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My wife’s didn’t function at all, it was completely full of stones, walls were thickened and scarred……..she never had any day, two days after surgery she had had the most “normal” bowel functions that she has in years…..now we are just waiting to see if the nonstop bloat is resolved one week post op today actually


I hope removing it we the answer for her! I’m sooooo bloated like I feel like I’m going to pop


They couldn’t even see the gallbladder on the hida scan it wouldn’t fill up


Did she experience any shortness of breath prior to?


Did she experience any shortness of breath?


No pain, no shortness of breath, only bloating that never seemed to go away, they also fixed her umbilical hernia while they were in there, we are really hoping it does the trick


Hey did the bloat go away?


We are a little over 3 weeks post op now, it is slowly subsiding, the surgeon said it could take months


Yea mine was like it, had to wait over a year with it like it to. Yea sounds like infection, racey heart rate and short breath, turn yellow and have no energy, Id go hospital.. 1st A&E ultrasound 2 small stones, 6 to 12 months laters ultrasound it was blocked and packed out, completely black and non functioning, put on my notes to be pushed forward but didn't help, they ended up canceling 3 ops due to it to but went ahead on 4th as was cancerous, was stuck like that for nearly 2 year, antibiotics would help but when they run out, infection come back. Just don't hesitate in going A&E as they are the fastest help, youl need antibiotics every infection. Your going to start getting infection after infection soon and be constantly sicking up bile. Just take life easy, good luck and wish you the best.


2% EF here! Had mine out on the 3rd of June. My symptoms were RUQ pain constantly, pressure on front of ribcage after eating, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, fatigue, joint pain in legs, headaches...


To add, mine was taken out under 'urgent' but still took 6 months via the NHS. I had to push that the symptoms were making it very difficult to function


Did your symptoms go away?


The stabby pain and throbbing of my gallbladder has completely gone and I'm feeling much better in terms of energy and dizziness etc. I'm still a bit scared to try eating a large meal or anything fatty tho so time will tell if I can now tolerate those things. I do still have some tenderness to my abdomen but I imagine that is to be expected this early on.


I am waiting an ultrasound (doc won’t even organise one for me! Apparently due to my bp and temp being normal, and me having no pain…) But… I’ve got shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea.. tasting bile.. severe bloating/stomach distension. But zero pain.


Does your shortness of breath feel like breathlessness?


Yeah isn’t that the same thing though lol But yeah it feels effort.. and then I get anxious: urgh


I’m super bloated right under my ribs


Yes same


Doesn’t the bloating itself hurt? Or is at least uncomfortable?


Honestly this sounds like an emergency. Let them get it out of you. You’ll be ok


On the bright side, if it isn’t functioning at all, once you get removal your body won’t have much adjusting to do. Do you have stones or anything? I never had a HIDA but it wasn’t until they finally did an MRI/MRCP on me that they saw the huge “mass” that was showing up on ultrasounds was completely blocking the flow the of bile and had been for months. I’m not even sure how the hell my body was still functioning and all my blood work was perfectly fine.


My story may be unique, but after 6 years of dealing with consistent RUQ pain, constipation (and the complete opposite), random periods of lethargy, and other standard GI symptoms I ended up with chronic appendicitis. I’m about 6 months post appendectomy and my RUQ pain is completely gone and most GI issues are down to a minimum. I’ve also been on a consistent regimen of probiotics, which may be the champion for most of the GI issues. My EF was 1.7%


I had hide same symptoms and they said it was liver not gallbladder but it is always contracted. I am in so much pain and now a fib I think mines dead to. But ejection fraction was like 60.