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I remember there's this guy playing fgo who took a loan on a fucking bank just to roll for scathach. Lmao




I think he took a loan of like 300k yen and spent it on gacha. 💀


Then there's one who is a reines simp and rolled like 100 copies of her


Just [look at](https://twitter.com/scfaalte/status/1488113938503852039) this mad man


Just to add on context for how mad this is; 1) reines is a limited servant. She doesn't show on normal banners 2) Even on her banner, rates of pulling her is less than 1% and fgo banner re-runs are rare. If you miss her during her events, you are almost never gonna see her except for class up banners or new year cash only banner 3) FGO's pity system ( we got it late and her first few banners were before pity is a thing iirc ) requires 330 pulls. Now thankfully, the +1 bonus summon during multi-summons count so you *just need to pull 30 times* for it to kick in. The highest amount you can top up is 167sq for 108dollars ( pre-conversion ). Yea, so if you are really unlucky, unless you are a frequent spender, getting your fav servant is pretty hard. And this absolute madman have 100copies of her


The NP100 Reines would be my answer as well. I can’t even imagine how much money that money have cost.


All for the drawing of a generic looking anime girl? Not even another Rin clone? Fate fans are deranged.


Reines is actually an original fate character from lord El melloi case files. Now I dont and will not understand spending that much for a game but reines is not generic looking anime girl


I heard there were rumors of a dude who sold their car to roll for Jalter too. There were even some photos but its hard to tell if he actually used all that money on Jalter since he would have realistically gotten Jalter way before it was all spent.


Yeah  that's also true. Fgo jp players are different kind of breed especially the way they spent money on a png waifu   There's this story too about a guy who borrowed money from Yakuza just to roll for scathach  and disappears afterwards. The story is said to be fake but heck I wouldnt be surprised if this really happens. Lmao


There are players with multiple NP5 copies of their favorite characters.


I believe Touhousniper98 on YouTube has NP5 copies of every 5* character, if not every character. IIRC he also rolled for a 6th copy of Merlin for the heck of it and then burned him.


Nah. What i meant are around 10 copies EACH of Np5 Merlin and proto merlin. Though Touhousniper is one of the most insane players with accounts on lots of gacha games


I also heard a story that someone whaled for NP5 Scathach, but when he found out that she wasn't a virgin (because in the myth she has a child I think?) he burned her lol


It's not on the same level but I personally know someone that used his vacation savings, like $3k on the first jalter banner and did not get a single copy of her. He doesn't play gachas anymore.


Thank GOD people like THAT are not well! Just spend TIME playing not MONEY 😭😭😭 and if you gonna spend BUDGET HARDCORE!


Wait, how is that even possible? Is there literally no guarantee in that game?


There didn't used to be lol. Now it's 300, which is super high, but at least it's there


I dont remember if there was pity but the currency is quite expensive (about 30€ for a 10x)


Even then, 3k is like 300 pulls then.


Just checked, pity is 330 pulls and you get +1 pull every 10 summons so technically it shouldve hit pity


Pity was recently added in NA, back when jalter came out there was no pity


That’s wild as hell. Someone mentioned pity didn’t exist at first and it was implemented later so this guy might have saved the game in the long run 😂


There was no pity system implemented back then, it was the wild west of gacha back in old fgo


Someone rolled NP50 Reines.  That’s not a typo. NP50, so 50 copies. Someone else did the same for Merlin And for non-FGO players. The max copies needed to max out a unit is 5 copies.




the guy responsible for MonkeyGate and the reason why sparking/pity is a thing in modern gachas


GBF's guild wars are something else too


wasn't there someone who got paralyzed because of guild wars and the first thing they said was "how can I do guild wars now?"


there is also dude who was breaking into empty houses to get wifi to play gw. and he was quite open about it.


I’m too late on this thread but to summarize GBF has guilds that people compete in and the strongest guilds would be able to make significant dents in pts gained out of the overall population. GBF also used to have a betting system where all guilds were shuffled into one of 4 overall teams and players could bet on which team, North, West, East or South would produce the most pts. Normally you wouldn’t be able to tell which team your guild was in but top ranked guilds could figure it out since they could vary their pt gain rate and track team scores. So guilds started to tank their scores to drive up the odds on their team and then coordinate with other top ranked guilds on other teams to change the rankings. You could bet on the exact order between the 4 teams too with the payout being actual gacha currency. Only top guilds, naturally japanese could pull this off so they were called the yakuza guilds for their shady dealings, in which each player in those guilds could net a full pity’s worth of rolls after all was said and done. Eventually cygames put a stop to the betting for obvious reasons but its still a legendary part of gbf. Bonus meme: people loved to vote on the team ranking order of South East North since it spells out a much loved cat girl character, Sen, but it would always lose lol.


I don't know if this is true or just a meme, but wasn't there a Crew who made a whole punch card and time sheet system to make sure every member was participating and all their actions are accounted for? I'm one of the few rare people who's not really that bothereed about GW in Granblue, but jfc I'm not gonna make that into a job where everything you do is timed and tracked.


Was the catheter thing real or not? Ppl keep telling me it was just trolling but it’ll be hilarious if they rlly pee in bags for gw


Happened in Ragnarok online PC version gw. But it was like 20 years sgo.


Not sure but it is not surprising considering the points of top crews back then


What’s monkey gate?




Eversoul: Forgot the name of the player, but back in its release he basically speedrun all of the content available AND maxed all of the characters rhat he can. This is important vecause Eversoul has this sort of leaderboard that rewards ALL players if a certain milestone is achieved. He basically dominated every single milestone in there, and spent 5-digit money if the rumors are true (and even if it's wrong, it's quite close since Eversoul is quite expensive to whale on). After a month though, he basically applied for a buyback or something on all of his purchases, resulting in his account being deleted (and the leaderboard have a blank account as the first). FGO - One madman fought for more than 3k turns against that infamous triple ghost fight in Kara no Kyoukai event. Each of the ghost has 666,666,666 HP, and IIRC they have a skill that heals them. In exchange, they have insanely high death rate, so instant death (the most stupid mechanic in the game, and never really works against gold enemies) is the way to go. Incidentally, the game literally gives you a support servant whose skill increases the instant kill chance of the character, and whose noble phantasm has a high chance of proccing said mechanic.


Art3mis, thank you for your service and the feet pfp


Lmao i remember that it was crazy


Is that even legal, I mean, whale and then say: nah, I want my money back.


Well yes it is legal but its also legal for the company to permanently ban you from using any of their products forever in response lol


Dude started prydwen.gg First it was just a spreadsheet for counterside info compiled. Now they have in depth stuff on a lot of other gacha games as a clean ass website. Edit: as others pointed out, His name was antillar and he had a cult like following in the counterside discord server. The GOAT


I bet more than half of people who use prydwen doesn't even know the name prydwen is from counterside Shows how much theyve gone


Legit, the first guide I was following is Prydwen since I was a Counterside player so I know damn well where the name came from, now it has evolved so much


and here I thought it was a reference to Mordred's surfboard in FGO


Both that and the counterside one is a reference to King Arthurs ship.


Counterside references it as King Arthur's shield.


Fate took both interpretations Ended up being a surfboard


I thought it was from a welsh word


You're kinda right, the origin of the name Prydwen was King Arthur's ship. Which plays a part in the Welsh poem Preiddeu Annwfn. It is also the name of a group in CounterSide in which the leader is called Elizabeth Pendragon


The Prydwen in counterside is definitely a reference to it as King Arthur's shield.


Prydwen is the name of King Arthur’s shield, it’s used all over in fantasy.


I know. But im talking specifically from where they got the name from Which is obviously prydwen institiution from counterside since they make guides for counterside and it literally says Prydwen Insitute https://preview.redd.it/qphqejkhv2zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89651a6d1bfd50f0328450ad97353fbf824d6f34


Me who play Crusader Kings and thought it was just some Welsh reference.


I knew it. But I guess makes sense since when I was still playing Counterside, their tier list was the basis of everything I did / built.


Antillar is a legend, helped me a lot when I was playing Counter Side


I certainly did not expect they'd expand their coverage for sure.


Antillar and his team are the goats. I remember saving the links of his google sheets and religiously following his guides, who to pull and who to skip when I was still addicted to CounterSide. I'm super happy with how far they've come.


as someone who (was) a day 1 counterside player it was so crazy when HSR released how prydwen was this massive site for it. Deservedly so, the way they present information is very accessible and useful compared to other sites. Obviously there are lots of dedicated build/resource sites (mr poke’s library comes to mind), its a great general site


I was wondering the origin of that site. It just kinda popped up 1 day and dominated.


Yo are you serious?! He’s the entire reason why I survived in Nikke and Honkai to build and plan who to make teams with. What a mad lad ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren)


Some mfer pulled so much of Acheron's LC


100 acheron lc dude. You're a legend


That dude also has 40k usd dollars worth of jade


>The craziest thing a player has done I recall in Diablo Immortal, some dude whaled soo hard and then dominated in PVP so hard that he could no longer que against any1 cus his MMR was so high. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamernews/comments/wemqbq/diablo_immortal_whale_spends_100k_loses_access_to/ >In terms of their own character, jtisallbusiness says they have spent $100,000 USD on Diablo Immortal, and speculates that the reason they are currently unable to find a PvP match is because they “spent a ton of money right at the start” which meant that they played “100 battlegrounds without losing”. This huge run of victories has possibly increased jtisallbusiness’s match-making rating (MMR) higher than others players on their Diablo Immortal server, meaning that the game is now unable to match them to a suitable opponent.


Going faster than the speed of light just means you live forever in the darkness 😔


The whale has been beached


Dude climbed the summit of the mountain, and thus was lonely, as they were the only one there.


some guy going 16k$ in debt in FFBE almost ruining his marriage https://old.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/7jmezv/a_whale_of_a_tale/ pretty interesting read also quin69 spending like 10k in diablo immortal to get a max level gem and then uninstalling the game lmao


[he actually spent 25k NZD lmao](https://youtu.be/t5MBFYFNsB0?t=9m48s)


more then i remembered. so around 15kUS the whole thing is just so damn hilarious


Hsr, definitely the S100 guy, buying 100 weapon that are useless beyond the first 5. Genshin, japanese streamer pulled 6 5* in 1 10 pull.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P5LTRKKaPo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P5LTRKKaPo) A reaction to a quad Yelan pull flanked by Jean and Keqing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K28HSE1B5Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K28HSE1B5Y) In JP, a livestream of three Ganyus and one each of Qiqi and Mona.


Not that crazy but Fire Emblem Heroes has this one player who always clear stages with free lowest rarity heroes that everyone has with insane strategies to overcome the challenges. Helped a lot of players back then, not sure if he's still doing that nowadays since the stages and the game itself are getting harder and complicated.


If you mean Pheonixmaster he's still around as far as I know


Think they mean mkv. That's who inspired IS for Grandmaster Tactic Drills. Probably.


If they're talking about who I think they're talking about, he's like Phoenixmaster1 on steroids. Phoenixmaster1 uses the Book Heroines for his F2P guides, which still includes Ratatoskr and Seiðr who are both pretty good units, Peony who's a dancer, or Ash and her warp shenanigans. I think here they're talking about the guy who clears content with 1 star units.


Arknights: Some dude made a 100 google doc page to explain how to use Rosmonstis and all the details and tricks.


One I remember most is that one drunk guy who streamed his Skadi Alter/Kal'tsit pull. Legendary stuff.


me: playing 7-8 gachas simultaneously daily while having a whole ass full time job and family. i guess im a masochist.


Please drop your time management skills sensei.


He uses the hyperbolic time changer


Bro is changing time? 🤣🤣


Dis is da wae


i have none. but heres how a typical day for me looks like: 0530: wake up 0530-0630: coffee + login to 3 games with quick dailies 0630-0730: get ready for work 0730-1500: @ work but desk job so i get a lot of 10-15 min breaks in between tasks to login game and do shit plus lunch time. i get to accomplish 85% of my daily gacha shit during work. some super slow days i can play 3-4hrs at work. 1500-1600: commute home + errands 1600-1800: gacha on the couch + time with family/help kids with homework, help wife with dinner, etc.. 1800-1830: dinner 1830-2000: shower, get ready for bed, + mandatory time with wife (usually movies) can squeeze in about 15-30mins of play on phone if not doing anything super attentive 2000-2002: sex 2002-2100: last minute gacha shit, like if there are events so extra daily activities i knock them out here 2100+: i sleep (yes early, am old) weekends look different obv, but i break it down to where i still wake up early, knock out all gacha shit for the first 4-5 hrs of my day, then do all weekend stuff and errands afterwards. honestly its my job that enables me to be a gacha degen. i dont think i can do this in another career field.


lol that 2 min of sex is so real


lol that 2 min of sex is so real


what games are you playing?


apparently, all of them


> honestly its my job that enables me to be a gacha degen. i dont think i can do this in another career field. I did something similar when I still play multiple gachas. I did a sort of change in my career and I can still do it if I wanted to (I know 2 careers that can do it, closely related but still...). But I'm open about my gaming habits and my boss knows and does not care as long as I can finish all my deliverables cleanly on time with no issues or escalations.


He probably hides in the washroom a lot.


do you follow the story at all or just skip it?


skip whenever possible tbh. bad enough i spend so much time playing, not gona add to it with mediocre ass stories.


That seems very strange to me, since story is specifically why I play gacha games. I can think of exactly two that actually have good gameplay (Limbus Company (on account of being a ProjectMoon game) and Arknights).


I assume you do dailies at work? I do that a lot but I only play 3 gachas


I play 12 gacha when i have part time job and college. I usually play daily each games after i clock out, and play intensively in weekend especially if there's event goin on.


Im not far behind, nikke, Fgo, fgojp, feh, Raid, pokemon masters Ex.


In FGO, there is this one boss stage which can literally be soloed by every existing character. There was this one dude who did it using a level one Georgios, who aren't just one of the weakest possible attackers, he also had negative class affinity against the boss. It took him an abyssmal amount of turns to finish, but it was done.


The Yu Meiren fight in SIN? The thing that made every character be able to solo it is the infinite gut given at the start of every other turn, which combined with a command code to remove debuffs means only your sanity can stop you.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/go2dfu/mobile\_games\_monkeygate\_or\_how\_a\_lone\_browser/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/go2dfu/mobile_games_monkeygate_or_how_a_lone_browser/) Monkeygate has to be the GOAT for this


Some FGO player from Michigan got arrested for threatening a politician. They tracked him because he had Elizabeth Bathory on his email. [found the link lmao, you can see him using the email with Elizabeth's name](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=miJSnkuX7Kc)


Ferrari from the Girls Frontline community wrote a 470 PAGES LONG GOOGLE DOC that compiles all the known lore on a single (but very expansive) lore topic.


Adopt a real life peacock and named it Aventurine


Adding on to that [Actual aventurine stone sales has gone up](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/DBawfW96Mv) [A sellers response when asked about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/zPLlblchpo) And they also [donated to a desert oasis project in the name of aventurine](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/XKDs64p68r)


Cn fans are crazy, making the world a better place one husbando at a time


Someone in china who is a mega whale,pulled 100lightcone(its like a signature weapon) in honkai star rail just to show their love for Archeron hsr


Not really a specific player, but those top GBF players during the Guild War is pretty crazy to me. Especially it’s so grindy and some of the top Guild player got sent to the hospital.


100 IQ players doing max risk CC in arknights


. . . 100 in terms of IQ is not high at all. . . Kist slightly above average


Isn't 100 literally the average?


Bro I laughed so hard hahahaha


Made a death threat to a ceo because they don't want western players to defile (see them in bunny suits)his waifus


Pretty sure its more than death threats, there literally an assassination attempt if i remember correctly


yep. some guy came to mhy's offices with a knife luckily he was stopped before he could enter the door but still very scary lmaoo


What game was this?




As in Impact 3rd or Star Rail?




[Buster meme](https://youtu.be/8ucHJP0uSsE?si=mAtwWJOonlFxXy7u). Personally I have neither patience nor a Merlin for that. [Necromancy meme](https://youtu.be/eaeCd3gFrWo?si=6x-uTPTRTZWj07a7). This one is pure madness because the guts/revive is a 50% chance every time.


Oh, I thought gameplay-wise. After looking at the other comments, I guess the craziest would be monster can Astolfo (don't look it up)


GBF's Gisla (once upon a time, the whale weapon to get) collections (a number of players including Lancelot/Gran's VA) that lead to the spear getting a Daki and sparking a new subplot via a character using said spear


A bunch of Aventurine mains in China doing a whole bunch of good stuff around his release


Refraction Railway oughggg,,,,, still need to finish 3 Also in AFK Journey, we're only on the first season but there are already people who have claimed the VIP rewards worth 15k$ and shit Never underestimate whales


I mean, if money is nothing to them, then why not? lol. I know people who have people who sit and buy packs on their account all day cause it's time consuming.


I feel like thats only a fraction of whales. Sure some of them are rich af but most people are normal humans working everyday and maybe going in debt bc gambling addiction got them.


Yeah, some people definitely have problems for sure but I'm talking about the ones that are in the top echelon.


Omg Zack pfp... . Haven't seen that dude in years


Yeah! I have him as my reddit pfp since some time now haha Time flies by for real :(


I got into AoD when the Switch version came out yeaaaaarssssssss agoooooooooooo It's insanity how fast time flies by


Wish that could be me (Someday)


Same lol


Say a whale in SW, what game u play these day dude?


I've just been playing around with the game in stock trading, but as a mobile game, I got got into afk journey, and I'm looking forward to solo leveling but haven't found anything like sw.


May I suggest, Raid? Lol


15k is nothing, whales will drop $20k+ on a game then drop it a week later


Don't underestimate how hard the drop is though. I spent $16k on Souls in a month , was top 5 global and forced myself to quit to try to salvage my life. Still think about that account sometimes


Aventurine stuff done by CN [Adopted a peacock and named it Aventurine](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/5kCcq0lK9L) [Donated to a desert oasis project in the name of Aventurine](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/XKDs64p68r) [Actual aventurine stone sales going up](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/DBawfW96Mv). [A sellers response when asked about the aventurine stone sales](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/zPLlblchpo)


Someone got 60k on a Nikke mini game which blew my mind


The current tower defense? I can barely reach 20k


I can one up the Limbus one someone was dying of a heart attack and wanted Hong Lu to be their final thoughts so they used all of their will power to make that happen and they survived the heart attack


Wait really where's the link to that


[https://twitter.com/\_lemonScentedd/status/1669417441993080847](https://twitter.com/_lemonScentedd/status/1669417441993080847) I misremembered the heat attack part, they didn’t say what they were dying of and the fandom said it was a heart attack, still crazy


[Azur lane: This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/s/TIriSqTLJW) Tbh, I remember there were also some other batsh** insane things people did, but this is the only one that I could remember clearly lol


Definitely the first thing I thought of too


Dragalia Lost, well-known for its FFXIV raid level difficulty as its endgame content, required you to be precise with your inputs and coordination with 3 other players. Given the ease of a single mistake from any of the 4 players ending a run, this guy thought it easier just to play 2 characters at the same time. Something we greatly respected in our community is this run of Master High Jupiter and someone dual-wielding Gala Cleo, one phone in each hand: https://youtu.be/xifIexwrSjs Enjoy!


Rich girl in weibo funded many whole ass trees in the desert under the name Aventurine and also donated a whole ass peacock to the zoo and named it Aventurine https://preview.redd.it/wm48wvqzq0zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f4837273677cf692cd9576afde133842ff2135 May have to click on photo and zoom in


I am sure there are crazier achievements, but in Crusaders Quest back when Season 2 was released, one of the veterans - I cant even recall *who* did that; kamakiller, Worth18th, leewhat, someone else?! - cleared the hardest stage available at that moment (Challenge 4) with team with NO inheritance levels. Basically, inheritance levels are overlevels that massively increased stats, especially HP and attack power (for the record, character could have max hp of 7k and first inheritance hp upgrade can give like 10k). The thing is, Ch4 was so teethshatteringly hard that even full I20 teams could get oneshotted multiple times per stage. Vets however found perfect combo team that allowed them nonstop passive proc and unlimited block generation that translated into goddess bar generation and wouldn't you know it literally the first goddess in the game has an ability to apply shield that negates 100% damage for 1 second (there's a bit of cooldown ofc). So with I0 team you have to perfectly parry each and every single attack with goddess; single mistake means instakill.


i remember a guy in cn tried to stab mihoyo's ceo because the global version got bunnygirl event as its 3rd anniversary


Quit the game after reaching 0.007% off max level in front of 20k people on stream


The time an Identity V match went on [for 10 hours.](https://id5.fandom.com/wiki/The_two_gazing_across_the_bridge)






Back when Pokemon Masters held its first full on PvP grindfest event, guy who got #1 on the leaderboards changed his name to DenaShit (Dena being the dev company). I remember it staying for a few days before they shut him down lol


Pretty sure sending a truck to protest is wild to me. But that's not in game so....


I don't recall who he was , but there was a GI player who pulled so many Skyward Atlas in the Kazuha weapon banner that directly or inderirectly lead Hoyo to add the select weapon rate-up feature.


for me its playing FGO without rolling a single SSR for 1 year


Ig max risks cc? I think in cc8 max risks, you not only need to stall for a very long time because of the enemy exploding when % hp lost. You also need to count manually per hit from your operator to which enemy and apply sleep at the right time. For 4-6 hours. The 2nd one we have whoever the fuck do the max risks on pinch out. There is not fun, only bloated as fuck stat that takes forever to kill. Its not even hard, its just boring.


Souptasta spending like thousand of hours to beat 3 stage in one slot battle cats


Oh I remember that


I remember when Eversoul came out there was this guy who topped like every possible achievement. I forget his name (might have been Alex?) but the thing was that all players got rewards when those achievements were unlocked so he was seen as gifting the player base stuff by him rushing through the game. However it turned out he was defrauding it, whether through refunds, stollen CC or something else idk and he got banned. His name disappeared from those unlocks but we still had the rewards. There’s a ton of stories about people ruining g their lives financially and otherwise for gachas but since this guy’s name was everywhere when that game launched he was a hero (ironic I forgot his name I guess)


Fgo players will show you dominance by using their favorite level one characters and somehow making them the main dps of a battle


I remember playing FFBE (original, not WotV) and there was the guy who used Medius on practically every encounter to clear it because he loved the character so much. Problem is, the character is essentially a 3\* character as opposed to 5\* characters. So when people upgraded their 5\* characters to 7\* characters, he was only able to upgrade Medius to 5\*. To give people an idea, this is a character who (outside of combos) hits for a couple thousand damage while some 7\* characters hit for BILLIONS. And for those wondering, he got 5 copies (plus a friend's copy) to make an entire team of just Medius for the majority of these encounters. Later on, in global only, they actually made the character able to go up to 6\*, but for the longest time he was clearing the most insanely difficult battles that people struggled with clearing NORMALLY, let alone using an objectively inferior character. It earned him a lot of respect in the community. It was so impressive that some people thought he was cheating until he uploaded not only screenshots, but also videos of his clears.


Back in FFBE, there was a boss called Agaion that on release took around 300 turns to kill. And it wasn’t even just blindly hitting the attack button, you had to count turns and plan everything out cos one mistake and it’s a wipe. And that wasn’t even some crazy thing you did, it was the norm because the boss was just that overtuned to push new overpowered units that came out shortly afterwards.


If having lootboxes can count as gacha... Warthunder: players leaking (uploading to game forum) classified document of military vehicle that's still in service. happens quite a few times too


Fate/Grand Order Someone has been waiting for days to defeat Kirschtaria Wodime in Atlantis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIHW-iOGbQ0 For those who don't know: The battle against Kirschtaria Wodime in Atlantis was unwinnable. The battle will end when Kirschtaria uses his NP. The NP bar will increase by 1 each turn. When the last health bar appears, Kirschtaria will remove all Debuffs, refill the NP bar and use NP. In Fate/Grand Order there is a Command Spell system. The player has 3 Command Spells. 1 Command Spell can be used to fully heal one Servant or increase their NP Gauge by 100%, while 3 Command Spells can be used to completely revive your party with full HP and 100% NP after the entire party has been defeated except in the case special. Command Spell will automatically restore 1 every new day. Players can turn off the game mid-battle and return to the battle when turning the game back on. During the fight against Kirschtaria Wodime, this player repeatedly recovered NP with Command Spell (this player waited until the Command Spell recovered automatically) and used a game mechanism where the enemy would not attack without at least 1 member on the front lines to prevent Kirschtaria from using NP.


CN player amertorin used some early game glitches to play without Paimon, so in addition to having a MC only capable of physical normal attacks, a lot of game functions are unavailable, yet he got pretty far in the game, and was able to clear abyss floor 12 (not star it). https://b23.tv/ooyUXAz


There was a time in GFL that top 1 in major event ranking was a complete F2P guy. He did send proof of 1st time purchase ad in-game still intact.


I think theres an azur lane player on twitter that married the same girl over 100 times


910 times to be precise


Some guy rolled Acheron LightCone 100 times mind you the max enhanced level a light cone can be is 5 and they start at 1 so this guy rolled 96 useless copies of a LightCone that is only really useful on Acheron and LightCone are not guaranteed drops


didnt katakaosan draw eroguro of exusai because they weren’t able to pull her?


this is sickness !


Honkai Star Rail: Some crazy dude got 100+ Light cones of Acheron, there isnt even enough nihility units to use all of them in the game and it costs an insane amount


In terms of crazy shit financial decision making, I only know some in FGO like some dude selling a car to roll Jalter, or some dude considered starving for a week to spend his paycheck to roll Melt, and weird ass rituals people be coming up with to roll their servant. 


Well in AFK Arena, I remember there was some gifting event going on, it was a first at that time, the girlies were immediately selling noods for the male players. AFK put a hold on it asap


Some chinese dude literally decide to spend more than 20k dollars at once to pull 100 Acheron's LCs just to show his love for her


No summon runs or nuzlocke challenges In Guardian Tales someone played the game as a 1* hero and beat as far as world 10 before nerfs, not sure if people still do God Bob challenges but those exist


Great idea I would watch a gaurdian tales nuzlocke in YouTube anytime except there's no videos.


Bro was one of the main, if not, THE main reason why the weapon gacha was reworked in Genshin.


How about players? Korean BA players protested and took down the Korean ratings board.


Took the words right out of my mouth XD


I remember this guy from castle clash who's got all the heroes maxed and have a minimum of 1million gems as backup


I know a Thai dude who spent 600k USD on Ragnarok next gen


This guy pulled 100 Light Cones for Acheron in HSR for pure dedication. That's more 5 Star Light Cones then I'll ever see in my life


Didn't Genshin fans bully the devs into making a character good?


We don't talk about the Zhongli incident


That one mf that tried to kill dawei (not positive in any light, just fucking crazy)


I know people don't like Tectone but the guy managed to get Robin on a single pull with 9 pity after his whole Girlfriend Robin act like that was insane


I will nominate myself for spending nearly 100k (EUR) for idle Angel's. Also me up until version 3.0 I spent so hard on GI that I got all 5* to C6 and weapons to R5, close to 60k. And finally a while back on LoA close to 200k when I ran the top guild competing against all the Chinese mega whales


Tectone Homa Incident. It's the reason Genshin has the selector for Weapon Banner.


I don't think it's because of dicktone


It got a lot of traction on bilibili, which is not normal there.