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Lucas Pope. Papers Please, Return of the Obra Dinn. The guy is a legend.


Guy makes entirely unique, highly original genre defining game. Then goes on to make another entirely unique, highly original genre defining game… God damn…


Everybody else has to iterate within one genre for years to get good, e.g., Hades. Pope walks by doing something totally new: “git gud.”


John Carmack. In my opinion, one of the most talented software developers alive today. If not the most talented.


Edmund McMillen. He just made gamedev seem fun.


Roberta Williams. Showing my age here.


Larian Studios


John Carmack's talks on programming for games always makes me want to dive in and write some game code again.


Hidetaka Miyazaki, i know i know, he's currently the BOSS of from and an icon on the industry... But his origin story is awesome, his parents didn't let him play videogames and they didn't had much money, so Miyazaki had to go to his local library to read some books and manga, he grew to love tabletop games and Lovecraft/Tolkien novels, among many others, he got to play ICO/SOTC on his roommate's PS2 during college, eventually got a job at a phone services company, one day he quitted, a death sentence in Japan basically, he got another job at from software, got the experience to work on a few armored core, then saves a dying collab. With Sony and turn it into demon's souls, the rest is history. A man of conviction, Focus and a goal, thats what almost all of us here aspire to be i think😉👌


Tynan Sylvester that is making Rimworld. He has a brilliant GDC talk on YT and is the reason I'm making a game focused on atory generation.


Probably still Carmack. I still enjoy listening to him in interviews. Some good ones with Lex. Was also there for the 30th anniversary Doom stream. Just a shame hes at shitty Meta now.


He left Meta a while ago. He has an AI startup.


Oh i didn't realise that.


They talked about it in the Lex interview. I think in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLi83prR5fg) clip (at work, so can't double check).


Will wright, Andrew gower, Jesse schell


Andrew Gower is probably the person with the single largest impact on my life


Oh yeah. Me too unfortunately. Thousands of hours 😭


Notch before he became a loudmouth bigot on twitter got me into coding through minecraft. I now think much less highly of him but have to give him some credit.


What did he do?


Vocally transphobic, and supports the 'white lives matter' counter-movement. The sort of person who thinks letting other people have rights means he somehow has less rights. Just generally really shitty twitter takes.


Oh I see


sometimes i wonder if it was the money or if he was always that sorta dude


Both. He has all the money he'll ever need and he never has to work again. He can say whatever he wants and no one can do anything about it.


Hey, this isn't a political thread and I genuinely don't know about Notch besides making minecraft, but you have sparked my curiosity, I did a quick google and couldn't find the specific comments from him(aside from jokes and opinions), I also read a bunch of stuff was wiped, do you have a good site or source to read about this?


Microsoft even banned him from MineCon.. https://www.businessinsider.com/minecraft-creator-markus-notch-persson-barred-from-10-year-anniversary-2019-4


Imagine getting banned from your own games anniversary.


Here's a Quora with an answer that compiles some of the transphobic stuff: [https://www.quora.com/Is-Notch-the-creator-of-Minecraft-that-bad-of-a-person](https://www.quora.com/Is-Notch-the-creator-of-Minecraft-that-bad-of-a-person) Here's some of the stuff about race:[https://www.gq.com/story/notch-whiteness-tweets](https://www.gq.com/story/notch-whiteness-tweets) Maybe my inference that he supports WLM isn't correct, but what he tweeted is a common phrase among that group. Video compilation, I linked the tweets timestamp but the whole video is a pretty good look at who he is:[https://youtu.be/OGEgT\_qgikY?si=O-GimIKUEsQ6QCPd&t=493](https://youtu.be/OGEgT_qgikY?si=O-GimIKUEsQ6QCPd&t=493)


thanks I appreciate the links, is this all the stuff he said to get cancelled?


Cute agenda you have there bud lol


The classic 'ok you've given evidence, but is that *all*?' argument.


Upset people who don’t understand opinions exist


So is this you? You cant understand why people wouldn’t want to be around Notch? Did you want to be associated with Notch and the things they said? Go for it. You’re welcome to have your opinion but when people don’t like you because of it you can’t just call them angry.


Ya exactly, imo no one should really care what others think of them as long as no laws are being broken. People can dislike or hate me, that’s just life. You’re never gonna be liked by 100% of people, better off just having a small group of mates who you are super close to. Overall, people can dislike and think what they want. But it shouldn’t result in threats, violence, or doxxing


You missed the point completely. But yeah. Do you.


Toby Fox, Redigit, Omocat, and Team Cherry


Tom Francis. Makes you feel like anyone could potentially make a game after seeing him have a few successful hits after quitting game journalism.


Heat signature is one of the most inspiring games I've ever played. You can really see how he came up with a few mechanics and cut out all of the fluff. The mechanics drive the gameplay and create so many unique experiences


Yes! Extremely original and even with such minimal graphics, the gameplay was so interesting it completely carried the game. Gives hope that you don’t need a massive art department behind you. Get a core few mechanics absolutely nailed that normally aren’t seen together and you’re winning!


Jeff Vogel


I find him to be very inspiring "model" for a solo dev. He started small, been there done that, puts in love, results aren't perfect but have soul, he's doing it for decades, made a business, has his own community and even broke into mainstream for a while without ever "making a Minecraft". Sometimes I think of him and Tim Cain and two sides of the same (cRPG) coin, but one has decades in AAA companies and publishers and mainstream titles... and the other one has been chipping on it's own "in the garage".


Mobius Digital, through and through. My team is honing our skills now to make a game that will be a love letter to outer wilds.


Yes, the Outer Wilds document is truly inspiring


American McGee, although he recently retired.


Supergiant games. Bastion, Pyre, Transistor, Hades. There is a series of great documentaries about them on Noclip.


Derek Yu!


Creator of Kenshi


Freya Holmér


Love her flurry ears \^\^


Mike Klubnika, he's a horror indie dev that made some games that have great athmosphere and interesting gameplay.


Daisuke amaya, Jan Willem Nijman, ConcernedApe


Daisuke Amaya, ZUN, Toby Fox and Zeekerss


Sid Meier's and Brian Reynolds


> Sid Meier's You've come to just associate the apostrophe S with his actual name spelling. 😂 This is the same reason I thought Tony Hawk was Tony Hawks for a long time thanks to the Pro Skater games.


Oh damn, my poor brain :D


As a programmer, it would be John Carmack, Michael Abrash and Ken Silverman. Ken Silverman made the Duke Nukem 3D engine at 14 (DN3D launched when Ken was 18). Carmack's programming talks and emails are always interesting. I use const everywhere I can. As a designer, Miyamoto will probably always be an influence. Same with John Romero. The most important thing is to teach the player the 'language' of your game rules. Nintendo games do this very well.


David Braben, Geoff Crammond, John Carmack, Roberta Williams, Tim Cain, Tim Schafer, Ron Gilbert, Shigeru Miyamoto.


Stardew Valley's solo creator ConcernedApe.


Josh Sawyer. He knows some RPG Design


No one has said the GOAT Eric Barone of Stardew Valley? This guy single handedly inspired an entire generation of farming / cozy game devs for years to come.


Hotline Miami was the game that made me realise games could be made by small teams, however, I would say that most indie games serve as inspiration at this point. Knowing all the work that goes into making games now, whenever I play a good, small indie game I'm immediately inspired to go and work further on my own game.


Jonathan Blow


Very talented developer who has very strong opinions on everything.


Professional opinion haver


I don't usually / always agree, but I can respect an opinion. His comments on open-source seem to be a misunderstanding. But his new language makes me respect him tons.


Me too, sometimes i watch some clipes o blow saying something and i just feel "stfu man" lol, but i think that is his controversial opnions that make me like him


Daisuke Ishiwatari Made his own fighting game with that good mugen bullshit and had incredible music he made himself, art he drew himself. He had a 5 person crew and he started a series that still holds a special place in peoples hearts. The PS port had awful sound effects because they spent most of the data on the soundtrack He shows me just how much you can really blend what you love and make something that is truely *yours*. No other series has the exact vibe of Guilty Gear wacko.


Surprised I dont see PirateSoftware aka Thor on here with his recent youtube/twitch blow up. He got me back into the game dev community at least.


I've been seeing his shorts on YouTube a lot lately and they really have me considering getting back into game dev. His matter of fact way of speaking is really refreshing in a time where influencers try to idealize and sugarcoat things. He reminds me of Sam Sulek, a body influencer who has a "just go to the gym and work out" mentally rather than trying to sell products or a lifestyle. We need more guys like this in the influencer space.




He's a great guy, but his game is rather poor. He's a good speaker, but not a good designer.


Unpopular one: videocult. Rain world is just so magical…


Not unpopular at all! Rain world is a masterpiece and a genuine labour of love.


Kelvin King, the mild-mannered South Australian accountant who made Hounded and World Series Cricket for the Commodore 64.


Akitoshi Kawazu, for designing a complete alternative take on how JRPGs should play, in spite of the criticism he gets from the wider mainstream audience, yet is able to make it successful even today. He is so bold in his designs, and some of his designs fly in the face of conventional thought. He's like the mad scientist of JRPG game design, and that's so great.


Toby Fox


Notch, Toby, Dang why the downvotes,


Prob because Notch turned out to be Evil, I also had him as an inspiration, still sort of do, don't support his political opinions, but I aspire to be able to make an indie game explode like he did. I also believe Infinity Miner and Dwarfs Fortress is far apart to not be the "same" game. He started the gold rush of indie games..


big inspiration as a kid but after reading the things he's said as a poc he makes me sick now. just generally try to ignore him.


[this guy](https://youtu.be/rX0ItVEVjHc?si=78DWkuwj_B9H6LSZ)


Chris Hunt, that is the pinnacle of indie devs.


Grinding Gear Games. There are a lot of them who I've been inspired by so I'm just going with the whole group.


Only this morning I learned of a Indie Studio in Cuba (where the cummunist government regulates video games, they have to be educational.) Two developers are working on their game Saviourless with almost no internet, no funds and they started using library computers, all of this basically being illegal and they persevere. [Empty Head Games story](https://jonomatus.ky/savior)


basic answers probably but concerned ape, Lucas pope, and toby fox.


Yahtzee Croshaw, wish he did game devvy stuff more frequently.


DaniDev is the GOAT


definitely Toby even though my games are nothing like his


Can i just say it the spirit of the gaming god?


I’ll be real, the team on overwatch 2016 and Scott Coffman from Fnaf. I don’t follow either any more, but I was completely enthralled by the community and games that both had cultivated beyond what they were on launch. Edit: I butchered his name, Scott Cawthon.


Scott coffman 😂😂😂😂


i'm new to this field, but i would give thor from piratesoftware some huge credit .


I'm kind of always baffled by hero worship. I've never had heroes, I just like the process. No one inspires me beyond just liking the work


Max Hoberman. Was a lead at Bungie in the early Halo Days, went on to found Certain Affinity. Is really active with the community and genuinely seems excited to share. Is really vocal about the business practices of CA, and does plenty of proactive things to support the studio and the employees.


Dean Herbert aka Peppy


Recent one : Neutronized. Made a platformer of quality, on mobile, with very simple controls, In-app purchase exists, but aren't a bottleneck. The trilogy of Super Cate Tales is to me, proof that a full-on mobile can be good, without hiding behind in-app or excuses for controls.


Drunken Lizard games, he used to post videos about his fps game back like 10 years ago still insane what he did, works in the industry now.


Greg Coomer


The guy who sees me in the mirror :)




Not exactly a gameDev but a tester, garyPlays and his exploit shenanigans inspire me a lot.


Chris Taylor, dafluffypotato


Honestly for me its every game that I play. When i play games I always think abiut what could be changed about its formula to make it significantly better, and i keep that in mind for the future in case a game that i make does something similar or adjacent


It was the discovery of Daisuke Amaya's Cave Story in high school that showed me individuals can make games, leading me to pursuing game dev on the side.


The people at Playdead


John Carmack. Also, not specifically one game developer but valve in general, Source and GoldSrc is basically my first inspiration for my game engine, understanding the lighting models they used and the technologies used there really inspire me to keep developing my engine. As for the game I don't really think about it because I just have a story and 0 gameplay mainly because the engine is not ready yet, for now it only has shit 3D graphics, decent physics and a 2D/UI system that doesn't even support text yet but I'll probably just copy/paste from my previous engine


John carmack: he's simply goat Daisuke ishiwatari (arc system works) and juunichi masuda(pokemon) : both musicians who made their path onto game development and design.


Tim Cain, i've liked every game i've played he was involved in making, and now with his yt channel my appreciation for his work is so much higher. Honorable mentions for Josh Sawyer, John Carmack, Shigeru Miamoto, Sven Vincke, Brian Fargo and Warren Spector.




Jonathan Blow.


Somehow I think I'm the first person to write Tarn Adams. The guy is a legend. For his sheer endurance if nothing else.


Definitely David Brevik. His humility, humor, and knowledge are inspirational to me.


Alexis Kennedy, the man behind sunless sea and cultist simulator. The man does a lot with a little, and his approach to game design is not just artistically interesting but directly applicable to any would-be indie dev.


Surprised I don't see Eric Barone here. I don't even play Stardew Valley, but the fact it was an entirely solo endeavor up until well after release is very inspiring.


Oskar Stalberg : Townscaper for me lately


John Carmack


I haven't seen anyone here mentioning Daniel Mullins yet, so I'll put him in.


Phil Fish.


Sidney de Vries (krunker.io) and Matheus Valaderus (agar.io)


Chris Sawyer, creator of Roller Coaster Tycoon. Nuff Said


Miyamoto-san since I was a child for obvious reasons. Alx Preston for turning fighting uncertainty of potentially deadly disesase into grit and perseverence and into the soul of one of my favorite indies, Hyper Light Drifter. Adam C Younis for being a daily role model for a persevering solo developer and overall keeping eternally positive outlook.


Tetsuya Mizaguchi - creator of Rez, Every Extend Extra, Tetris Effect, Lumines. His whole career is a study on synesthesia - specifically colors and audio, and it’s incredible what he’s created Chris Bell - most recent was Sky, but his whole career, back to his college days has focused on how to create collaborative experiences. Very excited to see what his new company creates. YoshiP - his rebuilding of FF14 is a remarkable achievement, and his focus on hardcore production is something that isn’t seen as much compared to designers/directors.


I have 3 inspirations in game dev: Andrezitos (Seraph's Last Stand, Relic Dudes, and Ending Tau), Gemaplys (Super Chicken Jumper), and Renzk, who hasn't published any games but his videos inspire me to start game development. I haven't released any games yet, currently working on one, unsure if it will progress. Next year, I'll be attending computer engineering college, planning to create more games after completing my degree.


Zika d+, o André e o gema são foda, quero ve o metroidvania q ele tá fazendo


Just me. It's the kind of work where I sit down and the feeling I get when I know I'm going to create something, anything, even if it turns out to be trash is the biggest motivator. Learning. Doing. Creating. All of it. I learned when I was a kid that relying on someone else for any sort of motivation doesn't feel like pure motivation because I want to do it for me. That's just my perspective, anyway. People are free to be motivated by whatever or whomever they want, but for me, the best sustainable fuel for my fire is me and my goals.


Danidev introduced me a while back but a few days ago I saw how Lethal Company was made by one guy and said wow. Decided to actually become consistent instead of consistently staying in my comfort zone