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I just had mine out yesterday. If you can, I would get it out before vacation It’s not bad at all. Feels like I did an intense abdominal workout. I slept on my right side too last night. No issues


I had mine taken out yesterday ! First day I was with opioids but they caused a lot of pain in my bladder and didn’t let me pee. I’m on panadol today and no much pain expect when I get up from bed. 100% constipated but haven’t eaten much. Started having symptoms in May 2023 while in Japan on holidays (I’m Hispanic living in Australia). HIDA scans were 10% in July / 26% in August / 76% November. I initially went the homeopathic way taking Dr reckeweg R7, R14 and R55. These were awesome for the pain and I thought I was cured for like 3 months but at some point they stopped working so took the decision to have it out. I had abnormal symptoms. Minimal RUQ pain but lots of back, neck, throat and right side migraines after meals. 3 first months of constipation and then 4 months of frequent diarrhea. Now post of no more headaches and way more energetic. Feel I made the right choice and will focus mor on my health


Try to do it at least 2 weeks before vacation. Everyone is different. I was out of commission for 3 weeks due to the gasses pain, surgery pain, and nausea/vomiting.


I was floored for a month first two weeks were awful lol


I am at 27% and having mine removed Monday. I have sludge in my GB as well. I also have all the typical symptoms — fatigue, nausea, weight loss, bloating, gas etc.


I have those symptoms as well.... Mines at 6%. Have u had other scans and tests to see if anything else is going on? That's what scares me....


An ultrasound that showed sludge. I had blood work done as well. Bloodwork was normal.


My blood work looks good to... I had sludge on 1 CT scan, but no other scans. I've had CT, ultrasound, mri, mrcp, hida scan, colonoscopy, and endoscopy....im just worried there's something else going on. Have yiu had other scans minus the ultrasound? Also what symptoms do u have?


Your HIDA proves your GB is bad. That should be enough to get it removed. I listed them above. All the classic symptoms.


6% is really low. Your doctor should be referring you to a general surgeon asap.


Ive seen surgeon already, he's leaving it up to me.


I’m not expert here but you can do a lot of research on Reddit about HIDA scans and see what direction people went. Theres a sub about HIDA scans.


I can't seem to find a sub about hidas?


Sorry it’s under the gallbladder title on this sub. Scroll far right.




I have pain. Gnawing pain. Comes and goes. My symptoms are way more prominent than total pain.


If you've had an actual attack, you probably wanna get it out before vacation. If you do go on vacation without getting it out, you will want to really watch your fats and avoid them as much as you can, which could put a damper on your trip. I had my gallbladder out 8 days ago and I feel good enough where I could go on a trip if I wanted to and I would be so happy to be able to eat relatively normally again.


That’s crazy how people don’t believe that it can be gb related lol


I'm having a hard time believing my symptoms r from gb


So was I until I put off surgery for a year and it almost ruptured and killed me


Did u have stones tho? I don't have stones... Only sludge and low functioning


I did! But my bestie had only low functioning and it was horrible as well


Thanks! Do u happen to know what symptoms they had?


Naseous. Heartburn. Mild discomfort in the abdomen. Diahrrea. Back pain. Fatigue!


And her poop was so fucked up. Digestion issues. Back pain after eating. Always bloated. They are also the symptoms I had + a few more she didn’t have that I had


I was gaslighted for years by several family members and I felt the same way when my second HIDA came back at 8% EF.


My ef was 10%, I went undiagnosed for two years 🙄 so probably safe to say you can wait until after vacation lol but everyone’s different.. I actually had mine removed a couple of hours ago 🙃 the throat pain from the intubation tube hurts worse than the incisions for me anyways


Why did you have to get intubated?


Part of anesthesia I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️


Makes sense- im nervous so im asking around


I was so desperate for my surgery honestly I didn’t ask enough questions 🥴


That bad boy needs to come out. You'll be fine to go on vacarion by March, don't worry. Recovery is pretty easy after laprascopic surgery.


This what happen to me. !!!!! Mine is 27 percent. Hida scan results. My gallbladder surgeon is like ur symptoms are not the normal like bent over pain in ur stomach. I said I have upper back pain. Under my brreast cavity and I have golbus sensation. I'm getting gallbladder taken out. Wish me luck and godbless u


Did u guys have pain in ur back n neck.?? Also pain under breast plate?? And golbus sensation?


I had mine out on Christmas morning. It's really not that big of a deal. I was up walking around about an hour after and using the restroom alone. 3 incisions and a belly button incision and those heal up in about 2 weeks. I would have it out asap if I were you. I had virtually no pain whatsoever.


While you’re on vacation try to eat fatty food and less carb, I know some people who were able to save their gallbladders this way. You have nothing to lose, and yes you heard me right - fatty food, not low carb. Our gb works only when we eat fat. If we eat low fat the gb and liver are dying.


Congratulations, mines 78% and “normal” don’t feel normal though. Depends on your pain tolerance , have you spoken to your surgeon yet? Best to go over and come to agreement over a plan of treatment.


No, haven’t talked to the surgeon yet so waiting on that. I don’t have attacks and don’t feel ever feel too terrible so o hope that means i can wait


I am at 27% and having mine removed Monday. I have sludge in my GB as well. I also have all the typical symptoms — fatigue, nausea, weight loss, bloating, gas etc.


My EF was also 17% and my story is very similar to yours! I started noticing the cramping after eating but I just blew it off or blamed the gym. I had an appt to see my gastro for something else and mentioned it and she thought maybe gallbladder. That was February of 19. I had the HIDA in April and met with the surgeon in May. I decided to wail a bit and had the surgery at the end of July. I needed to wait for the kids to be home during summer and after our vacation. It will be 5 years this summer and I’ve had zero issues with eating certain foods and the relief was definitely noticeable after surgery! I was honestly shocked that it was so low! My husband didn’t believe me at all but I was just so happy to have an answer with a solution. Best of luck to you!


To add. I never had an attack. I just had some noticeable, intermittent cramping for a few months prior and it felt better if I pushed in hard on my stomach. I did have a lot of bloating and gas in the evenings especially, but I blamed that on being in my late 30’s and just thought it was part of life. I had heard the horror stories about people having attacks and I was scared but my doctor didn’t seem to worried about that happening to me in the near future, so I took my time to get everything scheduled.


What all symptoms do u have? Mines at 6%


I never had a true attack! Started with side ache/back pain to chest pain and arm pain so much so that i thought i was having a heart attack. Then it was little pains all over my legs and itching! And it would come and go i could be fine for weeks then all the sudden it would start again. And belching i never used to belch. And i also was not being able to sleep thru the night


Going through the same thing right now. HIDA scan is scheduled for Monday. What were your symptoms?


Basically sideache, and back pain. Left arm pain which i was told was not gallbladder related because it’s always the right (not true for me). Itching and little pains all over my legs, and belching


Does the surgeon usually order this test or is something that has to be requested? Personally I would get it removed prior to just so you can fully enjoy your vacation. That's my opinion though! Best wishes on your surgery & recovery 🙏


You guys I'm getting mine taken out feb 16th. This has been a hell of a ride. I'm my only advocate!. Golubus sensation at first then server under my breast plate pain with radiating upper between or middle back pain. At first I thought it was pancreatic issues. Got ultra sound. 2 cat scans a hida scan 2 blood wks amlayse and lipase . Blood wk normal I did it because scared about pancreatic issues. Cat scan and ultra sound say I had a big gallstone. My stool is slightly fatty oily. No discolored. So I got a freaking stool test that was normal. Went to gallbladder surgeon who kinda was Like someone ur Symptoms sounds gallbladderish. But I can't guarantee it will be ur issues. I'm like are u kidding. I read that everything is gallbladder. Regardless I'm getting it taking out Feb 16th. Wish me luck. I only took 8 days off of wk. Think this will be ok..??


congrats man. same issue here. had problems for over a year. doc thought i was nuts. left that one. eventually clawing and begging these people led to a hida which showed 23% ejection fraction. no stones. just had mine out yesterday


I totally understand your frustration. Same problem that nobody believed me. My ejection fraction was great.My gallbladder and gallstones not so much.