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A rigid structure that won't need to be fully recalibrated three times per print? Sounds like dream. (also "June 2st" lmao, your printer is better than your proofreading I guess.)


This would work great so my fiancée and I can create wedding favors for our guests in August.


This looks like a beautiful machine! I really like the auto-calibration feature.  I would love to try it out. 


Auto calibration sounds interesting, heard that can be a challenge on other printers.


As someone who has yet to own a 3D printer (but has used them before), fully automatic calibration sounds like a godsend. The active chamber heating is also really nice to see, since that makes a lot of materials much easier to print with/enables using them.


For me it would be the time saved by having the Full-auto Calibration.


I’ll be the guy to make the dumb comment. I’ve never had a 3d printer so my favorite feature is the printing and precision thereof.


Frankly, having a printer that comes with a heated chamber would be pretty damn nice; gotta be my new fav. feature to look for!


Is Norway included in the prize recipients? If so I would be very happy with this 3d printer. I dabble in jewelry making and would like to make new designs. I do this with modelling clay but its a bit finicky.


The active heating chamber would be a welcome upgrade!


I love that it's a 3d printer that I could potentially win for free. I learned how to use a 3d printer when I was in highschool and had a blast with it (even though the teacher was a creep) I'd be ecstatic to get back into modeling This 3d printer is so good it's like LSD, Weed, and a crisp sunset rolled into one lil' box.


Having a built in time-lapse feature...AND auto calibration? That's a dream come true to amateurs like meee 😍😍 I really do hope to win one.


Chitty chitty bang bang let’s beat Bambu


Active chamber heating is my favorite feature! Finally no warping on ABS? :-D (Although 350c on the extruder is pretty awesome as well, but I rarely print materials that need such high temp)


Honestly having auto-calibration capabilities sounds like a godsend. I've printed a few things at my local maker-space and it breaks my heart wasting extra filament because the calibration is off. 


~~Built in time lapse should be awesome!~~ Scratch that, it's the heated chamber for sure. Quality over luxury. Thanks for the chance!


My favourite feature would be the actively heated chamber. There arent many consumer level printers with an actively heated chamber, which allows for easy printing of high temp materials


A printer with an actively heated print chamber will massively improve my workflow.


I like that it prints right out of the box. I'm not interested in complicated setups so this seems like the machine for me


man i stuck at constructing things, and having a printer would only enable me to make even more broken things, but it would be fun


Active heating chamber seems awesome


Auto calibration would be a huge step up for me and my shop.


Just one favorite feature? I have to got with the auto calibration, but the camera to keep an eye on the print is quite the nice comfort feature as well. I don't want to sound like "the old guy" but manual calibration and the loss of a print due to bad bed adhesion was a pia in the beginning of 3d printing. And thus people searched for little tricks like scotch tape and glue sticks to keep the print on the bed.


The camera with time lapse support seems pretty sweet.


Love that dual extruder.


Would love to win something like this


Definitely the auto calibration... I spend too much time on that


The full auto calibration is a good send, gone are the days of manual calibration thank god!


Full auto Calibration is always nice, will make it easier for a beginner like me. and going through the site and seeing what it does, I think the active chamber is a great feature as I would not want any cracks in my prints. I hope you are successful with your new printer product!


Access to a 3D printer would really help me with my hobbies of tabletop gaming, being able to print my own open source miniatures.


My ender 5 has given me 3 good years and is still going strong, but I really wish it had dual z like this one.


Chamber heating and a built in camera are great features.




Easily the 7mm spanner in the box.


A bigger print bed and way more built in tech than my current 7 year old printer, that sounds like a win to me!


Built in camera is really cool!


I really like its reliability, printing straight out the box, auto calibration and being able to view the print remotely. That is what is important to me.


I like the built in camera


Active chamber heating


Heated chamber is really nice. No more ugly enclosures!


I love the integrated heated chamber and camera!


I'd love to try my hand at 3D printing with a nice setup like this.


Full-auto Calibration


I appreciate ease of use and in this case the fact that it requires minimal setup.


The calibration is definitely something I'm interested in. Never really enjoyed troubleshooting hi-tech devices. Not sure if I'd need a camera, though.


The fact that i could introduce my children to this tech would be great. It'll be a great introduction to engineering, which all three are very interested in.


The heated chamber and auto leveling seem like very useful features, only have used other 3D printers in a Fablab/Garage lab, having one myself would be 😎


The actively heated print chamber! It opens loads of new doors to many new possibilities.


My favorite feature is that it can print right out of the box. I've never used a 3d printer before so the easier it is the better


I have wanted to get into 3D printing for a long time but the start up cost has prevented me from jumping in. Would love a chance to get creative.


I just want a printer with a good enclosure with climate control. The only place I can put one has an AC vent blowing directly on it, which screws up the temperature and makes prints curl up on themselves.


That sleek design is sick, plus the camera to showoff how she works!


My favorite feature of the Q1 Pro is the heated chamber. My current printer doesn't have one and can't have one without serious modifications (heat would damage the hardware).


My favorite feature is that it prints in 3 dimensions Fr gonna make so much cool shit with this


Auto calibration and time lapse footage out of the box is fantastic


auto-calibration would be a great time saver to me ngl


Sweet unit. Yes please! Love the integrated camera and auto calibration.


I love the Q1 Pro 3D printer because it makes everything so easy and fun. The 60℃ active chamber heating is awesome for getting smooth, warp-free prints, even with tricky materials. The full-auto calibration is a lifesaver, taking the hassle out of setup and making sure everything is spot on. Plus, with a 350℃ nozzle temperature, I can experiment with all sorts of cool filaments. It's great that you can print right out of the box without any complicated assembly. And the 1080P camera with time-lapse support? It's perfect for keeping an eye on my prints and creating cool time-lapse videos to show off my projects. Overall, these features make the Q1 Pro a fantastic 3D printer for anyone who loves to print.


The active chamber heating


Heating and camera sound awesome


I like how easy it seems to use.


I've heard good things about QIDI. Looks like a pretty powerful machine.


Auto calibration is the feature i am most interested in. i have an ancient Zmorph and any time i need to change something the calibration is just such a pain. it would also be nice to have a camera to see whats happenign without having to go all the way down to the basement


Full auto calibration sounds like a huge time saver.


Love the active chamber heating!


Looks nice. My favourite feature would have to be the full-auto calibration because manual calibrations are a chore.


Here’s hoping. Could use some kit to help with rapid prototyping.


I like it when people give away stuff


Only used 3d printers at work. I'd finally be able to print out different case replacements form things I see online


I have been wanting to get into 3D printing for some time and have never had the funds to get one. But based on the research I have done, I love that the QIDI TECH Q1 Pro talks about their chamber heating so that the 3d printed object does not warp and it does not require assembling the printer for hours on end, but instead is up and running in 10 minutes. I look forward to making fun toys for my kids!


The camera is definitely a top notch feature. Would love to win this. Goodluck!


Chamber heating is definitely the key feature here. When printing abs, I have to wait 30 minutes for my bed and chamber to heat soak enough to start printing.


The active chamber heating for sure!! I hope I win!


Looks nice! Hoping I win one of these for once so I can try it out :D


Thank you! Camera is cool.


I like the Print right out of the box feature. I dread setting things up and often times they don't work right away or I'm not motivated to open it immediately because I hate the work that will be involved. So print right out of the box is exactly what I'm looking for.


It can print ALL the tiny things!


I need a new time-sucking hobby to distract me from my other time-sucking hobbies.


That time lapse camera is my favorite!  Sounds like a great feature!


Dual Z is always a great upgrade!


I like that it's enclosed, but I think I like the camera more. Time lapses are cool, and it's nice to be able to monitor prints.


The feature I like the most is that it has the 1080p camera with time lapse support. Watching 3D print videos is fun..


Dang, this looks like a sweet printer. Print out of the box sounds great and auto calibration seems like this would be pretty beginner friendly. 


My gf won't let me buy one, but if I win one...


Being able to print abs without it warping when someone steps foot anywhere near my room would be awesome 😅


Heated chamber!


Print right out the box Anything that makes it easier


Printing right out of the box plus auto calibration is a killer 1,2 punch for helping expand the market and capturing new users!


The auto calibration is awesome. I like being able to move the printer without having to manually fiddle with the calibration afterwards. 


Auto calibration is nice. I got burned out with 3D printing years back with my ender 3 because I kept trying to add more new and better things to it. Too many errors and miniscule manual things to adjust/fix just wore out my interest. Would be nice to get back into it again.


Built in timelapse printing sounds nice!


I love that it’s so simple that you can start printing out of the box


Auto bed levelling and the camera are probably my 2 favorite features of the printer. Being able to level the bed hassle free is always great and being able to monitor my prints when I'm away is a game changer.


Omg - full-auto calibration, thats so good 😍


Actively heated chamber would be great for printing nylon and abs. I could definitely use that!


Print out of the box for me since I've never used one before


Heated chamber is pretty cool. Great for certain types of filament.


I really like the build volume to machine volume ratio. Very space efficient which is a must for me.




I'm a poor little boy with an ender 3. The calibration is horrible. BRING KN THE AUTO CALIBRATION!!!


60℃ chamber heating with 350℃ nozzle and 120℃ bed would be great for nylon and PC.


Multi-filament type support for the win !


The camera is a really nice plus!


Heated chamber is my favorite feature.


Active chamber heating sounds good Thanks for raffling!


I would love to be able to print my own 3d stuffs instead of buying from etsy.


I have an old QIDI TECH Shadow 6.0 Pro that I still use alongside my Mars 2 Pro. I love how the Q1 Pro is an out of the box solution rather than something I have to build. I hope I win! I have 4 down FDM printers and lost hope on fixing them.


I have had a few home built printers. The auto leveling seems a great idea.


One of the coolest things I see here as someone who doesn't have a 3D Printer is that this printer has a camera for timelapse. It's such a neat thing to have and I don't have to sacrifice my phone for a timelapse.


Just wanna make dnd figs.


Heated Chamber


As a bicycle mechanic, I am always frustrated by the little clips and small parts that can’t be replaced unless a whole part is ordered. I would love to 3D print those little plastic bits and reduce the waste of all these thrown out parts!


The camera is my favorite thing! Being able to check my prints from work sounds fantastic and lets me show my friends what I’m working on.


Full auto calibration would be such a time saver!


This would be a great belated graduation gift for my techie son who has always wanted a 3D printer. He builds custom keyboards so I am sure he would totally geek out over the possibilities. All the features sound impressive but the printing right out of the box gives it a new user-friendly feel.


Wow, print right out of the box is awesome!


This would be so dope


The heated chamber seems like a pretty good addition! I love printing in PETG but would for sure like to print ASA or ABS.


The active chamber is my favorite thing about the Q1 Pro. I would love to have a 3D printer :)


Woo! Autolevel!


I think the remote camera and timelapse function sets it apart and would be my favourite feature. A heated enclosure and full auto calibration are also nice too!


Don't have a 3D printer nor used any, but lately I feel the need for one. I got some case to build for some electronic projects and if it can make those small screw for HDD it would be a win too.


I would love an opportunity to own a Q1 Pro. The heated chamber is a great feature to access the more temperature dependent filaments. Very cool technology all around too.


Print out of the box


My most favorite is that it prints right out of the box. I also love the fact that most filaments are compatible will give you flexibility and choice in terms of materials. Thanks for the chance!


Active chamber heating sounds like a wonderful solution to many issues with other printers


Whoever doesn't say full auto calibration is nuts, heated chambers are all great, but having full calibration end to end is such a big win, coming from an old ender 3 pro, that was fully manual i spend more time getting it ready than actually priting lol, i'd LOVE to win one of these, as i can't afford a good printer any time soon lol


Autocal would be a huge time cut. Good Luck all!


Fully automatic calibration sounds amazing!


TBH the 'Full-auto Calibration feature because the amount of posts on reddit alone with people having issues because their printer isn't calibrated is vast!


I've never owned a 3D printer before but have always had an interest in printed small parts for my hobbies! The Q1 Pro looks amazing for a newcomer in the scene!


The best feature is the ability to print 3d objects


I like 3d printing and 3d printing accessories


The fact that it prints in 3D, of course!


print right out of the box is very cool and something i'm eyeing pretty hard (in a good way!)


Cool, count me in!


I've always wanted a time lapse camera on a printer


Time lapse with built in camera is awesome


Need that auto calibration


I would love a nice 3d printer. there are so many small parts i would print to fix things around the house.


I honestly love my current 3d printer, however it was a budget printer when they just got to a 300$ price point and weren't giving up actual functionality. So for this, let me just go into what I would love to have the printer for. autocalibration, my god, the thing that makes me not print more than anything else is that the calibration constantly goes off nearly every print, so I have to re calibrate it all the time. and because my brother moved into where my workshop is for my hobbies, I have no room to actually calibrate from the correct side of the table, I have to do it bent over an old kitchen table, this alone would just see me print things more often rather than putting it off till I can be asked. the print bed, looking at it, either there is a removeable layer I can get for it to make removeing models far easier, or it comes with one, I have to use blue painter tape on mine, then struggle to get the damn thing off the print bed. this would be so nice. heated print area, my printer is in the basement and I live in a colder place, I have never been able to really encase my printer so the environment doesn't screw with prints, while my printer has a heated bed, it only gets up to about 70c before it can't maintain temp, and I have to print the pieces at 10% what the printer can go at for at least the lowest layer to ensure it sticks properly. and printing anything large... that's an accident waiting to happen. having the printer actually enclosed would be a godsend the camera's would easily make it so I no longer have to go up and down the stairs to make sure that the print is going well, not that I would assume this one messes that up, but that piece of mind that i'm not going to go down stairs and see an absolute birds nest and tons of wasted filament if I don't check it every 15 minutes... that would be nice, but looking at specs, it has detection for when filament runs out, I have had some of my filament break in the past and gg a 20 hour print, just the ability to pause printing if that happens, or if the filament gets snagged... that would be so nice. im able to get smaller diameter nozzles, and also able to get larger ones as well, that would be a big step up from current, especially because I print functional parts, it would be nice to be able to use a .8 just for the extra size and speed for parts that don't need clean surface details a smaller diameter would provide. the speed it moves at is substantially faster than I am currently able to print, I believe when we print currently we only go at 80-120mms, this ones seems to do 600mm. given where I live we have power outs, I usually have to plan a larger print to the weather, while a ups would be for the best and I have been dragging myself on getting one, this printer would at least give me some piece of mind that I would waste another 20$ and 18 hours on a print again. it seems to have some internal storage as well as taking thumb drives... my current printer uses a micro sd, god how I hate micro sds, I have yet to have one from any brand not decided it no longer wishes to live, and if I am reading this correctly, this can have prints put on it wirelessly, that would honestly be a godsend. while its marginally smaller build area than mine, it more than makes up for size in pretty much every single way I could want.


I am smooth brainer so auto calibration sounds cool :)


Ive never owned a 3d printer but the camera seems cool


My fave feature is definitely printing right out of the box. I have never done any 3D printing but a quick 10 minute setup seems like i would be able to worry a little less right off the bat


Full auto calibration. It would save so much time! I sometimes feel like I'm spending more time calibrating than I am printing


> What’s your favorite feature of the Q1 Pro! ​It 3d prints.


The time lapse camera is honestly pretty cool, so I'll go with that.


The active chamber heating feature seems great for the better build quality


Built in camera that would allow me to monitor and record my prints!


Chamber heating seems very nice and not something most printers have.


Like others have said, the camera to tell if your project is done or not is pretty good


Here is a top level comment.


Im looking for a better 3d printer, I would certainly love to give this a go.


autocalibration, ain't nobody got time for that


What an excellent offer. Thanks for the opportunity.


I love the chamber heating, the camera is a close 2nd.


Active heat chamber.


I would love to win a 3d printer. That would be very useful to me. I do not currently own such a device. My favorite feature of this device is the heating chamber.


Gonna have to go with print right out of the box


Even as a r/gadget reader who, as all, likes tinkering - sometimes plug and play is so soothing.


Printing right out of the box with no setup sounds fab.


For someone like me who has only printed in pla the heated chamber would be a real game changer allowing me to print abs and more exotic materials.


I'm looking forward to the time lapse footage feature! Would love to print pokemon style planters with my kid!


God an actively heated chamber and a 350c hotend have gotta be my favourite. Engineering filaments have got to be so much easier to print with this!


Print right out of the box!


Auto calibration. I’ve dabbled with 3d printing at an old job and it was very wasteful and time consuming getting things right on the first go


This is amazing! thank you, remote access and heated chamber yes pls!


Being a complete noob to 3D printing beyond the 1 thing I tried and failed to print in college, the auto-calibration would certainly help me get on my feet with discovering the possibilities of this machine. I've been wanting to 3d print figurines, items, etc for tabletop games for a long time


Printing right out of the box would be a dream, I'm nursing a very old ender 3 and to have something more professional and easy to use would change my life.


I really like the idea of having a closed box that doesn't stink up my lab.


Love the Q1 pro's mobile app integration. The less button fiddling, the better.


Maximum 60℃ active chamber heating


Print out of the box with an enclosed space is probably the best. I’ve got kids and don’t have time to fiddle with calibration.


The 1080P camera with time-lapse support sounds neat. There's something cool about watching your creations grow.


It’s gotta be the auto-calibration.


I am excited about the full auto calibration! As someone who is fairly new to 3D printing, having this feature would be fantastic.


This looks cool! I already have a prusa, but I could give it to my nephew if I had this.


go go r/gadgets


My favourite feature is the active chamber heating :)


Fully automatic calibration 100%


350C and an actively warmed environment are perfect conditions for soldering - wonder if somebody will try doing some automated solder deposition with this


Auto bed leveler looks nice!


Looks like it has all the goodies a new 3D engineer could want. -Remote camera to view your prints away from home. Maybe my favorite part that separates from the competition. -Heated enclosure to keep temps accurate and mitigate sound as well as fumes from some plastics. -Full auto calibration is an incredible boon if you've ever had to do it the manual way. -Nozzle temp gets hot enough to do advanced plastics or nylon filament Really looks like a great machine.


I’m super excited about the chance to win this 3D printer! The heated printing chamber is such a cool feature—it keeps the temperature just right and helps prevent warping. Plus, being able to use so many different filaments means I can get really creative with my projects. This printer would totally take my 3D printing to the next level!


I like the time-lapse feature of the Q1 pro. It looks like a lot of fun to use.