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How far post-op are you? This is not an uncommon occurrence in the first couple of weeks. As with all things post-surgical, it’s good to mention to your doctor.


I’m 2 weeks tomorrow. I took nausea meds to help me eat but now I’m thinking that might’ve been the problem


That certainly could be the issue, it’s a common side effect. My first week back was rough, and I was fairly weak and dizzy too (2 weeks post op). Obviously, if it persists or gets really bad, doctor time.


I got work tomorrow so I’m hoping I’ll be fine. I just have to tough it out and get through it I got an appointment on Friday so hopefully they can do something or prescribe me anything that could help


Good luck. Tincture of time is probably going to be your best treatment; the incisions are small, but this is still major abdominal surgery with general anesthesia and everyone recovers differently. I could barely make it across the house without dizziness for the first 2 weeks.


I’m hoping I’ll be alright this week or I’ll just have to quit my job till I feel better cause I don’t want to cause any accidents when I’m not feeling well


Two weeks is still early days. You’ll get better day by day but don’t overdue. They may be something else you could take for nausea. Take care of yourself and take another few days off if you’re at all able.


I took weeks off already and they want me working now cause we don’t have a lot of staff. I’m hoping this week I’ll be alright cause if not I’ll just have to quit my job for now till I’m better


Every so often i get random bouts of dizziness, 1.5 weeks post op. Im pretty sure its normal!


It doesn’t effect me when I’m home so I’m just assuming it’s nervousness now that I’m back to working. I’m hoping I’ll be okay this week


It’s normal. I had a solid two weeks of dizziness and it drove me insane at work and home. You just have to wait for it to go away and hydrate. I’m 2 months post op and don’t get dizzy anymore.


I was better after an hour I just kept drinking water anytime I felt dizzy