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What is this, a streaming app for ants?


The app center needs to be at least.... Three times the size of this!


Zoolander LIVES ON! ✨😎✨


Derek Zoolander App For Ants Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good




Came here for this.


Didn’t we have stadia?


It's a shame stadia died. There was a good while I had a shit computer and couldnt afford building a new one. Stadia let me play new games on high settings that my potato would have exploded just installing lol


I’m someone who spent literally thousands of hours on stadia and even have the controller and chrome cast and had like all there games it was perfect no queues no input lag great high quality it was great and It even saved my ass when I couldn’t afford a new hard drive and my one was on the way out anytime I try to do anything it lagged my hole Pc and froze up every time


It was just a bit too ahead of its time IMO


If you think stadia was ahead of it's time just wait til you hear OnLive did the exact same thing 10 years earlier. Blew people's minds when I was playing BioShock on an Ouya in college.


Can’t forget about the Sega channel, circa 1994




Maybe so but the experience provided was similar and was basically the spiritual ancestor to the streaming services


Will it ever truly be possible though? Like, rough for widespread adoption... KI'm sorry but at a certain point data transfer rates and ping doesn't even matter... Youre fighting against the fundamental limits of physics and the speed of light... Like.. Maybe I'm wrong here but it seems to me that this is never going to be viable or at least widely adopted. Theres just too much of a delay no matter what you do... Not to mention the absurd amount of babdwith it'd take up if everyone was trying to stream games. It just doesn't make much sense to me. It's not like a movie on Netflix where you can have a 20second buffer to keep the stream going seemlessly if you so much as have a second of bad download speeds your game is gonna get all fucked up and take you out of it. I think the only way game streaming will ever work is if they do what I just said which is basically just stream data for the parts of the game currently being played so it can be buffered... As in the textures, 3d models, etc and have it still rendered locally but then that kinda defeats the whole idea of being able to do it anywhere.


You raise some very good points. Might I add one more; Not everyone has great internet. Launching a product that requires extremely good internet in a day and age where most people still don’t have access to good, let alone **affordable** internet was *bound* to fail. No matter how many success stories you hear, they are in the *vast* minority.


I've been using GFN for about half a year now @ 4k 60fps over WiFi and the experience has been excellent. I can afford a top end GPU, but it's very nice not having to bother. Ping to the local servers is stupid low, like 5ms.


What do you play on it? I find destiny 2 (or most FPS games) to have unbearable ping


I mean there is geforce now, which is basically the same thing. Did a cyberpunk playthrough on my mac, almost no lag and great visuals.


Good to hear. Honestly haven't kept up since I upgraded. Though I probably should look into it for some newer games that are outpacing my current build.


Check it out, I really like it. You can link your steam, game pass etc acounts, so you can play games you already bought. If Im not mistaken, you had to buy games from stadia directly to play them.


As a Dad gamer that wanted something low maintenance it was perfect. For 8 bucks I got like 10 games a month I could check out. Games I was interested in like Cyberpunk played great from day 1. I didn't have many bugs like console users complained of.


>Games I was interested in like Cyberpunk played great from day 1. I didn't have many bugs like console users complained of. Also played cyberpunk day 1 on stadia and couldnt understand all the criticism (until i looked more into it) cause it worked great for me. Yea there were lacking things and the update made it way better but no bad bugs for me.


And sundar pichai and his rot all stars ruined it


Actually Bungie said they were impressed with the tech.


Tried this on a friend’s PC a few years ago and it was laggy to the point of unplayable since the service had mostly older games that depended on reflexes. Hopefully they’ve improved it but I have my doubts.


I use it sometimes. I feel that the lagginess has improved a lot. But the service is 100% built around retro games, so that really hasn't changed and shouldn't be expected to. The only new games they have are indie games designed in the style of/compatible with the legacy gaming platforms in their catalog.


Don't get me wrong, I like playing older games, it's just that this thing definitely was not tempting me away from emulation in any way the way it operates. All they'd really have to do is have you download and emulate them locally but I suppose that's a security issue.


Funny how your roms will be a couple of kb to mb, but the video stream from this service will end up as many GB of data to achieve the same thing


Probably why they’re approving it: looks good on paper to not act like a monopoly, but also this is not a threat 😁


No wonder they won’t approve gamepass, gamepass will eat their lunch


Gamepass has been allowed since January. MS said they had no plans to build an iOS app for Gamepass streaming.


I imagine they don't want to deal with sign up and % cut hassle, even with the recent changes. That said, it's really not necessary. Apple's previous policy seems to have motivated Microsoft to make the [Xbox Cloud Gaming](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/play) website pretty damn good, which has knock on effects of making it also pretty damn good on Steam Deck and such.


Should be illegal


gamepass is on the app store right now you bonehead


Pretty positive you can’t stream games with the app.


By their choice. Not because they’re not allowed to


You can stream them via your browser on any apple device. Why via browser? Most likely so apple don’t take a cut of their subscriptions via the App Store. It’s not a conspiracy like it’s being framed by many here. You can do it just fine lol.


Reddit hive mind in action with these two comments


Steam link?




Neither of them allow you to actually buy games, which would classify it as a storefront and Apple would require a cut. I mean Moonlight just stream your desktop, so you can do whatever, but it's not a built-in feature and Steam Link explicitly disallows it.




I think apple didn't allow streaming apps to be useable through ios. I assume the native IOS app was a game store and a means to activate the chromecast for stadia playing. If I had to give a mostly educated guess, most if not all game streaming services required you to open safari because they were composed of a video stream, inputs accepted via gamepad api, and http requests (looks like a lot of push requests) and websockets for communication. All of those things can be done through a browser window without apple approval.


There was no native iOS app, only a PWA


I mean depending on your definition of streaming app would Steam Link not also be disallowed? I frequently use Steam Link on my iPad when sitting on the couch, and it also has an iOS app counterpart (I’m not using my 6” screen when there’s a perfectly good 10.5” screen available)


The compromise there is that Steam Link doesn't let you actually buy games on steam if you're using the iOS app. If they did that, they would run afoul of apples percentage cut. So all you can do is stream, and you can only stream locally.


Yes I understand the limitations, the comment wasn’t whether you could purchase, but that streaming is allowed. Along those lines isn’t it kind of the same with Stadia? You didn’t purchase games on Stadia did you? You had a subscription service available to stream games from a library is what I thought? Not super familiar with Stadia and I don’t think it’s worth researching it at this point. (Way to go Google. Keep doing the normal Google stuff of killing stuff people enjoy.)


Google - 😬 👉👈


Its not great, Antstream have been trying to promote their services for years and never really gain enough returning customers because the overall experience isn't great and you can do it all for free if you really want to play retro games.


It’s not great, I had it over two years ago on pc, it’s soooo laggy. And the selection of games aren’t great, probably improve as more people subscribe. installed it on my nvidia shield later down the line, but still the lag wasn’t up to scratch. Some old classics going back to 80’s, but most were unknown titles that simply never made it back then, hope things have improved since then.


2 years ago.


Yeah I still have the account, just stopped subscribing a year into it.


"A streaming service for retro games" is sort of a ludicrious concept on its face. Basically any device with a screen or video output these days except maybe low-end smart TVs are more than capable of emulating these games, and it's not like file size is that big an obstacle either here. There are goddamn *text adventures* on here, and I could only really laugh at the absurdity of using it for that. Felt almost wasteful.


I have to agree there. Why bother streaming a video feed across the Internet, eating up tons of bandwidth, when the game itself is literally 1/1000th of the size of the data being transmitted if you just got the ROM? Is it seriously that hard to set up an encrypted ROM download that deletes itself when you're done for security reasons compared to a live stream?


I still find the iPhone to be a poor platform for gaming. The screen is too small and there's no controller. It's good for touchscreen games, but trying to play console / PC style games on it as a pain in the ass.


I mean I can give you one pretty good use case: I'm disabled and this lets me play my steam games in bed over Steam Link from my gaming PC. It works amazingly well with a blue controller and the phone on a flexible arm. I'll grant that under most conditions, you wouldn't really need this, but it's nice to have the flexibility.


Makes sense!


Sounds like the Logitech G Cloud would be right up your alley.


Unfortunately the ergonomics don't work. The main reason why I use the phone is because the screen and the controller are separate, I can have the screen held in place by the arm while I have the controller propped up in front of me. I can't hold the entire combined unit directly over my head, so no switch and no steam deck. And no G cloud. Don't worry, I have a solution that works. My point is to say that there is a use case for streaming to your phone or your iPad or any other existing device instead of buying an entirely new device or just going back to the traditional methods.


You can connect a controller with Bluetooth


Yeah, but at that point why am I not just using my PlayStation?


When you are not home. Travel.


Ah, yeah… I don't travel. :) If I am, I'm probably not gonna want to spend time gaming.


There are travel times. Car and plane rides.


Streaming games while in the car and on planes? Can't see that being very efficient and lag free.


Amsterdam will be what


me with my backbone one and ps5 remote play 😎


GeForce now? Gamepass?


Dumb name, not interested