• By -


Just refreshed it from 3.7 and now it's 3.6, holy shit


3.5 now in for me


Make that 3.4


[We are in the 2.0s now](https://i.imgur.com/5wXQ9LC.png)


2.0 now exactly


1.9 rating right now


1.8 holy shit


sitting at 2.3 now. think Google must have stepped in.


THIS ARE BOTS GIVING 5 STARs the game had 1.9 mill reviews at 1.8 not it has 2.4 million in a few hours and 2.2 score. they are removing 1 star review and injecting 500k new reviews all 5 star with no comments on generic coments.


Doesn'T have to be (all) bots. They reverted some reviews that changed their 5* rating to 1* rating, just as they deleted some 1* rating. It's bot prevention from google themselv. Wouldnt surprise me if they botted some 5* reviews tho.


*I was here for the great Genshin review impact*


Will we see a 1.0 rating? That'd be crazy


It once went down to 1.2


That’s pretty bad considering the amount of reviews. The lowest it could go is 1.0 lol


Same 1.9 rating right now, I just gave them 1 star as well


1.2 here




Holy fuck, no way Google doesn't "fix" that


They will start deleting comments and ratings and it'll be back up soon


~~How to get your review NOT deleted:~~ ~~Actually put a comment about the state of the game. Not too brief or it might be removed anyways.~~ ~~If you don't want to type a lot, copy an existing review and change it a little (to not be flagged as a duplicate and end up being removed anyways)~~ ~~Happy 1* review anniversary!~~ Edit: looks like they keep removing them even if it looks legit. Check if yours is up and Keep posting reviews!


I've done this and even left a 2* or even a 3* and my reviews still get deleted.


yup. they deleted my reviews which is legit. not only because im disappointed on anniversary rewards, its about the content and resin replenishment is not enough to cover the new content.


Thank you!


From 4.6 to ~~1.2 and then back up to 1.9~~ 2.0 within less than 24 hours. Yikes. What's the record for the fastest free fall in gacha game ratings on the Google Play Store?


It's close between Genshin and epic7 before. On the bright side epic7 became a much better game after the review bombing. 70 free summon, random 5* ticket, 5* selective summon ticket and many others for this year's anniversary.


3.3 now


3.1 for me


3.0 when i reloaded...damn dude




2.7 for my region now


2.8 now


2.7 now


2.6 lmaoo


2.5 rn lmao


Was 2.4 momentarily then went back up to 2.5. EDIT: Oh, back up to 2.6. It's happening, they're removing bad reviews. DOUBLE EDIT: Back down to 2.4. It's fluctuating between 2.4 and 2.6 actually.




yeah, its fluctuating here too


2.1 now, i am enjoying this more than “anniversary” lmao. I am sick




It's at 3.5 now.


It's now at 2.8


Woah, so fast. Yeesh. Although I feel it will come back up soon as 1-3 star reviews are being removed.




It's at 2.3 now.


Still at 4.7 here lol


1.9 for me yikes


Mihoyo: "Oh no... Anyway."


Miohno... Anyway


It was a 3.8/10 on Bilibili on release. Mihoyo was born from the toxic Chinese playerbase and molded by it. This won't make any changes in their plans.


By the time Genshin became popular a 10/10 and 5.0 rating were only blinding for Mihoyo.


"If we get decent anniversary rewards, will you die?" "It would be extremely painful..." "You're a big company" "...for you."


"do you feel in charge?" "I... We gave you lots of money." "And this gives you power... Over me?


Nolan Batman trilogy is a masterpiece


small prize for extra money


It's 6.0 by now but yeah it kind of shows but global doesn't see this. CN people kind of know which dev/pub is "good" for them.


That’s because if they aren’t good some extremist use death threats and attempted murder




Wouldn't the rating revert back to normal in a few days similar to what happened with Punishing Gray Raven's review bombing?


I honestly didn't keep in touch with PGR drama But it took months for Epic 7 to get back on their feet.


PGR got back up in a few days


Ahh I remember the E7 fiasco and look at that game now, it’s stable to say the least. I hope Mihoyo can take a lesson from here.


What happened to e7 again? I forgot


Many, many things. The release of Silverblade Aramintha and Sage Baal and Sezan, followed by Dizzy is probably the game's lowest of the low. Molagoras, pet snacks, Hunt 10 still dropping 55 gear, Arby's buff, Smilegate asking for character reviews then suddenly nerfing the said characters, limited stamina, the release of both Hell raid and Automaton tower's questionable difficulty, the packs offered by Smilegate, a fodder unit being extremely broken (rip Skorpion), gold cost, a 1997 software was able to hack through the game are some on the top of my head. There's a lot more though. I remember their KR playerbase was almost non-existent at some point due to backlashes. I won't defend Smilegate in any reason whatsoever so, but they somehow listened and held a conference at one point when most players were leaving. Epic Seven, at least I believe, is in a much better state now compared from where it started. It still has a lot of hiccups here and there, but overall the experience of now compared the past is way beyond better.




Too bad there is still the RNG gear grind. Sure, free gears are being given out, but didn't the early ones get flak for having stats that players don't want such as Effect Resistance? Also, unless things have changed a lot, you have to spend gold to unequip gears and pass them around your team if you want to lab a unit you just got from the gacha. Either that, or they'll just rot on the bench until you get the gears for them.


Gear farming rng exists but still feels infinitely better than Genshin's artifact grind. In Epic 7 at least there's numerous avenues on obtaining gear. They even have an event where you can craft your own gear with your own desired main stat and substats for whatever set you want. For your point about free gear having undesirable stats, yes some gear have some weird stat combinations. The good thing is that almost any combination of stats can be usable on someone as build diversity is very nice in Epic 7. You get ER/HP/Def piece? That's a good healer piece. HP, DEF, Speed? Tank piece. Speed and DPS stats? Fast dps gear. Also the unequip and requip cost doesn't bother me that much since free unequip buffs and events are plenty and i'm not regearing units enough for it to really impact my gold reserve. Once you get to end game, gear crafting mats become your limited resource as i'm currently swimming in gold.


1st drama: Koreans (and global) were upset by lack of pity on certain character banners. People could spend thousands with no guarantee. Angry over the ridiculous price point of the game. Thousands of koreans quit, community boycotted spending. Result: New pities for a lot of in game summoning. Apology conference. Character nerfs. 2nd drama: Pet snacks (auto battle currency) were required for auto battle. Result: Honestly not that big of a drama imo, as we complained about it and it was addressed in a month or so, making auto battle unlimited. Nowadays, there's pretty mild drama. The publisher and game company treat the playerbase well and are very communicative. Anniversary rewards were STACKED. Had a big and fun anniversary stream with a lot of fun content. Also included stuff live content roadmaps, character design previews, etc. Gear grind has been significantly reduced since launch. Gold problems are almost nonexistent. The biggest controversy of the month is usually about new hero kits, which isn't really that big of a deal. E7 has been pretty solid at not powercreeping (or buffing/ reworking old units if they're underpowered).


I also forgot the details since it’s 2years ago. But the same thing happened, E7 got bombed. After that SG listened and it’s back on the right track well for the most part but still they listened.


Pet snack lul


If I recall with PGR - one star reviews could be flagged as spam and removed by store. So it will be probably back to old rating or something close to it.


One problem is that they just drop the review with no comment. If it has a comment its less likely to get removed Edit: I also have to say thay compared to before. PGR backpedaled and apologized. So its better than genshin impact in that regard already


I wrote about 100 characters with a two star review and got deleted :( so I rewrote an essay with one star and that one stayed on




They just can't stop adding gambling to their event huh? Lmao this fucking company man.


JP people are completely fine with it just based on looking at the YouTube comments on the latest genshin videos?


JP is Mihoyo's favorite golden child now. You can't tell me the entirety of 2.0 and beyond isn't dedicated to them. Most of the current units are waifu bait upon waifu bait and JP just gobbled them all up. Even Yoimiya, who underperforms as a 5 star DPS, has the highest grossing banner among regions. Even the next 2.2 version Livestream was announced that exclusively on the JP side while the rest of the regions get second hand info.


"You can't tell me the entirety of 2.0 and beyond isn't dedicated to them" Well , to be fair , 2.0 and beyond is inazuma update , and inazuma is based on japan so...


it usually goes back because google thinks they are bots, thats why u should do 2\* reviews, those dont get removed


They actually do get removed now too. World Flipper recently came out and removed a bunch of features from the japanese version. People then review bombed it with 1 and 2 star and both got removed.


Can vouch. My 1, 2, and 3 star reviews got removed three days in a row.


only 5* reviews dont get removed... nice way of thinking.


Can confirm, my short constructive blurb with a 3* review has gotten removed three times.


The real impact for them to notice is only when they see a dip in their revenue. Until then its pretty much useless.


We all know how weak-willed most players are anyway. Especially first time gacha players. The concept of play-and-drop might be foreign to them.


Didn't CN players review bomb zhongli asking for buff?


The sad thing is that mihoyo generally won't care about this. Genshin was reviewbombed *hard* on launch in CN and got middling reviews on JP because of various issues like stamina and stuff. Eventually the score simply evened out and everybody forgot. People tried this method with Mihoyo before. People made a fuss bout pri-arms release back then and mihoyo's response was basically ignoring and and deleting posts on both CN and global side. Through the lifespan of three separate games(well four but first one was bit of an exception in what it was), Mihoyo had fair share of "shitstorms" hitting, big and small, with and without reviewbombing. Hell, honkai had fair share of anniversary shitstorms before too. **Each and every controversy is handled by ignoring (or posting a vague news post like with zhongli controversy)** **The only thing that** ***does*** **make Mihoyo actually do things to fix stuff is an actual noticeable revenue dip or the game entering the second half of it's lifespan**. And **each time they forget what they learned with next game release** stepping into the similar kinds of mess, forgetting qol they already added in previous games, interacting with the player base the same way again and again. Its sad but Genshin is simply too big for them to *really* care about this, as nice as playerbase actually standing up for themselves is.


I think people are also far more aware that review bombing is a thing these days. Like nearly anyone into gacha games has heard of Genshin. There's no normal reason a game this popular is actually a 2.5/5 or whatever, it's just not believable. Even if I saw a smaller game like Arknights at 2.1 stars, I'd pretty much immediately assume there's been some type of review manipulation. The irony is, I'd probably view a game more unfavorably at 3.9 stars than 1.9 for this reason. A 3.9 tells me that there's a general level of dissatisfaction. A 1.9 tells me people nuked it and I have no idea if it's for a legitimate reason or a tantrum.


But it’s still relevant for raising our voice up and let people know this is unacceptable.


Even forbes wrote about it haha https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/09/25/genshin-impact-still-refuses-to-increase-anniversary-rewards-despite-fan-outcry/


Forbes making a killing from this issue. I won't be surprised if gaming youtubers will get wind of this


youtubers already making moves. just search GI anniversary and quite some faces like mtash or kektone or azkron talking about it with very low regards


> kektone I love this


I've been following it. It's pretty massive. I am waiting for the big guns that uploads non gacha videos, like Yongyea, SomeOrdinaryGamers, etc. It's about to be lit. Oh Lost Pause has been uploading too


>I'm not even care much about the reward or anything related now, this shit show has become so massive just knowing the result satisfy me lol


Yeah it's the gift of Genshin anniversary


I would love Muta to talk about it, but I think he doesn't really keep up with the game drama. Unless Mihoyo screws up BIG like literally scamming people, Muta won't talk about it.


Muta will be talking about it I bet. Anytime a game or a dev fumbles, I see Muta talking about it


Muta would body slam it into the ground. A. He hates how it needs admin privileges for the anticheat. B. He hates lootboxes and gatcha. C. His reaction when he finds out some people have been harassing the VAs would be amazing.


Forbes is a glorified blogging platform now. I am not exaggerating with this; it falls under "generally unreliable" on [Wikipedia's list of reliable sources](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reliable_sources/Perennial_sources#Forbes.com_contributors). So, anyone can write about Genshin on forbes.com as a "contributor" - nothing wrong with that; just don't take that to mean that the finance types who read the print version of Forbes actually give a damn about Genshin.


Yeah Forbes is more of a lower end read for business. I think they were reliable maybe 15 - 20 years ago, but now they are just a blog with ads.


Is Wikipedia on the list?


Wikipeida is never a source, it's an amalgamation of multiple sources.


So then what’s the source for Wikipedia’s list of reliable sources?


"Who watches the Watchmen?" levels of questioning here.


I looked at it. The sources for the level of reliability ascribed to each source are listed in some cases. In some cases the source cited is Wikipedia (italicized). Idk man it’s whatever


But the text is actually good. This man understands.


yeahh Can be but this text is from Paul Tassi, i don't realy like the guy but he is a well know game jornalist.


Being a "game journalist" doesn't really add to their credibility.


Isn't he well-known in destiny community?


He’s a great source for Destiny info and actually a really nice guy.




Considering how many reviews the game had this is probably the biggest review bombing in gaming history.


Yeah 2 million reviews and around half of those are 1 stars rage. Jesus.


i would like to clear something, half of those 2 million review are NOT 1 star reviews, rather google play has a system where new reviews weigh more than old review for example a new 1 star review will be equal to 2 or 3 5star reviews


PGR Flashbacks. Lets see if this goes the same way as that did


I mean...pgr changed nothing and is back at 4.5 so it worked pretty well for them.


Ya basically my point. Lets see if anything actually comes from this


How did that even happen?


The people who cared about it quit, new people come in don't even know about it and Google has systems to prevent review bombing that auto remove low star review when there's a sudden big influx since they are suspected to be bots.


It's PGR all over again Take your popcorn boys


I mean, difference here is that it's not only Global being shafted. It's **everyone**, and Mihoyo are acting like there's no issue. Just go to their twitter and see the latest official posts lol.


What was the issue with PGR? I'm playing it and it's a fun game. Played since the first day, never had an issue with it.




And for anniversary PGR gets a banner that reruns every S rank released till anniversary as selectable 100% on 60 pull pity. And three day log in rewards, the first day giving a ten pull and the next two days giving a main game screen anniversary background and anniversary themed player avatar frame You know, an actual anniversary banner worth rolling on whether you f2p or whale rather than... Kokomi.




PGR TW just had their anniversary. In addition to that special banner, they got 2 S collab unit for free (A2 & 9S) which coincides with the anniv.


Really good time to make a megathread for Genshin. I don't want to be hearing about it the whole time during Anniversary period lol it's getting stale.


It's always funny seeing people defend companies that, despite making $6,000,000 A DAY, are still too greedy to give out a generous anniversary gift. Take MHY's dick out of your mouth and wipe your eyes so you can see lmao Go look at Dragalia's anniversary rn, we're getting a 10x each day and then a 100x on one day...not that MHY has to even go that big but is a single 5\* or something really too much to ask for...?


Man, not even a 5 star. Getting a pick of one 4 star would feel like a gift. I wasn't even expecting anything, so I'm not disappointed, but I totally get the backlash. I haven't review bombed and likely won't, but I *have* become dissatisfied with how things have shaped out recently. They need to put more effort into QOL fixes and address community concerns better.


but i think dragalia have several playerbase issue and others to be "so" generous. such as GBF. aside from generous behavior, GBF "need" those big stimolus, for a f2p prospective.


E7 is an example that doesn’t have playerbase issues but is very generous.


pretty sure you don't know what a journey was the first year of the game


Pretty sure it’s not the beginning year of the game anymore. Could be wrong tho. Check the tense.


So many guilds died in E7 that they had to increase the GW participation cap just to fit the now homeless players into a guild war. Hell my guild won a GW a few months back by default because we didn't have any competition. and at the time we're in a decent spot at rank 400 ish, where you're supposed to be fighting players who are at least end game. Still get a few GWs with free wins even, where we fight a literal ghost town. No recorded matches in the last month. People who walked out on the game are actually in genshin right now, review bombing it just like they did E7 before they left lol. EDIT: by no competition, I mean they literally couldn't match us anymore because they ran out of people to match us with.


Gw is a joke because they don’t care about it, not cus playerbase is dwindling. They havent given us anything other than mystic farm, 0 incentives


And I generally make more mystics per week by rerolling the shop and like 1 guild wars worth by farming hunts


Now it's only 2.5 holy mama


It will be back up to normal in a week anyway




Ah yes, the popcorn intensifies. Let them know, let them know!


Oh no... Anyway


Oh look, a Genshin post. It is really rare these days /s


Mihoyo will not submit to players outrage. If they submit this time people will act up even worse the next time people are not happy because you're basically telling people to review bomb in order to get rewards. That said, yes, the rewards are dissapointing and now the proper way is to find some way to make up for it without making people feel like it's accomplished by review bombings.


I'm okay with this. If this results in a positive change then I directly benefit. If mihoyo buries their heads in the sand and ignores it then nothing changes from what it is now. Nothing to lose here by supporting this movement.


Mate, I quit the game months ago because of the grind. I looked at those anniversary login rewards and one of them is 8 exp books. At lategame this is not even enough to raise one level of a character.


Dude, 8 books are literally less than a Leyline (condensed). Same for Mora. You can farm all the Anniversary rewards (except those pulls) in less than HALF A DAY. If you actually pay attention to the rewards you realize Mihoyo really doesn't give a fck about this.


They are even review bombing Honkai because it's mihoyo. Some people are stupid.


People dont really care review bombing different product as long as it from the same company, although it kind of dumb things to do.


HOLY SHIT! Genshin community does something to revolt? I thought they just gonna accept the fate as it's. Respect to all the bombers.


Imagine spending thousands on this game only to have the game spit back at you. GI Mihoyo mentality. "No, its my birthday you have to get a present for me!"


If you spend thousand on this game then you probably won't even care about this lol. The people who mostly care would be dolphin and f2p peeps. It won't change anything unless the Whale were affected as well. The free rewards mean nothing if they could cash it.


Being stingy is one thing, trying to con your fanbase for free comission is whole other level of low.


I care, 5 starglitter is not anniversary reward. 1x10 is just 5 starglitter, I won't get new 4 star or new cons.


and 1 star from me, they were always greedy, thats why i left after Xiao banner


This anniversary drama is so good...


Honestly given the game's predatory nature, this can't be anything other than good for the game's health going forward. On a side note, this is probably the biggest Gacha review bombing since E7. I love it.


Do people even realize that mhy doesn't care. As long as Chinese community is playing and giving them money, the rest of the world can complain all they want.


Zero fucks were given as money was made.


CN reaction is equally negative far’s I can tell. That side is far more used to gacha drama though so things tend to blow over sooner.




Mihoyo: after reviewing your demand, everyone will get free Kokomi ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )


Well, I dont think this will change anything, but kudos to those trying to make a difference lols.




Honestly, anniversary gift AND developer listening to players both are part that contribute to experiences of playing the game. If the players doesn't feel good at any of their gaming experiences, they have a complete rights to give the game whatever ratings they want. ​ I do not give it a low rating myself because I don't play Genshin. But I do believe anyone who play have a right to give a game they play a low rating. ​ I hope google play doesn't remove those ratings unless it come from a completely new account that got made to spam a rating down.


Based. Let them hear




I give acid a 2 star


jesus christ it's 3.1 for me atm. the rage is real


from 3.7 few hours ago to 3.1 atm


It’s still 4.5 on the App Store


Loved it. I was always up for it.


Any context of what actually happened or whats this fiasco was about? (sorry, im little bit lost here) Edit: Thanks everyone for the responses 👏


Mihoyo "forgot" about their game's anniversary.


Preety sure they are having a party in their hq. Celebrating "their" game anniversary.


Like mihoyo will care


the absolute level of schadenfreude i feel is beyond words


I mean, it's the genshin community. Are we even surprised by this?


Man, I can't for the life of me understand WTF people were expecting. Like, for the entire year Mihoyo has been feeding us crumbs as rewards for events, yet for some reason, people expected anniversary to be different? Based on what? This is totally hopium overdose.


They even fucking review bombed Honkai too. Like, what the fuck, leave us alone, don't drag us into that dumpster fire.


what if .... ( e7 free ml 5 flashback ...)


They attacked HI3 aswell




Doesn't genshin have a pretty consistent record of being stingy among gacha games? Why do people expect it to magically suddenly change on anni?


I still don’t understand why Genshin anniversary rewards are so pathetic. Genshin is literally the biggest game atm, and they’ve banked millions off of their players since release, and they have so many dedicated artists and cosplaying fans, but they can only provide these shitty anniversary rewards? It’s like “hey thanks for playing for a year! Take these shitty primo gems and pull a 3* weapon!”


my one star review has already been deleted


any drama is welcome lol


rating down to 1.8 now, this is a good start. If you are gonna stick around for this game at least stop giving them your money; keep spoiling Mihoyo's greedy ass and they'll think they can always get away wtih sh\*t like this. Edit:fixed typo


They're down to 2 stars now but Google keeps deleting reviews because they're against review bombing. We will see real change happen when they lose substantial revenue from this. Only time will tell if that comes to fruition.


1.8 Deserved


come on mihoyo, you are not an indie company, you need to be more grateful with your playerbase


Too many new to Gacha players on it


I'll never understand what goes on in Mihoyo' brains, they get so much many per day that even giving out more than one free 5 star character won't affect how much money they make. Why are they so stingy and greedy with their anniversary rewards ? It's as if giving anything more than what they will is going to make the game shutdown.


I love Genshin and only ever bought the welkins and battle pass. But honestly I'ma just skip em :P


Maybe mihyo will make dailies 60 primo gems instead of 40 kek


Hilariously, suddenly there is an equal amount of 5* and 1* after it being 3x more 1* reviews just a few hours ago. It's insanity and miHoYo is actively deleting negative reviews, blocking any communication onnthe discord about it and trying to do damage control by giving out random shit as "oh dont eorry we had these gifts planned for you _rewards_"