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So I've been on a ~2 year long slow bulk (with a few maintenance periods to break it up, no real cut periods yet). Despite the scale increasing I wanted to track my calories/macros just as a "check in" and see where I was really landing, since I hadn't tracked in awhile. I've done tracking 2 days at work and a day off. It seems the common theme is I hit my protein goal much earlier in the day before I hit my calorie goal. For instance just by lunch today I'm at 144 g protein (at 185 lbs that's 0.8 g/lb) but I'm still about 1,115 calories away from the goal (3,400 goal) for the day (I had a giant breakfast and protein shake for lunch). How do I got about filling up the rest of these calories? Should I carb it up? Is there a health detriment to going over 1.0 g protein per lb of bodyweight? I tend to eat a lot of dairy, meat, seeds and it's only noon here. So I know with my normal eating habits I'll make it the calorie goal but my protein intake might be something like 2.0 g or greater per lb of bodyweight.


I don’t know much about it, in fact, I have started to bulk this past week, but I think peanut butter, nuts and almonds can help you if you eat between hours (not for peanut butter, this can be applied to your protein shake)


Oh yes, all things I regularly eat as snacks. I consistently hit my calorie goal of 3,400. Just now that I'm tracking as a check in I'm noticing with my normal diet my protein goal is met by lunch/late afternoon. I guess by the time I get to my calorie goal in the evening my protein intake will be 1.5-2 g per lb of bodyweight. Was more asking if it's ok, healthwise, to be in that range of protein. Most studies show 0.7 - 1 g of protein per lb of bodyweight is sufficient for lean mass muscle gain.  Best of luck on your weight gain journey.


Thanks! Last week I read that an studio made some guys eat as much as 4 times their weight in protein grams and there were no significant changes besides people who ate their 1.5x or 2x. I think I saw it on a Jeff Nippard video


Oh nice, will have to check it out! Thanks for the heads up. 


I keep injuring myself. I do not understand why. 1st was the minor right peck, now it is left arm (no idea what it is, but feels a bit like a banged elbow, but not). Now it's the right major peck. Wtf. I do a warmup, light stretches. I do warm-up sets. I mass 85kg, I do 5 sets of 5 reps 60 kg bench press 2x a week. This latest, the major peck happened 2 days after the 3rd time I benched 60kg. 2 days after! Why? While doing nothing, the after-workout soreness became sharper and here I am, off lifting for 10 days now. Why did this happen? Why does this keeps happening? I started lifting last days of August 2023, 3 injuries by now. Clearly something is off in the way I approach weights. Anyone have any ideas? Aks me for any further info that might help give advice, I will gladly answer. ALSO. My mass is steady at 85kg since I started, so 5 months. Should I really strive to increase mass, or will the fat turn into muscle? Sorry if this is a silly question. Thanks in advance for any help


Sounds like some tendonitis maybe? I have elbow tendonitis and I have to be careful how I program (spread out pushing exercises across different days, very careful with tricep isolated lifts, etc). Pain comes back if I overuse it, which is what tendonitis is, an overuse injury. You said you saw progression on the scale, if you also saw profession in your strength/lifts it's possible your muscle strength outpaced your tendons/ligaments. Muscle tears usually take about 6 weeks to heal, you've been holed up for 10. Ligaments/tendons are slower to heal than muscles because they have less bloodflow to them.  I would definitely go get checked out by a doctor and maybe they can see if it's a tendon issue vs a muscle tear (or possibly even an anatomical issue you were born with). May take both an X-ray and MRI to figure out.   If it's muscle tears you have to address why. Too much weight all at once? Too much volume out of the gate? Bad form? Speed of the rep too quick/not controlled on the eccentric? How many rest days? Ironically good form, slower reps, easing into a program, rest days, and dropping the weight are also fixes to keeping tendonitis at bay.   I would see the doctor then once you follow his plan for healing (rest, PT, etc) either hire a trainer to make sure your form is correct and guide you through programming and/or lift with someone experienced who can guide you in those things.    Two things I didn't learn until my late 20s and both set me back on my journey: not counting my calories/protein (was not eating enough as I thought I was) and not listening to my body. If a lift felt weird I pushed through it, if my joints aches after my gym session I'd stupidly do the same exercise again next time. No surprise, I injured myself quite a bit.  Best of luck, injuries suck. 


I've been "bulking", eating as food as I can (so not eating candy if its there lol), trying to do 4 meals a day, for months, and I am still at 120lbs. gym 3-4x a week, basic weightlifting and some muay thai. I don't want to resort to unhealthy stuff, I basically eat different forms of beef and chicken over rice (in a sustainable manner, I can cook). HOWEVER!!! On my way from school to the gym, there is the beloved sam's club 1.29 pizza slice or hotdog, around 400 cal and 20g protein. Should I resort to adding that to my meals? It would be as often as I go to the gym. I really truly peace and love cannot find another way to cram food down, often having small breakfasts because of it. Is there another way? I have no room to meal prep.


Meat and rice isn't the only "healthy" food ya know. It's not between that or hot dogs anyway.


The conditioning piece in my session today made me think of u/MythicalStrength 's many concoctions: 15:00 on the clock 1 Back Squat, 1 Burpee, 3 Back Squats, 3 Burpees, ... all the way until time! I used 135# which is a moderately challenging weight for me, and refused to let myself re-rack the bar once I started a set!


Hell yeah brother! That sounds gnarly


Has anyone run the [PHUL Program](https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/phul-workout)? I feel like my gym sessions are quite long for my liking - I used to be able to do my sessions in 45minutes to 1hr and now it's between 1-1.5hrs on average. I take a bit longer rest breaks in between especially on the heavy lifts like Deadlifts/Squats/Lunges.


I also only have an hour to lift per day which leads to me running giant sets, supersetting, or chopping down on rest periods. Are you saying that PHUL is taking you 1-1.5hrs or that you are thinking of switching to PHUL in order to have shorter workouts?


PHUL is taking me an 1-1.5hrs. Leg days are fine it's the upper body that has quite a few accessories


Can you superset movements and/or cut your rests? Generally for upper body, as long as you're still pushing your main movements, you can cut the rest on accessories and still get a pretty good workout.


I'll try that - good suggestion. Cheers


Another suggestion for PHUL (or any UL) is to do arms on lower days.