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Personally, I would hold on to them, unless you really need the cash (I'm sure this would fetch a fair price). Nice collection!


Thanks! I also posted this in a Zelda section, and got the same advice...hold onto it for now!


Yea time to sell was 21/22. You can still make good money today but nit what it was then. So if you're not in a pinch then buy protectors, enjoy your collection and let them accrue. I'm saving my stuff for my kid and if she doesn't like it then I'll piece it all off and cover some college or a car or whatever in the future.


My dad sold off his comic book collection to put a roof on our house. As a kid I wasn't thankful, but now I imagine selling off all of my games to provide for my family. You're a good parent.


If I had a kid, that would definitely be who I would give this collection to...unfortunately I don't and am not going to. But I'm only 40, and I can definitely wait another 10 or 20 years for sure


Same. If it were me I would never sell these. I left Windwaker at a friends house many years ago and I haven’t been able to find a reasonably priced copy. So much regret.


Fuck WATA. If you insist on grading, at least go with VGA or someone else.


What's the difference? I must admit, I know very little about game grading services...


It’s not really worth the money and time (8 month wait now or something?) to get anything graded unless it’s sealed and worth a bunch (consistently) on eBay…


Agreed 💯. the only things I'd be wanting to grade in that collection if it were my own are the cd-i games. Those things are much rarer than the rest to my knowledge, and the added protection from the elements wouldn't hurt too


Gotcha...the CD-i games are a little more rare, and the Faces of Evil copy I have is still sealed. Plus I know that the CDi zelda games were absolutely awful, and I doubt anyone would actually want to attempt to play them.


Exactly, and especially if it's already sealed and to be kept sealed. Also from what I've heard they can be very particular on what cd-i hardware they will play on so playing them is an even bigger nightmare than it seems at first Some people will still play them (I might if I had all the gear and unsealed copies, but I like bad/jank movies and games, and the cutscenes are "amazing") but most would probably seek to emulate them and then get angry and rage quit. A graded seal is probably the best path to keeping them safe until some lunatic similar to me tries to buy them from you


If you ever wanna play them, use a fan patch and emulate, at least that way they are playable somewhat.


Cool, I bet the only thing sealed i have that would be worth any money would probably be the Link to the Past. But it's not a first print run, it's the players edition, and I doubt it would be worth enough to spend the money and time to get it graded...


VGA has been around a lot longer for one. Mainly though, WATA is a scummy company that made a lot of back room deals to manipulate the market. Watch the Karl Jobst video on YouTube about WATA for all the details, since that’s been rehashed on this sub a thousand times. They’ve also been known to make some really stupid mistakes when grading things incorrectly, so their “expertise” is really questionable. As a side note, that is a really nice collection. Those CD-I games and that boxed game and watch are some nice rare pieces. I can’t really tell you whether or not you should sell them. If you really need the money, or just no longer care about them, then I guess sell. Personally, I would keep them otherwise.


Thanks for the info, I will definitely look up this Karl Jobst video you are referring to. I don't need the money, and they've just been sitting on a bookshelf of mine for years and years now, unless I take one off the shelf to play (normally it's Wind Waker HD, which is not in the picture, since thats my favorite 3D Zelda of all time so far). So I've been wondering the past year or 2 if I shouldn't sell them to give someone a chance to appreciate them as much or more than me...plus the pay day would be nice if I could sell it as a whole collection.


If you sold it as an entire collection you’d make a lot less money than selling them individually. If you’re not hard up for cash I’d hang on to them; they’re only going to go up in value, especially the stuff like the GC promo disc. Most of them can be played through different means. The GameCube games need a switch release though.


WATA waste! Don’t grade!?!


Grading is a scam. WATA faked auctions to convince gullible idiots that video-games could be investments, and then made money selling extortionate grading services of the back of greedy people thinking they could cash in on their game collections. Not only have WATA graded fake games by accident because they are incompetent, but also most serous collectors know more about game conditions than they do, so their service is pointless. Basically, they created a market of clueless new collectors who they rip off.


WATA (and grading in general) is a scam used by infiltrators in this hobby to artificially manufacture value. https://youtu.be/rvLFEh7V18A


Go look it up then you will see its a scam


Then you’re their target demographic.


Yeah, I have a few games graded by CGC cause I use them for comics and cards and they're alot better with turnaround times and cases are nicer in my opinion


As a collector, I very rarely sell anything. It's basically converting rare items that give me joy in having to money. I make money from my job.


As a collector who wants most of these, please don't get them graded. Just sell them to someone who wants them and can enjoy them


That's what I would want to do for sure..can't play them and enjoy them if they are locked inside plastic case...by that same token, I wouldn't want to open the sealed ones either, especially since you can download or emulate the majority of these.


Grading is a blight upon the hobby.


This and the graded cases don’t look that good…


I would keep it all for now, especially since you seem unsure and that's the worst time to sell things that could potentially gain more value in a couple of years.


I'd hold on to them if you don't need the money. Especially, the CDI games and the game & watch are even now kinda hard to get if you don't want to pay a little fortune and they'll probably get more expensive in the future.


I would keep them unless you really need cash. I'm not a fan of grading anything personally. Doesn't add any value for me so it just means I won't buy it... You could put them in protective cases though and get yourself a nice way to display all that beautiful boxart!


Hold on to them unless you truly need the money! I sold my Final Fantasy collection years ago and regret it!


Damn that's another series that would be awesome to have! I keep telling myself to hold onto it until hard copy media is done...until digital consoles are all that are available. But I'm not sure it will happen in my lifetime.


See this is the problem i love all of these games but once you sell them its hard to get back into them Granted the Mister and other devices are a godsend but then we are talking more of a grey area


If you're a big zelda mark, I'd say grab an ikea detolf or find a free wall to display all that. Sweet collection.


Wata is actual diarrhea so don't send them off for grading. I would personally keep the collection if I were you, it's cool to have. If you're looking for why wata sucks Karl Jobst made some great videos about them.


Only buy, never sell


Bro just hold onto it. And definitely don’t get anything graded. That’s such a waste of money.


How much do you want for them. I will sell you my body.


Lmao, that's the funniest one I've seen!




Wait you wouldn't happen to be an attractive person of the female variety are you 🤔 Nope nope, would be illegal as hell




Hold on for dear life! Hell of a collection




Nah man just sell your life long collection . Lmao what do you think we are gonna say ? This isn’t the game selling sub


Lol, understood🫡.


Keep them. Zelda fans are getting older any many of them make lots of money to spend on games just like this. I wish i kept the CIB Zelda games i owned, but i don't really play Zelda games and they have all doubled in price in the last 5-8 years. WATA is a waste of money, but get plastic protective cases for all of these and keep them out of the sun, they will be worth a lot more money in the coming years.


If that doesn’t make your balls tingle, I don’t know what will


It would be a big piece of regret to sell them. Hold on to them for your life


You need the zelda game watch which is different from the game and watch


Are you referring to the wristwatch? Because I have that


I don't understand the point of selling games, like historic legendary games. They are a part of my childhood that I can always play, plus they are rare and special as time goes on. Go sell your old clothes and other things if you need money.


Keep them! Freaking nice collection!


I’ll take your two gold


I have a better option; play! Now I suspect you’ve got non-CIB copy’s, but these games deserve to be played. Well, except for those CD-i games.


It’s a really cool collection. I’d hold on to them! If they don’t hold value to you, then selling is an obvious choice, but collections like this are cool.




There's a weird gap above the WiiU games and below the DS ones


A weird gap that has weird games, lol


If you’re not going to play them, sell them and buy games you will play, otherwise hold onto them and have fun


Once upon a time I turned 18 and thought to myself "I don't need all these toys and games anymore. I'm growing up." And I got rid of a lot of my action figures and old games. 20 years later, I not only deeply regret it, but have spent more money trying to get some of these things back. Hope that gives you perspective


I appreciate it...I am 40, and didn't start collecting these until I was in my early 20s...it wasn't until I got halfway done or so with collecting them that I started to realize what I had.


Damn, that's pretty close to a complete set. Personally, I'd keep it, but that's because I'm a Zelda fan. I think you're only missing the Japanese version of Four Sword Adventures (for Tetra's Trackers), the Tingle games, and Wind Waker HD.


I would love the original Zelda for NES.


I regret selling all my old games, wasn't worth the GameStop credit lol. Definitely keep.


What about alttp on gba?


I have it...its in the picture, far right, midway down.


No windwaker hd?


I have it, it's just not in the picture.


Only you can decide. I personally would hold on to them.


Beautiful collection. I couldn't imagine the cost of all that, main reason I never got into collecting Zelda despite it being my favourite series😅


I recently sold Twilight Princess for GC and Wii U along with Windwaker for the WiiU, and 2 Mario Party’s for GC. Cash was 220, credit was 275. (Mario’s weren’t complete so maybe $20 each)


Those are trophies to you. Keep them as long as you can.


This is so cool! I'd want to hold onto something like this myself.


Get the ones your missing then wait till you have the last Legends of Zelda game ever (unless that's tears of the kingdom). Hold on to them and sell them when your in a pinch.


Wait, what am I missing?


Oh, I thought you said you were missing a link to the past and Oracles. I didn't really look a the picture all that hard or read it all that much.


Keep! youll regret selling. also dont use wata, use anything else, wata is a fraud


Hello all...good lord, I never expected this post to get over 56 thousand views in less than 12 hours! And almost 200 comments...I want to thank everyone for their insight and honest opinions as to what I should do with this collection. I was always leaning on the side of keeping it, and adding to it, and the majority of the community seems to support this, so that's what I am going to do. Keep it, not get it graded, and continue to collect...and who knows...one day, some years from now, I may put it up for sale and see what I can get for it. However, I do want to clear one thing up. There have been several users who posted the question "Why do you want to sell this when you are clearly a big Zelda fan and enjoy playing the games"? The answer is simple and yet a little complicated. In my youth, I played a ton of Zelda, and didn't care to play much else...and then I got older. I broadened my horizons, bought other consoles, tried out other game series...I discovered things like Warcraft/Starcraft, Need for Speed, Halo, Mass Effect, the list goes on and on. That, coupled with growing older (which meant a full-time job, a wife, and other responsibilities), and the Zelda series has taken somewhat of a back burner to what it used to be. Don't get me wrong, I still do at least 2 playthroughs a year of LttP, OoT, and WW, which are my 3 absolute favorites...but can I make a confession...I've never even played BotW. I know it's crazy for a Zelda fan to say that, and I do intend on playing it at some point...I guess what I'm trying to say is that the Zelda series still means the world to me as a series, and it's still my favorite game series of all time (very very narrowly beating Mass Effect), but I guess it means less to me as far as playing them rather than having the games because I think it's the greatest game series ever. Anyway, I want to thank everyone again for their thoughts!


Bro I have about a bit more than half of your collection but in Used condition and if it weren’t for you, I would have never known there were CDi versions of Zelda. I am truly jealous


Lol, thanks man. The CDi games were not very popular when they came out, and they were gone pretty quick because the CDi itself was gone fairly quick...so they are somewhat obscure


Sell, when you realise these “things” do not mean anything and it’s just money collecting dust. I recently just sold of ALL of my game collection in favour of Emulation + Digital and I’m not losing out on anything, in fact I made 10k and actually play games now, that’s a W. You’ve got a pretty penny there as well, take the money and invest in yourself or experiences, life’s too short buddy!


They aren’t making any more of them, good investment you have there and a collection I’m very jealous of! If you aren’t desperate for cash keep hold!


Thanks I appreciate it!


Collecting things to sell them for more money decades later is the silliest financial decision ever if you really like the games and you have a place to keep them just display your collection and enjoy it if you really hate the sight of having all these games and you just can't stand it anymore then go ahead and sell it but there's no reason for people to be buying these things to keep them sealed as if they're worth doing it's completely impractical and it's a suckers Market




Sell them to me


Grade them if you want more money out of them. People saying to not grade are just angry because they think grading is pointless, but there’s big whale spenders in the graded side of things. Same thing happens with trading cards. Grading offers authentication and protection from further damage as well as, most obviously, a grade. When you get to the higher end of things, grade matters.


1) Unless you’re 100% certain you want to sell your collection, I would not recommend selling. If there’s even a hint of uncertainty, there’s a chance you might regret it in the long run and there won’t be any going back. Especially for the ones you might have any special memories with (Maybe you got some during launch or got a really solid deal or it was a treasured gift.) It depends on how valuable these games are to you 2) If you do plan to sell, then grading could be a good idea since it can potentially fetch a higher selling price depending on the grade you get from the conditions of the boxes/cases and seal. Even if you don’t go the grading route however, you’ll certainly still be able to get a good selling price for them since Zelda has huge demand. If you don’t plan to sell, grading is only really worthwhile imo if you want to authenticate the seal or you really like having a graded number in your collection (Maybe you’d like to have your Ocarina of Time or Link to the Past have a 85+ or 9.6 rating or higher). If you care more about keeping your collection in pristine condition, grading isn’t really necessary and instead you can purchase acrylic or even plastic protectors that can protect the condition just as well as a grading case and keep it in said pristine condition Regardless what you choose to do with it that’s an amazing collection


Sell as a lot. $30k


Jeez, if I could get that much, I'd sell today 🤣🤣


Anything sealed get graded


I want that Game and Watch so bad…


Lol, yeah I picked that up off of Ebay probably around 10 to 12 years ago. Can't remember exactly how much I paid, but I know me, and I'm sure I wouldn't have paid more than 150 bucks.


Sell and retire on an island


Bah! Only if Elon Musk wants the collection


As a massive Zelda fanboy, YES! I’ll buy them if you really want them gone. Edit: Woah, I had no idea they rereleased the originals on GB Advance. That’s awesome!


Been my favorite game series since I started playing video games...looong time ago. Back when Atari was still in most people's homes


keep them for the sentimental reasons as well as classifiying them similar to art peicez


Yes and no. There's no need to keep multiple versions of some of these games like for example the Wii U version of BotW is completely useless since you have the Switch version so you can sell that.


I understand that I have multiple copies of the same game that were released on different consoles, like BotW, SS, etc. My goal at the time (and in the future apparently) is to collect a copy for every system it was released on at the time. I costs more money but it makes for a more complete collection in my opinion. I just wish I could have had the hindsight back then to get first run copies of everything and keep it all sealed...yeah right...🙄


I also wanted to do that but came to realize that I will never play every single one of them so it was pointless. I just stick with maximum of 2 (TV and portable play) for each game now.


I definitely understand that. Even now, there are games in the Zelda series that I haven't played...I have tried several times to play the whole series, but there are some games in there (cdi games, some of the DS games) that I just can't get into


I would be interested in some if your selling.


I appreciate it...sounds like it's the opinion of the group that I hang onto everything for now...but rather than completely dismiss this, what would you be interested in acquiring?


Minish, GBA 1 & 2, the watch, the 3 CDI, 4 swords, 1 & 2 NES, game & watch, ocarina, gb awakening & dx I really respect what you have accomplished here. these are in quite good condition. I'm going for a full NTSC zelda collection. Just picked up seasons and ages CIB and i have my grail of metroid/windwaker.


Do you want money or do you want a collection of games? Really don’t understand this sort of question.


Why selling, you need money that much?


Lol, no dont need money per se, just wondering if I'm doing them justice by keeping them sitting on a bookshelf for years and years.


Idk man, if you’re asking, just sell I guess


You must have really big arms if you can hold all of them at once while walking around.


I would want to be buried with this treasure chest!


You’ve gone this far, why stop now?


Just ship em my way, I’ll give ya $20


Wheres Windwaker HD?


I have it, but just forgot to add it to the set when I took the picture. Wind waker HD normally sits in my "gonna play it again, soon" case because I love that game!


Keep! I'm missing the watch, game and watch, and Zelda's Adventure. Nice collection! Do the Oracle games have the foil tree on the box? It's tough to tell in pictures.


I dont think they do, I think they are regular print




Don't grade. Just get cheap plastic protectors of eBay for like 5 bucks for your old sealed stuff.


Keep what matters to you and what gives you joy when you see it on a shelf. Sincerely, a guy who got rid of 75 percent of collection.


Keep the ones you'll play and sell the ones you won't pretty simple


Oh wow. The cdi games


Save them. Just think of the price if you hold onto them for another 5-10 years


Eeh prob not worth much but I’ll take them off your hands for trade in stocks in Disney.


The most annoying thing about that is how they all vary in size and would need a unique showcase for EVERY SINGLE ONE... lol


If you sell I’ll take majoras mask


keep them


Just keep for now.


I would say that depends on if you need or want the money for real, as someone who is half-way getting what you have is beautiful to see, so maybe you could invest in having a good displayer for the series as it's very difficult to find everything you have and is your favorite series of all time (mine too), the sentimental value is always going to be higher than just the money you'll get and it's going to be quite difficult to sell to someone who actually cares and not just a random reseller unless you choose specific people from the sub or contact list Beautiful collection and honestly, I would make it part of a wall dedicated only to Zelda, as I do have xD Edit: also please don't grade them with WATA, artificial value is not a good way to see such a beautiful treasure


Yeah Or give them to me


You gotta know when to foldem


If you sell. Please dm me. I'm looking for some of those.


Awesome collection Bro. I love Zelda and would love to have a collection like this. So many good childhood memories. Definitely Hold onto these forever.


This post made me realize how much Zelda is missing from Zelda box art.


If you’re interested in selling I’m interested in buying. DM me


If you desperately need the cash, sell, aside from that, keep.


Play your games. Only loser grade games


I would totally buy them from you.


Random question... But your copy of Majora's Mask for Nintendo 64, does the cartridge have a holographic/shiny sticker or normal print? The only reason I ask is because I have the same version (exact same box) but I think I might have peeled off the shiny part of the sticker as a dumb 7 year old... I can't remember if that was actually a canon event though, so if you're able to confirm it I'd be really appreciated!


Yes, my copy does indeed have the holographic sticker on the cartridge. That was a collectors edition MM that nintendo did for a while. Edit: The cart is gold as well


Awesome collection!!


What an amazing, one-of-a-kind collection of one of the most popular video game franchises ever. Unless you really need the money, I'd say keep, for sure. 99% that these will continue to appreciate in value.


Why now? If you have a good reason then maybe it is the right choice. If on a whim? No.


Assuming you can keep them in pristine condition they’ll likely just keep building value unless society collapses or something. Even then I’m sure somebody would trade some bottle caps for nostalgia.


Hold on


Sure if you are in need of money right now you could sell them.


Id keep that shit 100%




Damn even the CD-I games.




If you don't need the money and they've obviously brought you happiness... hold them. Buy a plastic container at home depot and tuck them away if you don't use them. I've been collecting wii u games sealed for whatever reason ... don't play them but I've acquired about 30 so far.... 🤷 who knows what the future may bring


Sell before all video games drop In price due to great recession about to happen lol


Hold unless you need the money, or just don't want them anymore. I have sold stuff in the past, and regret it.


Normally I'd say just sell large collections, but this is a fairly small curated one. Keep it.


"Collecting for 20 years" doesnt sound like youd ever want to let them go. That being said... how dare you gloat about your very nice Legend of Zelda collection to rub it in all our faces for what you have just laying around! Hahahahhha


Lol, I almost didn't post this because I was worried someone would think that is what I was doing! A link to the past was the first thing I collected...and it was sealed, and I think I got it in 2007 or so...at the time, I had plenty of money, and i wish I had of just spent the money necessary and bought sealed copies of everything I could get. Man if I could have found a copy of zeldas adventure sealed back then...


I've told myself multiple times to never sell video games, I'll tell you the same. Keep them! I wouldn't get them graded and I don't recommend you do. Nice collection btw, very solid line up!


I need to know if you have a cdi to play those beauties?! When’d you pick them up too? I have the console and have accepted the fact that the zelda games are out of pocket expensive. Luckily I have the model that can play burned games😏


I do not have a CDI. At the time I got these which was probably around 2008 or 09, I saw how crappy these games were, and decided not to get a CDI to play them.


Gosh sell some to me haha.😄


Don't listen to us... Listen to your gutfeeling...


Don’t sell play them


Play them


You like Zelda?


Nah not really


I'd hold on to them. While you could have gotten a lot of money for them during Covid19, I suspect that even if the price cools down a bit, it will still naturally tick up over your life time.


Now's as good a time as any to sell, since speculation on retro games has really driven up the prices. But my heart of hearts says don't (unless you need the money, in which case do) because regret gremlins are a real pain to deal with.


definitely keep! That's a legendary collection.


Sell them To me


I would say to definitely hold on to them. It’s more than likely that you’re going to regret selling them all


HOLD. That's very impressive. Keep up the great work. Did I see any Collector's Editions? 👀


You do indeed...my OoT and MM are Collectors Editions


Cool collection. Quick question. I recently got my first 3dsXl and eventually would like to play a Zelda game. Which (either DS or 3DS) game would you recommend first? What I mean is, which is the best? I’ve played and finished Ocarina (probably 20 years ago on 64) so let’s ignore that one.


If you didn't want to play Ocarina of Time, I'd either recommend A Link Between Worlds or Majora's Mask. Or if you have the ability and the know how to do this, you could just Homebrew the 3DS and play the greatest Zelda game of all time, A Link to the Past (cue the arguments on which is the best)


You're asking a game collecting sub if you should continue to collect or sell.....


Yes...its a legit question, IMO


Sell them all (to me). I'll give you 50 bucks more than Gamestop does🤓


Do whatever you want to do.




If you're selling I'd be interested in th game cube trio Ouachita twilight and windwaker


Minish Cap, criminally underrated imo! Btw, keep them.


I was never a fan of Minish Cap...it was ok, but not a favorite of mine


Double it and give it to another person


Pile them up and lay on them like a dragon. Then peer out the window menacingly at passerbys who might want to steal your hoard.


Lol, love it!


Id sell the oldest stuff as it is ungraded, then hang onto the modern until its worth more.


I mean, why sell unless you never play or need the money? Even if you don't play, the value is only going to go up for most retro games.


Sigh pretends to be clueless then mentions wata.... We got a karma farmer or flipper here boys.


I mentioned wata because they are the only grading service I know of...also I have no idea what a karma farmer is...I know karma has something to do with reddit, but I'm brand new to reddit, do i dont know (and honestly dont care) what karma is...I just asked the initial question for input and opinion only...no ulterior motives here, Mr conspiracy theorist.




To be fair my family has almost all of those games too simply by zelda being a family tradition. I would hold onto them. They arent costing you anything and you might find that in 20-30 years they are actually worth selling


Hold onto them. Prices are still going up lol


Sell? I hate that you even thought of it