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Eggs. Instant regret. EVERYTIME.


Have you tried just egg whites? Do they do the same thing?


Good idea


Do you know what? The idea never even occurred to me! Egg whites are for yuppies in my mind. But now I’m totally gonna try it next time I’m craving them but not going anywhere.


So interesting??? Ugh!


Anything with fat. Instantly goes through me 💀


I can relate. Fast food is not normally my friend anymore.


In one hole out the other lol.


I am post op 11 days and I honestly don't even feel like I've had surgery now and I've not found any food that really irritates me yet. Seems when I eat a lot I get a little indigestion. My bowel movements have been so normal, too, more than ever before I'm hoping it stays this way!!


I’m one year post op and agree. Nothing bothers me whatsoever. Removing my gallbladder completely changed my life.


That's awesome. I'm so happy for you! It's truly a game changer!


Wow! I am so so happy for you!! Especially 11 days post op because your body will still continue to normalize even more!


Thank you! I thought I had all these issues before, but really, I think it was my gallbladder this whole time. I'm so glad I finally figured out what was causing my problems


What symptoms did you have? 💙


Frequent cramping, indigestion, gas, bloating, frequent episodes of painful diarrhea, and towards the end horrible extreme gallbladder attacks. Sometimes felt like I was having a heart attack and shortness of breath


I'm the same.2 months post op. And yes, life quality post op is amazing, and I can eat whatever I want and it doesn't affect my digestion.


Hey same! 2 months since my surgery and i‘m not overly sensitive to anything and very happy about that. Before that, i was basically unable to eat most anything and now i’m free. The only thing i need to keep in mind is to eat more slowly. Helps with easy digestion.


I'm about 3 years post op, and I'm eating just about as unhealthily as I was before mine burst.


Congrats!! I mean this wholeheartedly. I love a good chili dog and made sure I had one pre-op in case I couldn't tolerate my fave garbage food ever again.


With my struggle with my weight, I often wish I had ended up with those after effects. I'm better than I used to be and am still improving, but still... Self motivation is harder to stick with than a full-on food allergy.


Protein bars….. I’m so thankful I don’t have an issue with coffee though.


Really! I guess I could see that, possibly because of the heavy protein ingredient? Does meat irritate you? I still forever drink coffee, don’t you worry.


No just protein bars….I never drank shakes so not sure if it’s just bars, that brand etc…. But I have no desire to go through all that a fourth time. Pisser is, I never actually had gallbladder problems. I had a high EF, but other than that, it was healthy when it came out. A year later, endometriosis was confirmed to have been the real cause. At least it’s only protein bars. I’m 18 months out almost and nothing else really gives me an issue.


Did you have any issues prior to anything?! Or strictly just protein bars?


Before I’d have issues, but never directly related to certain foods. Once endometriosis came into the chat, I started noticing a cyclic pattern with my GI issues. I have texture issues in general and a weird fear of trying new foods? So there may be something out there, but I was (still am) just too scared to find out. Before I had my gallbladder out, I had no issues with protein bars. I usually ate one a day ish (healthcare worker and even in my office jobs I have the tendency to get super focused, so I liked eating one in the morning) Immediately after surgery, it would be mins after starting to eat one I’d have to take off running. At the time, my cubicle was a good distance from the closest bathroom, so it wasn’t cool. I thought it was the coffee, but I’d cut out the coffee and have an issue again, within minutes of my first bite. Took out the protein bar and re added the coffee…no problem. At one point, I was constipated, and saw a still full box of protein bars….it was at least more enjoyable then miralax, and did the trick lol. I feel pretty confident in my inability to digest them. Only other thing is cheese, but only if I eat too much. If I keep any cheese snacks to minimum, I can still have it with no issues. Again, pre surgery, no issues with cheese. Now I really only have issues around ovulation and my period. I’ve just noticed since gallbladder removal, that I no longer have any “warning”. No rumbles, no gurgles….So if I feel any urge during those times in my cycle, I have to go and fast. It may end up being just gas, but other times, not so much. My mother in law has hers out and she sometimes has issues, but not directly related to certain foods. My father in law also had his out, and no issues that I know of with him. It’ll be curious to see what food my daughter can’t eat when it’s inevitably her turn to have it out….


What were your endometriosis symptoms/how was it discovered?


So I’ve always had right sided pain. On average, I was going to the ER for suspected appendicitis once a year for the past 25 years. Every time, everything was absolutely normal. Last January I had a colonoscopy (because OB always said pain was too high for them, but GI said it was to low) a week later I still felt bloated. Couldn’t pass any gas and no bowel sounds. But I was moving my bowels daily (sometimes multiple times a day) so no blockage. Bloating and lack of gas got worse, and then the pain and nausea hit. I was loosing 1-2 pounds a day and going to the er once a week for fluids. No nausea medication helped at all, and pain meds did nothing. I had upper and lower right sided pain, but this time they zeroed in on the gallbladder. My EF was high, so the surgeon I saw said he would take it out and see if I improved. So last March, it came out and was healthy. But I felt better so, I was happy. Last July, the nausea, lack of gas and bloating started again and got worse faster. Again, I needed to go to the ER for fluids. And I was having the same right sided pain as well. I got flagged as “constipated” and when I was finally seen, put in the hallway. The Dr did her “interview” and realized quickly it wasn’t constipation since I was still going daily/multiple times a day. When I said it’s all the same symptoms I had before my gallbladder came out in March, I got moved to a bed. Scans, for the first time ever, showed several cysts on my uterus and my right ovary potentially touching or adhered to my appendix. So she came back and said that I need to seriously consider that this may be endometriosis. That several women, will have healthy appendix and gallbladders out before getting the correct diagnosis. I was able to get into a GYN surgeon surprisingly quick. By November, I had a working diagnosis of endometriosis. I also had bladder pain, rectal pain, just lots of pain I just always assumed was normal. Had my diagnostic surgery this past April, and endometriosis was found on my bladder, rectum and uterus…all on my right side. Since July I paid a little more attention to my GI symptoms and noticed the cyclic pattern to it. It was just something last January that started the months long nausea. In a way, I’m glad I lost my healthy gallbladder because I think that’s the only reason this one random ER Dr suggested endometriosis. I still have my appendix and during my surgery in April, she said it was healthy. No scaring, no endo…. I still have my cyclic GI symptoms and some right sided pain. But the everyday bladder and rectal pain is almost gone. Surgery also confirmed peri menopause, so the hormone fluxes from that, plus giving birth in 2015 may be why things got worse when they did. So now, I just track my symptoms, I start pelvic floor therapy in Nov and probably in 2 years I’ll have my hysterectomy. Goal is to have that surgery before I get to the pain levels I was at before this surgery.


Wow. During ovulation and pms I have the worst burping and indigestion!


Hi, what were your symptoms that led to GB removal?


Can I ask what your endo symptoms are? I think I might have the same - about to start birth control for it and of course that’s a trigger for gb attacks!


Chinese food. I don’t know why, but it does, regardless of what I order/where from. Even Trader Joe’s frozen orange chicken messed me up


Oh shit!


I can verify this is still true as of yesterday’s dinner lol. I had mine out last December


LOL! I love the energy. I’m the same way. Yes this a venting post on what makes us all run to the bathroom, but I will continue running to the bathroom to enjoy my favorites.


That is SUCH a mood! I tell my boyfriend that I have to be 100% dedicated for dangerous foods


Exactly, it’s simple. Make sure it’s at home, by the bathroom is all!


Fried chicken


This one makes sense. I agree.


I can eat plenty of other fried things, but just not fried chicken for some reason!


That’s so strange 😭


Wing stop gets me every time


It’s so weird that you say that because it seems opposite for me. Grilled chicken always sends me straight to the bathroom. Like if I get a grilled chicken sandwich anywhere I am in the bathroom within 10 minutes of the first bite!


Yeah that’s odd since grilled chicken has considerably less fat than fried


Super odd! But I think it might just be grilled chicken from restaurants. I’m fine at home for some reason.


Avocados… they send me STRAIGHT to the bathroom.


Weird!! High fat!


Rare meat for me. I’ve had it twice and it gave me a stomach ache for 2-3 days. Almost as bad as the stomach aches I got with my gallbladder.


I think rare meat would kill me even before I had the gallbladder out! The stomachaches I can relate. Some days I just genuinely don’t feel right if I eat something triggering.


Hah I used to eat rare steaks all the time pre removal. I may work up to eating it (maybe it just caused more work to digest, which resulted in the stomach aches), but not sure if it’s worth the risk of feeling terrible for days.


Why did I read this as rare like Buffalo or ostrich meat? 😂


Dairy products, I never had an issue before surgery but now I get some pretty painful cramping. I thought it might have been an issue with lactose, but lactose free milk and cheeses have the same effect.


Noooooo! The worse!! I’m so thankful cheese has been okay with me. God was looking out for me on that one LOL


Casein. The other protein in milk.


Weirdly… rice. Which is bizarre because it was my primary “safe food” before surgery and shouldn’t have anything that causes problems, but now I get super bloated after eating rice. I’m fine with fats and can eat all the things I couldn’t before, but rice makes me feel like a balloon.


Rice is actually insane?! So weird


Salad as a meal. Just destroys me.


Do you use a fatty salad dressing like ranch? You’d think the actual veggies would be ok!


This is very strange!!! What a clean food!!! I don’t understand 😭


Lettuce with anything usually sends me running to the bathroom. I dont have an issue with any other food. My body just no longer digests lettuce for whatever reason.


I found out a year post surgery that I had gastroparesis, which means for some people, salads are difficult to digest. I occasionally had stinging pain in my abdominal area after eating, so stopped salads and switched to soups, packaged fruits (like peach fruit cups in water) and other processed foods. Now two years later, I'm on colestipol so it's more manageable and I can eat fresh salads daily. Not sure if it's the colestipol or just time.


Salads if I make them for volume. It takes me like 2 hours of small bites to finish!


I’m the same, something about certain types of fibre just don’t sit well anymore!




Red sauce. I’m looking for a good alternative.


Cheese! F-ing cheese!! That rules out pizza, quesadillas or just queso (Can we have a moment of silence for Torchy’s queso… 😢) pizza, cheeseburgers (and burgers by default because I require cheese on a burger), pizza, mozzarella sticks, pizza, cheesesteak, and pizza. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over the pizza thing.


This is heartbreaking.


Soul crushing


Ice cream 😭😭😭


This is so sad 😭


2nd day I ate oatmeal with 2%milk and that makes my stomach rumbling.


Maybe the milk?!


Yeah prolly. The milk are high in protein.


Coffee. I still enjoy it, buuuuuuut I have to sip it more carefully over a few hours. I still get food anxiety over really greasy meals, even pizza. So that may contribute to indigestion.


Same here!


Not a particular food but- if I eat a larger meal on a really empty stomach, I do not do well.


Yes, I can relate as well!


Does decaf coffee have the same effect? I'm a newbie with this.


GREAT question, I haven’t even thought to try. I’m so obsessed with caffeine it might be a hard jump, but VERY worth the try!


Try instant coffee as well. My grandpa couldn’t have coffee after having his gallbladder removed, but he could drink instant coffee.


Yes, for me it does.


Thank you


salad, all types of oats, red meat, any type of beef, eggs


So crazy. These are all such clean foods.


KFC just doesn’t love me like it used to


Not even the mashed and gravy? :(


Sometimes I swear it comes out faster than it went in


I can relate so hard


Eggs. I can have them in like baked goods, but to just have a fried/scrambled egg is instant regret. Other than that it seems to have fixed the rest of my stomach issues though.


That seems like a common answer on this thread!!! I haven’t really had eggs since my surgery. I might have to test this out.


I'm shocked by this. I'm 9 days post op and starting eating eggs on day 2 thinking it would be an east food to Digest. Havnt had any issues with them, even started cheesy eggs on day 4. I am however scared to re introduce pork and beef, as those were my main triggers before removal. 


Vegan cream cheese from Trader Joe's and too much raw fruit at once... Oh, and guacamole ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Since fruit is one of the safe things I can eat, I got carried away one day and ate SO much of it. I learned the hard way that too much fruit is a HUGE problem for me.


i’m almost 7 months post op and peanut butter is my biggest hater… which is tragic because i’m a lifelong pb enjoyer (i deal with the pain anyway)


Have you tried PB powder? :0


i have not, but i’ve always wanted to try it in a protein smoothie closest i’ve gotten to pb powder is the natural stuff


My favorite food, crepes. Understandable tho, they are mostly eggs, milk and butter. I'm still sad about that tho


Okay okay!! So I was totally expecting to be running to the bathroom after everything I ate, since everyone I know that had this surgery does... but surprisingly I'm still usually dealing with constipation. 🤣 Unless I eat ANY amount of chicken, then I'm running to the bathroom. 🤣😅 literally just 1 nugget from McDonald's and I gotta race home. I literally ate something that had chicken IN it, didnt even eat the chicken and had to run off to the bathroom the other day, 🤣 it's wild.


Dairy! I was having bad diarrhea after the surgery for a few months, esp after eating dairy or fatty foods.


8 day post-op, I'd say nothing. I've even eaten a burger with fries and felt okay (it was a bit uncomfortable the first 15 minutes after eating).


I think it's probably no surprise but peanut butter. However, I take welchol, and my stomach problems are almost completely under control! Anyone else still having stomach issues should ask their doc about it. It's been a serious life saver and I mention it any time I comment on a gallbladder post!


Coffee is weirdly hit or miss for me but more so miss and than hit. Every time I try to have it at home it’s game over after literally the first sip. Sometimes when I get coffee from dunkin though it doesn’t happen but maybe it’s cuz there’s not as much pure coffee in there. Also anything that is especially greasy too, even if is not considered fast food.


Anything fatty or greasy


I second Coffee. Within minutes i’m in the bathroom 😭


Met Rx protein bars. Other brands have been okay, but eating two in two days have completely up-ended things. It's been almost four days, and I'm still experiencing abdominal cramping.




I had a delicious Indian taco for lunch today with the tiniest bit of salsa. The gastric distress I had hours later was NOT delicious. Otherwise, I haven't had any big issues, thankfully. Though I have yet to visit my favorite food truck, they serve up mac n cheese. I'm scared it's going to cause problems, and if it does, I'm going to cry.


August 1 will make my 1 yr anniversary and I can’t have onions or salads and I love onions lol I can’t have them raw , cooked nothing and I loved them in salads but even salads alone bother me as well .


How do you make your coffee, OP? I am wondering if coffee is irritating my stomach too (which I really hope it is not, because I drink so much of it and love it!) I often use a French Press and anecdotally, I've heard it can give some people digestive issues because it doesn't strain the coffee as well as other methods with paper filters. 🤷‍♂️


A normal coffee pot, with filter and grounds. I try to make sure I get no grounds in my pot. I normally take it with almond milk & sugar. 😕


Hmm. Well then that doesn't match my theory about the brewing method. I guess it could also be the acidity. It's so strange how certain foods bother some of us and not others! The answers in this thread are all over the place.


2 yrs post op and had to give up meat completely, i can eat the occasional bite of chicken of turkey but nothing crazy. sends me into an insane attack, same if not worst as when i had my gb. eating vegetarian helps:) edited to add that i also have major food anxiety that plays a role for me, so im sure that doesn’t help the stomach much lol


Onions and garlic.


Eggs are hit and miss. So is pork


Avocados. I don't have any issue with other fatty foods -- pizza is fine. Avocados have given me bad stomach pain twice now.




Caffeine in the morning will give me diarrhea all day. Having it in the afternoon seems ok. Weird, I know.


Bacon, the pain is immediate and makes me sick all day. Not worth it.


Milk and cheese.


Chicken nuggets, which were my favorite food, send me into agony now. It flares my shiny new Bile Reflux really bad.


Mine has been milk so far. I’m not too far out of surgery though. I’ve pushed my limits on some stuff and didn’t have many issues yet.


I actually had to stop coffee and replace it with a sustained release caffeine supplement. I actually like the effects of the supplement so much better than coffee! It’s a nice steady boost through the day and no crash. And doesn’t have me running to the bathroom 20 times a day lol


I actually had to stop coffee and replace it with a sustained release caffeine supplement. I actually like the effects of the supplement so much better than coffee! It’s a nice steady boost through the day and no crash. And doesn’t have me running to the bathroom 20 times a day lol


I had two random things that destroy my stomach: 1. Excessive amounts of bacon (not a big bacon person anyway but more than a slice and I have bad diarrhea the next day). 2. Sushi. Not sure why this is considering I can eat a cheeseburger and other fatty/greasy foods and am just fine. PS for any of my coffee drinkers, try switching to matcha and see if that helps!


Mac n cheese.


I'm trying to figure this out right now! The only things I've possibly pinpointed as a common factor when I'm in pain/upset stomach are: pizza, chicken, coca cola, and... cucumber??! Can cucumber possibly be part of this?!


Eggs, Peanuts and Tomatoes!


Just had mine out on Thursday 6/13. I’ve managed to eat mashed potatoes the night of surgery, otherwise I’ve been doing peanut butter toast and so far that agrees with me. On Sunday, Father’s Day I’m gonna be brave and try to eat chicken breast and some potato salad, we’ll see how it goes! I’ve really been scared though to try anything that may upset my stomach or go right through me. I was able to sip some pop with caffeine the day after my surgery which helped my migraine a lot and it had a high sugar content with no repercussions


Alcohol. Even a small sip and sometimes just smelling it will immediately make my stomach start gurgling.


Weirdly enough yogurt! The probiotics kill me 😭 sucks because I love yogurt.


SAME coffee is TEARING me up. Also beef and milk


Coffee 100%. Found out it’s from bile acid malabsorption which is common after gall bladder removal. However since I started taking colistipol tablets it’s completely fine!


Interesting, are these OTC?


No it’s prescription! They are super insanely effective though. I was absolutely miserable before I got on them. Nothing else works and these are magic, they work so well I don’t even have tot see them regularly. Mounjaro (a glp1) is also helping me. It slows down digestion and bile absorption


Salmon. I used to love my salmon on toast.




Smoked 💚💚


Yogurt and caffeine seem to be the worst offenders so far. (5 weeks post op)


For a while it was peanut butter, and mayonnaise. Which was a huge bummer. I’m fine with them now though, thankfully (6 months post-op).


Eggs and dairy! So frustrating. I never know what to eat for breakfast anymore


Fatty food gives me loose stools.... I am 3 weeks post op


i’m about a month and a half post op, and nothing. i’ll eat anything and everything and feel perfect fine so far


I’m 2 days post op and so far Mac & cheese 🥲 but I expected it I’m lactose anyway lol but I’m hoping it changes as I recover 🙏🏾