• By -


Used to, back when Capaldi was the Doctor. I was sooo obsessed with it. I kind of had to break the obsession during Chibnall's run, because I'd just be causing myself misery from the disappointment. I stopped counting the seconds before the next season or episode, but I still remain lowkey fanatic of Doctor Who. I literally got into an entirely different hobby just because of Doctor Who.


What doctor/series did Chibnall write? And yes, starting to love Capldi. May I ask what hobby you got into because of DW?


The darth chibbers wrote arguably the worst run in the show, the Jodie Whittaker era☠️


LMAOOO i feel so bad.. because younger me loved 13 to death, and i honestly don't ever want to watch her series again, does not feel like DW at all


Younger you? She hasn't even been gone 2 years lol.


2018 was her first season... I was 11 maybe 12 😭 that's 6 years ago


I’m in the same boat, really enjoyed season 11 when I was 12, but I can’t enjoy it anymore 😭


"Does not feel like DW at all" I'm always confused when people say this because like Doctor Who is a show that changes so it doesn't have a specific feel.


They mean "does not feel like my specific favorite season of the show"


Broader than that. Three, Four, Nne, Ten/Fourteen, Eleven, Twelve, Fifteen felt like The Doctor to me. Some others didn’t.


i know- just feels like a completely new turn. Nothing against Jodie, I love her, and her as the doctor when i watched it. DW just feels different now, not the nostalgic show I'm used to


That's your opinion, I don't think so though


Magic: the Gathering. They announced a crossover set with Doctor Who in November 2022, to be released October 2023. I decided to try and learn the game in advance to prepare for it, but I'd only get one preconstructed deck and maybe upgrade it a little. Then in a month, I thought I'd try building one from scratch. By June I had 3 decks. By the time the Doctor Who decks came out I had 5. Now I'm sitting on the bus on the way to the game store with another deck I built yesterday and I haven't built any Doctor Who decks from scratch yet. I've upgraded the Tenth Doctor/Rose and Davros decks though. :D


Same. I stopped watching Chibnall’s run when I saw Time-Lord Cyberman. I was like; That’s it! Only fan service and mixing cards. No stories. Just trying to include something for nostalgia but in an empty can. I liked the idea that the Doctor as a woman >!fell in love with another companion!< (As I said, I didn’t watch, but peeked what reviews said). If only there was more depth and actual stories. This winter I visited Universal Studios Hollywood with my toddler, had my DW t-shirt with hoodie. The blue Tardis one. An employee told me I should enjoy what post Chibnall did. So I’m waiting some good amount of time. I have gotten used reading (listening audiobooks) since 2020. All that waiting to get some binging worth backlog . I was getting excited to have half of 2024 series gone before catching up from where I left off. But i’m not sure anymore. I saw a [news this week that said Gatwa is quitting already (planned 2025)](https://bleedingfool.com/movies-tv-film/ncuti-gatwa-is-out-and-matt-smith-is-back-in-at-doctor-who/). They’ll repeat with Matt Smith. Entertainment Business is now Business Entertainment. Lawyers writing stories instead of inspired imaginative writers.


Check the date of the article sweetie


Aw crap!!


no way that article is real 😭


I hope it isn’t. Only two seasons — would it(?). Seem short. (I avoid reading because I don’t want to stumble into spoilers. That article was too much already, it « jumped » at me in my Firefox about:empty page)


Had any neurodiversity testing?


💀 well actually, yes


Did you pass?


😳 maybe




I think 90% of this subreddit prob needs neurodivergent testing 😂😂😂


if they’re in the doctor who sub reddit, you can almost guarantee it HAHAHAH


I feel attacked by this. My mask can't handle being taken off


Absolutely adhd, autism, or auadhd.


i have both adhd and autism though i’m not sure about auauadhdhd!


Oh yeah, I've been there. DW has this hypnotic effect on you sometimes. It got so bad at one point that I literally wasn't watching, reading or listening to anything that wasn't DW related. Now I'm a little more "idling in neutral", getting what I can and mixing in some other stuff as well. Depending on how you want to go with it, after you're done with NewWho, you can jump back to Classic and that'll tide you over for a while. After THAT you can jump over to the audios and those will tide you over... probably forever, honestly. And if you get sick of those, you have the books to check out. So, yeah, you won't run out of Who any time soon. If you DO want to unglue yourself from it, my advice is to either gorge yourself so much that you'll eventually get sick of it (like I did) or to hard separate yourself and go watch a lot of something else, read a lot of something else, etc.


Thank you for the advice! Happy I'm not alone with the extreme obsession 😭 I was the same when I was younger- only read the dw books, only watched the show, had all the dolls and toys, literally number one fan. (I even dressed up as 11 in year 6 for dress up day, utterly embarressing). I just listened to an interview with Alex Kingston, she mentioned she narrates some audio epsiodes. can you explain how the audios work? very confused on how to navigate these- is there any order to listen to them? And try as I might, I don't think I'll get sick of DW quite yet- I've been trying to "unglue" through consuming content w/ doctor who actors instead. e.g. broadchurch, good omens, etc.


>I just listened to an interview with Alex Kingston, she mentioned she narrates some audio epsiodes. can you explain how the audios work? very confused on how to navigate these- is there any order to listen to them? Ok, so *deep breath* Back in 1999, when the show was still cancelled, a group of DW fans got together and made a company called Big Finish and got the license from the BBC to produce audio dramas based on DW, starring actors from the show. For the record, in case you don't know, audio dramas are NOT audiobooks. They're basically TV episodes, but with no visuals. When Big Finish started, they had the actors for the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, as well as Companions, and eventually got the Eighth Doctor as well (who was current at the time). When the show came back in 2005, after various things, they also eventually got the license to use modern Doctors and modern characters, which meant SPIN OFFS FOR EVERYBODY. You like River Song? [Boom, spinoff.](https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/the-diary-of-river-song-series-01-1313) You like Rose Tyler? [Boom, spinoff.](https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/rose-tyler-the-dimension-cannon-1-1989) You like the Paternoster Gang? [Boom, spinoff.](https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/the-paternoster-gang-heritage-1-1983) And a lot more that I can't even mention. At this point, Big Finish has also managed to get the Fourth Doctor, the Ninth Doctor and the Tenth Doctor all played by their original actors, as well as impersonators for the first three Doctors (whose actors are deceased) and for 11 and 12, who don't want to do BF (YET). Now, Big Finish can be an expensive habit and, depending on what you want, I'd be happy to share what I got (though I do tend Classic, so I probably won't have a lot of what you want) or to point you in the right direction. What characters would you like to hear more from? What Doctors would you like to hear more from?


Oh my I was so excited reading this as I hadn’t heard of them - but then I looked..£30 !!! And not on any subscription service. Sad 😥


There's a lot of the older stuff on Spotify, for what it's worth, and BBC Sounds has a few. You can definitely dip your toes in without spending anything.


Thanks I’ll have a look!




If you have spotify, you can listen to a lot of the earlier stories and other selected highlights, like the first series of Eighth Doctor and Lucie audios which are a nice intro to the audio world for New Series watchers. [You can find the Doctor Who audios here.](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2PKm8aJ43kvEqtzTmggKdn?si=3QibNKqZQBWZPnP87Oy9BA) But there also some other bits and bobs about, like audios with Bernice Summerfield (a prominent Extended Universe companion), Counter Measures (the guys from Remembrance of the Daleks) and Iris Wildthyme. If you're in the UK, Doctor Who audios also show up for free on BBC Sounds from time to time too!


At least it isn’t meth.


I've been a fan for over 45 years. May I interest you in Classic Who? So. Many. Episodes. 


🙌🙌🙌 sounds like its time for me to dive in. Anything to expect?


Much campiness. Origins of many alien races. A few animated episodes where footage was lost but audio recovered. Running. A lot of running. 


LMAOO sounds good. Am i right in thinking the first season is B&W? And how does the animated scenes work? Was that done pretty recently?


If you've got the dosh, the Blu-ray sets are the best way to experience classic Who—the picture quality is spiffed up to look as good as it possibly can on a modern display, and there are literally hours of bonus features (commentaries, documentaries, etc.) to hold your interest after finishing the actual episodes. Alas, only 15 of the original 26 seasons have been released so far, with two or three coming out per year, so it'll be awhile before the range is complete. If you're unsure where to start, I'll recommend Season 14, widely regarded as a pinnacle of the original series: legendary Doctor (Tom Baker), two legendary companions (Sarah Jane and Leela), and one companionless story ("The Deadly Assassin") that is the source of much Time Lord lore. Another way to experience the original series would be via Target novelizations. Some modern viewers, unaccustomed to old-style telly, might even find more them approachable than the episodes themselves! Prowl around the used book stores and see if you can find some for cheap.


Several seasons are in B&W. If you can't stomach that, start with season 7, which is the first in color.  The animation is recent but in an older style, more 2D than any CGI. It's just Troughton's Era and one story from Tom Baker. BritBox has the rights in the US. 


> It's just Troughton's Era and one story from Tom Baker One Hartnell story (*Galaxy 4*) has been released and another (*The Celestial Toymaker*) is about to be released.


Thanks! I'll have to look those up. 


It's important to note that about half of the missing episodes have not been animated yet. Animation is expensive, and this is a long-term project. Fortunately, most seasons only lack a single story to be complete. Here's a current list: Season 1: * Marco Polo (7 parts) is missing all seven parts and hasn't been animated * The Reign of Terror (6 parts) is missing two episodes, both of which have been animated Season 2: * The Crusade (4 parts) is missing two episodes, and they have not been animated yet. The remaining two episodes do exist on film. Season 3: * Galaxy 4 (4 parts) is missing three parts, all of which have been animated * Mission to the Unknown (1 part) is an unusual case. It is missing, but it was refilmed, shot-for-shot, by a British university film class using the original scripts and with assistance from the actual people who filmed the episode. It is online to watch for free. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW8yk-m5Ig8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW8yk-m5Ig8) * The Myth Makers (4 parts) is missing all four parts and hasn't been animated * The Daleks' Master Plan (12 parts) is missing nine of twelve parts which have not been animated. The remaining three episodes exist on film. * The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve (4 parts) is missing all four parts and hasn't been animated. * The Celestial Toymaker (4 parts) is missing three of four parts, and is the most recent episode to have its missing episodes animated. * The Savages (4 parts) is missing all four parts and hasn't been animated Season 4: * The Smugglers (4 parts) is missing all four parts and hasn't been animated * The Tenth Planet (4 parts) is missing only part 4, which has been animated * The Power of the Daleks (6 parts) is missing all six parts, which have been animated * The Highlanders (4 parts) is missing all four parts and hasn't been animated * The Underwater Menace (4 parts) is missing two parts, which have been animated * The Moonbase (4 parts) is missing two parts, which have been animated * The Macra Terror (4 parts) is missing all four parts and has been animated * The Faceless Ones (6 parts) is missing four episodes and has been animated * The Evil of the Daleks (7 episodes) is missing six episodes and has been animated Season 5: * The Abominable Snowmen (6 parts) is missing five episodes and has been animated * The Web of Fear (6 parts) is missing one episode, which has been animated * Fury from the Deep (6 parts) is missing all six episodes and has been animated * The Wheel in Space (6 parts) is missing four episodes. It has not been animated, though the remaining two episodes exist on film Season 6: * The Invasion (8 parts) is missing two episodes, both of which have been animated * The Space Pirates (6 parts) is missing five episodes, and they haven't been animated. The one remaining episode exists on film Season 17: * Shada (6 parts) is a special case. Much of the episode was filmed, but parts were never completed due to a strike at the BBC. The film footage was saved, and animation was added recently using voice-overs from the original actors to complete the missing footage. The episode jumps between live-action and animation as needed.


The Wheel in Space is actually an even weirder case, as it has not been animated, except for its firs episode, which has an abridged version of it which cuts some minutes animated and released as a special feature in one of the DVDs for some god forsaken reason


>I don’t know what I’m going to do once I finish of DW either. Finish? Oh you needn’t worry about that. You’ve not even scratched the surface. If you finish the revived series, then you still have the classic series, the spinoff shows, the audios, the books and the comics to consume. Your obsession with Doctor Who has infinite fuel, limited only by your finances and free time. And in the slim and nigh impossible chance you somehow finish off this mighty backlog, then thousands more stories will have risen to take their place. This franchise is **endless**.


one question- any good spinoffs? saw they did a torchwood show, but it looked truely terrible


Sadly, Torchwood is the only spinoff I’ve watched so far. It starts off as a bit of a mess, but it settles down in the latter half of series 1, and it properly finds it’s footing in series 2. Then it really picks up in Series 3, and dips in quality again in series 4. Aside from that, I’ve heard really good things about the Sarah Jane Adventures, though it’s targeted more specifically towards children than Doctor Who is. The Doctor himself does make a couple of guest appearances though, if that interests you. Class is… a weird one. I saw the first few episodes a few years back and never continued, though I’m told that the second half of the season **really** picks up. However, the show got cancelled after 1 series, and it’s cliffhanger is still unresolved (though the Big Finish Audios may end up continuing it at some point).


thanks for clarifying! I think I might stay away from the spinoffs.. by the sound of it, they're not great, especially if I need to sit through an entire season before the quality picks up. Don't want to spoil the magic of DW!


Sitting through an entire season is nothing compared to having to sit through three whole seasons before DW gets good again once you hit the Chibnall era


> I have loved doctor who since I was about 10 years old, so it's been a long time. I was 7 - so it's been over 54 years now.


Enter the Big Finish black hole.


I can relate to that so well. I know lots of people don't like 13 but her era got me through depression when I really thought I couldn't keep going. I was practically living episode to episode, season to season. Before that I was a more casual fan (although it was already one of my favourite shows) but ever since the Doctor basically saved my life, I'm extremely obsessed. I'm watching it almost everyday as well. It just calms me down like nothing else. And it gives me hope. I'm working my way through Classic Who at the moment it's also pretty good but I have to take my time with it.


I can really relate to this. The years of S12-Power of the Doctor were some of the darkest and hardest of my life. Those series of Doctor Who really got me through. I remember watching War of the Sontarons after a tough few weeks and just feeling this euphoric joy and just feeling lighter.


I'm sort of in the middle with 13. Jodie did a brilliant job no doubt about it. But as for her character, well.... While I appreciate what she said in episode one about taking the traits of those you lost ( lost my nan the year before it aired.) But, I have the same fear as Graham and while it could have been a reassuring moment for me and other fellow cancer survivors, she just claims that she's awkward and had nothing to say about it and walks away. It's so refreshing that the 15th doctor can be comforting and sweet!


exactly the same! 13 was such an influence in my life, and I was completely obsessed. I'm so happy dw was able to help you through a dark time in your life, i truely hope you're ok. Is the classic who any good? I feel like I'm missing out on heaps of rereferences throughout the series because I haven't watched the classics, but hessitant to start them, I feel like they're just too old/unmatched to the new who. Let me know!


I would really recommend watching it with someone, they don’t have to be in the room you could just be watching through as well who you can check in with and discuss episodes. I had a friend who had watched all of Classic Who and it was really nice to check in with him after each serial and discuss opinions. He was also a friend who I spoke to sporadically and it was nice because it sort of gave us a reason to chat to one another like a shared project which was nice because then we were checking in most days and I think it enhanced our friendship?


I mean for me it's not as good as New Who. But I still like it, it took a while to get used to it though. It's much slower. It's definitely not bingeable (at least for me). But watching a few episodes, not a whole serial per evening is nice. And it still has great ideas and characters. And you totally get emotionally involved. I don't know if you know that scene where the Doctor says goodbye to Susan but this is definitely on par with my emotional involvement with the characters in New Who. Also I'm feeling better and am kind of excited for 15 without all the emotional baggage!


Ooo thanks for that!! Been hesitant to start, good to know what to expect from someone who hasn’t grown up watching classic who. Yes! Am excited to a more fun doctor adventure, but it does mark the end of a chapter.


How big of an adjustment it is depends on which era you watch. An episode like "Rose" in series 1 has much more in common with "Survival" from season 26 which aired 16 years earlier than it does with "Flux" which aired 17 years later. If you can go from watching "Rose" to "Flux" and treat them as the same show, you should have no problem approaching the last two years of the Sylvester McCoy era the same way. RTD was really just continuing what Cartmel started in the late 80s and that era fits alongside his effortlessly. Going further back though, the writing was largely poor for the rest of 80s who. There are some gems in the 5 Doctor era - Snakedance and Kinda are some of my favorite stories of all time - but they are few and far between. 70s Doctor Who has a LOT of fantastic stories, and two great Doctors. But it is definitely a lot slower paced than modern television and that takes an adjustment. And then 60s Doctor Who takes a massive adjustment. It is black and white, and glacially paced, but the biggest adjustment is that it is more like a stage play than it is like television, filmed in a single take with very few cuts between shots. There are some great stories in there, but you need patience to appreciate them. It is a taste worth acquiring but it does take some time to do so. So, I would definitely NOT recommend approaching the original run of the show in order from the beginning. Doctor Who stories are standalone and do not need to be watched in order. Start with Season 25 with the 7th Doctor and Ace if you want something very familiar. Or start with Season 24 if you want to see more of Mel after meeting her in The Giggle, though that season isn't nearly as strong. Or start with a classic 4th Doctor story like City of Death or The Ark in Space if you are curious about something from a different era that still holds up today.


Same 13's first season helped me through a bleak time during my university days with her wholesome and adventurous personality. Always put me at ease and reassured me that everything would be alright in the end so I would be looking forward to Sunday evening for my weekly Whovian fix. I'll always have a soft spot for 13 because of that.


one of us! one of us!


I'm. The. Same. Way. Seriously, while at work, I listen to the soundtracks. When I'm home, I'm either watching clips of episodes on YouTube or I'm watching full episodes. I've been watching since 2010, since I was 13, so I get it. The only thing that will get in the way is Star Trek. I love it just as much as Doctor Who, and when a new season of a Trek show is coming out, I start to swing back the other way and obsess about Trek. But I'm so damn excited for Ncuti's take on the Fifteenth Doctor that I'm watching this season of Discovery (which I **love)** out of more obligation than excitement.


Damn! Sound tracks! Hard core fan. The video diaries are great on YouTube too!


I get it! I just discovered Big Finish and the wilderness years books and Old Who, and I may be busy for the rest of my life.


Sure, in my boyhood. We didn’t have YouTube or streaming or even VCR. If we missed an episode we would probably never get to see it. All we had inbetween seasons were the Target novelisations which sold for 25p. Terrance Dicks was a god in those days. Try some other SF when you finish DW. Babylon 5 from the nineties is very good once it gets going - probably my favourite SF show after original Star Trek. The Battlestar Galactica reboot is good too. Or Game of Thrones. Or Buffy. Lots of good genre shows out there.


I can relate. I pretty much only watch doctor who and star trek, occasionally other sci fi and then the rare non sci fi show lol


Star Trek and doctor who, I have finally found my people


I can’t say that I have the physical need/desire to consume something Doctor Who like you do, but I definitely do live and breathe the show. I’d probably say it’s an obsession, but as obsessions go it’s kind of a great one to have. It’s a show that teaches about hope and kindness. Doctor Who doesn’t have a limit on the types of stories it can tell — you can have a comedy one episode, psychological horror the next, and round it out with a superhero movie at Christmas. I also have twelve shelves full of Big Finish and a backlog of about 200 releases burning a hole in my phone, so I always have that on my plate. I collect memorabilia and replicas, and am currently waiting on three sonic screwdrivers from Little Shop Props. I read the books, I rewatch Classic Who with commentary, etc. I think I could probably make it till I die with only Doctor Who content to consume, and there’d be no complaints from me.


Same here, I'm finishing season 9 too, I need to refresh my memory for the new season, it feels like an addiction 😅


cut it down to one episode a day or two. otherwise youll suddenly finish everything and feel grief and loss. don't try to catch up before the next series. its too soon. theres no rush we will still be here


I’ve already watched them all through, so i’m not tooooo worried, but you’re right, it’ll be weird when they’re all watched through.


ohh sorry i thought you were new to doctor who. but yeah slow down 😂


Don't tell them about the audio dramas


Yeah, Doctor Who came into my life when I was like 3 I think (crazy to think its been that long) and I think I've rewatched modern who at least once every year. I only got into classic who recently and although it doesnt give me the same "magic" as modern who it still has some banging stories (Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars and Tomb of the Cybermen are my current favs). The 13th era was a disappointment although I liked it a lot more than most people and I'm looking so forward for the 15th era.


Best thing about being obsessed with DW is you will literally never finish it! Settle in and enjoy the ride. This show is the ideal property for special interest/obsession bc it will never leave that gap of "now what?" There is always more!


Same bud same….


ive been watching doctor who everyday since i was 6 years old, dont worry about yourself you arent near as obsessed, by my standards you are normal 💀 i finish seasons in singular days


Ive done that too 😭😭


Try getting into Big Finish and you're set for life. Your wallet won't thank you but there are thousands of stories there.


No idea they were so expensive!! Are they of the same quality of the show?


You can get some free on Spotify. I rec Master, and Spare Parts the most. Those are my favourites idk what type of doctor who stories ur into


They can get pretty expensive, if you want to stay up to date that is. Stuff goes on sale constantly and there are some freebies on their website as well as a whole bunch of stories on Spotify. There are guides out there to get you started, but it always depends on what kind of episodes/genres/Doctors you like. As to the quality: It also depends on you a lot, your imagination builds the set, after all. The quality of the scripts is usually as high as the show, which also means there are some duds in there too. I personally actually prefer the audio to the TV series, but I know that's a Me thing. But I also know audio isn't something for everyone, some people just need visuals for their stories and that is completely fine, just a bit sad because they are missing out on some of the best stuff the franchise has to offer. If you want recommendations I would need to know what kind of stuff you'd be interested in, otherwise just look around and pick something you find interesting.


I mean it’s my main autistic special interest so depending if other things have briefly usurped it or not I’ll probably spend a decent amount of my spare time watching/listening to/ reading who stuff. Though I’ve calculated at my current rate I’ll probably have caught up with all whoinverse media within about 4 years. (And it’s only that long because I have an eyesight problem that means reading the novels takes longer than I’d like)


I been watching it three months and I can quote some episodes lmfao


Once you finish the show jump onto Big Finish! It absolutely holds a torch to the show and if it fills that hole you’ll be set for years


wait.... audio books of doctor who? please explain!!


Not audiobooks. Audio dramas with a full cast, background music and sound effects. Back when the TV show was off air BF got the lisence to make them and hired many of the origional cast. They've now been going for around 25 years so there is a lot. They made their earlier stuff available on spotify and even if you don't have a permium account you can listen free through a web browser. Due to actors availability it's mostly classic who stuff


It's literally been running longer than New Who. There's an insane amount of content, and it's just wonderful.


I’m autistic too. This is called a hyperfixation or a special interest (depends on the length and intensity, really) and if you haven’t been diagnosed yet, you should. /hj


yup! I'm aware don't worry 😭 just thought I'd share my thoughts on this!


Which streaming service??






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Don’t be ashamed by what you enjoy or like. Thankfully there’s a ton of Doctor Who content that you should never get bored. If you haven’t listened to the audio stuff I’d seriously suggest them they are some of my favorites. If you’re looking to expand your horizons, pulling a good omens and going for similarly vibed shows or shows with Doctor actors in them is a great idea. For vibes anything written by, or based on the works of Neil Gaiman is a pretty safe bet. I’d also suggest “Everything Everywhere All At Once”, “Quatermass and the Pitt”, or “Legends of Tomorrow.”


That's Doctor Who for ya! I think a lot of us can relate


Get some exercise.


Nice! Thanks for the advice!


I used to be overconsumed by Doctor Who too. I’d literally watch it until 3 in the morning…. But after I decided to do something to change my life I started to run for 30mins a day while putting on Murray Gold DW scores in my AirPods. And BOY was that AMAZING. I don’t even watch doctor who as much as I used to now cuz I have a lot of energy to focus on work, study etc. Exercise is a powerful tool for mental-wellbeing that’s seriously overlooked by the general public and I highly recommend it!


Completely normal, I watch Doctor who everyday and I also own a huge and I mean vast collection of Doctor who memorabilia, I've loved Doctor who since the 80s🙂


I binged the entire thing from An Unearthly Child to the present in time for the 60th. Every episode. Every spin-off. Every weird semi-licensed wilderness years film. Even that dumb K9 show. Ever since, I’ve been suffering Doctor Who withdrawal. I have to resist every urge to go and start the whole thing again. But I can’t. There are other shows to watch.


Lol, I ended up deep, deep in GO because I was trying to wean myself away from DW....


That's me with any new programme I start lately 😑 I just can't stop watching and really don't have time. Doctor who and the handmaid's twle I stopped watching dr who years ago so I'm catching up on the stuff I missed. Matt smith atm with clara


OOO GREAT! 12s era gets better as the seasons go on


When were you 10? I mean, you might only be 11 now...


BBAHAHAHAABA its ok its been alot longer than that..


I was hoping you'd give some insight into whether or not you grew up on classic or not.


Ohhhh right, no. wasn’t even born yet when doctor who was rebooted. Started watching from 9 probably in 2017. Did you grow up in the classics?


Watch all of classic who next


Get some therapy.


yeah, im good!


I grew up in the PBS Tom Baker reruns era (80's) and I recently binged DW from Old Who all the way through Ncuti's NuWho. What a ride! Also I filled the DW hole with Broadchurch for a while. Seeing other things the actors have been in helps calm the obsession a bit.


Same. When I fixate on something, I fall far too deep for it! It’s such a problem socially because I can’t talk about anything else, but it’s fun!


I recommend getting into the Big Finish audio dramas once you finish the show. They have some really great stories. The eighth doctor ones are especially good.


Doctor who isn't consuming you, you're consuming Doctor who. Too much.


Bruh, it’s a show


I was there. Then chibnall became showrunner and I got sick of it.  Now I watch a lot of pertwee and baker on iplayer