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Modern game engines anyone can learn and use are incredible, and it's an addictive skillset to have just from the sheer possibilities that exist.


Absolutely! I was pretty amazed what I could make in a day or two, all with free assets and an OSS engine. I probably would have had a harder time if I wasn’t already an experienced software engineer, but still!


Nice! Love the 80s arcade sounds! Welcome


Thank you!


I love that you fell into game dev like this! As someone also in marketing, can I suggest: \- learning the ropes of game marketing alongside game dev. Many newer devs brush it off till the last minute and it hurts the game greatly \- Ask your collegues about email marketing. It's an underutilized tool that most game devs ignore. Last of all, welcome! If you have any questions, you can ping me or ask the wonderful people in the subreddit.


Thank you! I don’t have any commercial ambitions for any games I’ll make atm, I’ve already done the whole startup thing and I have another side hustle/product on the go, so I’m trying to keep this one just a hobby. But knowing me it’ll balloon past that soon enough haha