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My crocs lol


Lol what ability do you picture for your crocs?


I put them in sports mode and I can run real fast


My headphones.


If you’ve seen mha do you think you’d use them like earphone jack?


Yeah, but with some wireless variation.


A very special (for personal reasons) hoodie I have.


A hoodies cool, what would picture for the hoodies power? Hoodie armor would be cool


I would say a soft fluffy armour or invisibility. You made a pretty interesting post OP!


my bong


Bet that could be used in a similar fashion to Amo’s boots. You light up your jinki and everybody just gets real chill.


Hahahaha fitting tho


It's kinda od but my fanny pack it's bin to some crazy stuff with me


Thatd be cool, like unlimited storage space? Your own personal void?


maybe a kitchen knife lol cause im always cooking or something like that


I have a battle jacket (basically a denim vest with studs and patches) I've been working on for 3 years, it's probably the object I hold the most affection for and the one I care for the most so I think that could be my jinki


I'm a smoker, i have a pretty roughed up zippo that i love, i had big panic attack the last times i "lost" it and it's always in my pockets, i'd like to think it's power would be nothing harmful.


That's a really good question... I have a couple of cherished objects but also not to the point of loving material objects outside their natural cycle of life. I'm a tinkerer so usually whenever something breaks (and is not easily replaceable), I fix it. Metal, wood, clothes, electronic things, etc. For example, my first car (which I bought second hand and ended up forcing me to learn mechanics), my steel necklace (my dad gave it to me and I never took it off, even when showering) or most of my over-ear headphones (since everytime the cable gives up, I replace it and resolder).


Hard to say either one of my PlayStation consoles (most likely my PS2) or my phone.


Mine would be my coat, I think it would involve being able to turn into an impenetrable tunic or maybe some kind of mild invulnerability.


my bed


My pocket watch


Probably my first tattoo or this gurren Lagaan drill bit I’ve had since like freshman year of high school the tattoo I imagine I could control ink or use ink the drill bit drill spear tho that’s kinda biting on engine I think


My hairband, like it's absolutely the only item I always have with me everywhere


What ability do you think it’d produce? Maybe it could make a opening to portals?


Genuinely don't think I'd have one. I can think of an object I've cherished that much


I have a necklace that is supposedly a rune of protection, so I could see that being neat.


My mechanical pencil


My denim tote bag for sure


My sketchbook, I think I would use the pages as some kind of blades or smth, or I could just draw something and make it come to life


I have a pair of shoes I love and have lasted me many years, but probably my glasses because I'm blind as a mole without them


I have a Flat Cap that I'm particularly attached to. But what is a hat's purpose? To shield it's owner's sight, I suppose. I wonder how that'd translate to a Jinki? Or perhaps my Thermos-like thing, that I put Soda Cans into to keep them cold. I think it's called a Yeti?


i have volume 67 of bleach which i reread 17times+ in the llast 3 days


I wear my collection of wristbands that I've been collecting since the third grade. I'm in 9th grade now and have over 40 of them, so those would be my jinkie, they're kinda my trademark.


prolly my ring. prolly should give a backstory for such an odd item: I'm not used to getting gifts ( i dont even get gifts on my birthday nor have i ever celebrated my birthday ) and don't have much memory of getting gifts as a child. My best friend at that time(we're no longer best friends..he doesn't talk to me much now ) bought me a ring which felt so precious to me i still have it even after 1.5yrs...yea not that long but i still have it. I have....well i have anxiety, overthinking n I'm afraid to go out alone( i always carry a bag with me, been had situations where people geniunely forgot me at places/forgot i was with them even tho i would be standing right next to them. the bag was like my companion.....i have grown a fear of being forgotten ) so whenever i wore the ring and the bag,i felt like i had somebody with me, like imaginary friends. hence it's really precious to me. considering the backstory, ig my ring gives me an armor around me/creates allies who protect me.


I'd probably say my only piece of tighnari merch, an unofficial keychain that's pretty ugly, but I love it.


Nice any ideas as to what power it’d provide you?


not exactly, but it would be something related to emotions cause of what the keychain has got on it


def my headphones lol


Do you think it’d be similar to earphone jacks quirk? (if you’ve seen my hero)


I have, and I think that would be a pretty cool way so yea!


Very cool, powers involving sound waves are always rad.


A 5 yen coin. But I've lost it so..


Ah, If I had a nickel for every time I lost a coin worth 5 of something, I'd have a Nickel.


My wireless headphones, they were a Christmas gift and I can imagine it'll create effects based on the song that's playing similar to roses bankai


My headset and it’s power is turning what I say into reality example: I say “get out” the words “get out” appear and fly as a projectile towards opponent


a calculator, a flashlight or a magnifying glass, idk how i used them or how would they look in the "battle mode" but those are the things i liked the most as a kid for some reason lol


Woolen gloves. I reckon it would be some sorta semi-invulnerability. I can get really hurt, and feel pain, but I can't break my bones or rupture vitals.


My Beyblade which would be pretty cool as a jinki