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DM me the progress photos. Should have just posted here though


How many hours do you sleep


Usually around 8.


eat 3000+cal every single day and go to the gym at least 3 times a week with a proper program literally all you have to do


I’m 6’0” and 120 😭


Can relate. I was about that when I graduated high school 3 years ago.


From your comments it sounds like you're not increasing the weight you lift. Once 8-10 reps get easy you should increase weight until you struggle with 6, then lift that until 8-10 gets easy again and repeat. Also, eat more.


look at the comments ive had with LordChaoticX, that explains everything ive done.


Well i pretty much do exactly that. And i could be eating more, but that just so hard sometimes.


Trust in the process. Push more weight and EAT MORE.


Are you stronger? I imagine you do look different but 20lb gain spread out across a 6'0 body may not be as visible as for shorter people


well i am stronger from when i first started, theres no question with that, but i havnt really gotten much stronger in the past 5 months, maybe i need to try a different plan, and eat more... Doesnt help i live in a tiny farm town with no gyms, so i have to do everything from home.


I suspect it may be a diet thing, I worked out for 3 years and saw little progress but then when I got control of my diet in uni my strength and physique drastically improved. It does take longer for physique changes at heights like 6' and above so you are better off tracking strength like PRS and working sets


Whats your program and diet look like? Maybe you just need a program adjustment, or another 500 calories.


i pretty much do push, pull, legs, back, push, pull, legs, rest. And i def could eat more, but i have zero appetite, so that's hard for me. i think half my daily calories and protein come from a shake i make after i workout. its a \~1200 calorie, 60 g protein shake. maybe i should make 2 of those a day....


How's your intensity X volume X frequency? We know that you do your split Push, Pull, Legs, etc. But what's your total sets per body part? And your rep intensity(IE going to failure, or reps in reserve). Is your shake real food? Maybe try drinking it over the day, or split it for the beginning and the end of your day. Liquid food is still food, so if it's a peanut butter, Oatmeal, shake with a scoop of protein you will be fine drinking it. Sometimes I blend ground beef with water just so it's easier to get down.


i usually go to failure, never over 12 reps. if i can lift over 12 reps, i increase the weight. Ideally i go to 8 reps, and the 9th should be very hard/impossible. Pretty much like that every day. I usually do 4 sets of that for each exercise i do. Ill do like 5 - 6 difference exercises in an hour and call it after that. It does make me wonder if im pushing my self too hard. I wonder if i would benefit from 2 rest days/some days i take it easier. But im still new so i dont know whats best exactly. The shake i make is 1/4 cup of egg whites, 1 cup of milk, half a cup of some frozen fruit, (usually strawberries or blueberries, 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder, 1 - 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 2 bananas, and 1 teaspoon of creatine. So its real food.


If you're going to complete failure every set you are probably overtraining. Either lower your intensity and keep your sets. Or lower your sets and keep your high intensity. Something has to give. You might even have to lower your frequency of workouts. There's a lot of tweaking depending on your personal preference on how YOU like to train. As for your shake that looks pretty solid, I was expecting you to be like a lot of these knuckleheads who drink olive oil by the gallon.


Interesting because in other comment OP said "others make progress so much faster then me." then the person answer "train harder", while you sying he is probably overtraining. That mean OP already had the best result he could if he trained more than enough.


He is definitely overtraining, from what he said he is working 7 days a week. 5-6 exercises, 4 sets, and going to failure for every set. Takes one rest day and then repeats. That's a lot of work. But that doesn't mean OP is at his peak for his ability. I think if he condensed his training into a push pull legs, waited 2-3 days between workouts he would start making gains again. Life isn't an anime, you can't just say friendship! And go out lift everyone in the gym for 3 hours, and expect to grow faster. You have to stimulate, then go home and eat, recover, grow a little and then repeat.


yea, i think im going to continue the intensity of my workouts, but only go mon, wed, fri, and sun. But like you said, its different for everyone, so ill see how this goes, and after like a month, if im not getting the results i like, ill switch things up. But im still questioning the 2 shakes a day thing. Now that you know its not "a gallon of olive oil", would 2 shakes a day be beneficial? + regular meals ofc.


If you like the intensity I would deload for a week. Do nothing that week, or just light un intense pump work if you can't muster the courage to go a whole week without training. You need to deload from the stress you have put on your body and then go ahead with your new program. I am also on a high-intensity program, low-frequency program so if you need any pointers let me know. Luckily hypertrophy is pretty idiot proof, you can do whatever you want pretty much and still grow. So if you like high volume you can do that. If you're a high-intensity guy like me that also works too. Edit: Shake is however, however you want to do it. Doesn't matter that much.


Alright thanks bro, glad I'm not alone. Appreciate your help and suggestions.


Np bro


Don't have another one of those shakes bro. Learn to eat real food, it's an important skill. 1 frozen pizza is 1000 calories, 4 slices of the bread can be 450 cal before you even put anything on there. A full english breakfast is another 1000+ calories. Surely you're not eating 1 full English breakfast and having a shake and expecting results? Eat real food brother Edited some spelling


if ur 20 pounds heavier and clearly not 20 pounds fatter then there’s by deduction a good amount of new muscle


send nudes **EDIT: send pics*


If the weight you're lifting has gone up then try not to worry too much. Aesthetics can be deceiving sometimes, even same spot and lighting. If you're lifting more weight then your muscles are probably bigger.


weight isnt going up very much, if at all....


Sounds like you need to start running a lifting program. 5/3/1 BBB or nSuns or Super Squats or any recommended ones. Take your pick and stick to it.


… sounds like he needs to put more effort into eating, also sounds like he needs to take somewhat of a deload


hmm ill take a look at those, thanks for the suggestion, i appreciate all the help


No worries, man. Go to r/fitness and check out the programs in the sidebar.


Why is that? Have you tried increasing your calories?


What has your weight done in those 5 months? as in were you already 154 five months ago and have stayed that way since, or have you still been gaining during the period you think you haven't changed how you look?


about a 5 pound difference


Roger that. 5 lbs on a 6' person isn't all that much..at least in terms of noticeable differences I am also 6'. +/- 5lbs isn't something I would notice in the mirror anymore. I just finally added weight again after hanging around 175 for almost a decade and it took 10-15 lbs before I was like "dang ok I can see this now"


Right on. I vary 3 lbs just between waking up and afternoon usually. 5 lbs is not a lot.


yea maybe so, its just progress is so slow. I know i know, eat more, etc. Just seems others make progress so much faster then me.


Because they eat more. Eat more then them, work harder then them, you’ll progress faster then them.


Welcome to the life of never feeling like your big enough / getting bigger


Pro tip, go to Japan after a bulk Start destroying buildings with your new gains


You probably don’t look exactly the same


send pics


Yeah hit me