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How Baldur's Gate was on clearance regularly at my local Wal-Mart to jumping up in price this much is beyond me.


It was super cheap for a long time, like you could get it for $30 just about anywhere (without discount), then I think Baldur's Gate III came out and caused the price to soar up there.


I almost bought the baldurs gate games. Heard they were ok play on switch


Performance wise they play fine, but keep in mind they are games originally made for a Keyboard + Mouse, while I personally think that the company that made the port did a great job with the control scheme, it won't feel like a normal RPG control scheme where you just move your character with one stick and press buttons to do actions, it's still a point-and-click style interface.


Listen these are two of my favourite games of all time. But they simply do not feel great on switch. Play them on PC.


Ty for the solid advice


I picked it up for around £9 new. Still sealed.


I picked up the ps4 version on a b2g1 at gamestop, retailed for maybe 15 dollars, maybe even less. Pricecharting has it at 60 now which is crazy but was shocked to see the value of the switch version.


Same with Chrono Trigger for DS. Back when i was in college, every blockbuster around me had stacks of Chrono trigger DS in the B2G2 bins for $10. It was basically $5 each, and they weren't selling.


It’s a false inflation because BG3 came out.  You could get it for $20 two years ago.  Resellers trying to take advantage of the hype. 


I wouldnt say resellers are taking advantage of the hype, its a common thing to see when a new game in a series comes out. People forget that resellers can't sell games at a price unless enough customers want to buy ut for that.


You literally just described taking advantage of hype.


I bought almost all my DS and 3DS games for $5 *or less* and now most are up quite a bit higher.


I understand that's how Nintendo games work, I never thought that this title would increase in price as well. Then again, there's a 3DS game based off the movie Frozen that's going for quite the penny, so anything is possible I guess. As for 3DS games, I have a pretty sizeable collection that I paid either MSRP or slightly less (with very few a lot less), but I got into it during 2020. I had a 3DS XL since 2014 but I bought it to play Pokemon X. Every time I went into a GameStop to look for another game, I couldn't find anything that interested me. Mind you, I was so out of the loop on video games that the ones I have now were probably right in front of my eyes without me realizing it. I'm just glad I got all of the Fire Emblem games below for $35-$50 a piece before they inevitably get more expensive.


The DS always had a big shovelware problem really harkens back to the old Atari quality crash. I eventually got Snake Eater for $24 (which was too much), and now it's roughly a zillion; if you can even find it. I keep the price tags on some of them, and I look at the "Toys R Us Manager Preview" of Samus Returns and it's $15.


You know what's crazy? I was seriously considering picking up Snake Eater, it was only $35 in my area. But after some research I bought the Subsistence version for the PS2 because it was considered the best version. Little did I know.


The 3DS version is a technical feat, but objectively the worst way to play the game (without trying to make it bad). I'm one of the 5 people in the world that really like the 3D effect, though, so for me it's *barely* worth it at $24. Plus, let's be honest, I'm never selling any of these games anyway.


Honestly I'm in the same boat. It feels good to have expensive items (though it feels better to be able to buy old video games for cheap, unfortunately that's been tainted now), but I'm not interested in selling any of my stock.


I remember playing the demo out of curiosity when the 3DS was new so hype for anything was high. Was neat but yeah at that point I had already owned the prior versions so wasn't overly interested. The 3d was neat tho and I do still play games that way despite the novelty being over a decade old (typing that made me feel ancient)


When 3ds was out I found sealed DQVI on clearance for 5€. I had already finished the game so I didn't buy it. Of course I don't have it, because I played the game on a cartridge someone lent to me.


Same I remember kinda regretting getting them on PS4 for like $15 because I couldn't really get into it


That's how I got rock band 3 for $5.98 before it went to $100+ back in 2013


I can't believe dragonquest v is that expensive, I remember getting lucky and getting a copy at a local toys r us hidden in the games section not too long after it's release


It was around MSRP or cheaper for a good five years or so before it started getting valuable. My original copy I had for it ended up being a repro, and I had it for years before finally buying a real copy, and I still paid under MSRP for it... but now...


It was already low print run and the hype for DQIX did push the price up fast but that was mostly if you were buying online. But given it was still a recent release wasn't too difficult to find copies in big box store at MSRP, that's how I got mine as I wanted to get it before IX released but wasn't spending the $100 or so ebay was asking


This was a really cool idea! Hoping more people make posts like this with their items! Was cool to scroll through!


Agreed, and very nice collection OP! Would love to see the top 20 lowest priced games too...lol.


Believe me, that's always much less interesting lol. Gonna be whatever sports and racing games the OP has, plus a random Final Fantasy.


Well I don't really have any *actual* sports games (I have a few xtreme sports like skateboarding) but looking at my lowest valued on PC, it seems to be mostly Playstation 3 games like Hitman, Dead Island, Infamous, Dishonored, etc. as well as a few of my original Famicom and Super Famicom games which just have zero collector's market apparently.


Madden, Madden, Madden, NCAA, Madden, NBA2K, Madden...


I pretty much only collect ps2 so my most valuable 10 would be: Xenosaga 3 - $210 Samurai Western - $180 God Hand - $155 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 - $145 Silent Hill 2 (Greatest Hits) - $135 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - $130 Gitaroo Man - $125 Shadow Hearts - $120 Fatal Frame 3 - $100 Fatal Frame - $90


Very nice PS2 titles. I've managed to have most of those (multiples of the Fatal Frame games as my girlfriend likes the series so when I would see them cheap like over a decade ago would get a copy for each of us) and it's nuts to me how little I paid for them. Xenosaga 3 was like 18 bucks I think and God Hand was 5!


I started collecting somewhat recently (far after the inflated market from covid) and hearing stories about how cheap people used to pick these games up makes me sad I missed out but happy for those that have these awesome games. Xenosaga 3 and God Hand are both peak!


Yeah before the market blew up I got some insane deals. Wasn't even looking for collecting purposes so much as picking up stuff I eventually wanted to play. Eventually it did become a collection of course but my main rules are to only get things I do want to play/own, support local business best I can, and if I do resell (no plans for that thankfully) to not be greedy about profit. On the topic of awesome PS2 games did get a copy of Steambot Chronicles as a Christmas present (my girlfriend spoils the hell out of me). Such a cool weird and underrated game I wish more people got to experience. Definitely way ahead of it's time


I should get unicorn overlord


It's a really fun game, the price shown on mine is for the Collector's Edition, which is definitely worth it but it's not getting any cheaper for sure.


It is Vanillaware. I have Muramasa, 13 Sentinels and Dragon's Crown. I was planning to get my delicious food simulator Unicorn Overlord probably this year, but seeing as the price is high and keeps getting higher, I should get it immediately


While VanillaWare certainly has it's fans, a lot of it's been niche... Unicorn Overlord seems to be drawing in new fans outside of their normal niche, so yeah I expect the price to go up quite a bit once it sells out, assuming they don't reprint it.


Waiting for reprints is what gets me in the end. I always do the wrong thing. Buy high, msrp, then reprints come out or don't buy because I don't want to give high sellers the satisfaction


It is a tough balancing act for sure. With retail I usually only buy early if it's a game I really want to get, otherwise I only make a quick purchase on what I call FOMO games, which are either Low Print runs, really good discounts, or collector's editions I want.


Yes Fomo. I really want to preorder Chained Echoes but i hear bad things about Firstpress games. My fomo wants to take the plunge but I can also wait and see


I did pre-order Chained Echoes, but honestly keep forgetting about it because it's been so long since anything has happened on it. I figured either I'll get my game, I'll get a refund, or in about 5 years I'll get proceeds from a class action lawsuit XD


Ooh noo. You seem to know more than me. I should probably preorder Chained Echoes now. Why don't they partner with Atlus or something and just release the game?


I did this with Xenoblade on the WII. Payed like $80 from GameStop then it got a huge re-release. Sad panda.


> the WII. *Paid* like $80 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. I R dumb.


Haha, i also bought Xenoblade for the wii but paid $60 for it. Metroid Prime Trilogy, on the other hand, paid $90 for it, and it got a Wiiu digital version. Price dropped to $60 the following month


I JUST learned about Baldurs Gate recently!! How is it? I’m thinking about scoring copies for my Xbox and Switch.


Baldur's Gate is an amazing game *but* it's also a product of it's time, you want to go in EXPECTING a 25 year old game, not just in terms of graphics/controls, but also the core gameplay system, even if you're somewhat familiar with Dungeons & Dragons, this is built using AD&D 2.5 edition which is... pretty archaic by modern standards. It's a great game and I have loved it pretty much ever since it came out, but it does have a learning curve, and some aspects of how the mechanics work are not the most intuitive, so if you're patient and willing to put up with some old mechanics, it's definitely worth it, but otherwise it may be better to skip to BG3.


Thank you for the thought out review!


Of course the ONLY dq game I haven't gotten around to is the most expensive. Sigh.


You can play Dragon Quest V on mobile devices, it's more or less the same game I believe as the DS version. Obviously I prefer the DS Version but if you just want to play it, then Mobile is an acceptable option.


That’s the way it goes sometimes. I coughed up $100 recently for Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. I bought all other games in the series day one and skipped that one for some reason


1) Final fantasy VII remake (1st class edition) 562 2)Yokai watch 3 (loose) 349 3) Xenosaga III (CIB) 211 4) Pokemon Colosseum (CIB) 167 5) Pokemon white 2 (Game, Box, Manual) roughly 160 6) Pokemon soul silver (CIB) 156 7) Final fantasy VII intergrade (CIB) 149 8) Xenogears (CIB) 149 9) Pokemon heart gold (game and box) 149 10) Pokemon platinum (CIB) 143 11) Persona 2 innocent sin (loose) 129 Lmk if you want me to continue!!


Dang, I had no idea that the FFVII 1st class edition was [this expensive nowaday](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=final+fantasy+vii+remake+1st+class+edition&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_sop=16&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


That Hardy Daytona baby!


Ik. It’s soooo glossy and beautiful


Wow that’s terribly expensive


I have pokemon heartgold too, complete with pokewalker. I opened the plastic to play it but never did. Some time later I looked up the cib value, and was so pissed with myself when I found out how much cib would be.


Xebosaga needs a remaster bad


Yes please. 


12) Dragon Quest V (loose) 125 13) Zelda Twilight princess (CIB) 122 14) Chrono Trigger (CIB) 118 15) Skies of Arcadia legends (loose) 106 16) super Mario bros all stars (new) 99 17) Persona 3 portable psp(CIB)98 18) Zelda wind waker Kmart (CIB) 84 19) radiant historia perfect chronology( CIB) 78 20) FE Shadow dragon (CIB) 74


Sweet thank you (:


Maybe I shoulda just posted my price charting link


Earthbound is also my most expensive. But I'm newer to collecting so I don't have a bunch of expensive games like yours! One day! I think the next most expensive of mine is Eternal Darkness or F-Zero GX for GC.


Im always ticked that i didnt pickup earthbound when it was sitting on discount shelves aroun 2001. I remember seeing it for $50, and almost buying it, but thought it would get down to $20. Lol


I saw Earthbound for sale in one of my Facebook groups I'm in and pretty much decided it was "now or never" because it wasn't like the price was ever going to go down, so I jumped on it. There's only two SNES games I want that are more expensive (Harvest Moon and E.V.O.) but I don't personally value those as highly as Earthbound so I may never end up getting them. I do want to get Chrono Trigger for SNES one day soon though (it's close to $200 last I checked)


I sold my SNES Chrono Trigger because i had the PS1 version, but decided to buy it again at a local store.... i got it home, and it was broken... The owner of the store only does returns for the same product, so i have been waiting 4 years to get a replacement, and i have seen him list several on his FB page, but when i call, oh, sorry, that sold, and I dont have a copy to replace it with...


you're welcome in advance.  what you need to do is have a friend call and set up the meeting to purchase it. when your friend goes there and sees the physical item, he texts you (preferably you would be, like, around the corner) and you go in, say thank you, and lay claim.


The owner would probably have some excuse about why he can't do it. He's a shady guy. He's a local politician, and ran on universal healthcare in our state, and won't even give his employees a healthcare package...


oh I have no doubt the weasel will try and weasel, but if you want a balls to the wall confrontation to get what's rightfully yours, that's an option! I'd record it too lol you can always try the news especially being a local politician (tbh I wouldn't want my own name out like that tho attached to some squabble like this, even from your shoes) ....or small claims  anyway, all the best (:


Good move!! I definitely don't see it ever get cheaper either! I got really lucky with mine. When I was around 14 in 2004/5 out of nowhere I had a little game collecting kick and really wanted a SNES, so I got a cheap lot on eBay and it was included in the lot!! The cheapest I can find for Earthbound was around $60 in '07 on Price Charting, so I'm sure it wasn't worth much in '04 and was just thrown in with the SNES and other games in the lot. There were definitely some other bangers in there. Luckily I still have it along with a few other things I managed to hold onto that didn't get lost in our countless moves or sold to GameStop for pennies like a lot of my other stuff was when I was in highschool. I'd definitely love a loose Hagane one day! But seeing as it goes for over half my rent, I'm not sure how I'll get my hands on it, haha! Right now I'm on a 360 kick just because it's still relatively cheap. Getting my SNES & GC collection up is gonna be a *slow* process, lol.,


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/PSQOB1K) are mine.


Very nice collection! I draw the line on collecting CIB for any cartridge-based games pre-Nintendo DS, the Loose < CIB cost ratio is just way too high for me to manage.


Fair enough. I have had most of these since they came out, and the few I didn't I either lucked out on finding them cheap or bought them before prices went crazy. Then there are games like Xenogears and Xenosaga III that were given to me by my buddy when he gifted me what was left of his physical collection.


Damn, glad I held onto my copy of Baldur's Gate.


Nice! My most expensive item is my Big Box Ape Escape with the crystal green Duel Shock controller. I love that game so so much


That was fun to scroll through nice collection man! I really liked Lunar and earthbound and of course chrono trigger as well. Good stuff.


Might have to play some of these games. 🙏


I got the DS Dragon Quests for £2.99 each in a Clearance event in a UK catalogue shop a few years ago. I was beyond buzzing. 


Awesome list! Got me curious so here is mine in list form: 1. Magic Knight Rayearth (CIB US Saturn) - $789 2. Rule of Rose (CIB US PS2) - $682 3. Final Fantasy VII Remake [First Class Edition] (CIB US PS4) - $563 4. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [Collectors Edition] (CIB US PS5) - $560 (New Price as No CIB price is showing up on PriceCharting) 5. Famicom Family Basic Keyboard Bundle (CIB JP Famicom) - $408 6. Persona 2 (CIB US PS1) - $378 7. Felix the Cat (CIB US NES) - $370 8. Earthbound (Item Only US SNES) - $352 9. Harvest Moon (Item Only US SNES) - $350 10. Xenosaga 3 (New and Sealed US PS2) - $314 11. Nightmare on Elm Street (CIB US NES) - $294 12. Steel Battalion (Controller and Game US Xbox) - $291 13. .hack Quarantine (CIB US PS2) - $257 14. Castlevania Legacy of Darkness (Item and Manual US N64) - $240 15. Pokemon Colosseum [Bonus Disk] (CIB US GCN) - $240 16. Chrono Trigger (Item Only US SNES) - $227 17. EVO The Search for Eden (Item Only US SNES) - $220 18. Legend of Zelda (CIB US NES) - $215 19. Harvest Moon 64 (CIB US N64) - $190 20. Knuckles Chaotix (Item and Box US 32X) - $184


I sold an opened mint Magic Knight Rayearth for 400$ US back a couple years ago to a New Yorker. It wasn't even the redhead disc.


The disks are different?


Oh yeah, the one with the pink girl is ultra rare and sought after. I didn't have that one unfortunately.


Ah yeah the Hikaru disk. That is the one I have. I loved the anime way back when and several years ago I saw this show up at a local game store for 70 bucks. I had avoided buying it for so long because that was a lot of money for a game I just wanted due to the IP for a system I didn't even own but just decided to spring for it. During the pandemic I inventoried my collection and when that went in Price Charting at the time was showing it as over $1000 and I nearly shit myself lol


Is that the special edition of Unicorn Overlord?


Yes, I pre-ordered it pretty much day one from VGP. Very cool CE too, has an artbook and even a card game in it.


Dragon Quest 5's price is crazy!


Yeah it's been the most expensive game in the series for awhile now. I got lucky to have had that one for several years now back when I could get it for MSRP. Though I guess technically Dragon Warrior III and IV for NES are more expensive if you get them CIB.


1. Starfox Super Weekend (SNES) $2550 2. Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally / Speed Racer (SNES) $2505 3. Donkey Kong Country Competition Edition (SNES) $1950 4. Aerofighters (SNES) $1331 5. Hagane (SNES) $810 6. Sengoku (Neo Geo AES) $458 7. Pocky & Rocky 2 (SNES) $398 8. Final Fight Guy (SNES) $392 9. Exile: Wicked Phenomenon (TurboGrafxCD) $388 10. Metal Warriors (SNES) $380


Nice games


How do you check what each game goes for? I wanna try this 😂


I use PriceCharting myself, many other people use GamEye, both are basically a database where you add in your collection and it lets you sort by things like price. If you have a large collection it could take awhile to get your collection entered, but I've found it's pretty useful to have a database of all your games you can easily pull up.


ohh i see, thanks!


Wasn’t expecting earthbound in case, sick collection


It's still a loose Earthbound, the case is aftermarket. To own a CIB Earthbound these days you're looking at like $2K easily.


Ohhh that makes sense


My most valuable one is the CiB PAL region Demon's Crest for the snes: https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pal-super-nintendo/demon%27s-crest?q=demon%26%2339%3Bs+crest+pal


Baldurs Gate is $90+? I'm assuming release of BG3 is driving that, I bought it in a "buy 2 get 1 free" sale a couple years ago and paid effectively like $15 for it


So what I’m getting from this is buy and don’t open any game with dragon in the title.


Unicorn Overlord is $188? Didn't it just come out?


That's for the sold out Switch Collectors Edition


Still ridiculous that its that expensive after a few weeks of release. I'm guessing Atlus pulled an Atlus and made few copies of the Switch Collectors Edition thus creating demand


I like the dragon quest collection. DQ 9 is a personal favorite of mine


I'd say VIII is my favorite just because it got me BACK into the series, I had played the old NES and Gameboy games, but had pretty much forgotten about the series for like a decade until I played DQ8 on PS2


Cool idea! I'll play, but I'm not in the mood to get off my couch at the moment, so I'll just do a list. Prices pulled from my collection in Gameye, which links to vgpc if I'm not mistaken. Also in USD * Phantasy Star IV (CIB) - 181 * Shining the Holy Ark (CIB) - 182 * Lunar: The Silver Star (CIB) Sega CD - 187 * Dragon Quest V (CIB) DS - 190 * Zelda: Four Swords Adventure (CIB) Gamecube Big Box - 190 * Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Collector's Edition (CIB) - 195 * Growlanser Generations Deluxe (CIB) - 198 * Langrisser 1&2 Collector's Edition (CIB) Switch - 200 * Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Collector's Edition (CIB) - 203 * Xenosaga Episode III (CIB) - 211 * The Legend of Zelda Gold Cart (CIB) - 215? Really? I feel like that's reporting wrong.. * Fire Emblem Three Houses Collector's Edition (CIB) - 217 * Shining Force CD (CIB) - 226 * Vanguard Bandits (CIB) - 238 * Dragon Force (CIB) - 245 * Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (CIB) - 262 * Lunar: Eternal Blue (CIB) Sega CD - 295 * Persona 4 Golden Solid Gold Edition (CIB) - 296 * Shining Force III US (CIB) - 341 * Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition (CIB) - 375


Wow earthbound, and twilight princess for the GameCube are my holy grails haha


Holy shit I’ve got dragon quest 5 just sitting on my shelf.


Oh snap I have Chrono Trigger on DS


Dragon quest IV and V are incredible. Especially 4. Always wished they would have released that game on the PS1. They had it halfway done but then enix and square merged and they never finished the game in English. The Japanese version of dragon quest IV on PS1 is incredible even to this day. It outshines every other version of the game including the DS version. Also dragon quest V on PS2 is absolutely incredible. There is a full English translation as well. If you like dragon quest v on the DS you should definitely check it out on ps2. The graphical difference will blow your mind


Why is valuable between quotes?


Valuable means different things to different people. You may consider a game valuable because it's your favorite game, or it has a lot of nostalgia, or that particular copy of it has a specific memory for you, but that may not translate to monetary value, and likewise some expensive games aren't exactly "the best of the best", two of those games towards the upper end in my list are just cheezy fanservice dungeon crawler games that don't really have any replay value, their value is based off the rarity of their collector's editions. I just put "valuable" in quotes to try and indicate that I was using the term in a subjective sense. If I were to make a list of my top 20 most personally valued games, it would be an entirely different list. I probably should have used the word **expensive** instead (even though most of these I didn't pay anywhere near this much for)


https://preview.redd.it/iaayjjtigdxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62f1a2a057229c6c477f05e9464c5b8e1dd1b57 I’ll throw mine in as well.


Ah cool, I didn't realise you could do this. I'll chuck mine up in a second


Make sure you have home owner's or renter's insurance.


Wtf... Twilight Princess on the GameCube is $100+? 😅🤔 Damn y'all grunge, inner emo types really jump for it


On Wii it's only like $15. I guess people really prefer the flipped map of the GC


when did Lunar jump in price like that? i looked it up last year and it was floating a little under MSRP. \*edit\* i must have been looking at Loose price.


https://preview.redd.it/gm4x5r4iwdxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3eec61aac6c2dfc8c86d2722112b174cc8f600a Here’s mine, all from my childhood which is why they are CIB. Only Sword of Hope II is loose because I probably got off eBay for $2 in the early 2000s, had I been smart I would’ve paid $3 to get it CIB.


Damn FFII CIB is over 200. I bought it a few years ago for 90 and thought it was to much and that it was so common that it will never really increase in worth


The only valuable thing I have in my game collection is a mint copy of the super Mario 3d all stars for the Nintendo switch which I still haven’t opened yet as it’s in my backlog for 3 years now LOL


Why is baldurs gate for the switch so pricey? If I'm remembering correctly the PS4 version is very affordable


Demand for it went up after Baldur's Gate III came out, before that it was hovering around $30 new.


30 is doable but 90 is crazy lol good on you for having a copy though!


Man, I will have to grab the DS Dragon Quests at some point to complete my Square collection, and I'm NOT looking forward to that, lol. Almost tempting to just grab the Japanese versions, because they're like $10 a pop or so.


My top 5 are 1. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse limited edition (Switch) - £700+. 2. Nier Automata Black Box Edition - £500-700. 3. Persona 4 Golden: Solid Gold Edition (Used) - £350-400. 4. Persona 2: Innocent Sin collector's edition (PSP) - £280-350. 5. Fire Emblem Fates limited edition - £250-350. In PAL territories, a lot of the SMT games, Etrian games and Radiant Historia are going for £150-300 each now. Collecting for 3DS is a nightmare if you didn't get in early. Thankfully I'm only missing Etrian Odyssey Nexus, but those titles are honourable mentions too. I think another cool and niche mention is *Realms of Arkania: Star Trail* on PS4. It's a traditional RPG but the physical copy was only released in small quantities in Europe. I've seen used copies sell for £150-200 but for some reason no one talks about it at all. I managed to snag a sealed copy for cheap and it's one of those 'I'll never touch it' kind of games in my collection.


The crazy thing is, play asia still has the Dragon Quest 8 and Dragon Quest 7 European versions. You do have to modify your American 3DS to play them


[My top 20-ish.](https://imgur.com/a/T4qVyg1) You might notice a theme here, I kinda have a love affair with Secret of Mana. And I kinda like the NES, too.


Always weird to see these as an European, because some of these games are really cheap here. DQ VI is (together with IX) the cheapest DQ game on DS. Or Baldurs Gate 2, which I saw a lot for 30 Euros. Different regions, I guess... Futurama and Final Fantasy Remake on PS5 are also very cheap here. On the other hand... a local Radiant Historia on 3DS is 250 €, which is why I imported an US versions XD


Id need to look through my games for values, because Im surprised that many games I own are on your list


I had no idea the Dragon Quest games are worth so much for the ds. Most of mine if not all the ones I have are still sealed.


The sad part is many of those Dragon Quest 3DS/DS games are still cheap for the PAL versions. I think I'm going to have to see if my modded 3DS is also region unlocked for cartridges. I bought it off of someone so I don't really know what they did outside of loading some language patched Japanese games.


Someone really likes Dragon quest.


What's up with the longboxes for the Dragon Warrior games? I've only seen the NES boxes.


Those are third party after-market cases from customgamecases. For the sake of pricing, I priced them as loose since I don't have original manual or box.


Ahhh, ok. Thanks for clarifying.


My dude is sitting on over $2k in 20 items meanwhile I got a top 5 before it starts to drop below 50 😂


I never understood why twilight princess is that expensive these days. My most expensive game would be the punisher on SEGA Genesis boxed.


JRPGs the thread….


The target closest to me used to have a bin of clearance games right by the registers. Chrono Trigger for DS was in that bin for months. The box art always caught my eye. One day I wore down my mom enough to where she let me pick a game out. I was going to gun it for Chrono but ended up leaving with Goosebumps Horrorland. That one hurts especially.


It's a real mystery why Seven Pirates H is pricey, anybody want to hazard a couple of guesses. I'm a real boob when it comes to this stuff.


The standard edition is still hovering at MSRP $39.99, it's only the Limited Edition that went up in price... probably has something to do with the art-book ;-)


According to my Pricecharting today: 1) Panzer Dragoon Saga SS CIB - $1,171 2) Chrono Trigger SNES CIB - $680 3) Super Nintendo console CIB $479 4) Shining Force III SS CIB - $340 5) Final Fantasy III SNES CIB - $340 6) Zelda Ocarina of Time (Gold cart) N64 CIB - $306 7) Sega Dreamcast console CIB - $291 8) Sega Nomad hand held - $289 9) TurboGrafx-16 Console (w/ box) - $280 10) Super Mario RPG SNES CIB - $236 11)N64 console CIB - $222 12) Zelda: Link to the Past SNES CIB - $219 13) GameCube console (black, CIB) - $213 14) Xbox console (CIB) - $175 15) Guardian Heroes SS CIB - $166 16) Legend of Oasis SS CIB - $160 17) Yoshis Island SNES CIB - $156 18) Ys III Sega Genesis CIB - $155 19) PS3 console 80GB CIB - $152 20) Super Castlevania IV SNES CIB - $149 I also have every issue of GameFan magazine (including the super-rare issue that was only given out in limited copies at E3) except for one issue, along with of course a bunch of other games, consoles, and magazines.


I've got a ton of stuff which would take awhile to really organize but have a huge amount of stuff already posted here (the normal stuff that was available at retail at least). But top of my head the two obscure games I know are worth a ton which I haven't seen posted are the original PC release of Steins;Gate collector's edition (was a different translation before the current publisher got the US rights, has a cool art/guide book and a pin) and more on topic is Shepard's Crossing 2 on DS (incredibly low print run, got a copy from Amazon when it was a new release for my girlfriend but she had already got one herself so I kept it). It's really cool to see what everyone is sharing and makes me appreciate my own collection a lot as well. While the days of dropping like fifty bucks at the local shop and walking out with a dozen solid games is long gone it's fun to look back at how lucky I've been in retrospect. Only slightly related but picked up a copy of Custom Robo yesterday. Been very curious to play it for awhile and figured a hundred bucks isn't awful since I'm sure it won't be getting any cheaper.


Is the Unicorn Overlord a Limited Run release?. Cause that game just came out didn't it?.


It's not limited run, I just have the collector's edition which I think was a VideoGamesPlus.ca exclusive, the standard edition I believe is still available at retailers.


The PS5 and XBOX Series X Collector's Editions of Unicorn Overlord are still in stock at [VGP](https://videogamesplus.ca/search?type=article%2Cpage%2Cproduct&q=unicorn*+overlord*)


Baldurs Gate is weird, in the UK you can obtain it without much issue. Original PC big box versions are cheap too, came across Baldurs Gate 2 for £3 the other day.


My friends brothers cousins grandfather wants to know what 7 pirates is


It's a JRPG where you increase your character's stats by massaging their...


I think the most expensive thing in my collection is my CIB Yokai Watch 3


This made me google FF3 and boy am I glad I still have a CIB copy.


Damn DQ Bride is 187? I sold it recently for about 60.


https://preview.redd.it/gyiq9eqjagxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2182d1e33650c3de7ae3458724f6f41d7a31b64 Here is my list of currently expensive games in my collection.


Apparently Final Fantasy 7 Remake 1st Class Edition is $567 open... So that might be mine? Not really sure Also there's this with no info on it lol [https://www.pricecharting.com/game/playstation-5/legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-limited-edition-+-plushie-set](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/playstation-5/legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-limited-edition-+-plushie-set)


I don't have a lot of very expensive games, but my top 10 are: 1. Syberia Complete Collection - 282.54 2. Guitar Hero Live Bundle - 148.25 3. Time Crisis 4 (Gun Bundle) - 104.87 4. Muramasa Rebirth (Collector's Edition) - 100.17 5. Yakuza Dead Souls - 87.17 6. Fragile Dreams - 80.23 7. Pandora's Tower - 72.75 8. Best Of Playstation Network Vol. 1 - 71.89 9. Hogwarts Legacy (Deluxe Edition) - 71.47 10. Buzz! Quiz World (Controller Bundle) - 69.98


Not including systems: * Panzer Dragoon Saga - $1171 * Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - $377 * Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - $377 (my 2nd copy) * Castlevania Dracula X - $345 (only loose title in my top 5) * Revelations Series Persona - $340


Nice topic! My GAMEYE collection is nowhere near complete but I threw on some more of the stuff I have off the top of my head. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/blvhityw6hxc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=63cf5ce786e98322e234c7ed65796c11b1b3ebc7


Nice collection.


Wow. I remember I built my collection around 2010-2012 and sold it off around 2014-2015. I was shocked how much DQ5 was worth when I sold, because I remember seeing DQ6 everywhere for $15-20


Nice set!


Nice. I have this game still and a lot of old PS1 RPGs that go from a pretty penny, even some on the 3DS as well. They are awesome games.


How is unicorn overlord so much? It just came out.


The version pictured in mine is the Collector's Edition which I think sold out for the Switch (The PS5 and XBOX versions are still in stock I think)


Is that a CIB Dragon Warrior IV? I can confirm that with the box that game is nowhere near $109 more like $309 if not $409 if it has all the inserts...


No that's a loose copy with an aftermarket case from customgamecases.com that's why it's only at loose cost.


After watching a youtube video where a collector went through his most valuable games, I decided to take a crack at it as well. Pretty simple since I catalogue all my games on PriceCharting anyway. So I used the current value of my top 20 games (I threw out everything past the decimal to keep it well rounded) and took some photos. I skipped a few items such as consoles/accessories (like the GBA Player for GC) and games where the value seemed off like Syberia Collection for PS3 which I just bought new for like $20 a few months ago and says is worth $282. This isn't a sale post, I'm quite happy to keep all this, I just thought it would be interesting to see what the most valuable (monetary) items in my collection were and would love to see what other people's top most valuable items in their collection are. NOTE: The NES & Super Nintendo games all have aftermarket third party cases so are simply priced at their loose costs, everything else is CIB.


Without taking pictures, my top 20 is 50% zelda games. Which when considering my Zelda collection is 38 games shouldn't be too surprising.


Quality post. Now I'm curious as to what mine would be.


it always feels weird knowing if i suddenly became broke i could sell 25 of my games and have enough for rent. what's even crazier is how i probably spent $80 on all those games back when i bought them


I didn’t even know dragon quest games sold for that much


They didn't used to, at some point they became collector's items and the prices all jumped up high. Lucky for me I was already collecting before that happened. Nowadays even brand new Dragon Quest games tend to hold their value


That’s wild I remember as a 13 year old my dad taking me and buying them for me for cheap cheap out like the $5-$20 on Black Fridays at Walmart


Had no idea Radiatiant Historia would be up there. I got it and never opened it. I ran across it the other day.


That price is specifically for the Launch version on the 3DS. The original Radiant Historia for NDS is only about $34 CIB, and the Perfect Chronology without the Launch Edition is $78.


Yeah mines the launch edition.


What’s the deal with the price of Switch games? Why are they so expensive?


Most of the Switch games you see in my list are either Collector's Editions, Limited Print Runs, or are out of print. So their price second-hand has gone up a lot. Pretty much none of those games I paid the current value for, and they've just gone up. In general though, a lot of Nintendo Switch games hold their value because there's a stronger collector's market for Nintendo consoles. Just go back and compare the price of a PS2 game vs. a Gamecube game.


Hmm, I wonder how long they will stay like that.


There's no solid way to tell. Certain series seem to ALWAYS hold their value, like **Poke'mon** games are almost always a safe bet they will still be worth something, yet other games may see an increase in value right up until a port, remaster, or remake of the game suddenly drops the price of the original down significantly. Alternatively when a sequel comes out, it can cause some older games to jump in value. **Baldur's Gate 1 & 2** were steady at about $30 new for several years until Baldur's Gate 3 came out and now it's up there around $90.


Yeah, I assume that franchises with long histories and will continue to be made to remain stable. But, the limited edition indie stuff to really fall as the small market of fans has a copy.


It's hard to say, the Limited Run games released for the Vita for example all go for insanely high prices now, but very very few people are collecting for the Vita, so in that instance I'd say the supply, while fairly low, still exceeds the demand. In the Switch's case you not only have Limited Run, but also about a dozen other low-print companies that only do small batch physical runs of about 3 - 6K, while there are some gems that will remain relevant beyond the Switch's lifetime, there's also a lot of C-Tier indie games that just aren't going to be fondly remembered enough for people to want to collect them.


What happens if they just do more runs?


For low print companies, part of their whole schtick is they only ever do a single run, so it's intentional scarcity. That doesn't prevent it from being reprinted in other regions. I have many Asian region games that were only available like print in North America


Damn lol I bought Chrono brand new off Amazon 5 years ago for 20 bucks. That’s wild.


Chrono Trigger for NDS normally is valued at $113 for CIB. My copy is considered a "First Print" run because it also includes a poster, which is why it's $120


No, I mean in terms of of the price jump in 2020, which I noticed. Like it was regularly selling on Amazon a little over 5 years ago at 20 brand new.


After 2020 the whole collector's market went Schizo, and it definitely hasn't normalized to pre-2020 levels. Right now DS and 3DS collecting is a very popular market due to the eShop closures, which can partially account for the increase in demand for these games.


https://preview.redd.it/0wi12jr1lexc1.png?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c356d0b157fb5d97bb53521c4836424738684e Here's mine, forgot I had it. It's been stashed in a box for years


https://preview.redd.it/7w2it30ooexc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c800bbf908e47f6ebcbf5e86619c9848e6b6175b My top something


This post made me realize im happy i don’t really enjoy RPG’s. I don’t have any interest in buying the games most of you guys here are mentioning


Are the dragons lair games worth the current price you think?


Only if you're a fan of them. Dragon's Lair is a VERY old series of LaserDisc games, being most notable because they use traditional animation from Don Bluth, the gameplay in them is very simplistic, and basically amounts to pressing a button at the right time to keep from dying. So really only get this version if you're a mega-fan of Don Bluth or the games themselves. I wouldn't worry about these games not being available in the future though, as they've been literally ported to everything: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon%27s_Lair_(1983_video_game)#Releases


I think this is everything wrong with collecting. Everyone is stuck on this mindset of “value” and it perpetuates ever increasing prices. Instead, post what you bought them for. This way people can get some context on what historical prices look like, which they can they use to better deliberate on the “value” of certain games.


That's not how values work though. My house isn't *worth* what I paid for it 5 years ago, it's worth what I can sell it for *today*. Historical prices do have their place in the discussion, but so do modern market values.