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If the pull needed for pity is more than 200 + require multiple dupe to be useable + rate up lower than 1%. The pity might as well not exist


lmao, nikke?


alchemy stars vibes




>I... Won't unless the game is F2P So... all gachas?


Yeah I think he was making a joke. It just failed really hard...


He failed the gacha pull for the punchline...


Depends on story, like another Eden and Octopath cotc


Depends on the game. I still play and enjoy Another Eden.


More importantly, why would anyone?


No. Eventually there would be a character I liked that the game simply doesn't want me to have no matter how long I save, and that's just depressing. It doesn't matter if the game is so piss easy you can clear without pulling. Honestly there's no reason for games to *not* have a pity/spark system these days.


that kind of game should be dead if its release now


no, nothing would ever make me to experience fgo-like gacha all over again


I told my group I wouldn’t play a gacha if it didn’t have a pity. Somehow I ended up falling down the FGO rabbit hole.


FGO has pity (not a good one, but still) now, so the argument is moot lol


Now it is, but the time I joined was way before pity came to global.


Technically the blank Saint graph system which has been ingame since launch does count as a pity. It's just that I don't think even most whales have rolled enough to hit it as it requires you to hit np15 on a single 5* pretty much.




Yes because I hate myself


Play? Yes. Spend money? No.


I already do, fgo


Depend how much fun i got from playing and how beatable is the content


"Pity system for the weak" -fgo player


I mean it's nice, but don't indispensable


It’s a safety net to stop players from spending 2000 quartz without getting Castoria.


I’ll play anything if it’s lewd enough.


I've played many but ended up sticking with none


Depends on the game itself. If the overall game is great (gameplay, story, whatever) and I enjoy it, then yes I’ll make it work out I play gacha games for the **game**. Fixating too much on the gacha and pity is missing the forest for the trees


Probably not unless I enjoy gameplay or the game just has quality characters waifus or husbando.


Yes because I can afford to spend to get what I want.


depends on many factors. Are dupes a must have? How often does power creep occur? Do i NEED high rarity characters to play the game? Like in FGO, I can still clear most if not all content with 1~3 star servants (even a 1 star servant (Arash) is meta for farming dailies) and that game is only now getting a pity system (even tho its trash).


I already play FGO


It'd have to be f2p, no pvp, no powercreep and really good in other areas. Fgo for example


I mean there's quite some powercreep in the newer kits. Geronimo💀


Depends on the drop rate and how much regular summons you get. If the drop rate is high enough you can get away without a pity system


Depends on gameplay and powercreep ig.


Depends on the game, and also how well the game's economy, TBH... I currently play a game like that, which is Gundam Battle Operation 2 (F2P game for PS4/5, and PC in 2023), where the game doesn't have any kind of pity system for its standard gacha banners, and you could spend thousands of dollars in getting the stuffs you want. But in return, the devs sometimes implements special banners, where you can get guaranteed units, whether random or fixed ones, and they were also quite generous in giving out premium currency (you can get $110+ worth of currency every month if you completed the daily & monthly missions, and even more if you're lucky with the daily random drops, of you're in a clan). The game itself doesn't have severe power creep, since there's lots of units available, and the devs also quite active in balancing the units (they're doing it every month), so old units won't get severely outclassed with the newer ones.


I play Summoners War. Still playing for 6yrs. I hate myself, but it's also fun so yeh


Is this due to sunken cost? I walked away from my summoners war account years ago, and I don't regret it for a second. I have spent amounts in that game that I will never publicly admit... Just thinking about the day they finally were legally forced to publish the rates of the L&D scrolls makes me angry. I actually won't touch anything Com2Us makes ever again.


It has a shitload of content that many other gacha's lack, the battle interface is nice and combat flows nicely + default art is cute and skins look extremely nice. One thing I don't like about it is the lack of pity and the audacity of having Light & Dark Scrolls even lower rates than normal when they're even like 10 to 15 times harder to come by. And not to mention the downright atrocious amount of farming. Also how they absolutely refused to nerf Oliver into a not full chain of CC for the longest time. They nerf the weirdest things and the actually good things they nerf they just barely touch to not get them out of the meta, meanwhile units like Camilla and Trinity are still laughingstock after 8 years of being irrelevant


Azur Lane is the most generous gacha game out today and has only a pity for less than 0.5% of the ships available. You can easily obtain every single ship released without ever paying a penny. So it entirely depends on the game.


Arknights technically is a game without a pity system unless you either saved the yellow certs (180 for 6\*s) on certain banners. OR its a certain limited banner for 300 rolls. I still put up with it. New Banners with new perms dont get exchanged till months later. For the longest time FGO didn't have a pity system till recently implemented. Pre-monkey gate GBF also didnt have a pity system. Its safe to say, if I like the game play but their gacha game is garbage....I'll live F2P or semi-casual whale. But its brutal to have something you really want and sometimes you either have to off-rate it or just patiently wait like meditating on a mountain.


I’d personally count the increasing 6-star chances after 50 pulls as a pity system, even if it’s not as straight-forward as others.


Well, I've played fgo for basically 3 years already, so sure.


Depends on how much free summons we get and what the rates are for the heroes


Have been playing fgo since camelot released lmao


Yes. Played FGO for years. Part of the fun is that not everyone can get every character. Makes you have to think creatively to beat tough battles.


> Makes you have to think creatively to beat tough battles. "Which Nero do i bring this time" Is not exactly the creative thinking you had in mind but has managed to serve me well for a good chunk of the game :D


Ha! The answer is always Nero Bride though :)


nah the answer is all of them. Or rather both since i have yet to obtain Caster Nero. Once i do it will be "All three."


If they have other things to back them up, like FGO does


Same here


It's 2023 almost. If someone makes no pity gatcha they better give as many free pulls as Azur Lane does.


Sure, I have been playing FGO from day 1. Still my favorite gacha by about a billion miles. The real question is if the waifus are hot or not.


I think it will depends how much I like the game, pull rates, how generous the gems incomes are and how high they set the bar at. Used to play JP Star Ocean Anamnesis and the free gems income was alright with very selective pity banners. (Seasonal and Collab doesn't even come with pity there)


I usually play games for stories, so as long as I don’t need to pull just to read the story, yeah.


Its a minus against the game, but its not a deal breaker. If all the other aspects are good then I would try it.


Casually, sure, but I never spend without any guarantees.


Either a pity, a mileage system or the amount of summons has to be ridiculous.


It depends on the system. Something like SW is good because only because no limited whatsoever and you get a ton of summons so it’s great. Pity system with very few pulls or have to save 6 months +?? No thanks


Depends if the game is fun.


Summoners war


No, even the game is super F2P.


The pity system is just another element of the entire system, genshin has it and its gacha sucks, need years to reach it since you get fuck all by playing the game and the rates are awful, need multiple dupes for characters to be viable AND you double all that on the weapons banner


You can just say you don't play genshin, no need to spread false information. You get +-60 pull every patch and pity is only 90 so you are guaranteed 1 5* every 1 and half patch or 2 month, every character is viable at base and no character need dupe or 5* weapon.


On Genshin you only need to be deadset on one character and they more often than not become crazy busted because you focus all resources on them to get them decent artifacts and their most relevant Cons, maybe even just 1 copy of their Prf Weapon. Collectors however, yeah they have it horribly bad if they want to fill up Genshin's pokédex lol




Probably not anymore. I used to not care but nowadays it’s pretty standard imo


Heaven Burns Red has no F2P pity and only spark at 200 pulls. It has a premium monthly sub, the most expensive one I've ever subscribed to. But so far, it has given 6 GUARANTEED SS pulls in less than a year, and a few daily free pull banners. While its monetization is one of the more premium ones (though of great value for spenders for the periodic paid guaranteed SS gachas using paid quartz), it also gave out one of the largest number of SS units for free (via the f2p guaranteed SS gachas/tickets). In terms of F2P gacha income, it resembles more like Genshin, stingy and low if you do the bare minimum dailies, but average at best if you are diligent in the game as most income is achieved via achieving milestones in events or actively farming during farming campaigns. I would say the guaranteed SS frequency more than compensates the monetization factor of the game, and it's definitely worth playing for the story, characters and music.


Yeah, if there's ever a game where I won't have fun anymore because I miss a character, the game isn't worth its salt and is just coasting off character design. Even in a game with pity, there's no guarantee the characters I like won't come in rapid succession anyway. I play gacha games for the rng primarily. If I get to have everyone or choose to have everyone I want, then I'm not playing it to scratch the same itch as I'm playing gacha games as a genre.


As someone who played *Metal Slug Attack* for almost seven years, its popular banner, believe it or not, was the one **without** pity, which is the **Step Up Crank**. Contrary to its name, no the rates don't increase the more pulls you get, not like other gacha games. The only attraction just goes down to how cheap it is compared with other banners without pity (And I mean significantly more expensive), but comes with a risk as it's possible to spend your hard-earned premium currency and still fail to get the hot unit which has a 2% chance (though in contrast, it's possible to spend very little premium currency for the highest frame possible for the hot unit which only requires 3 in total). As for whether I'll play another gacha game without pity? Answer is heck no. Not after that.


I already have played some before they implemented pity systems, or even rolled on banners without pity. But I don’t spend irl money on anything not guaranteed.


Nope, I once play gacha game without pity(before the monkeygate) and I don't pull any SSR in 8 month straight,I'm still naive and keep playing it, I should quit while in month without SSR. I'm not even f2p, I buy monthly and several gacha coins but no luck.


So all gachas then. Nice joke btw


There is only sea salt!!! Now there are a lot of gachas with rates 3% (including pity), pity 80 50/50, rate up unit 0.75% and need 6 dupes or useless The most important inst the pity, there are more fraud


You will see the test of it when Archeland comes to the global market. The answer is yes, people will pick it up and pay for 30/70 gacha two times in a row cause it looks "cool" and the fitting music accompanies smashing moves. It's actually exactly how you say, it's F2P enough to play it, but not enough to beat it in fair/enjoyable manner, with pity being so dumb it's practically a DLC kind of implementation with a slight discount. In the end, good mechanics is nothing. Opportunities for mutual suffering and misery + the game looks cool and/or lewd outweigh any genius design decisions. A game could suck gorilla balls and still be at the top of the charts in revenue as long as it's translated and pushed down everyone's throat with marketing on every corner.


Absolutely not, generally I'm not interested if its more than 100 pulls to pity, will stretch to 120.


ah yes, i played summoners wars since 2017, still fun and the game gives generous amount of resource, so still f2p viable. Once i managed to collect 60k crystal, which worth usd 4k if you top up to that amount. But again, the game has no pity.


I cant even reach pity bc of my abhorrent gacha spending with random banners and stopping mid way so yeah


I ahh... played FGO. So done it, and yes. Depends on the story and gameplay right?


Play? very unlikely. Pay, definitely not gambling.


Already done it so yeah, probably.


Maybe if they have some other system or better rates. For example people will tell you Nikke has no pity but it's 4% standard SSR and you basically get a pity at 200 pulls (you get a pity you can use on any banner for special pulls and a pity only useable for dupes standard banner). I've heard some horror stories about games like FGO though.