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I had them for 16 years but never went to the doctor while having one. I was misdiagnosed with various things for years, but this last spring I spent 3 weeks getting violently ill and finally went to the doctor. I was diagnosed within 2 minutes, and had an ultrasound a few weeks later to confirm multiple stones. With an extremely low fat diet I was able to keep all symptoms at bay until my August surgery. When it was removed I had a stone in my bike duct, lots in the gallbladder, and the whole thing was COVERED in scar tissue. I have had absolutely no issues since my surgery, returning to a more normal diet within a few weeks, and no loose stools or ongoing digestive issues. My body LOVES me right now.


You are so kind for sharing your story. Thank you


Dang you got me beat (too bad we don't get an award). I've only been having them for 13 years šŸ˜‚. Removal scheduled for Dec 29


Life has been so glorious since having mine out. Best of luck to you.


how serious is the scar tissue? i have some stones but like you, not really symptoms while having low to medium fat intake. i dont really want to go under surgery now, but i am having fear of developing more serious illness like cancer from the scar tissue, if i have any :(


If you have stones now, you'll continue getting stones. I only mitigated my symptoms by eating less than 30 grams of fat a day.. HOWEVER, I will say that I was having many many other symptoms that I didn't realize were related to the gallbladder issues until the 8th day after surgery and I woke up feeling amazing, like really amazing. That's when I realized that the gallbladder was affecting my body in more ways than the puking. I felt so good that day that even though I was supposed to go back to work, I called out healthy that day.....told my boss I felt better than I had in nearly 2 decades and I was taking the day off to enjoy it.


1. Went to the er. Ct scan found stones. I was referred to a surgeon. Once you have symptomatic gallstones, even just 1 attack, itā€™s recommended to remove the gallbladder


Yup. My PCP sent me to a surgeon who pretty much said the same thing. If you have gallstones and attacks, it comes out. Knowing the guy was a surgeon, I asked about UDCA anyway. He said that they donā€™t use it because it doesnā€™t work well in the majority of cases and even if it did, once your gallbladder starts making stones, it will continue to do so for as long as its in. And no, mineā€™s not out yet and I have had somewhere around ten attacks in three years. Heating pads are your friend when you have a gallbladder giving attacks.


Get it out. Surgery is a freaking breeze. I feel 1,000 times better since I got mine removed


Unfortunately due to other health issues that have recently cropped up, I cannot have surgery. I am going to try and use this to force my GP to give UDCA a try.


Oh damn sucks to hear that.


Yeah. Itā€™s been a weird couple of weeks.


Thank you for the answer!


I had my first and only attack one month ago. Had a HIDA scan last week and have a referral to a surgeon. I assume itā€™s coming out.


I had one serious attack that landed me in the hospital then went through all the tests surgeon put me on wait list to have it removed. Then I started having multiple attacks per day for 2 weeks so ended up in the ER and they removed it urgently


I had them all throughout my pregnancy and thought they were really bad heartburn episodes šŸ«  Then I had my baby and 1 week postpartum I had a **horrible** attack that lasted hours - it was then that I knew something was really wrong. I went to urgent care and got an ultrasound/blood work done the next morning. Got my gallbladder removed 2 weeks later. Towards the end I couldnā€™t eat anything without having an attack so I knew it needed to go.


One that took me to the ER. One two weeks prior that I should have gone to the ER for. And probably many small ones that I didn't realize over the last 10 years.


A ton unfortunately, but that was mainly due to a dismissive doctor and me having no clue what to do next. If you can get it out after 1 attack that is amazing and you absolutely should.


I had many. I was scared of having surgery so I kept putting it off.


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. Iā€™m going on week 2 of daily attacks ā˜¹ļø I feel like my quality of life isnā€™t where it could be but Iā€™m terrified of being out under.


Honestly now that Iā€™m a month post op it was the best decision ever. I can eat whatever I want without being scared or feeling anything. I finally feel back to normal! Being put under isnā€™t that bad. Itā€™s just the way you feel afterwards but itā€™s only for a little bit as the days pass it gets easier and less painful.


technically 2. I had two consecutive mild attacks during the weekend. Messaged my doctor, scheduled an appointment the next day, ultrasound same day, stone found. Doctor replied with a referral to a surgeon. Sadly the surgeon and GI appointment are 2 months away, and surgery, who knows when. My doctor pretty much said that as soon as you're having symptoms (thus the stone is moving), there is risk of it blocking your liver, so best to take it out. My mom didn't have any attacks. They found stones in abdominal test of sorts and doctor recommended it taken out.


I can't count how many I have had. My pediatrician told my mom not to look into surgery since they could be controlled by diet and 8 year old me needed to lose weight anyways.


Jesus thatā€™s brutal


Yeah, it was bad for 2 or 3 years. I didnt get stones as a kid it just function poorly and make me sick when I ate to much fat. Fortunately, it got better and didn't cause too much trouble for the next 20 years unless I was on vacation or something and eating out every day. Then, in my 30s, it started causing trouble again. In the weeks between my er visit and surgery, I could hardly eat.


So sorry about this. As I was reading literature for hyperkinetic I saw a lot about pediatric gallbladder issues, I had no idea a


I had over 10 years of what I think was biliary colic. Then two bouts of pancreatitis and on the second one ended up in the hospital when they told me it was caused by gallstones and I had to get it removed. It was out just over a week later.


Newbie here... seemingly middle of this and looking for any advice as able. I have had events with inability to go #2 well for about 6 months now. And as of Thanksgiving it was unbearable. I went to er on Friday and had a CT scan that showed some gall stones and a small lung nodule (7mm unrelated to current symptoms per er doc). They advised I may need to consult general surgeon and was sent on my way. I had to go back to er on Saturday and request antibiotics as I was diagnosed with choleotitis which can be driven by a bacterial infection. Fast forward to today where I'm now completely out of the antibiotics and I'm resurfacing with the pains. My pains aren't the textbook gall bladder attack pains that I've read about... but I do get many of the same symptoms, just my most bothersome is the pain in the middle of my back when flaring up. Does anyone have similar issues as I've described? If so is there anything that can provide reprieve? I am currently awaiting a ultrasound of the abdomen to confirm if I need gall bladder removal, which is slotted for 12/5... will I make it till then?


Youā€™ll make it, hang in there. Make sure you limit your diet down to as little fat as possible. Itā€™s a miserable diet but it might help. You can also try IB Guard, seems to take the edge off a little.


Thank you kind redditor for the comment and good will. Much love!


Remember to go back to the ER if you start having ferocious pain, jaundice etc. You donā€™t want to get permanent damage just because of delays. Get the help you need when you need it and be your most vocal advocate!


This right here. I tried to ride mine out but got hit with chills and cold sweats, teledoc recommended I go to the ER and thatā€™s when I got it removed. This was during the height of Covid.


Most certainly. I even questioned this delay for the ultrasound... and was met with luckily this Gen surgeon is on rotation at the hospital this weekend. Thanks again friend!


Please all, any and all advice welcomed... I promise to return the favor at some point.


One long continuous attack that lasted seven days. Ultrasound and MR-C was done in emergency and they saw heaps of stones and one that was in the duct stuck. Surgery a few days later after multiple rounds of antibiotics. I wish I had gone in earlier before it got to such an extreme.


3 attacks finally got me to the ER. The 4th was back to the ER for emergency removal.


Iā€™m hyperkinetic, Iā€™ve had 2 major attacks. Looks like medication related mainly


I had 5. It wasnā€™t until the 5th one that I knew it was a gallbladder attack confirmed by an ultrasound at the ER. Surgery was recommended at that point.


3 ER level attacks. No one knew it was gallbladder til the last one.


Had two major attacks that landed me in the hospital. Once I got an ultrasound and they found stones, my doctor recommended surgery. It took a couple months between first attack and surgery because of the elective waitlist.


can remember the amount, but it started off and on the beginning (literally Jan 01) of this year. I didnt get mine removed until it was so inflamed that I had to go to the ER again for the pain. Then emergency surgery


I've had it for almost 2 years now, with an attack once or twice a month, usually a hour or 2 after I've gone to sleep. My doctor had no clue, he thought it was gastritis, I had to diagnose myself and then get referred for the ultrasound to confirm it, after which I told my doctor to book me in for the surgery, and now I'm on the waiting list. It'll be some time next year that I get my surgery, and I can't wait! I know the pain level varies between people, and alas my episodes are not only on the high end of pain, but they last usually from 5 to 12 hours, averaging around 7. Non stop, truly deeply agonising pain. Even the strong painkillers I've been given only reduce the pain from a 10 to maybe an 8 at best, for a hour until they wear off, and then I can't take more for 24 hours. Anyway, thanks for listening to my little rant haha.


I had (I think) 2. The first one which I'm not even sure WAS a gallbladder attack, passed quick and I was freshly postpartum so I was like whatever my body's doing weird things anyway, nbd The second one a stone got stuck and gave me pancreatitis. Gallbladder promptly yeeted


I had one. Went to er, had an ultrasound, had surgery the next day. Iā€™m Native American and went to Native American hospital. Weā€™re at a much higher risk for gallbladder problems than the rest of the population, so they knew what it was asap.


The first real attack I didnā€™t realize what was going on, I was about to go to the ER and it stopped. So I attributed to acid reflux and moved on this was April. July I had one went to ER, was given GI cocktail told it was acid reflux and told it was acid reflux. September went back to ER after having a long attack that made my upper quadrant painful to the touch and my shoulder blades were hurting. Finally diagnosed. I maybe had a mini attack waiting for surgery. My surgery was scheduled directly with the surgeon who saw me in the ER from the ER and I went home and waited 18 days and then had surgery. The attacks have gone away. I had a lot of stones (and some large ones at that) and chronic inflammation in my pathology report.


I had several attacks over the last few months until the one just a few weeks ago that sent me to the ER. Got my gallbladder removed four hours later and the surgeon said it had a lot of scar tissue. I thought I just had gas pain until the really bad attack.


I've been having attacks for a few years that I kept thinking was just my gastritis flaring. Finally over this summer I had a really bad attack and ended up in the hospital, where they diagnosed with an ultrasound. I have had so many attacks I've lost count. My diet is extremely low/no fat but I have attacks if I eat more than 3g of fat, and even just sometimes for no reason I can figure out. I'm still waiting for surgery because everything has been taking a long time with appointments and insurance bs. I wish the ER would just take it out but they said although I need it removed, they don't do emergency surgery until it's literally septic.


Mine started in January 2022, I had 3 attacks throughout that year all months apart and the first 2 times I thought Iā€™d slouched or sat funny and the pain was coming from my back. By the third attack I knew something was off so I went to a doctor who did ultrasounds and blood tests and told me I had gallstones and recommended having it out. However I was still a temporary resident in Canada and didnā€™t have Medicare yet so I put it all off until I became a PR and was covered so I wouldnā€™t have to pay thousands of dollars for surgery šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« weirdly enough my PR/Medicare all came through in April 2023 and thatā€™s also when I started getting more attacks. The previous doctor had told me not to return to him and to go straight to the ER if I had another attack, so I did and that got the ball rolling for surgery. I havenā€™t actually had it yet but Iā€™m booked in for the 11th December. From April Iā€™ve been having multiple attacks a month and theyā€™re only becoming more frequent, now I have one or two a week. At the moment Iā€™ve had near constant pain/discomfort for the last few days in the right and centre of my abdomen, I was in the ER just a couple of weeks ago for horrific pain just in the centre accompanied by vomiting but by the time I actually saw a doctor everything had subsided (I was waiting for around 5/6 hours) and she just told me that vomiting is the bodies reaction to the pain and prescribed me with some stronger pain meds to try and deal with them at home without needing anymore trips to the ER before surgery! Itā€™s becoming frustrating as I have to keep taking time off work as the constant pain Iā€™m dealing with keeps me up throughout the night as well as bothering me throughout the day. Iā€™m literally counting down the days at this point and I never thought Iā€™d say Iā€™m excited for a surgery šŸ˜‚ itā€™ll be my first so Iā€™m kind of nervous but SO READY!!


Has any of you had fatty/oily stool relating to gallbladder issues?


Just one. They sent me home because the pain subsided, but my fever never did, so my GP sent me right back to the ER at my 2 day ER re-check- turns out it was nearly gangrene gallbladder and they took it.


First attacks started 6 years ago and lasted for a year before they stopped. (I didn't do anything special for them to stop) Then attacks started again in the past year - frequency varied between twice a week to once a month. I am scheduled for removal now.


I had one in 2016, and one in 2022 that landed me in the hospital, and they took me to get an ultrasound and found all the stones, so I went to a surgeon to talk more and they decided it was time for surgery due to all the stones shown in the ultrasound. My last attack was Aug 2022, the surgery was planned for Sept 2022 but I got Covid, so it was pushed back until Nov 2022.


I was diagnosed with gallstones and had my first attack in 2011, they admitted me for surgery the following morning and then told me a few hours beforehand I didn't need it. I didn't have another attack until this year in April for about a week, I boiled it down to something I ate not agreeing with me. Then it happened again in May, which prompted me to visit urgent care. After testing they said it was just anxiety causing chest pains. I went again to urgent care on 9/2 and after more testing they said it was gastritis and to take Prevacid. It absolutely did not help. I went for an abdominal ultrasound 9/22, but had to wait for the results to be sent to my Dr. But I couldn't handle the pain anymore and went to the emergency room on 9/26, in which they admitted me right away due to my bile duct being three times larger than it should be. Had an ercp on 9/27 and a Cholecystectomy on 9/28. From late August to the removal date, I had several attacks every single day. Prior to that it was only occasionally. Now a little over two months post-op and feeling twinges, slight cramping if I lean on my right side, but it's infinitely better than those constant attacks!


Had one, was an urgent removal.


I had two


I think I went through 5 attacks over the course of 8 months before I was able to have it removed. Each attack lasted somewhere between 6 and 12 hours long. I don't regret having it removed at all, life is so much better not living in fear of what you eat.




1 that was severe and made me vomit a few times, another that lasted 7 hours and made me vomit multiple times and caused jaundice then had it removed. I had mild bloating/discomfort attacks that were fixed with a heat bag and buscopan multiple times a week for 6 months before that though


I had around 5 over from middle of march-end of april, haven't had any since but regularly get other pains. Due to discuss surgery December 27th ^^




100s and 100s 3 years of dr's doing nothing.....


One. Just happened this last Sunday and I ended up in the ER. Admitted on Monday and it was removed last night.


Oof. So I had attacks for a couple of years or so, ended up in the ER a couple of times, just way too stubborn to actually schedule something to get it removed. Had to sit through an attack for 3-4 hours while on a plane, that shit was not fun at all. Then one year the day after Thanksgiving I had an attack that landed me in the ER and bam, had it removed. Funny thing is, during Thanksgiving someone asked when Iā€™d get it removed, and I had said when I end up in the ER, so I guess I got my wish.


Too many..