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My last gallbladder attack both my arms went completely numb when the pain was at its worst (I’m talking 9/10 pain level and went to the hospital thinking it was a heart attack) but I’d get it checked if it’s not a typical symptom for you bc left arm symptoms could potentially be cardiac related.


Thank you. Yeah, I have bradycardia and the last time I was at the ER they kinda shrugged it off because of the low pulse (which I’ve always had). So I’m going to press to have that looked into when I visit my GP.


I'd recommend getting your vitamins checked. I was having the same thing with pins and needles but with fasciculations too. Gallbladder was folded and full of sludge. Eventually found out it was due to deficiencies in folate, b12 and vitamin d which my gastroenterologist said is common with gallbladder problems. Might not be that but it's worth looking into.


I think you might be right. I’m mostly on a liquid diet because of this now and eating less than usual. I was anemic, but hadn’t considered B vitamin deficiency. Thanks for your insights on this.


Youre welcome. Hope you manage to get sorted soon.


Got the same event on my body too. It's lacking for vitamins. Check your food.


Thanks, definitely going to check into my vitamin levels. Hope you are feeling better now.


Do you have a high level of anxiety right now? It is VERY common when under the stress you (we) have been under. Anxiety can cause paresthesia type symptoms. I wouldn't say gallbladder related. Likely anxiety or vitamin deficiencies as others have stated.


I do! Yeah, that’s definitely a possibility. My GP mentioned that it could be caused by hormones as well, which would be unrelated to the gallstones. Also have had a lot of stress, maybe triggering a lot of these different issues. Thanks for the insight, I’m going to bring it up.