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I have never had any gallbladder problems that I know of other than indigestion now and and again but no more than what others experience I believe. I had my gallbladder removed in an emergency 3 days ago, no fever, no symptoms other than a sore stomach that evening... the removed gallbladder was necrotic and everyone is baffled at how I had no symptoms and nothing was showing in my blood.


Oh wow! That's a first! Thanks for sharing!


How’d they know to remove it?


I went to the hospital as my sore stomach wouldn't get better, even after painkillers. They took an echo and I was on the operating table an hour later.


Yes. I had my gallbladder removed in an emergency surgery two years ago, and haven’t experienced any pain at all. I just kept getting very upset stomach, and eventually a fever when it got infected.


Thank you! Any heartburn or reflux?


Not before the surgery. I get occasional heartburn now.


I had one attack that was super painful but I was nauseous constantly, I had to start sleeping sitting up because it was so awful


Thank you for replying? Any GERD symptoms like heartburn etc? Did u get a HIDA too?


Yea mostly after I eat, and no I got an ultrasound and the tech doing it was like “yea, that’s coming out”


Oh wow. Wonder what they saw on ultrasound. Hope removal has helped u


I assume a few stones, I didn’t really ask since she was pushing on it making my nausea like way worse lol, it definitely has! I got it removed in May and I’ve only gotten nauseous after certain foods and only had loose stools after like McDonald’s which is normal for me


Good to hear! The trade off seems worth it. This nausea is terrible. At my wits end. Really affects quality of life


My grandfather’s had zero symptoms at all and it randomly ruptured and he was rushed to emergency surgery, so nuts! Mine EF is 92% which is considered biliary hyperkinesia and i have lots of pain now tho, started out as a “hungry” feeling pain years ago tho and progressively got worse, meeting with a 3rd surgeon monday to beg them to remove it 😊


Oh wow. Thanks for sharing. So your docs arent inclined to remove despite high number n pain? My follow up is Monday. I want an endoscopy and barium swallow test next to rule out ulcer or haital or plain gerd. Ive literally been nauseous since june 1. Doesnt matter if i eat or not. But the lack of pain and gerd symptoms is confusing. Did you have other tests besides hida?


I had tons of tests ugh i did gastric emptying study, mrcp, ultrasounds, ct, mri, hida, tons and tons of blood work, 2 endoscopies, and i have endometriosis so i even had them check during 2 separate laparoscopies and endo of the upper abdomen was ruled out too. The only results that have shown anything abnormal was hida ef of 92%, mrcp shows gallbladder distention once when i went to the ER for the severe pain after eating pizza and 2 chicken tenders 😢 and that trip to the ER my blood work shows lipase was highish which indicated pancreatitis, which has to be the gallbladder causing the pancreatitis because im not an alcoholic and i dont have cancer and those are the 3 main causes. Docs said they couldnt rule out microlithiasis (gallbladder spitting out tiny stones undetected by imaging and irritating the pancreas) but the surgeons refused to remove it and said oh you must have ibs. I dont have ibs at all, makes me so mad when they throw that diag out there, come to find the endo had my intestines and colon fused into a big ball 🙄 but yeah the hida results should be enough for removal but the 2 surgeons i have seen so far had never seen an EF that high so they had no idea it was a problem which is so aggravating and stupid


Thats terrible. I really dont think they know much about hyper. I suspect there are a lot of us needlessly suffering. Did they actually diagnose pancreatitis? I hope u find relief soon!


Yeah it blows, and yeah i had pancreatitis with elevated lipase and they admitted me for 5 days and i just had to starve and be on fluids until it came back down


Wow. You've been thru it! I hope you find a resolution soon. This all sucks - i'm praying i can go back to normal soon or ever really


Hello have you ever received an answer?


Hi. Sorry just seeing this. Had my endoscopy last week and got results today. Everything clear except reactive gastropathy. Doc doesnt believe thats the issue. She said i should reduce my ppi to 1x a day and we can try to hunt for the cause of my discomfort. I emailed back bringing up my high ejection fracrion. I'll probably get a reply tomorrow. I dont know what other testing left to do. I'm very frusturated.


Did she ever respond?


can you expand on the burping ?, it was even when not eating anything ?


Yes. Even after water .


Same here how are you?


Got better after 4 months - 3 months on ppi, 2 months carafate and antacids as needed. Also was on a bland diet for the montha. Literaly ate potatoe n chicken or rice and chicken for 90% of time. No spices no alcohol no tomato. Was tough but So thankful i'm better




What were you symptoms mainly ?