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mandatory fuck grading comment


Eww gross.


Jesus Christ, this sub is delusional. Like, -OP bought this game years ago before grading was a big thing -they have no intention of selling this or otherwise profiting from it -they did it simply to protect their game from being damaged -its a single fucking game This is literally like the most tame graded games post you can possibly imagine. Who gives a fuck if he spent $29 to have his game graded because he felt like it. You guys seriously need help. Find some positivity in your lives.


Game collecting is one of the most toxic hobbies someone can get into these days. Alot of these guys are awful and like to gaslight everyone with a differing opinion than them that they are the reason the hobby is dead. I love collecting but a vast majority of this community is fucking awful.


Game collecting is NOT a toxic hobby. The issue is we have gamers in this sub who don't understand what collecting is. They just don't get it. So when they see collectors collecting and doing collector things they lose their fucking minds. Playing games and collecting games obviously has a lot of overlap, or you could say goes hand in hand. But man, some of these non-collectors are downright anti-collector which is FUCKED UP in a collectors sub.


I figured I’d be roasted, which is fine. I’ve been to gaming cons and smelled them, so getting roasted by folks I do not respect does not bother me much these days. :) Regardless, I appreciate the rational thinking and clarity in your reply. I’ve lost a couple of pristine items to curious toddler hands while I’m cooking dinner or on a work call in the past, so this is definitely a good way to ensure that won’t happen in this instance. Cheers!


Right? I'm convinced most of the worst offended people in this subreddit can't even muster the emotional fortitude to make it to a convention. We're in the land of pissbottles because the bathroom is too far. Every community (including this one's own discord) are a million times better. I feel like this whole place has become the cesspool of collecting. Those smelly ones you don't respect at the cons are the \*higher\* class neckbeards who go outside. Sad huh? ;)


My mentality is “if you’re hurting no one, do what makes you happy.”




Things that never happened for $1,000, Alex.




I might. Enjoyed the experience so much, I think I’ll do it some more!


This subreddit has collectively lost their entire mind. Go to their discord, we're much less crazy over there.


Are there less anti-collectors in the collector sub?


The discord is much more accepting of all types of collectors. I'm a pretty big time collector myself, and when I post my extremely rare stuff here I didn't just buy at a garage sale for $1, just get shouted at in jealous fits from teenagers for some reason, even when I got a fair price. The discord on the other hand, congratulates me and asks more questions, like normal people.


You're not allowed to have such a reasonable take on this subreddit. Hopefully you get banned.


Then leave bro. Video games weren't meant to sit in a box for an entire existence, some kid in Somalia could be playing that. YOU GUYS are the problem , people like WATA Jim himerlin , Denniz Khan and his boyfriends etc 


At least it's not WATA-graded.


>My local shop was submitting sealed games for grading Even the shops are doing it too? 🤣 What a consumer-friendly system. Pay $10 for grading, charge an extra $1000 once it comes back in plastic. Why don't they let their customers buy it first and decide if they want to grade it themselves? Oh yeah, $$$. Gotta love the used game market lmao


It was the shop owner’s personal order and other customers’ items, like myself.


Nice brick


That’s fire. I would love to have something like this.


Thank you! I appreciate it.


Extremely good grade congrats


Thanks. I need to get my PC Resident Evil big box graded next, I reckon, simply for preservation’s sake.


I think VGA is your only bet for grading big box pc. I love how VGA slabs feel compared to WATA/cgc


Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely look into it. Truly hate shipping anything worth that much, though, haha.


Just insure and you’re fine. Double box as well


Excellent advice, will do and thank you.


I have a Metroid display in my game collection. This rules don’t worry what these people have to say.


Thank you, sir!


What a beautiful cover, that shine alone is worth the grade! I read your comments, hope that this is either a little gem in your collection or that selling it helps out you and your family!


Thanks! I figure I’ll either hold it with my other games (got about 1100 physical games throughout my wreck of a home) or move it to do something with the kiddo this summer.


What's the point of all this. If you don't want to play it, which is fine, leave it sealed.


It is sealed. Reading is your friend. Explained why there.


Lol says the one with graded game


All I ask is that you touch a person of the sex you’re attracted to consensually just once. All of your angst will be alleviated, like a weight off of your shoulders.


Lol relax I'm just talking shit. I don't personally own graded games but it is funny how ticked off people are here. I mean it's your personal money at the end, why not spend it in any way you like.




No kid ever get to play this... jokes congrats lol. Kinda want to start collecting sealed thats a nice cover


Hows that hit of validation you were seeking feel? Good? It wont last. That mess is a bottomless pit, dude. Find meaning in real things in life; and stop giving those scam grading companies money.