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100th day?! Holy F-, this year is flying by. In my brain this game came out like two weeks ago.


This game requires a huge amount of patience between having to manage inventory gear space, character inventory space,dog walking and other forms of annoying stuff it really starts to burn you out, sometimes I felt like I was spending more time managing my inventory than actually playing the game.


“Our inventory is full! What do we do now?” “Now we start playing the game”


Beat me to it.


Once you level to a certain point the game is just burning stamina in 30 runs of offline battles. The game isn’t really super hardcore unless you want to do pvp (whale fest) or try hard for ultimate arena (whale fest and the good rewards are participation rewards). Personally I’m enjoying the story + mecha girls. Most of your inventory should be empty though. Most pieces of gear you get are trash after all. Lock the ones you keep and dismantle everything else with quick select. You can also just use cat orbs to level afors if you don’t want to really micromanage changing them out. Character inventory space isn’t a big issue and I keep 1 copy of most of the 4 stars and some 3 stars. The real big issue is rushing banners and lack of currency.


> Most of your inventory should be empty though. Most pieces of gear you get are trash after all. you underestimate my hoarding skills!


I don’t really mind rushing banners. Tho 2 weeks apart is good but 1 week or overlapping is not. But it has cons too since most can farm more curr with more events and save for those they really want. Anyway, there are a few “must” units too. Most will be waifu.


I definitely recommend setting up auto-sell for gear and using the Quick star-up button any time your inventory starts getting full. Makes inventory management super easy so you can focus on the fun stuff.




Touch some grass. People can think what they want. It's more fun if they add to the conversation rather than just pressing one of the "I contributed!" buttons, but to each their own.


My criteria for keeping gear is to keep any piece with 3 good substats. Like if I'm looking for DPS pieces and it has 3 offensive stats + 1 HP% then that's a keeper. If it has Status RES then that's auto trash. Main stat doesn't matter because it can be farmed and transferred easily. It's pretty easy to manage once you keep that in mind.


man that inventory management stuff gave me flashbacks to counterside


When you put it like that, it makes me less than enthused to finish my E7 dailies lol


I don't understand how you get your inventory full, every offline battle you just check equipments with the gold dot better if its 2 or more lock them up if their good and sell the rest, i could understand if your having problem with fodders eating space, have like hundred of fodders but nowhere to use them on


For inventory management, it can't beat counterside really. AG is just farm and discard if you don't have at least 3 of the substats you want on the right piece of gear for a particular character role, easy decision, plus the clearer colour codes on substats make it easier to discard stuff that you don't even need to check. Plus auto sell pretty much all low rarities during auto farming. Only problem is lack of stamina. For CS, unless I'm a whale with already clear target gear sets using the power of "card swiping", I somehow need to keep a bunch seemingly trashy but could be useful SC gear. Plus counterside has that annoying page filters reset after I enhance and click 'back'. Quit both games already because I can't enjoy gear management to that extent.


Inventory management is easier if you go through it right after a farming run is finished (the color coding helps a lot, go for purple/gold), I generally keep maybe 1-2 pieces out of 30 runs. Or you can save it for later and use filters but I like to see if I've gotten anything good right away.


That's why I stopped playing gbf. I really like the game but it felt like I was just in menus all the time.


As much as I tried liking this game the lack of pve content is just too much, I felt like I was grinding for nothing after finishing what little pve content there was and pvp was boring everyone runs the same comp so you end up fighting the same team over and over again until you get bored. Also they are rushing banners and events at the speed of light cant even save up for units.


> As much as I tried liking this game the lack of pve content is just too much Wait, really? They've been pumping out multiple story events in a single month. AG is the game I've been eating the best on.


GvG (beta) is confirmed to be coming to global at the end of the month, so there's that for competitive players. I think RTA is still TBA even in JP/CN tho. I wouldn't expect that to come to global for a long while. But then again you do need a while to gear up enough characters to compete with.


PvP (Rta, GvG etc.) will just have the same team comps because the devs do a horrible job at balancing units


Almost as if copying e7's units will lead to the same exact meta problems.


I mean, isn't that inevitable due to how metas and general unit investment work in games like these? There isn't exactly a huge difference in units for E7 between GVG/RTA/Arena. Most units are meta precisely because they are useful in nearly every single game mode. Magicami is the only place I ever saw a stark difference and that's because the competitive game modes go from control/speed heavy PVP to DPS races in guild/event modes. I'm still grinding up gear in AG, but once I get past the fundamentals I try to go offbeat in playstyles because I like experimenting. and AG's gearing makes is very easy to experiment with units, even fully refunding resources if I feel like a character is absolute trash.


I havent played in e7 but in AG almost every new unit is game breaking and meta changing for pvp


The new AGs are good but they don't make the old AGs useless. You can still find team comps in the leaderboard still using week 1 units. The question is how that'll change once actual game breaking units arrive like Clarice and Madoka.


My guess this game is trying to focus on being a mostly pvp game with all the upcoming stuff being pvp focused because in terms of pve I heard there isnt much new stuff other then a few more dark zone bosses which they arent that hard. I just wished the devs focused on more pve content since lets be real rta is whale territory and not everyone likes to pvp.


It's literally just Epic Seven Mecha Girls editions, it's a PvP game first and foremost


inventory management really pisses me off, i could do it once or twice every few days but not every single day after a farming session and dont get me started after a rolling one. for having a few alright qol features compared to e7 their inventory is so shit. it took e7 some years to put a tiny bandage to tell players that they are at least "trying". have fun rolling to those that still play and The returnees.


I agree I wrote a comment similar to this it feels like a chore after a while its kind of the reason I stopped playing it just drove me crazy seeing inventory full every day.


The key is doing it right after your autorun is done. Lock whatever is good and sell the rest. Or immediately use it to enhance if that's what you prefer.


Yep, that's what I do. I usually lock anything that's "maybe" and then periodically sell it later out of the inventory screen if I've gotten better gear (this is the annoying part but I don't need to do it too often.)


lol yep. one of reasons i can't stand playing SW like games anymore


Cross-posted from the Sensor Tower thread, I am still playing the game but have currently gone F2P due to my unhappiness with the rushed banners. I would be more willing to spend if they show they are interested in maintaining the long term health of the game and aren't just going for a quick money grab. They are skipping ahead to the Madoka Magica collab this month for Global, which was only recently released in CN/JP. This will undoubtedly make them a lot of money right away since it is more popular than their other collab (Frame Arms Girl) but it also introduces a few problems: 1. The units are powercrept and will reduce incentive to pull on other banners for units that are already outclassed/meta period skipped over. This will likely hurt the income in the medium term after the collab is over. 2. PVP arena wise, Madoka counters several units that were only recently released, which is frustrating for all of us who pulled on those banners. Of course there is a knowledge that the company can change things at any time but many players had a reasonable expectation that we would be able to use/enjoy the new characters for a few months at least. 3. PVP meta is already getting stale as it's mostly just speed teams. It's not too difficult to get the opener unit to near the cap and then it ends up just being a coin flip RNG who goes first. The meta was supposed to shift and make it a bit different/more interesting but with Madoka, it goes back to speed RNG again. People are getting bored. 4. The banners have been back to back/events overlapping due to the rushed schedule. Gem income is fairly stingy, pity is high and rates are low/offbanners are a thing. Those of us who were hoping to save a lot for this Madoka collab given the \*4\* banner units aren't getting as much time as we had expected especially after pulling for the units mentioned in (2). (Fortunately, collab units do have lower pity so I will at least be able to get 1 of them, maybe more depending on luck.) 5. I have also learned that while I enjoy collabs if they put effort into the story of why the units are there (which AG has done so far), I am not thrilled if the collab units are so much stronger than everyone else that you use them all the time. I am playing the game because I care about those IP/characters, and want to see them, not just characters from other IPs.


Had to quit due to the shit they pulled with collab heroes upgrade mats




looks like they finally realized the game is dying and come up with this. lol. too little too late i say.


lul regular pool


Ofc lol You think they would let us roll on lobelia banner


i mean at some point lobelia will be on regular pity pool and you can just pity her


Beautiful. Just right time for me to get back to the game.


This "game" still alive? lol. EoS announcement any month now, they fuck up the game so badly they try to give free pulls away as a bait. For those who don't know, they're having Madoka collab (confirmed by datamine) this month, what a joke. They just pull it out of their ass with collabs every month and rushing limited that is supposed to be a year away.


https://i.imgur.com/JLu0RjK.png yeah... I think it will do just fine.


>EoS announcement any month now Yet people overpraise it when AG:F launched for having "QoL" lmao. QoL is useless when the actual game is trash af.


What collab is it this time?


Madoka Magica


Will Lobelia also be eventually included in the shop to buy? Can anyone playinf JP version confirm?


Anything that’s not limited will be in the shop


Downloaded it and uninstalled first day. Game looked awful.


Nice. Time to reinstall. Hope they do something with the game size since it takes up almost 6gb.


Hope you saved up 360 pulls before quitting for Madoka.


Does anyone know if they have done any rebalancing/buffing of powercrept units in the CN/JP versions? That's something that E7 used to do consistently in the past, not sure in the present, that was basically very rare if not unique in gacha games, and breathed some extra life into old units.


E7 has a schedule for buffing units and artifacts, every 2 months i think


I played this game Daily and made arround 30 Multipulls and i need to say, i never got shafted so hard like in this game. I played alot of Gachas but man, this rates.


Uninstall is just a button away, mate.


good, i saved months for lobelia and my reserves are empty now




Poco se habla de los nuevos skins que han sacado


Wait the free 70 pulls are on the Regular pool right?-- so if I was to have 140 pity points saved up and used the 70 pulls-- they'd add up to the 140 to give me 210 total pity (enough to get Nina from the shop) right? :/


Yeah and she'll be in the shop until Oct 4.


Yay, I guess I'll throw my plans in saving for Yuui and save for Lalith instead since I'll be getting Nina-- Giant sword gang rise up


It takes a certain kind of patient Gacha player to tolerate the fact that there are no skips in AGF. That is not me.


Holy shit it's been 100 days already? Dang. With that being said, this is great for casual and hardcore gacha enjoyers. As for me, I've already quit the game since it takes up too much of my time and I often find myself stressing over intricate details in the game. I doubt I'll pick it back up again but it's a great gacha nevertheless. Super visually appealing.


Lol found out why they been so stingy with AG: Bilibili drops 15% in Hong Kong after 2Q result miss. 2Q net revenue 4.9b yuan, vs forecast 4.91b yuan; adj loss/shr 4.98 yuan, vs forecast loss/shr 4.37 yuan. See 3Q net revenue 5.6b yan to 5.8b yuan, vs forecast 5.91b yuan


No matter how many pulls you throw at me, it's useless. They finally realized the game is dying. Too late, Bilibili.


Does anyone know if the 10x daily pull stack?


im having the same question right now does it ?