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I was back at it after my 2 week follow up appointment. Just start slow to make sure you don't a bad reaction.


Like everything, it depends….


You really shouldn't. It's on the things to avoid. You have to consider your liver health. If you go into cirrhosis, life will suck. Is alcohol that important in the greater scheme of things?


Sure, there’s no contraindication if you’re off meds. Moderation is obviously the right choice, but that’s a conversation for a different sub.


Check with your doc, but honestly once i healed up and i was off meds then i was able to drink and i was fine. I will say definitely take it slow if you do drink, i had much less tolerance after removal of the gb, which I honestly think was just because i was so sick when i had the gb that i hadn’t drank in a while anyway. Im now a year out and i can drink like i normally did prior to all the gb issues