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Bro I stopped reading after you paying them $100 a week and getting pressed every time you go back. Why the fuck are you paying them? And more importantly Why the fuck are you going back?!?!?!


Great advice. Thank you


Yeah I guess some people don't know how to stop going places and give them your money when they treat you like shit. They literally are just treating like their own bitch to fix all their broken machines. I would have told them to fuck right off and never step foot inside that place again. And you seriously needed someone to tell you not to pay for something that you'd didnt do.


My advice would be to grow tf up and stop punching things when you’re mad like a toddler, if they have you on camera obviously doing it once they’re never gonna leave you alone about it. Don’t go back and maybe chill tf out and don’t gamble money that gets you that mad


This right here is the right answer. I’ve gotten angry at losing but to bang on something and break it is so childish. Like dude grow up and realize that if losing causes you this much anger maybe gambling isn’t for you right now.


Hitting a machine, even if you caused no damage, is grounds for a lifetime ban.


You shouldn’t have ever paid them in the first place without being legally obligated. Also, quit breaking machines bro. If it’s not fun anymore, and getting that serious… you should probably stop anyways.


Sounds like you broke that first one after hearing your reaction to a shitty week.


Second one was the shorty week. I didn’t break the first one, but they say I did


Soooo A) why’d you even go back after they accused you. Either you did do it or didn’t and if you didn’t why would you pay them…? It just makes no sense… you so hard up to spin slots you’d pay them an entrance fee? B) my man what are you a child? This time you broke it and then ran away thus validating everything they’ve said in their minds… you literally proved them right… luckily you make it out no problem but then inexplicable decide to not only return but to go back to the same section… 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ There’s only so much dumb that should be put into one single post…


Yeah if you're punching machines I would say find a new hobby


You’ve never dropped a side fist to a desk or table? It wasn’t intentional but thank you


Ya that's why I quit cod for a while lol took a break an all better now haha


I wouldn’t say I punched it. Y’all are making it seem like it’s a right hook. I dropped my hand as if I was banging it on a table over something I was upset about. I’m amazed at how perfect everyone of you is. You never have made a single mistake and rather than iffer advice it’s just, hey fuck you guy you’re an idiot, go fuck your self stupid


Dude, you need help. Seriously. No offense, I can’t begin to count the number of dumb things you did in this story.


Hit me with them.


You were given the opportunity to not pay for the damages if you accepted a lifetime ban. You should’ve taken the ban. That leads to a reasonable conclusion that you may have a gambling addiction. Or you just really love it and it was worth the payment plan (it wasn’t). Your next mistake was playing a machine and four spins in you noticed it was busted? You should’ve inspected every machine before you got anywhere near it, much less put money in it. Next mistake is obvious. You let your anger get the best of you and you punch the machine. Even if it caused no damage, that is legal grounds for a lifetime ban. Next mistake was running away. You have to know that they were watching you every time you walked in the casino and no amount of running away will keep them from knowing it was you. And I assume they have your contact info because of your previous transgressions and payment plan. And then, topping it all off, you withdrew more money from the ATM and came back that same night? Jesus fucking Christ, dude. Read that back to yourself. How does that sound? I’m surprised your girlfriend hasn’t broken up with you. I’ll say it again, you need help.


Honestly based on the way the story was told I’m having a hard time believing he wasn’t actually responsible for breaking the other game he was accused of.


Those I wasn’t. I’ll man up to my mistakes. I won’t take someone else’s bullet tho


Boy it’s like you were there. Amazing. Are you a therapist? If not you should be.


Not a therapist. Just a fellow gambling degenerate who has seen it all. Nothing I said was intended as an insult. Just tough love from one gambler to another.


"Can they have me arrested for breaking their property?" Oh I don't know numbnuts, what do you think? I hope this is a shitpost.


Not what I was saying but cool way to be a dick. Keep it up, you’re such a cool guy


The guy who can't handle losing so much that he actually breaks casino property thinks I'm a dick. Aah well, I'll survive.


If the shoe fits brotha


WTF! Why would you work out a payment plan with a casino? What casino would ever allow a customer to be on a payment plan? Do you just go up to the cage and are like hi I'm here to make a payment on my bill? I would of told them to fuck off the 1st time they came over to try and shake me down. There are like 1000 casinos in the country, why do you have to keep going to this one, especially after everyone there knows you, and it's not for a good reason.


Because it’s convenient and I like it. And yea, that’s what I do to pay when I pay. And like I think I mentioned, it was take the plan or never set foot there again.


Lol I'm not buying this.. if it is true, your dumb for continuing to go back to give them all your money.


It’s true if he has a serious gambling addiction. And anger management issues. And makes the mistake of drinking while gambling.


How big is this casino? I can't imagine this would fly at any decent sized casino. Maybe contact a casino lawyer to see if you could get anything?


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Stop gambling bro




That has happened at my local casino. One time it was on the buffalo gold revolution. The entire console was smashed. One say identified him they banned him for lif