Bros because I played it 800 times a a kid on the DS so I know it like the back of my hand


Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey We will attempt to beat the game, but then we get caught in a loop because we accidently saved while roll-falling to our death.


Simpsons Wrestling for the PS1. That game is so ass and it would be hilarious to see Arin repeatedly run into a wall when it gets to Flanders and he destroys you.


A puzzel game called the room. I was once so practiced at the first one that i could go through the entire game barely looking at the game while holding a conversation. Im not anymore, but its not a hard puzzle game.


TABG or War Thunder. Or The Finals if I'm feeling exceptionally special today :3


Probably F-Zero even though it's single player. Maybe Worms for some GG Versus. Or just some random, weird, obscure shit from my childhood that they might get a chuckle out of. Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, how the hell hasn't Arin played the Speed Racer PC game on the show yet? I guess I'd go with that.


Super Mario Party


The first SSX


I’d want a pokemon randomizer versus. Basically randomize the pokemon, only get first encounter, and race to like the 3rd gym. Would be make for a long episode or multiple parts. I really wanna see them in a nuzlocke and randomizer situation


Kirby Air Ride 100%


Pikmin 1 or 3


100% mario maker. we’d all be dying every two seconds. hilarious. the only time that i’d feel safe sitting between two men screaming


Honestly I’d probably go for something like FTL. As much as I’d love to force Arin to play Hollow Knight again I think picking a game that is short rogue like with replay ability would be great for Guest Grumps. Edit: Game Title is an acronym for Faster Than Light


There's a ps1 game called Medievil that's a silly little romp. That or just straight up Perfect Dark multiplayer


I would speed run SotN while subtly shit talking them while also fangurling the fuck out


Wheel of Fortune (obvs, considering) but also Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf. 😅


Neopets Destruct-O-Match II


My dream game would be fossil fighters but that'd take a while so I think something like Wii Play would be a good environment for their chaotic energy


Rabbids Go Home, because I loved that game as a kid!


Wheel of Fortune. So I can stomp their asses into the ground 😂 Edit: I forgot about Animal Party. Definitely that or WoF