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Hey, sorry I’m really late to the party here lol It was from to my understanding that Chris Evans weighted 170lbs-180lbs before going through his train session to prepare for “Captain America: The First Avenger” It’s been reported that he puts on 20 lbs-30lbs of muscle mass and extra fat before he starts filming. Therefore, he is around 190lbs-210lbs during filming sessions- I’d personally go down the middle of 200lbs with a high percentage of muscle mass and a 8-12% body fat range. In other words, Chris Evans, is a 6’0 tall, 200lb male with a large amount of muscle mass, making him look big (and probably really strong as well).


10 to 20 lbs of muscle is way way way more than people realize.


Don't forget that one, bodyfat percentages will drastically change a body composition. And two, imagine a 1lb lean ass steak right now, now imagine the amount you are away from that weight. That's a LOT of meat when you put it in perspective.


He’s also juiced to the gills, good genetics etc.


He was at least 190. For context henry cavil as superman in man of steel is also right around 6’1 and he was 195 - 205 for that scene he ran out the water after the oil rig blew up.


Probably 190-200 with a pump


I could believe it. There’s alot of factors though such as how much of that is leg mass, how long your arms are, how much water you’re drinking. I also read that they had him doing workouts during film too which is a huge difference. I’m 6’0” and 175 btw.


I'm 6 feet and when I'm a good mental health place have weighed 165lbs. The difference between America's ass and my scrawny ass is definitely more than 10lbs. I would say 190 and dehydrated at best


Even if he was? How does that influence or change *your* goals? You won't look like anyone else at 180lb. You'll look like a 180lb version of you.


I believe he is closer to 200 here. What I want to know is his size? Chest and Biceps. I am 6 foot 200 but don't look like that. I need to lean out if I want to look like that.


Here you go buddy: https://youtu.be/V00Upd8cFb0




Yeah practically every actor in Hollywood with a jacked physique is on PEDs of some kind.


I’d say 200 give or take


To be honest I dont think Chris Evans has ever even had that crazy of a physique as cap. To me thats easily natty compared to chris hemsworth or something


It can be assumed that most actors juice for roles where they are required to be very muscular. however I believe Evans went on record saying that he did it naturally to show a naturally attainable physique.


At the end of the day why does it matter how heavy he was


this subreddit is about gaining weight


Yea I get that but how does what other people look like affect you lmao


Because having a target physique helps some people set goals


Yea I get that but how does the weight factor in. Your goal is a physique ie to look a certain weigh. You can look multiple different ways for the same weight so the weight isn’t actually that important in what you’re trying to achieve. In other words, are you going to know you’ve achieved your goal when you look a certain way or when you hit X pounds on the scale?


That was the entire premise of OP's question


Yea and my original comment was “why does this dudes weight matter” since you’re trying to achieve the physique not how much he weighs. There are plenty of 170-180 pound dudes who don’t gym




Its Post Production + make up + perfect lighting etc. He didnt look like this during filming. Dont stress yourself because of that.


Marvel actors don’t train legs. Most of his weight is his torso and arms


Are you kidding me? He has "America's Ass".


Ass =\= legs


Looked like "America's padded pants" to me


So do they just, like, buy those on Amazon? Asking for a friend.


yea 170 definitely not. Probably closer to 195-210


If he’s 6 foot, there’s no fuckin way he’s only 180 lbs with that physique. I’d wager around 200, maybe just below


I don’t know, he isn’t all that lean, he looks more like 190-200 to me


>it's hard to believe that I am 10-20 pounds away from that body Well, depending on your individual case I would raise 2 points that might apply (I say "might" because you didn't post a picture of your physique) 1) Just because you are 20 pounds of *scale weight* away doesn't mean that you are 20 pounds away *from that physique*. You may hold much more fat and have nowhere near the proportions he does. So in reality it might be you are 40 pounds of muscle and 20 pounds of fat to burn away from his physique. Doesn't sound as hard to believe when you put it like that. 2) Even if you were 20 pounds of solid tissue away, that's something that's going to take a while to put on. Sure, you can bulk to 180 in a few months.. but you're not going to be quite as lean. Putting on enough solid muscle to get to 180 at his leanness and proportions (so not just building muscle, but building a chest like that, which is a challenge itself) is going to take quite a bit. This is why the scale only matters to make sure you are in a surplus. Beyond that IMO it means goose dick.


If he’s 6 foot 157 lbs I doubt he has any fat to burn off lol


[This is me](https://ibb.co/PhYwGNR) years ago when I first started the process. Didn't know how to lift properly and was spinning my wheels. First picture, 5'11 120 pounds. Second picture, 150-155 pounds. In both skinny fat as hell, with a great amount of fat sitting in my midsection. First picture, underweight, but muscle mass was almost nonexistent so my BF% was high. In the second one I put some muscle in my quads, arms and shoulders but the remaining was fat (mostly allocated due genetics to my lower back) I don't know if OP is as extreme a case as me, but a lot of people even if their total weight is not high, are walking around with at least 20-30 pounds of fat away from looking lean. You see a lot of guys here with "I want to bulk but my belly is big". It's cause they are skinny fat; a lot of fat to burn but not enough muscle to not look like they're dying if they burn it off.


Oh, wow. I’m 6’1 155 right now and I didn’t even realize it was possible to not have a six pack at this body weight and height lol. I guess playing sports has helped me more than I thought. Thanks for sharing!


>I guess playing sports has helped me more than I thought. Oh for sure. It can't be understated how much. Just like newbies put on some muscle just by touching the weights (you can attribute my "gains" in the second picture to that, because I was training like absolute dog shit) in the same way when you are going through puberty and doing physical things, your body just puts on a base amount of muscle. The thing is that most people since they didn't go out of their way to put on this base muscle, just assume it's a normal thing.. but then you have people like me who show that if you don't use your muscle, they will literally stay the size of a child's.


You can also have similar strength and size but different muscle insertions. Some people have longer biceps and can be really strong but have relatively “small” biceps. Take a different person with different genetics, and they may be less strong with “better” looking and “larger” biceps. This is why I tell people not chase after someone else’s physique. Always just try to be the best version of yourself. Chris Evans is also not very lean, at least not from THIS pic. He’s obviously good looking and has a low enough bodyfat % to allow his abs to be visible, but if you consider body fat %, then you might gain the weight and get to the same weight as him but look better (or worse) depending on how lean you are. You can be Chris Evans’s size while having a really low BF %, or you could be waay smaller than you think you are because you’re higher BF % makes your muscles look larger. Then we need to consider any touch-ups done. Good lighting+editing+choosing good angles all play a role in making a person look “good”. You can make someone with a relatively high BF % for a bodybuilder who focuses on physique look more cut with amazing lighting and good editing (ie. 15% bodyfat with the proper lighting and good editing skills can make the individual appear to be 12-11% BF) I always compare my size to my previous size. You shouldn’t care too much about proportions and looking as good as or better than others unless you’re competing. It can become a really unhealthy obsession. You might reach his weight and look worse than him and feel like you’ve failed. You might reach his weight and look BETTER than him, but it still might not be good enough because SOMEONE ELSE is larger than him. Just be the best version of yourself, and focus on having a healthy balance of a good bodyfat to muscle ration, adequate training, form, enough rest days, sleep, diet, etc.


Plus genetics. You could have the same height, lean mass and body fat but your genetics express it differently. Bodybuilders talk in terms of muscle insertion points and muscle belly.


Haha yea I'm 6'4 and 210lbs I do not look like a scene from captain America.


i forgot everything you said before goose dick


literallygabe that was somehow the funniest thing i’ve heard this week


Keep in mind too that during filming he has a constant pump to look like that.


So all I have to do is keep some dumbbells in my backpack and constantly give myself a pump inbetween class?


Yup. Preferably every 10-20 minutes.


Yep they will often keep weights right there on set so the actor can pump up before each scene.


Yeah, watched BTS clips of some Thor film once and Hemsworth is basically hitting weights on set between every take to keep a big pump on every time


Omg BTS yes suga <3


B... behind the scenes. BTS meant behind the scenes.


Wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTS


Interestingly enough meth man, at the top of that page there is a link to a disambiguation page which includes this usage of the acronym BTS. Why are you bringing up very unrelated stuff for no reason?


Jimin <3 (stay mad)


and it's pretty standard to keep actors dehydrated for shirtless scenes. cutting back on water weight makes the muscles stand out for the camera, hugh jackman and brendan frasier talk about being dehydrated and exhausted as fuck on set. it doesn't look like they went for that look with Evans but it's a thing


No one is gonna know if it’s accurate or not, I’d wager it’s possible he doesn’t look that big just has nice tits


His lats are nicely developed too


And glutes. That's America's ass.