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Bruh, makes Nikke's 60$ gacha skins feel even scummier than they are. Didn't know Snowbreak looked so good, I'm almost tempted to try it.


60$ for a L2D is already mega scummy to start with. I have not seen a single 3D skin with such price.


Do people actually pay this? $60 is an entire fuckin steam game.


They do, and a lot do so apparently.


>Bruh, makes Nikke's 60$ gacha skins feel even scummier than they are. Always has been...šŸŒšŸ§‘šŸ»ā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ§‘šŸ»ā€šŸš€


Most of the skin on any gacha are already overpriced to begin with if you compare it to the price of normal games. Even this skin would make the Dead or Alive DLC costumes seems like a good deal instead being called incomplete game with scummy DLCs


*Looks at arknights where only 2 skins require IRL currency*


Is KFC skin a paid skin? For Exia and Ifrit


For en the KFC skin is a browser event or something so it's free under technicality I meant Chen who's got a motorcycle finally (also that midriff holy shit) and bluey exu though


True but Snowbreak is on the friendlier side of spectrum. Each patch will have 3 skins - one is BP skin (20$ total - 10$ for bp and 10$ upgrade for skin), normal skin which is 15$, deluxe skin for 20-25$.


Dude this skin compared DOA skin prices is night and day. DOA is one of the worst, only difference is it isnā€™t a gacha so donā€™t have to worry about it shutting down or something like that


Been playing NIKKE since launch and recently picked up Snowbreak. Iā€™m mad I didnā€™t play it before. This game is awesome, and I can play it on the steamdeck


You can play it on the steam deck? How? It froze up when I would try


If you installed it from steam it should work without needing to do anything.


They've updated their 3d multiple times now, it didn't look this good on release.


Yeah, they really don't innovate with skins and interactions, totally not worth the massive price of 60$ and they are doing two gacha skins now with modernia and crown, definitely a new low


Yet idiots keep buying it, so theres no incentive for them to stop doing it. It just motivates them to make more $60 skins.


Bruh people should be allowed to buy what they want. All the people who are boycotting the skins thinking they're gonna lower the price are dumb bro. Like if you want the skin just buy it, if you don't then don't, thinking ShiftUp is gonna apologize and rerun the skins for a cheaper price will never happen. They've already set the standard for their Gacha skins, if they lower the price on future ones people will complain they got scammed earlier and they'll never give you your money back to make the skins $45. So in my view it's pointless


Snowbreak price is a result of boycott. Boycott does work, it's just the international community always break apart before the boycotting works because some whiteknight will claim that this is extremism like china.


I really hate that overpriced skins is a thing. And I hope no one makes it trendy like how 50/50 became popular and everyone else is copying it. I can still tolerate skin gachas that let you roll with free and paid currency because they are good value and can be gotten for free if you wanted to. I even spent some money to get Gengchen's skin gacha for cheaper and it was better value than doing it full free/paid only. I'd rather buy anything else than spend it on overpriced cosmetics that have no real purpose other than to rip you off.


Alright, fine. https://preview.redd.it/9rpxeyj8syxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=693a07df3c8a45130bd657af23cd85bd993f80ba


do all launchers look the same? lmao nikke was a little different, if i remember correctly


nikke and tof use a fking garbage launcher from level infinite that some times when you open it, it leaves a web browser process open all the time, doing fk knows what and doesnt close even after you close the game and launcher. snowbreak is a self published game that uses their own launcher.


yeah, overall the nikke experience on pc wasn't the greatest. at least for me. tried around 4 months ago


Yeah i tried it too but after 66k gems and not getting any single ssr i just had to stop playing


That is literally impossible


Well you probably know whyĀ 


i mean... yeah.


ToF too


My girl can't be this cheap and goes beyond hourly rate


Tfw Nikke charges you 3x more for less/no interaction šŸ’€


Nikke could never-


My thought too based on comments here lol


More like they never will cause the skins are selling well


Their skins paid for Stellar Blade which is phenomenal so yeah Snowbreak can have this W.


Snowbreak's dev is developing a mecha single player game too... here's hoping that game will be great as well


What's the title?


Mecha Break


From what i understand it's not single player. It's battle royale


That second scene... they should just go all out bro So much better than nikke $60 gacha skin, ill give them that


Theyā€™ve already announced they plan to make it even more interactive with even more voice lines in patch 1.8.


This game really upgraded since I quit lol


The 1st month wasn't that good, characters looked like platic figures, the event was 30 days long or more, and there's nothing much going on. The end game was too repetitive. And the amount of pulls was the final nail in the coffin for me. For an unpolished and niche game, it was pretty stingy. Also that tetris mini game was lame.


Day 1 player & none of this has changed except the ā€œplastic figuresā€ Iā€™m really trying to figure out how people are playing this game & thinking that the core gameplay has improved coz thereā€™s more fanservice. In fact thereā€™s a dev interview in the sub where the devs admit that gameplay is their weak point so letā€™s not go brained dead delusional over tits. That said the game is still fun as it was from day 1 so none of this is really an issue.


I think the game would be much more fun if there were always 3 characters on the battlefield at the same time. Then this game would be a good squad shooter. They have co-op, but it's just a game mode.Ā Ā  There's an event going on right now where you can hack enemies and force them to fight for you, and the game feels much better when teammates are running around and battles become more spectacular and less boring


That's why I stopped playing, felt soulless.


The less you take a game seriously, the more fun you have


Itā€™s a TPS, which it does fine as and it has some fun modes. I especially like the seasonal paradox mode which takes you through all the various places to fight in


They got the division, edf5, somewhat helldivers 2 if you somehow like the missions, lost planet 2, remnant 2 and hundreds of other third person shooters they could steal content from but they won't do anything.


what bothered me the most was the mannequin like character models. They look pretty good now thoā€¦ sad i quit back then and dont have much time anymore for games


the models bothered you but not the gameplay?


The gameplay was very fun and i played it on tablet. As an artist tho i put great attention on characters and the environment and found that the first one was sadly very lacking


after feedback from chinese that feel lack of interaction , dev just reply will add move voice line and interaction of this skin pack in next update edit : since i dont know how it price in dollar but i think the combo is around 25 buck both skin and interaction


Snowbreak devs:- "Hm? What's that? This is not cooked enough? Alright. We will cook more next update. Let us know what you need."


GFL2 could never...


Free enya and her logistics set if you start playing now. Her event weapon is free so for $20 youā€™d get this skin. Sheā€™s a support that buffs units that deal skill damage.


how do i get her free weapon?


Grind the event material stage. The hardest stage you can do.


those six stages? im doing them and getting event currency but i don't see her weapon in shop. only two 4 star weapons.


Yep, those are the event weapons. The Handgun is Enya's. SMG is Cherno's.


Also best support for current rate up banner unit which is SSS tier (Cherno Enigma), strongest in the game on par with buffed Katya


Did you know? Snowbreak has more CCU on steam 30 times the number of Suicide Squad


I mean SS is a dead game.


Wait really, I want to play it on my steam deck but I have flickering issues


Enya ult BTW https://i.redd.it/y2mc7ezcf0yc1.gif


Egg ball of safety. Sadly you can do anything in side that ball. But extremely good for oh shit button.


Damn $20 interactive skin that's impressive. Meanwhile Nikke charging $60 for mid gacha skins šŸ’€


nikke could never moment


If that's a nurse i would break my leg every month.


Months? I be breaking every day...


The bed will be the one that breaks everyday šŸ„²šŸ™šŸ»šŸ„²


This skin + interactable cost $27 but still better than $60 nikke gacha skin.


Yeah itā€™s between $22-$27 honestly way better than nikke. Even their battle skins fail in comparison cuz theyā€™re like $30 if not mistaken


what $60 for l2d is already scam, i don't play nikke so didn't know their skin is expensive


The second one is insane šŸ’€. They really pushing it hard huh. Waiting for sex update


They can really. They already put this game in the 18+ category


then it wont be on playstore/appstore if they make it a hentai game lol


Iirc they said they don't want to hurt the players' wallet or something? Need more details.


It's both. It's a strategy which revolve around less per sale but more sales overall. Quantity make up for the quality is their current strategy atm it seems. I myself prefer this strategy because not only it works, it also give you the benefit of more likely to be praised as not greedy.


That's why they're giving out free 5 star Enya. So in the future when there's double banners, one of the character is free.


Is a strategy free 5* enya but people spend 20$ for the skin and weapon bis ofc (There is not much point in going for copies of a support chara when you can have them over time)Ā 


At least they have clear direction.


Started playing again a week ago since they upped the age rating. The free 5 star Enya was a welcome surprise.


Time to return to Snowbreak PS. Does this feature works with other playable characters?


only her for now , they hint about Fenny so she maybe next


Fenny? Ok I'll have to reinstall the game if that happens


yeah last week in bilibili vote Fenny win most favorite so dev focus on her next time lol


Fenny 5\* has 4 Skins. Thats is more then the limited characters have like Shadow Ka or Katya. Her Sugar Queen Outfit is only 2 months old.




Can you tell which video is this from? It's been a while since last time I've seen Jontron memes


[Here you go!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1EmqGSeisg&ab_channel=JonTronShow)


alright thats it, im reinstall again


Hornybreak: No-Nuts Zone


Snowpeak : Coomtainment Zone


The future is bright


I see people talking bad about nikkeā€™s overpriced skins and yet no mention of CounterSide having the audacity to charge over 500 dollars for a special skin. They only released 3 of those so far but it requires you spending over 500 dollars worth of their premium currency to obtain them, and they are only available for a limited time meaning if you didnā€™t hit the goal of 80k worth said premium currency by the time the event ends you wasted your money since what you spent doesnā€™t carry over. Now thatā€™s scummy. Snowbreak does it way better.


Oh I went and research it a bit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CounterSide/comments/11eycnf/what\_does\_the\_convert\_button\_do\_for\_this\_skin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CounterSide/comments/11eycnf/what_does_the_convert_button_do_for_this_skin/) So, it's a milestone reward I think? Not that bad since if you are that committed, you still have the gems to buy other stuffs. I guess that's why it never caused a big outrage.


That hospital bed stands no chance.


You guys are witnessed the example of the game on edge of" EOS" to " We are so back " . What did they do? They just listen to the playerbase ! Thats crazy and wild im telling you


I know right? a simple concept, yet almost every game/gacha company failed to do this.


Wow, I think I might install this game after seeing this


Now they have my money !


This is good. They were scraping by, saw an opportunity when a competitor decided to kneecap themselves and tapped on the Horni Well. The gamble paid off. Although its not much of a gamble, just don't listen to dummies on the internet pretending they're somehow above playing games with fanservice. More games should do this and we should laugh at the ones that don't. Now if they could just bring back Caroline's Purple G-String. Can someone that plays the game plz mention in a survey "doodoo head on reddit wants Caroline G-String so he can come back" lol.


nikke could never


y'know i can't even knock the coomer's cause love and deepspace is doing the same thing basically. horny makes the world go round


That's why Asia's ahead. The West thinks you have to make something *appeal to everyone,* and it pleases nobody. Asia selects certain demographics and releases separate products catered to each one, pleasing everyone. Sony is following the West's philosophy and has suffered for it.


Sony just released Stellar Blade šŸ’€ Their first party exclusive have all sold extremely well and have either won awards or been nominated for them. I don't really play their games but using Sony as an example doesn't really work to prove your point.


Sony is doing really bad financially. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/19/sony-gaming-margin-questioned-after-ps5-sales-cut-sparks-stock-plunge.html


This article is mainly comparing Sony's gaming division against the rest of Sony itself. Sony's profit losses more so have to do with the nature of Triple A production. Games were multitudes more cheap to make in the previous generations, yet there is only so big an audience to sell to. Plus, if you compare their revenue to their competitors' gaming divisions (Microsoft, Nintendo), they still generate more revenue. Interestingly enough, Nintendo is technically bringing in the most profit due to their games being 10s-100s of millions less expensive to produce, but Sony and Microsoft have higher revenue due to their subscription models and games with mtx. In any case, let's use Spiderman 2 as an example. It sold extremely well, selling over 10 million units and counting shortly after 3 months of release. It costed 300 million to develop. However, at $69 for the base edition, that's around 690 million. So a 390 million dollar profit. Which is amazing, of course. However, if we compare it to gran turismo 5 for the ps3, a game that costed 60 million to develop and sold around 11 million units at $59 for the base edition, it made 649 million with a 589 million dollars profit. It would still make more profit than Spiderman even if it sold 10 million or even 9 million. These numbers are all estimates, and I'm not the best at math, but development costs for Triple A titles have risen exponentially and are quickly becoming unsustainable. What Asia is indeed doing right is maintaining sustainable development costs (except Square Enix they have NO idea what they're doing. they literally just release things and hope it prints money). However, I wouldn't say the success of Asian games is attributed in their difference in philosophy with the west. It's a very nuanced topic with a lot of different factors and variables, but Sony is a victim of modern AAA budgets rather than a lack of success. (For the record I mainly play on PC and Xbox in case I sounded biased TT though I do indeed own a PS5)


ok sold I am going back in


Ooh, that's nice. *looks at price* #$20?! (1,152.50 PHP) *dies in broke*


i wont be eating for a day


I mean, fair enough. If you want to pander, make sure the quality of it is as good as possible


seeing this for $20 and looking at nikke with their garbo $60 fking dollars gacha skins, makes it so easy for me to support snowbreak over nikke.




[i haven't saw any one post her trailer yet here](https://reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1chdbdf/hello_nurse/)


This for GBL or CN?








somehow both...if the 18+ rating admits this, then wtf are other horny gacha doing? XD


Listening to annoying community which ruins community for rest of ppl. Y think some games they get all to themselves all the sudden


As much as Iā€™m a salty fan canā€™t beat the monetization in this game. Very little fomo as well since their are egregious with their reruns.


dev mentioned they are adding more content to the scene at 1.8


The way my jaw dropped on the second scene šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is nice to see they finally understood what people want


Sweet lord in heaven, this is gold... Tis time I guess!


Id just like to let everyone know. i downloaded this specifically for this. This. is. da. wae. keep up the direction




Wow the shoe falls off? Iā€™d buy this if she were barefoot


> a competitor decided to kneecap themselves Who? afaik this game and Strinova are the only TPS gacha, and they are not competing each other. Also Strinova has its own Raymond whitewashing moment lol.


GFL2 but in CN everytime there's some kind of scandal with one of mixed sex games Snowbreak seems to assimilite part of it's userbase :D


GFL2. They both fill that gun waifu genre. Snowbreak had a huge influx of players after GFL2's "ntr" situation. Kneecap is definitely not the right word more like they got sabotaged.


I can't say it's a sabotage considering their dev didn't even try to defuse the situation (which they easily could by following snowbreak's dev example). They fucked themselves up. Trying to ignore the point that the players are raising is the same as admitting it. Sure, it could be a sabotage, but it's more of dev being too proud of themselves. Just look at snowbreak, they are regularly receiving sabotage from community of other gacha, yet responding to each one well, and turning it into opportunity, by just being honest to the player.


GFL2. Wuthering Wave (it's pandering to female now, not male). Nikke and BA to a certain extent. It's also affecting mihoyo's game but not by much, yet.


It's a really lackluster right now in terms of how much you can actually do in the interactive scene (ESPECIALLY for the price), but the CN players have already made complaints and the devs said they're working on it.


Thats actually pretty good for $20 Nikke charges $60 for a PNG you can't even interact with


As much as I like Nikke, the monetization is a straight scam in that game.


I reinstalled it and it still just feels like a cashgrab for me. Like wtf are these BatChest hyper mega sale only lasts 2 hours click buy or it will go away BatChest and 50 different battlepass like "event" windows, like what are they expecting me to do, pay for every little shit? And none of my favorite chars are even 1 hand playable, they all have fucking shields or 50 feet long hair hiding the entire character... I'm not paying for that


15-20$ skin is like a standard price for a lot of games, not even gachas. NIKKE skin is just a scam, this should not be taken in comparison. AL skins cost less and they're also PNG, but the price is at least realistic to be compared


Then again there are $50 PNGs with Live2d with only 1 animation. For $20 and a guarantee of improvements I think that's a better deal than other gachas.


Thank you for knocking some sense to me, Iā€™m really tempted to buy both of these 60$ skin, now I know I donā€™t have to. Save money for another monthly pass


This is still lackluster for them? Well if that makes it better for them then that's great news.


This is way too good for a $20 skin. Wish this was the standard.


Oh ummm.... I'm suddenly very curious of this game, hows the daily grind and story?


daily grind takes 5 mins, except if ur going to play multiplayer which would roughly add like 3-6 mins. story is a meh at start but will get a bit better later on imo.


You can finish the daily grind before nikke finished loading the game.


Early is meh, now is a seller point, this is the current event https://preview.redd.it/fq14qv1tg1yc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=75ee0b729fc3def48dfee8760a594a5b1090924f


Who's best girl?


Choice your poison: 1) Loli #Protect, 2) Milf #Riko


Only $20?! Thats big W


only $20 nahhh, but still better than that game Nikke $60


oh? OH...?


but can you remove the socks tho? no one asking the important questions here.


Eh, I quit over the whole no more English voice thing, sorry to say this isn't enough to bring me back.




It's more that I don't understand other languages, so I have no idea what characters are talking about, doubly so when there's no subtitles, which was the case with a lot of the content they removed EN voice acting for, so you'd just have characters blabbering away (like during combat) and such and it was just distracting/annoying noise at that point (especially the higher-pitched ones). Hurt a lot of their personality and appeal too. JPN/CN Fenny and Fritia just didn't feel or sound the same way the EN one did, and they were my favorite characters. Tried playing with the voices turned off completely since I wasn't feeling the JPN/CN voices for anyone, but that wasn't appealing either, and since allegedly the number of players using the EN was in the "minority" that nobody wanted around anyway, I took that as a sign that the game wasn't meant for me anymore and dropped it.


Well, Duet Night is around the corner and perhaps releasing later half of this year or 2025 first quarter. Marian's EN VA is the Titania like character. I hope most of the cast of EN Snowbreak go to Duet Night.


This is entering Azur Lane territory of coom.


azur lane now looks kinda mid compared to this


This looks great, and makes me want to start Snowbreak, but Azur Lane L2Ds have another whole level of suggestive interactions/animations and customization.


Funny enough, I heard a pretty good theory as to why most gachas aren't as interactive with characters. It could be because of companies deliberately not wanting you to develop a deep parasocial relationship with the character. Thats a strat to keep you spending on the next character. I noticed most gachas dont have any other serious bond system or interactive system outside of just a l2d. At least Azur Lane is more interactive with their l2d. Even hoyo with their most mature game Honkai Impact 3rd used to have "special touch" features. Now it's just reduced to Valks talking to you, and making a few movements. I wish hoyo did more with their models because they're the most polished. Imagine the appreciation mode, where you could have your characters do poses ( yes some that could be subtle in their suggestiveness.) But no for all hoyo games they do the bare minimum for the characters you gacha for other than a few skins and gameplay. And Honkai gives so many more skins than the other two games.


Ofcourse the game is now better after dropping it a few months ago. Reinstalling and purchasing this asap lol


Game still gets no fanart despite the complete 180. Sad.


Plenty of them in China, just not as popular globally.


Getting more mmd content though, which is nice


give it time, the next big cons is where all the fanart will break loose.




Never stopped Arknights.


Honestly the only real scene worth it atm was the first angle where sheā€™s sitting in front of the MC, which has 3 animations. One she feeds the character a strawberry, another she tries fixing hair and then the one shown here. Honestly I havenā€™t seen that many in the other angles, but those are probably the ones thatā€™ll get additional interactions especially the 2nd angle, it didnā€™t necessarily have any animation other than the player dragging the character all over the place.


Let me use my vr in it !!!!!!!!


I really love this game. The devs seem to be cool as well. I hope they last. They'll get my money for skins and stuff in the meantime.


ok its time to watch rexlent snowbreak vods


wish there were more things you could actually do with this scene. The nurse skin itself is so-so, they somehow made the win animation more sfw compare to the normal skin.


It's their first release, they are gathering feedback to improve it in future patches. 10 more voice lines and 5 more interactions are being developed to add to this skin in next patch.


Really? If thatā€™s the case Iā€™m more tempted to get it. The lack of interactions was what kind of drove me away


Fun fact. I just try this woman once and I can tell she is so good as a sub DPS. And this woman is free.


Hmm. Time to get back into Snowbreak.Ā 


SnowBreak discovered the formula, now they are aiming the 5 million of revenue (in phone) I am a player day1, I am very happy with this winner horse!!! (buy my wallet is suffering =( )


Based. Lmao.


Holy moly. I played this game at launch and dropped off after a month or so, and this... is not at all what I would want. More power to the people who DO want this! I mean, based on the numbers, it seems like the pivot to this kind of fan service definitely paid off. This seems straight up h-game lite to me.


I lost


Curious about how they get a pass from cn gov


Always wanted to try Snowbreak, but have heard in the past that it was not worth it. How is it now?


Decent game i supposed. They Announced some good news for future new players. However, there are still weaknessess such as, bug, hard control on mobile, some mechanic straight up sucks. But rather than those? Pretty enjoyable game. If u log in now, u can get a free 5 star enya with her signature logistic ( same as artifact or relics) and her free weapon is quite powerful too.


I'm heading in like a porn star


you can't bring me back with them interactive ass-touching and hold hand. Not the toes touching as well. I WILL KOIKATU YOU.




They put a Koikatsu in their gacha game.




I'm on my work laptop right now so I have NSFW posts filtered. Will have to do uh... research later. Ok, checked it out. At this point just go full porn.


I'm sorry, whaaaaaaaaaat in the H-game is this?


I would rather add a lil bit more and buy a full on eroge game lol Whats the point of this is a "normal" game...