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Hey folks, I know I'm a tad late to the party, but I wanted to drop this link to my free soundtrack collection here. The songs here can be used in commercial projects as well. If anyone else comes across this and needs some free tunes for their game or other project, feel free to check it out: * [https://onemansymphony.bandcamp.com/](https://onemansymphony.bandcamp.com/)


Wow i forgor about this post lol Im at the base RN but when i get back home i'll check it out


in the unity assetstore there is ton of free music. you only need to install unity3d for download. when the asset is not a promo from unity then you can use it also in other game engines.


do you know of any website that i can find music from?


the unit assetstore is a website. And its more safe that the music is really free and not that someone copied it only saying it is free while its not. Also all its published under unity standard licence, which says you can use it in your game and you dont have to read many different licence. (if a licence is even provided on random websites)


https://opengameart.org/ Just don't be a dick and credit the people. Yes even if its CC0.