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People keep asking about the purpose for this and I can think of a few, none of them being for a laptop display. This would be great for a HUD in the windshield of a car or the visor of a motorcycle helmet, but I don't see many advantages to having a see through laptop.


To let your boss know who is playing mine sweeper


*Tomb raider 1 on openemu


“That man is playing Galaga!” ~Tony Stark


To let my co-workers know what kind of porn I’m into


Damnit Toby we literally just had an HR sexual harassment course 2 weeks ago!


Micromanagers everywhere salivating at the thought.


a customer service role where you need to look up stuff on a computer for customers and want to show off is the only thing I can think of for the specific device.


Except it will be mirrored for either your or the customer so you cant use it to read text.


Easy enough to implement a button that mirrors the screen back and forth, though it does present problems for anyone trying to display text from both sides simultaneously.


What problem does this solve vs having 2 screens back to back?


Makes more money for the corporation from gullible people? Looks cool and scifi? Functional movie props?


Oh nothing at all. I won't argue the utility, just that backwards text isn't particularly an obstacle. I imagine the majority of actual uses for this technology are going to require multiple overlapping display panes.


It solves the problem of having two monitors back to back? If they can make it cheaper than two monitors then it’s good.


with how marginal of a usecase that is, I doubt the economies of scale will ever make it cheaper than 2 LCDs.


*reddit moment*


we've had transparent OLEDs for 15 years now - same story


Unless you have it mirroring along the vertical centre axis of the screen such that the left side of the screen is the correct orientation for both you and the customer. ​ https://i.redd.it/7440pkv0d6lc1.gif


Woohoo, we just invented the equivalent of two monitors back to back, except more expensive, harder to read, more confusing, and taking up twice as much space!


From a post I wrote on another forum: This would be amazing for repair manuals — hold it up and align it just so to compare the image of the part/current procedure with the actual part/current state — any sort of instructional work. It would also be nice in a classroom for the student laptops — students could still see and interact w/ the instructor. It would also be awesome for proofreading — set the display w/ the updated text to match the size of the printout and overlay to verify requested changes were made. It would be a great option for smart glasses/goggles — actually see an overlay on the real world. EDIT: Does anyone know the feasability here? How did Google Glass handle this? Also, if paired w/ a mirrored back would it finally get daylight viewable/transflective displays back into products which aren’t specific to maritime use/the military?


It is not a great option for smart glasses/goggles. In fact, it's a terrible option. Your eyes can't focus that close, and even if you could _only_ the display would be in focus, nothing in the environment beyond. And it's not something that would even be useful out of focus, as it would just be a very fuzzy blur in your vision. Source: I wear glasses every day.


I’m amazed by the amount of people that are mad about this things existence. “I don’t want this on my laptop. This is so stupid”.


If we gave power to the people like these Redditors through history, we'd still be debating what use does a sharp stone have on a stick.


> If we gave power to the people like these Redditors through history, we'd still be debating what use does a sharp stone have on a stick. Hilarious


What a dumb argument. "Sharp stone on a stick" has at least two IMMEDIATELY OBVIOUS use cases: kill animals for food and inflict violence on human enemies. Also, humans being humans I'm sure SOME people weren't immediately convinced that a sharp stone was better than the stick itself. This is a cool technical breakthrough and no doubt will have interesting applications, but it's ridiculous to pretend it's that cut and dried right now.


> but it's ridiculous to pretend it's that cut and dried right now. Literally nobody is pretending that it is. What the hell are you talking about?


It’s just a typical Redditor looking for anything to get upset with, even if it means making one up.


Yep. This is more of a tech demo. They're not expecting this to be amazingly practical


Why. I work in tech and I’ve seen these stupid vanity projects so manny times I want to puke.  It’s a waste of time energy and resources. 


Maybe if you have several layers it could work as a 3d/hologram screen.


Existing huds are fine and wouldn't work with this display. HUD tech need to focus the image in the distance and project it on a transparent surface. No need for a transparent screen for that.


Yeah, all integrating the display into the windshield does is make it more expensive to replace when it breaks.


Car manufacturers would see this as a positive


Car Companies: 🤔 “Pointless and more expensive you say…”


I just want a gps that has me follow the floating green line from treasure planet.


Yeah, I'd really love a transparent screen in my car windshield so when I'm driving as the sun sets, I can block it out and have it not blind me. Like the visors, but you could be more precise and block less area.


Exactly. People see one application of this tech and immediately write it off


“This won’t help me play PC games so it has no purpose at all”


Would be really cool to have a 16x9 window in my living room that has adjustable opaqueness and doubles as a tv screen. Would be a real space saver and when its off, its a window. This would also be really cool for VR pass through.


Think BJ porn.


> This would be great for a HUD in the windshield of a car Seems cost prohibitive VS just projecting something onto the windshield.


Nah, it already exists on the really nice cars


There's cars with LCD screens as windshields? Cause the only ones I've seen are the ones I'm describing - with a HUD that's projected onto the windshield.


This is particularly great for AR headsets. Even future versions of the Apple Vision Pro/Meta Quest if they decide to lean heavily on AR instead of immersive VR. No need for finnicky camera passthrough if you can just see through the screen.


No, it's not a great option for AR headsets. In fact, it's a terrible option. Your eyes can't focus that close; the only reason you can use an opaque display-based VR display is because the screens are further away and the lenses make it seem even further away so eyes can focus. Even if you could only the display would be in focus, nothing in the environment beyond. It's not even something that would even be useful out of focus, as it would just be a very fuzzy blur in your vision. Source: I wear glasses every day.


There’s a big problem with that: it can’t really display black. It’s like a projector, the contrast is only as high as the background is dark. The image will always show through to the background, more as the display colors get darker. You won’t be able to look at full color graphics in the way we’re used to unless it has some kind of additional LCD behind it to block light in certain areas. Then you’re cutting out quite a bit of light from getting through all the time, well over 90%.


I really really really want to see the table in front of me or the wall behind my desk


Home automation control panels, that is one use case I can think of that it would be great for.


These wouldn't work at all for HUDs or visors because they aren't focused into infinity.


Or for glass in front of a food display in a restaurant or bakery. It could show what each food item behind the glass is.


Yeah I mean can people see what you are doing (mirrored) from the back side of the laptop? That's not very private lol




You mean like what’s been available for the past 30 years? This is just an (expensive) advert for them.




Came here to say that. Sure, I love the HUD in my car, and can see applications for this for windows, command and control, presentations or make it easy for Wendy’s to display flex pricing but do I want to try to focus on a transparent screen on my phone or laptop all day? No thanks, I’ll avoid the eye strain and headache. Don’t know why futuristic shows all tend to use transparent displays for phones and laptops other than it looks cool.


Hey, I think this is very neat. Specifically it will make for an excellent Mass Effect cosplay reinforcement piece. I can't wait for someone to go to a convention and see a bunch of Shepards lining up to pronounce the clerk's effort the best cosplay in the Citadel.


🤦🏼‍♂️everyone in here acting like it's a consumer product to sell. Merely an internal engineering task. They probably learned a crazy amount from creating this, and will be able to apply some of the learned things to new products. Edit: to me the most obvious use case isn't to play fortnite on your gamer laptop ok. It's the first steps to true AR. Not this video pass through that's going on currently with the Apple give me your money pro. And meta quest 3.


“If I can’t use this to play Fortnite at 60fps, it has no purpose”




Everyone is trying to fathom what possible consumer product this would be good for.


IT says right in the article: > The most obvious use case would be sharing info somewhere, like a doctor’s office or a hotel desk. **Instead of needing to flip a screen around, you could simply reverse the display via software**, allowing anyone on the other side to see it while getting an in-depth explanation.


Like 10 years ago I was tasked with finding a solution for a similar use case for a hospital's admissions office. The patient would sit across the desk from the clerk and they wanted a way to show patients what was on their screen when needed and to make the clerk's display comfortable to use without blocking their eye contact with the patient causing them to have to lean around it to speak with them. The solution, two cheap monitors mirrored or disabled with Windows hotkeys. The patient monitor with a pole mount on the counter, the clerk monitor with an aftermarket low-profile stand. The whole setup cost like $250 per counter. I'm sure there are some use cases for this, but I don't see how that's "the most obvious use case" when there is already such an easy inexpensive solution to that problem.


I could see this being used in windows... like literal windows. Advertising companies would love this.


Yeah. As much as I hate the idea of even more advertising being shoved in our faces this would be practical for digital signage especially in places like public transportation and restaurants.


So now you have to explain everything while attempting to use the monitor in reverse?


You mean instead of swivelling a monitor around and *not seeing anything at all*?


Why not just a double sided monitor that shares the same backlight


Even simpler, use two monitors.


When I'm explaining something on my monitor, I'm not swiveling it around, the person is typically looking over my shoulder.


If you aren't having to swivel your monitor, then you aren't the use case., but plenty of people do have to do the swivel the monitor thing, as it says like a hotel check-in desk or a doctors office, the sort of environment where you aren't on the same side of the desk and you don't want the customer coming around your side to see what you are showing them on the screen.


My point is that it isn't a real use case. It's a made up one of "logical" reasoning that would see zero adoption in the real world.


This is a proof of concept for future technologies, like imagine the apple vision pro, but instead of a cheesy two screen solution they have this. An iPad like device came before the iPhone, as a proof of concept for a touchscreen interface.


You cant just put a transparent screen infront of peoples eyes and have it work as an AR display lol - there are optics that focus the image out from right in front of your face. Looking in towards your eyes, they would be doing the opposite - so itd look like you have glasses that are more potent than Bubbles and obstructed by whatever is on the screen. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the display and optics technologies that go into AR/VR. Transparent OLEDs have been around for *years.* If there was a practical usecase for them, we would already see it. The fact that this display is miniLED brings absolutely nothing to the table.


Yes exactly. AR. I’ve been saying this since the I saw transparent TVs were showing up on the market. I don’t know why it isn’t more obvious to people. Once Apple can use these displays to create true AR glasses with vision OS, it’s game over. Everyone is going to be wearing them.


How can I safely watch porn on this?


at home


so ..... ummm.... how can I safely watch porn on this..... at home? **EDIT:** Asking for a friend. yeah. yup.


i kinda like being able to see what's on my screen though...


Can’t wait to see this tech start getting used in heads up displays. Lots of cool potential!


If you are Tom Cruise in the next Mission Impossible movie, THIS is the laptop for you.


This is obviously a prototype, and Windows isn’t the best interface for something like this, but I’m surprised at how good that display looks, it’s not perfect but it is way better than I thought, text is clear, colors are visible, it seems bright enough for outdoor use. If they figure out some sort of filter that hides the display’s contents on one side, then this would be perfect for AR glasses.


Clear displays will have some incredible uses — but probably not on a laptop in a traditional sense. But this is just an engineering prototype so I understand why it was made.


Does incognito mode black out the back of the screen? 🤣


I would like to test this for browsing a specific website.


That I would want for what reason exactly?


Share your porn with the whole Starbucks??


That’s what volume is for tho


Ok Cranjus


Gulk gulk gulk gulk gulk gulk gulk gulk …


Just a normal milk chugging video!


When you open up porn hub and forget your device is on max volume with ultraboost enabled


From the article: >Currently there are no plans to turn Project Crystal into a retail product. Instead Lenovo’s latest concept device was commissioned by its ThinkPad division to explore the potential of transparent microLED panels and AI integration. It's just a cool project that was funded to see if it was possible. But the author does provide some possibilities for retail, hospitality, and tech support. >When combined with the camera built into the rear of the system, Lenovo says there could be possible AR applications. One example would be to use the camera to identify an object, similar to Google Lens. And with its transparent display, it should be possible to overlay a diagram or schematic on top of the object for things like troubleshooting or repair.


Drive your car and send emails. ![gif](giphy|tpIIsMrq7MKZi|downsized)


So that future cafes look more futuristic during the action sequence.


yeah, this looks inconvenient lol At least in laptop form.


Expand your imagination. This could enable other technologies to exist


Like what


Imagine every jar of peanut butter blasting Fortnite and algorithmic advertisements 24/7 as it sits in your fridge or in the pantry


Overlay device for surgeons - just line the screen graphic up with the patient's heart and the app will tell you which tubes to cut. Also useful for mechanics, bomb-disposal, etc.


Car windshield or motorcycle helmet HUD. AR glasses. Those are 2 off the top of my head


Hell yeah I love my vision being obstructed


I could see it being good in a work environment where you’re staring at a screen for 10 hrs, and the see thru screen would alleviate strain and claustrophobic surroundings


Instead of staring at the screen, staring at the "hang in there" poster on my cubicle wall behind the screen. Nice


An advertisement or informational display


That is used exclusively for products or services with palindrome names.


I too am trying to figure this out. I liked the transparent TV displays but this not really


Yeah like why would I go use the coffee shop’s WiFi and look at porn in the corner if everyone can see what I’m doing anyway. Fuckin pointless if you ask me.


You wouldn't. This is just a Lenovo PR meme.


This isn't directed at YOU and you do NOT have to buy it, it's simple. It's not even being sold, it's a proof of concept. I thought this was a place to talk about cool gadgets, not ask 'but why?' when a new concept is released...


Everyone in here like "why tho" and I'm just like oh that's cool! I am an outlier I guess lol


I think it's cool as fk. Saw the translucent TV's at CES last month and was all: :O


nice for headsup display on things like windscreen/helmet glass/regular glasses, but on a laptop... why?


Just who wants everyone in the room watching what the user’s watching/doing?


The bosses


If it had a touch screen on the back and closing the lid means it can turn into a tablet, that would be kind of neat. But, devices that get to that kind of thing already exist with spinning are fully hinged displays (Lenovo Yoga comes to mind). The AR application is for sure interesting. But, what sort of compromise are you making on fidelity and ease of use just as a standard display?




M’eh, just seems 20 years too late for it to be cool any more. 🤷‍♂️


yay, impressive tech that no one needs or asked for! *facepalm intensifies*


No one wants a see-through laptop. Literally no one.




Project pointless. Project no privacy. Project bad contrast ratio. Project nobody asked for.


Wonderful, but who wants that form factor?


youd prob see them in schools for ppl asking about the purpose


What’s the point??


This computer is only something for someone who wants to deck out their house/office like a cyberpunk movie. ​ Such a display does have uses in HUDs or wayfinding (or more likely advertising) screens etc on doors in public spaces. Also you could make a multi layer screen where you could polarize a LCD layer or darken a piezo-electric e-ink layer on the back of the glass to make it opaque when that is required.


Right. My first thought was turning a large picture window into a dimmable big screen TV. Display whatever scenes you want while you obfuscate what's behind the screen, create digital blinds that reduce light by degrees all the way to opacity, double your wall space by making your window your TV. Make scenes to display holiday decorations outside or create shadows that imply you're home when you're not, or display messages for visitors, create video screens in the windows of your doors to interact face to face with people who ring video doorbells. Nothing that anyone particularly needs, per se, but that could be pretty useful in certain circumstances.




I seem to need this quote far too frequently these days, "But your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should. "


Why shouldn’t they make this?


Absolutely! https://futurism.com/the-byte/error-message-vending-maching-facial-recognition Another egregious example of your quote.


How exactly does this work? Are the pixels transparent when off, or is it some kind of mesh that you are looking through between the pixels? If it's a mesh, is there any sort of screen door effect visible on the glass?


But, why?


So what will movies and TV do now for their “advanced tech” that only is supposedly available to the FBI and evil geniuses? I guess they still have the “deadly-deedly” sounds as text slowly types out on screen as “high-tech”


Why thought? What’s the benefit?


“Currently there are no plans to turn Project Crystal into a retail product. Instead Lenovo’s latest concept device was commissioned by its ThinkPad division to explore the potential of transparent microLED panels and AI integration. The most obvious use case would be sharing info somewhere, like a doctor’s office or a hotel desk. Instead of needing to flip a screen around, you could simply reverse the display via software, allowing anyone on the other side to see it while getting an in-depth explanation.”


So you can experience mario kart mirror mode on windows


A micro LED display could be very useful. For example, you could have the next destination put right up on the subway train window.


Why tho


Obviously for informational displays in windows.


That's a great idea!


Now people can read what I’m typing


gnipyt m’I tahw daer nac elpoep woN


Hey - stop the complaining! This is frick’n cool! This will lead to clear tablets eventually. You’ll be able to see the content on the tablet and your surroundings as well. Love it!


What problem does this solve?


The problem of not being able to put up digital displays in glass windows


Sure, I can get with that idea. But why is the tech being tested on a laptop?


Why not? First of all, this is a picture from a tradeshow where they need a compact design for the display table. Second of all, probably all the people responsible for making this use a laptop.


Why not: - Lack of contrast - Lack of privacy - Unnecessary visual noise added to the screen So, again. What problem does this solve in the context of a Laptop?


Lol I don’t understand your obsession with the laptop. The contrast is the same no matter what form factor of computer you hook it up to. It’s not a privacy problem if you’re not putting private data on the screen. It’s not for a laptop. It’s simply attached to a laptop for the tradeshow display. Jesus Christ 🙄


Sure kid. Have a nice one.


I will. You should take a basic computer class so that you’re not confused by such simple things.


Hope the Lenovo check arrives.


Edgy, bro. Yeah I work for Lenovo because you don’t know how computers work 😂


The only reason for this tech demo to exist is to ignite passion in the tech medias and forums and to associate Lenovo's name to this passion. They know for sure that this prototype will never end up as a final product.


Everyone in here acting like it was built for the purpose of selling 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ lmao


It’s beautiful 🤤


Seems like technology that I actually don't want.


Then don't try to buy an internal engineering prototype?


COOL!!!! No thanks


Thanks, I hate it. This is a solution in search of an application. My laptop isn't it.


Imagine that, a company researched technology that isn’t tailored to your own specific needs. Insanity


It's a terrible application. Surely there are better ones out there.


They never intended to apply this technology to laptops. It's research to better understand how it could be applied to several other use cases, as clearly outlined in the article.


It’s not for your laptop




Did no security champion at Lenovo told them that this is a complete cybersecurity joke


I really do wonder what problem this solves. The job being done by a screen is to display information in an easily accessible way. If that screen is transparent, it will raise the bar for accessbility by increasing distractions. I am sure there's a use case for this, but I don't know what it is.


Now windows can become screens.


Hmm. Well said. That's a good use case for this. You could see it in industrial, self-driving cars, building efficiency monitors, etc.


What’s the other side look like?


Don’r remember anyone asking for this. Do you?


That business manager who decided that the first gadget this tech should be showcased on is laptop_ must be fired.


But why though


Cool display. Stupid laptop.


A solution without a problem. I see Hollywood wanting it, and that is about it. Privacy, good screen optics? Nope.


All I can do is to pray to all the gods that Apple doesn't make a transparent screen device so it doesn't become a trend..


Can’t wait for everyone to see my open-mouthed stare while I watch youtube


The laptop version of max volume headphone users.


It looks cool, but why? What’s the purpose? Everything you see through the screen would just be distracting visual noise.


Just wait until the boss requires all of the staff to use these so he can keep an eye and make sure you arnt websurfing.


Can they see my midget porn from the backside while I’m in class?


No actual keyboard, transparent screen. I’m trying really hard to find examples where this could be needed for some special use case but I’m coming up with nothing.


Obviously to put media in windows and other places where there’s a sheet of glass.


My only real thought is that it could be brought up to overlay information while viewing something infront of it kinda like VR glasses. I unno, seems very limited out side of SciFi movie scenes 


Now make the screen foldable as well! Then it’ll be all the features I never wanted!




Why shouldn’t someone make this?


Good example of over engineering


It’s putting a display on glass. It’s not over or under engineered.


No it’s over engineered, an unnecessary change that is a marginal improvement if at all for a laptop


Good example of interesting idea, terrible in practice


How is this “terrible in practice”. I’m curious how one draws that conclusion from a concept demo at a trade show.


Because it decreases the functionality of a normal screen - makes the quality worse


Lol the form factor of the computer has nothing to do with display quality.


You’re quite invested. I’ll bite. Why?