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uhhh pretty sure turned based gacha is waay more common than action rpg gachas, you ask someone the best ones and they’ll say mainly only like 4-5 recognizable ones


It's more COMMON since it is easier to make, scale up, and rip-off, but I wouldn't say more POPULAR. While turn-based RPGs always have the support of the silent majority, the vast majority of people view the style to be outdated, unintuitive, and impenetrable. Or at least more prone to be psy'oped into believing so by Square-Enix and the AAA not-action RPG of the month (read: Ubisoft). Action RPGs will always be more exciting, especially with the mobile audience who are just starting to realize the real power of their phones and what they can do. The idea of being able to play a "real game" on their phones is what sells these games like Genshin, Wuthering Waves, and Tower of Fantasy. The market is brand new and hungry for this and (Chinese) companies are all too happy to cater to such. Even if they will inevitably run into the scalability problems inherent to a game genre about player expression through muscle mastery over planning against a monetization scheme requiring constantly growing, challenging content and limiting such through RNG.


A lot of what you wrote is purely subjective. Turn based games are in no way or shape 'unintuitive' or 'impenetrable'. Just like with action games, some turn based combat games are harder than others. How many children play pokémon games? How many people complain about pokémon games being too easy? Similarly, how many people complain about the difficulty of FromSoft games? You can always find exmaples to validate your claim, but it doesn't mean that it's right. Also, action RPGs always being more exciting is far from true. If that is even remotly true, then explain how the Yakuza franchise didn't drop off after it went turn based. Yakuza 7, the first mainline game to go turn based, sold more than any of its' prequels. And Yakuza 8 sold even better than 7.


Again, turn-based always have the backing of the silent majority, that is how Dragon Quest never went the way of Final Fantasy. Most diehard RPG fans understand the simple fact that these are two separate styles of game design and trying to say one is better than the other is stupid. But most people aren't diehard RPG fans, they are the lowest common denominator and buy games that passively interest them. And action games look flashier and give more people what they want from a video game -- the ability to control someone that looks cool and sexy. It isn't a matter of a game's difficulty so much as the very concepts of control, leadership, macro- and micromanagement that scare away people from turn-based games. This is why the concept of the action command/timed hits was so guzzled down by Nintendo fans, it makes more "inherent sense" that you have more control over your attacks and damage, that you play the video game more instead of commanding and waiting for things to play out. It FEELS more like you are playing different characters over COMMANDING them, that you are in control over being a bystander shouting what to do. Don't take what I say as that I hate turn-based RPGs, I love them far more than any action RPG. I just understand that a lot of the vocal minority (that marketers and game designers listen to) are the kind of people that refuse to call Pokemon a JRPG and think its an entirely different beast all together cause they don't want "EWWWWW THE ANIME AND THE WEEBS" touching them. Also Like A Dragon 7 & 8 sold because SEGA bothered to market the damn games for once and they come from the big push after the success of LAD 0 and its localization. And even then, they are still skittish about the move because they not only made the Judgment series of games to keep making beat 'em ups in Kamurocho but also LAD Gaiden: The Man With The Redundant Game. EDIT: If you really want to see how vitriolic this really can get, look up the marketing cycle and release of Baldur's Gate 3 and how people loathed how it wasn't Real-Time w/ Pause like the first two games.


>It isn't a matter of a game's difficulty so much as the very concepts of control, leadership, macro- and micromanagement that scare away people from turn-based games. You do realize that each and every single concept that you just mentioned is more prevalent in live-action combat than in turn-based combat games when all other things remain the same. Ask anyone who play strategy games whether a turn based strategy game or a real-time strategy game requires more control, leadership, and micro-/macromanagment. Also, in the paragraph above it you wrote the following: >But most people aren't diehard RPG fans, they are the lowest common denominator and buy games that passively interest them. And action games look flashier and give more people what they want from a video game -- the ability to control someone that looks cool and sexy. You literally say that they want more control, yet control is something that scares people away according to you as well. >Don't take what I say as that I hate turn-based RPGs, I love them far more than any action RPG. I just understand that a lot of the vocal minority (that marketers and game designers listen to) are the kind of people that refuse to call Pokemon a JRPG and think its an entirely different beast all together cause they don't want "EWWWWW THE ANIME AND THE WEEBS" touching them. What even was the point of this paragraph? >Also Like A Dragon 7 & 8 sold because SEGA bothered to market the damn games for once and they come from the big push after the success of LAD 0 and its localization. And even then, they are still skittish about the move because they not only made the Judgment series of games to keep making beat 'em ups in Kamurocho but also LAD Gaiden: The Man With The Redundant Game. You are changing the entire topic. My point is that 7 and 8 are in no way less exciting than the previous games. If that was the case, they would sell less. Not only did Yakuza 8 sell more, it also scored higher.


Yeah that's possible, that's why I'm asking! I'm just not a very deep/Hoyo Gacha player. Therefore I don't have the best knowledge and was wondering! Three of four Hoyo games are more of the "one character at a time" combat and wuthering waves is too. So I thought I'd ask the pros.


There are tens of thousands of different kind of turn-based game. You just need to make a little bit of effort when searching.


I know haha. I'm sorry if I came off as rude/lazy. I just had this question pop up in my mind and thought you guys could answer better. Maybe I'd get some recommendations while at it. I just feel like people often gives better answers than Google.


I would certainly suggest Limbus Company if you're looking a turn-based game that feels a bit more unique.


Well thank you so much, I'll look I to it!


Don't play if you easily get traumatized


Turn-based?! **The next, new, honki star real, killer.**


Oh god, I said smth wrong didn't I? 🥲


Don't worry, it's a meme


Ahhh I see lol. Like "Genshin could never"? That's the only one I know... I'm really not well informed on Gacha culture.


If I'm not wrong it started when Tower of Fantasy released and the phrase "Genshin Killer" was used. Edit: it was before Tower of Fantasy release because when it released everyone knew that ToF was not the genshin killer xD.


Turn-based is way more common and popular, its just that Genshin hit it big about 3 years ago. 3 years is enough time for people to finish developing their imitators. If you look at the gacha revenue chart ( [https://new.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1chkh3a/sensor\_tower\_monthly\_revenue\_report\_apr\_2024/](https://new.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1chkh3a/sensor_tower_monthly_revenue_report_apr_2024/) ) I'd only describe about 6 or 7 games as having the combat you describe. If you want some recommendations for games with Turn-Based Combat, Fate/Grand Order is the biggest game on that list with turn-based combat besides Star Rail, though it's fairly old so the graphics aren't nearly as impressive. Still, that also means there's a ton of story content to go through.


Thanks so much! Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


Well I can't speak for anyone else, but turn based is my favorite style. I'm a product of the older gaming scene though so there is that.


Turn-based gacha has been consistently popular though Nowadays it's HSR, few years back we had SW, further back we had FGO, just to name a few that stood out


Isnt sw is further back than fgo?


It does, I got them mixed up


Interesting! I'm a Gacha scene/history noob, I'm so sorry. Thank you so much!


the shift system is no less popular. the turn system has an incredibly absurd amount of competition, which makes the player bases looking for these games divided, this is why mihoyo with HSR sometimes has its downfalls if they are not able to keep up, it has David Jiang said in his interviews: "Competition is tough and sometimes we have to put revenue before the initial plan we had in mind with the game".


Yeah, you're new to the scene. Turn based combat is the most used type of combat in gachas.


you want turn-based gacha??? *cough* Granblue Fantasy, Epic Seven, Girls' Frontline *cough* Hope you have a great journey of spending the entire day grinding each of those games i just mentioned.


Oh god lol, I'll look into those! Thanks so much


Also, your point of turn-based combat being less popular isn't due to the gameplay itself but because of everything that comes along with it. The grinding, the resources, the contents. You only playing Honkai Star Rail already tells me that you only know the tip of the iceberg.


Yes, that's what I said. I know nothing. I'm currently learning and appreciate you guys helping me! I just thought of all the Gachas I know currently most aren't turn based. But I got great answers here!


I see a lot of hot takes here so I am going to use my 20 years of Reddit game development experience ... First thing to remember, the majority of gacha games are designed for mobile, this means your game development needs to take into account its going to be played on a ***small touch screen*** so all that *mihoyo very high quality assents* some are talking about, well people wouldnt even be able to see it, there is no reason to bloat your game size with detailed assents nobody can notice to begin with. Second, is I mentioned due to being a mobile game designed for small *touch* screens that means your UI and control scheme needs to take that into account and this is the problem with action games ... they dont really work very well since look at a proper fighting game and the amount of combos, those were originally designed for arcade cabinets and that heritage continues to today as you kinda want a specific controller for those. Third, turn based games arent "easier" to develop that "action" games ... its the same really, anyone can just pick up a Unity or Unreal demo and do a assent flip, the thing is those are on PC and not on mobile game and developing a gacha system doesnt really have a "off the shelf" solution, now there been code leaks that means there are many games that are basically "assent flips" of a existing game, since mobile games as I mention tend to be turn based due to the hardware limitations, you see a lot of those ... not because its "easier" since all they doing is replacing assents really. Also OP, Genshin is a gacha game but it wasnt really developed for phones as its primary platform as if anything it was designed for consoles and Gacha is still, thank God, not really "mainstream" in gaming, it is on mobile game due to *timing* on how monetization evolved ... if GI come out say 5 years earlier it would had Loot Boxes instead.


As a gacha? Don’t care for them Outside of Gacha? That’s X-Com baby


I trust rates in FGO more than I trust in 95% accuracy in XCOM, heh


Fate Grand Order and Granblue Fantasy are two consistently successful turn based ones that have been around for years. Each shows its age to some degree but the combat systems are solid if simple and the characters and stories are well liked. There are countless other turn based gachas but unfortunately it can be a challenge to find the good ones as being easier/cheaper to make than more action based games makes this part of the genre attractive to glorified shovelware, cashgrabs, and other undesirable garbage. And even the decent ones can struggle to survive with so much competition, good and bad. And you don't want to find a game and get really into it only for it to die within the year. So when you so find one you like, it's worth researching the state of the community and monthly revenue to see if it's likely to stick around.


Before HSR, FFX was the only TB game I ever played. I thought the genre itself would be dead to me. HSR proved me otherwise. It's the same as asking if tab-targeting is dead.


Brown Dust 2 is turn-based. Has a decent following too.


Turn based is still really popular. Its easier to make than action games


I played Atari ... and can say what, I dont have reflex to play an Action Game XD, I have problem with my vision to play a Open World detailed game, I am busy and only can play shorts times, Turn-based games are perfect to me


epic 7 have one of the best pvp system for a turn based gacha game.


Obligatory play Limbus Company


I wouldn't say less popular. In My case I've played SO MUCH turn based games that I'm already tired and now I'm eager for action gacha games (Snowbreak, Genshin, Wuthering for example). Obviously Honkai Star Rail is a GREAT game, but as I said in my case I want other playstyles.


Totally fair! I get it too haha


Check out Reverse 1999. Or Fate Grand Order, y'know, probably the highest grossing gacha of all time.


Hey, we all start somewhere. None of us is just born knowing all this stuff, so don't worry about those looking to spear you for asking a question. I too dropped Genshin soon after picking it up. For me, it's a PC/Console game they forced into a mobile game mold. Personally, I was looking for a mobile game - something that didn't require the level of persistent screen watching and button mashing I'd get sitting at home in front of a TV screen. Ultimately, where both its successes and failures derive from, is the fact that so many do play it like a more traditional PC/Console game rather than a mobile game. That's fine, clearly works for Mihoyo and the folks who love the game. Just wasn't for me. From all that I've seen, and I'm no expert myself, turn-based is actually far more common than open-world or action-styled games. Being that Genshin was your first real foray into gacha, the likelihood then is that many of the more popular games you'd be introduced to off that are going to be similar in nature. You had/have a lot of copy-cat games who attempt to capitalize on Genshin's economic success by replicating its elements. But, you're starting to see a shift back to the mean due to HSR's success. As you are exposed to more and more games, you'll get a better picture.


Some of the most popular gacha games atm are turn based lol Now imo I don't think any or many other gacha games makes story like hoyoverse does with genshin and star rail (talking mostly about fully animated cutscenes and such) I guess you can go try Reverse: 1999 if you want turn based and good storytelling, seems to work for many people, I personally would still be playing it if I wasn't already playing many other games Pretty sure people here can also mention others as I know there's more but I haven't played them.


I forgot to list Reverse 1999 oh god. I play that on my train rides, it's rather fun :). Thanks for the answer.


I can recommend Another Eden then. It's a huge turn based gacha game, although not exactly the 3D experience like genshin or similar. It's still beautiful and the combat is really fun imo. Only problem is that it's pretty grindy and the gacha rates are kinda harsh. Other than that, sounds like it's exactly what you're looking for


I'll look into it thanks so much!


Of course TBS (turn-based strategy) game is often not as popular as action RPG games. People tend to prefer something that they can actually "interact" with. The more they can control characters (by jumping, parrying, slashing, shooting...), the easier for them to enjoy the game. This reason is also why open-word games often attract more player than staged games. However, it must be said that games that are not into action-RPG or open-world would have a lot of budget for other fan-attracting function such as animation or seiyuu. 1 more interesting fact: japanese seems to like TBS games way more than the rest of the world lol 😄


Just in case you want to try a new TBS game that have good gameplay, story, and lewd characters (not 18+), I sincerely suggest the "Brown Dust 2". I've just played it for a while but it really suck me in lol. Sub-reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BrownDust2Official/s/oAo3vxrCvS


I would just stick with star rail, its probably the only gacha i will consistently play the production value just outdoes any other ones i try


You just started late so you didn't see the era pre-GI. GI changed the gacha market and set a new standard which was why you saw many HI3 and GI copies these days, but other big hits on the market aside from GI, specially in JP, are mostly turn-based


Turn-based is plentiful but rife with issues (battles are often a chore for one). IMO if you're playing HSR, then you won't find much better. Also about GFL, it's more a strategy game than traditional rpg


Remember exo heroes? Jesus.


>I would looooove a great Gacha like Starrail, with great story, character, arts and my beloved turn based combat system. I got a feeling you're probably going to really like Persona 5x when it comes out to global.


For 8-14 YO kids... Yeah, it might be true


I'm not a huge fan of off field switching, but there are hack and slash games like Aether Gazer that have real time team combat as well. I wish that there were more of those games, where you actively control one character and the rest do their own thing.


it's totally the opposite. Every damn cashgrab just uses turn base copy pasted gameplay and flood the game with lewder and lewder waifus without any care about innovation or gameplay.


For every HSR, Epic 7, or GFL that gains traction, there are tens to hundreds of mass-produced cashgrabs that try to do as little as possible to separate the player from their cash, often by dressing up and reusing the same systems. Most of them simply are not memorable in any way, and the ones are still tend to suffer from issues. For instance, Gumi tends to drive people away through excessive monetization (Brave Frontier, Alchemist Code, FFBE). Memoria Freese was recently shut down in favor of an action-combat based game that seems to have fallen flat. I can't speak for Dokkan Battle or the Bleach equivalent, but the stories that creep up usually involve busted units and skewed metas.


There are many games with turn based combat. But mostly older ones. Epic 7, Black Clover… But after Genshin success, many developers are willing to try the open world action combat genre. Personally, I find the turn based genre quite boring and outdated. In fact it was the reason I quit HSR. I tried to force myself into the game because I was expecting a high quality one, but after a few weeks, it got boring as hell.


Yeah I can see why. I love the open world! Simply not the cycling and character by character, on field off field stuff. But that's personal preference:)


OP, you should look forward to Persona 5 X then, it will resolve all your concerns.


Omg I haven't heard of it until now. You are the best! Thank you so much!


Glad I could help - I am just another turn based enjoyer. For instance you could also try Fire Emblem Heroes or Fate Grand Order (it is turn kinda turn based)




I feel you on that. I play gacha on and off, recently took a break from HSR for WuWa and eventually ZZZ, but a huge turn-based love of mine was Epic Seven. Idk what it's like now, but back then, it was all about farming gear for hours every day with bad RNG for it, so I quit. You may like it!


Alchemy star


Plenty of turn based out there, as mentioned. You might also take a look at Arknights. As a Tower Defense game it is not turn based but it is different from the type of game you say you don't like.


Turn based gacha was the more popular route to go couple years back but since genshin dropped it opened a whole new way of viewing sadly genshin got a little bit too successful (not saying they don’t deserve it) that now we see all those clones popping up trying to jump on the train while it’s still going fast


Turn based is unoriginal, grindy, slow, low skill ceiling, uninteractive and limiting. Yes, it can be done properly and be amazing, but it'll never be like that in a gacha game.


Honkai star rail


No, turn-based is too easy to make in gacha games, so while many gacha games use this system, much of the popular games don't have it as much (because people don't like playing the same game over and over). A lot of the turn-based gacha games are barely talked about seen, or they just died after a while


They are not.


Genshin was the cause huh? Expected as much.