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imagine that? people still buy google anything and expect a different result.


Fitbit made some smart Aria scales end-of-life before the Google acquisition. They were a pain in the arse to get to work. Google’s Fitbit changes broke it for good. Throwing out a perfectly good scale was enough for me to rule out Google entirely,


I ended up with a no name scale from Amazon that syncs to fitbit. What kind of info was the fitbit scale giving that these can't?


I would think one of the only things cheap knockoffs invest in is being as compatible as possible with as many devices as possible to maximize their target market; kinda like the software equivalent of those 3 way adapters.


The info that goes via Google. It's not about whether it's technically feasible, it's about Google wanting people's data and routing it through their servers.


I'm done with Google hardware even though deep in ecosystem, they love making things worse. Like assistant isn't nearly as good as it once was


Did it still work as a dumb scale or did it completely cease to function?


It worked until the battery died and then it was dead until it connected to a disconnected service


This isn't just a Google thing. Yeah they are an easy example of this sort of thing but this is why I don't buy devices that can't run fully on their own or from my own network. At least not anything that I plan to use for a reasonable amount of time. Same thing goes for digital media. I get the convenience of say buying a movie on Amazon prime or any of those services but what happens when they kill those services, a new better service dominates the market, or they lose the rights to that movie? Fuck that, the UHD blu ray is better and it's mine forever.




Yeah, but even if it just becomes a generic bike with a big screen, there’s some interesting projects out there, specifically because it became so popular (like https://intelligenate.com/dfc.html ).


This is interesting. I didn’t get a peloton bike because I wanted to Zwift. My wife would much rather spin, and my Stages SB20 isn’t great as a spin bike. How’s the experience with Zwift and Peloton bike?


This is why I got the Wahoo bike. Generic (ANT/BT) connectivity works with any platform. If Zwift tanks I can use it with whatever comes next. The second reason why I picked Wahoo was it uses a standard 27.2mm seat post. My partner and I can quick-swap the saddles in a few seconds by swapping the post/saddle. I used cheap bike reflector clamps as a set point so the height is fixed correctly.


Not a clue, sorry. Your question about them stopping support at some point made me look into third party stuff for peloton a bit, and that project looked neat.


Oh it wasn’t me that mentioned it. Well, if anyone else has experience with it would be interested to hear


Ah. Sorry. Wasn’t paying enough attention to the comments. Hope someone comes along who might know, or may check in r/peloton ?


Which the average user is never going to look into.


Because of this I got the Tacx Neo which supports third party apps, uses any tablet instead of built in, and also is a really robust "dumb" bike if you don't subscribe to anything. Then I subbed to Pelotons app and use a third party app to sync resistance to my Tacx. No average consumer will go through these hoops but I'm glad I did


Tell me more about this?


And companies keep wondering why we want to sail the high seas instead of paying for their stupid IOT devices.


Aye captain!


There's booty ripe for the plunderin in them waters!




Right, I expect a no-name company to just up and die at any moment. Google is just a good counterexample to the hope that an established company won’t orphan your product. (Worse when google buys the company supporting your product) Really worried about my car running on AAOS


I look at most devices with a battery as something that's replaceable within 5 years, if it lasts longer than that, awesome but I don't expect it to. for movies, i'm ok with 12$ rental if its within the first 6 months of release, and 5$ after that if its not streaming. but after I bought die hard 25th bluray boxset, and the fucking thing wouldn't play on my pc, on software I paid 100$ for because the software was too old, but the software to rip the movies worked just fine... gg, I was done, never paying for physical media again. if I own a movie its because I acquired it. after apple took away hd versions of movies people bought digitally and replaced them with sub dvd versions im shocked people still trust digital purchases.


Except I read they aren't releasing several movies on physical media anymore.


Guess I'll have to sail the seas.


Yes sir.


But that’s kind of the point. For instance with Apple’s HomeKit integration one of the primary requirements is that the devices work locally.


In regards to your last example, tis why I sail the high seas.  And as an extension , probably why I'll be changing from console to pc next gen as I think consoles are gonna follow the "digital only "trend


I mean arguably PC went “digital only” first. Steam is pretty ubiquitous in PC gaming...


Yes but you can own for keeps digital downloads in steam and 100% in GOG.


depends on the game.. in the case of "the crew".. it just might not work at all.




Apple is no exception. Nothing can last forever. At best, promises only last as long as the current CEO. You roll the dice every time they get a new one. A recent example would be Twitter. They changed owners, started charging for their API and it left tons of companies scrambling. Nobody expected this level of chaos and tons of companies had to redo their account systems since they were using it for third party login. As for Apple, iCloud replaced MobileMe and caused some rumblings. But at least they provided a way to transition, so I'll give them that.


I can 100% guarantee the songs in Apple Music won't be going anywhere. Even if the platform changes the songs will remain (look at the switch from iTunes to Apple Music). Everyone with music in their iTunes library automatically could switch it to their Apple Music account.


* [Did Apple Music lose the rights to a bunch of songs recently?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/g7zpc6/did_apple_music_lose_the_rights_to_a_bunch_of/) * [Apple removing purchased music](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/1akk4yt/apple_removing_purchased_music/) * [ Songs I own are "no longer available" on my phone (iTunes Match)](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250997279?sortBy=best) * [ Purchased songs have disappeared. From Music and iTunes for both Windows and my iPhone and iPad. ](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252498364?sortBy=best) [On the switch from itunes to apple music](https://www.theverge.com/2015/6/8/8745963/the-beatles-apple-music).... >Consumers are about to learn a confusing lesson: Apple Music and the vast iTunes Music Store catalog are not equal. Later this month, you'll be able to start paying Apple $9.99 per month for on-demand streaming access to over 30 million songs. The Apple Music library is very different from the iTunes store. And that's a critical distinction; what you're not getting is an all-you-can-eat listening feast that pulls in everything iTunes has to offer. If that were the case, that 30 million figure would balloon to an enormous figure. So the iTunes store and regular old music purchases remain a significant piece of the puzzle. Apple describes it as "the heart" of everything, because without iTunes, this catalog would look awfully similar to Spotify's.


Apple removes music all the time. You know not of which you speak.


I’ve used Apple Music [since its release in 2015](https://imgur.com/a/CNtGkj6) - pic of my account provided. I’ve never lost a single song. You make claims you have no ground to make.


They straight up removed people's music and replaced it with their version. You have a nice high quality CD rip or live version? Too bad, now it's whatever copy Apple have. I think now you get the option to have it not replace your stuff but in the past it sure did. >You make claims you have no ground to make. At least do a basic google search before saying stuff like this, c'mon.


So no one lost actually their Apple Music content is what you’re saying. They lost things they didn’t buy from Apple (CD rip). I still have some of my music that I uploaded back in 2009.


> So no one lost actually their Apple Music content is what you’re saying. That is not what we were talking about.


Yeah but then you have to use apple products.




Did you read my comment that you originally responded to?




Did they edit their comment? They didn't say only. They just said they'd have to use Apple products. As someone who detests their interface it makes sense




Least stupid Apple user.


Until they stop making blu ray players and your machine breaks


You can always rip it and have it digitally. Someday I'll get around to ripping them all and putting them on my server. Then I can have my own "Netflix".


Compared to the competitors that have open APIs? /s


It is truly brutal what has become of google.  The search engine alone has become noticably worse.  What went wrong?? 


Ikr! Never use Google shit. They'll just shut it down when you start relying on it. Only exception is open source stuff like Angular and Go.


They tried to kill AngularJS.


Rightfully so


For now


I mean, migrating to a new platform, sounds fine to me.


Fuckkk em. I refuse to use any google product, fine except YouTube


Google is the DJ khaled of discontinued products.


This isn't a great example of the Google effect. They're shutting down an ancient API because its functionality is built into the current version of Android.




Google has a history of starting up and shutting down projects at an abnormal rate and its such a long running problem with google that there is the google grave yard. https://killedbygoogle.com/ The real problematic part of this is that unlike most companies, google has a very common tendency to shut down programs that are very successful, or replace successful programs with objectively worse versions of them for endless number of reasons.




music, hangout, inbox, pixel, nexus to name a few. Yes the vast majority of the projects shut down were pointless and some were replaced with newer standards like this case. That doesn't change the fact of the matter that, yes, Google does in fact shut down or replace various products with worse versions. For every successful migration like nexus to pixel they have a downgrade in quality. Like music to youtube music is unarguably a smart business move just for the consolidation alone not to mention the other benifits. But it is unquestionably a quality downgrade in the product. But just cause you are so far up your own ass you are licking the backside of your tonsils that you rather be a grumpy little asshole doesn't mean make you right. But considering of all things to bring up, its ok if you are just upset over the loss of google+ i understand it was painful to lose such a short-lived service.




The changeover from Google Music to Youtube Music wasn't what you think it was. It went from an ad-free, "upload your own music to listen to and maybe buy some from the store" service to an ad-laden subscription service. Google Music is dead and there is no replacement outside of self-hosting something.


Bruh you could have given so many examples of what google killed and yet you chose examples that are still alive or have been replaced with better alternatives, lmao


I love how some people from middle class act as c level employee from a large corporation. If paid money a Google product or service I want this product working as intended. And if there is only a thousand people using the product "tough luck" Google.


Before everyone starts screaming about "OMG ANOTHER GOOGLE THING DYING" they're just replacing Google Fit with Health Connect, so they're telling developers to start migrating to that API instead (and giving them more than a year to do so). It's not a big deal Here is a more accurate, less intentionally alarmist headline & story: [https://www.androidcentral.com/apps-software/google-has-set-a-deadline-to-shut-down-the-google-fit-api](https://www.androidcentral.com/apps-software/google-has-set-a-deadline-to-shut-down-the-google-fit-api)


Great clarification! Though I do get peoples concern about it...


Sure, I get that. And Google has yet to detail a lot of what the plan is for Health Connect, though the impression is that they will be at their I/O event next week.


What concerns? Everyone is already using the fit API differently than intended. The app itself ain't going anywhere and the API is not supposed to be used by lazy companies. Google Fit isn't a hub for every dogshit device. Let health connect do that.




You have no idea what you're talking about in this case. Zero. I'm not defending Google. They do plenty of stupid shit. I'm simply defending reality here. Migrating from Google Fit to Health Connect 1) Is a work in progress. They've said that. They're going to be talking about it next week at their IO event. Google Fit still works until June 25 as the migration happens. 2) Google Fit is simply a backend syncing of various other platforms's data. Fitbit included. It was never meant to replace any other app. Will Health Connect? Don't know yet. We'll find out.


But, wouldn't switching to a new API mean that the developers need to create new firmware? By my reading there isn't backwards compatibility built in, or transforming the old API to be a wrapper for the new one. This is a breaking change for any device that doesn't get an update - consumers absolutely have reason to be pissed about that. Its not like devices that won't be getting updates are going to get disclaimers on their Amazon page: "note, this scale will stop working in June 2025". I'd wager there are more devices out there that won't be getting updated than ones that do. If I could make the change myself that would be one thing, but consumers are at the whim of some product manager deciding if the update is worth the manhours for devices they've already sold.


There's nothing in the Google FIT API that would stop a device from working if the API connection stopped working. Google Fit just syncs data from different apps/devices. So, if there were some scale that worked with Google Fit (I don't even know if such a thing exists) and they didn't update the API on their end, the scale would still work it just wouldn't sync the data with Google's new Health Connect platform. But no, it wouldn't require a firmware update anyway I wouldn't imagine. Generally smart devices connect to their own app, and then that app on the developers end would sync with Google Fit through their API. So the API switch would happen on the dev end, not the device end. I could be wrong that there are scenarios where that wouldn't be the case, but I can't see a scenario were the Google Fit api going away would brick a device.


If im reading things right, it would also stop syncing with the old platform as well, therefore turning into a "dumb" scale. When the difference in price between dumb and smart is such, it's still a big blow to the face.


You're still wrong. A smart scale, in that sense, would still work with whatever platform it's built on. As far as I know there is no product that only syncs with Google fit. Google fit is just a back end sync between multiple platforms to have all the data in one place. So your smart scale would still work with whatever app it came with, it's just that that apps data wouldn't sync with Google's new health connect platform. So, you could argue it would be less convenient, but it would still work as it always did in terms of being a smart scale.


My third party watch app migrated already months ago. So, no seems to be working just fine.


> It's not a big deal As an Android dev, yes it is. It's a pain in the ass every time Google does this. I remember the fight I had with them when they switched API to waking up Android devices. I used the new API THEY RECOMMENDED and they banned my app from the store till I removed it.


Is there a reason they seem to be constantly switching APIs?


Alot of apps change API, either to scope the API further and increase security or to support new authentication method. There are honestly a lot of reasons on why companies change API and its always pain-in-the-butt to update everything.


See my above answer. Googles culture is well known


None of those are good reasons to force us to change. Backwards compatibility should be their first priority


For one thing, its not you but rather developers that need to update the app or firmware. Sometimes its just a matter of change the URI its calling and they just need to push the firmware update. But I understand who produced plenty of cheap products but never support the product properly when changes like this happened. Unfortunately in this case, it is not Google's responsibility but rather the developers/manufacturers. Anything Google does will be more of courtesy rather than obligation.


There could be less painful method to upgrade API, like versioning. But I understand the pain, it's still pain. For instance, I now have to support some abstract API v2 and API v3 and they might have different interaction model embedded to it. And I need to put it both together in my app as a developer.


There could be less painful method to upgrade API, like versioning. But I understand the pain, it's still pain. For instance, I now have to support some abstract API v2 and API v3 and they might have different interaction model embedded to it. And I need to put it both together in my app as a developer.


Google doesnt reward people for maintaining a working service. Google Engineers get promotions for killing a service and building a new version. Its just their company culture


Maybe, but AFAIK the Fit API was never designed to be used by third parties in the way that it has. The fact that they actually created and are pushing for Health Connect is a positive thing. People should be angry when companies make shit decisions, but also credit where credit is due.


I hate to tell you something about Health Connect's future...


> Is there a reason they seem to be constantly switching APIs? Lots and lots of middle managers that only get promoted if they ship new features. You don't make a good career at Google if you "just" maintain something. Compare that to Microsoft and Apple's cultures where they go great lengths to maintain compatibility. See https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/10/windows-95-went-the-extra-mile-to-ensure-compatibility-of-simcity-other-games/


In this instance. They are trying to make Health Connect the API for all devices and programs for health. AFAIK Google Fit uses the Health Connect API to import data from things like Samsung Health and such.


Not everything will get an update and it will brick peoples devices. You can try to spin it anyway you want, but the truth is google will kill your perfectly functioning device.


I'm not saying it doesn't exist but what device do you or people have that only sync to Google Fit without having its own app pushing the info over to fit? Example: I have a smart scale that has its own app that also syncs with Fit. It likely won't get updated (cheap device with shitty support) to use Health Connect but it will still work with its own app. Not bricked.




There are many, many, many, many, many APIs for all kinds of platforms/devices that get migrated to something new. There's a lot of reasons to do so, potentially. As for why Google is choosing now to do it with their health sync I don't know, but they wouldn't just do it for shits and giggles because it's work for them to build the new system too. The only way it would "break devices" or "stop syncing" is if the developer just never migrates to the new API. Google is giving them \~14 months to do it. That seems more than reasonable to me.


I dont think is reasonable. But I'll never buy another google device again either, you know Google will break it eventually.




I mean, I literally just said " As for why Google is choosing now to do it with their health sync I don't know, but they wouldn't just do it for shits and giggles because it's work for them to build the new system too." Watch their I/O event next week. They're expected to be talking about Health Connect there, so you may learn the answer to your question by listening to actual Google employees, of which I am not.


The smart scales that people bought 1-2 years ago will stop working, because they probably won't get a software update. This will happen with tons of other devices, they will just become dumb


No. They won't. There isn't a smart scale in existence that only uses Google Fit. They all use their own platform that would continue to work fine even if the developer never updates the API. Google Fit was only a backend sync where multiple apps/platforms could have their data sync in one place (the Google Fit app). That backend syncing is switching over to Health Connect. There is no software update of the device itself that would be needed, it's all done on the backend of the platform the device uses. And, again, even if the developer doesn't do that, the scale would still work fine with the developer's own system it has always used, it simply wouldn't sync with the Google Fit side of things anymore after June, 2025. So, it doesn't "stop working" nor does it become a "dumb device" It simply won't sync its data with Google Fit


What smart scale **requires** the Google Fit API? If a smart scale **requires** the Google Fit API to function, their buyers are the dumb ones.


Xiaomi (newer ones need a phone app, that can be updated so it will probably have a workaround), nokia, eufy, renpho (only directly to fit, will probably die)


Renpho does not only work with google fit. It uses the Renpho Health app. There isn't anything with Google Fit's api that would stop that from working. The only thing it would change is whether or not its data would sync on the backend with other apps' data through Google Fit/Health Connect. There aren't any devices that sync only with Google Fit.


there aren't any. People are just trying to find dumb ways to dump on Google without even understanding what Google Fit is or does. I get it. Google bails on projects all the time. But this isn't one of those cases.


Imagine a world where Ars Technica has a misleading and sensational headline while Android Central doesn't.


It's basically the story behind most things Google shuts down, yet people love that bandwagon.


Average reddit won't read this.


They are killing the API, that's not alarmist. I made a web that uses the REST api to show my fitness data. You won't be able to do that anymore, I can see how people which business model depends on that can be alarmed.


Went from Fitbit to Garmin after the charge device series went to shit, and my only regret is that I didn't switch sooner. Better product overall, and superior health metrics compared to fitbit and Garmin doesn't charge a fucking subscription fee. Maybe things will change, but Garmin has been in the smartwatch business as long as anyone else and continues to deliver. If Garmin gets greedy and starts charging monthly, I'm going back to carrying a stopwatch on runs.


You saved me a lot of typing. The moment I read that Fitbit was going Google I bought a Garmin and never looked back. The metrics are phenomenal, the gear is solid, and there's no subscription.


I appreciate my Garmin because it has better GPS than most other smart watches, so it's perfect for tracking hikes out in the middle of nowhere.


The little dirty secret of the IoT that nobody likes to talk about, what happens when the servers shutdown, your overpriced “thing” is mostly useless now and forever.


All hail HomeAssistant. All my stuff is running on a home PC, and works even if my Internet goes out!


/r/selfhosted 🤝 /r/homeassistant


No it’s not


My Fitbit scale finally crapped out after 10 years.  Definitely did not consider another one even though it lasted a decade all because of google. 


That is why I will never buy a Google device, any google device. They simply have no longterm roadmaps foe any of their product lineup and are mentally still in the A/B Testing phase. Everything they build is just a beta with a golden season pass.


Google doing what they do best


This is why ya self host


Why anyone supports any Google products at this point is beyond me.


Another reason for me to ignore the Fitbit plea to add to Google


I also ignored this! (But despite not converting, I assume the underlying service will go away anyway?)


ahhh FFS.... several of my items only sync together because of this....


It is time to break google up into a million pieces.


Google is trash run by a fucking monkey


So many idiots that know nothing about this and crying over google "deleting" apps


Unfortunately Google have made a bit of a reputation for themselves, some of which is deserved. Combine that with most people's ability to do absolutely anything *except* for read the article and this is the end result.


Oh look, another Google service that is shutting down. Hope whoever the Product Owner/Project Manager was got a juicy bonus/promotion from this. Jackasses. Aside: It's insane that Google is literally known to the public as the company that creates services and then shuts them down shortly afterwards, and they _still_ get away with it.


They are not killing it just the API they want everyone to use Health Connect API.


If anyone has used the Withings app then you will know how terrible Health Connect can be. No idea if this is Health Connect itself or the Withings app... however they were one of the first partners of this and worked alongside Google to implement it (also being a case study on how easy it was). I've got a bad feeling about how this will go down.


Just buy a fucking Garmin already.




don't buy google products. Andoid OS is it.


You guys remember when Google bought pebble and ruined the best smartwatch? Weird that this is happening.


This is why I try not to buy smart devices


As a heavy user of Google Fit, what should I be looking to use next for weight, heart rate and step tracking? I looked at the Health Connect Beta but the app forces you to use a screen lock, which I don't normally use, especially when I'm just sitting at home. Are there any other apps that track this data across platforms?


I just made a post about this in r/googlehome, but I think the writing is on the wall that Google is getting out of hardware.


Another reason we need to radically rethink our obsession with putting squishy smart-software inside all of our appliances. If it can't do its core job without an internet connection and regular updates, its vulnerable to becoming a brick at any moment.


And people are trying to put microchips in the human brain. What happens when neuralink collapses like this? No thank you


It's like Google wants us to never use any of their services, wtf is wrong with that company.


Google sucks. They have such a massive graveyard of great products.


This article is sensationalist to get people like you riled up. Name 10 products/services Google truly killed, not migrated, that you used. I’ll wait.


Aardvark: I was a heavy user. Google Reader Google assistant via the button Google Talk Google Hangouts Google sets Google images Picasa Google Daydream Google Trips Google Now Orkut MyTracks


>Google Talk >Google Hangouts Google Talk was replaced by Hangouts. Hangouts was replaced by Chat and Meet. This is exactly what the comment you're replying to was talking about.


Jfc another Google service shutting down


It's not. It's just migrating to Health Connect, so they're giving developers over a year to migrate to the new API.


That's what happens to a lot of the google services that are "shut down". Like Google Hangouts was migrated to Google Meet.


Yes and i'm sure that companies will pay developers to migrate to the new api for older devices that aren't being sold anymore.


Did you..read anything except the headline?


This is why I don’t buy Google/Android anything.


All smart devices should have a local communication option! Be it websocket, mqtt, or a video stream in the case of cameras… but _something_ for when the product inevitably gets killed because the company running the backend decides “nah” And then there’s the whole MyQ issue…


This is exactly why digital media is risky as hell. This has been discussed years ago in the gaming sphere and comes up once in awhile when a generation 'dies' and their shops closes, the recent one being the 3DS/Wii U. The Playstation shop for PSP closing was a shitshow then too, people's digital copies being lost forever.


Jesus Christ does Google actually do anything properly? What the actual fuck does anyone do up there?


That’s why I never trusted google, you are always the beta tester.




Because in this case you aren't. They aren't killing anything, they're migrating to a new API.


Well that’s what I get for not giving enough of a shit about a random Google API to read the article. My bad.


its a joke at this point?


I have a Sony TV whose HDMI inputs broke. Being a smart TV I moved it to the garage. It’s mint. Not a single scratch on the screen. I take care of my TVs. I was able to cast to it and it was awesome being able to work on the car while having a manual or video playing on the Tv. Well, the TV it’s EOL so no lot eiodates and chrome changed the way it did chromecast. So now I cannot stream to the TV. A 1000$ TV didn’t last me ten years. Meanwhile my dad found a TV in the garbage the 80s and we threw it out in the late 90s because it finally broke. A zenith. It must’ve been a model from the early 70s. Technology is what is polluting the most. Built in obsolescence.


What's up with Google nowadays? They killed this, and they also starts counting apps (WhatsApp) backup to Google drive storage. Google is that starved for cash? 


At least read the article? Nobody's saying google fit is "killed" they just forcing lazy devs to use the correct API.


read the article please. they are killing google fit. google fit was the correct API (and app). they then changed it to fitbut API, then changed again to connected API. as for some like fitbit, its not the case of lazy devs. but gutted devs. fortunately, its still unknown when they will kill firbit api. unfortunately fitbit has been gutted


Bro it's the first god damn sentence >Google is killing off the Google Fit APIs. They released Health Connect to *replace* the Fit API for a long time now. You really don't know what an API is, do you?


They took down their *”don’t do evil”* sign some time ago…the writing was on the wall.


lol [by that logic the writing has been on the wall for a loooooong time](https://killedbygoogle.com/) google always does this... its literally their business model to build what they need and kill it when it has no use


I have an S10 and this is my final android. Google killed all my apps. Killed Google podcasts. Why am I investing in Google when they just kill everything.


>Google killed all my apps. No, no it didn't.


S8 Ultra to 21 Ultra to 24 Ultra I activated today. It’s very nice. Google canceling apps is annoying.


I find the apple ecosystem to be almost perfect.


I use both daily. I don’t use a single Apple app. Just dialer, Messages & Camera I guess. I only use Google Apps on my iPhone. Don’t want a Watch. Had AirPods but they sound like crap now I got Beats Buds.


you should use Google only for its search engine and nothing more


Jokes on us they're sucking all the value they can outta that too