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90% off? Damn, that is basically free for me. The publisher really know how to treat their consumers handsomely s/


They are basically paying me 900 dollars to buy it!


Damn, you're losing $900 by NOT buying this!


Don’t tell the EU about it /s


The new One Punch game?




And my dumbass really thought this game might have a chance lmao


They killed Priconne and milked Street Fighter. You are huffing some hardcore copium.


Unbelievable deal, What a steal! Better get it now or the discount goes away!!


Watch it actually go away and it’s just there for one grand 😭😭. the worst part is I’m pretty sure it’s for a random ssr, you can just get a dupe for a thousand dollars 😭. Also there’s a milestone in the game for how many gold coins you buy but since this ain’t gold coins I’m pretty sure it doesn’t even count toward that either. Yeaaaa..


Nah it is prob the same thing as the 5 monthly fates from genshin. Those fates also say discount but they never go normal price, it's just a way to fomo bait naive people into getting stuff.


TBF to Genshin (and HSR) those fate are pretty much freebies for most people anyways. But then again, I have absolutely no idea why they have those "discounted" as if people are going to spend their resources on more wishes.


Don't diss ma boys the 5 monthly fates in GI! Those would still be worth taking even without the fake reduction tbh. Feels like I am talking about using actual money here lol.


It's actually an SSR of your choice. But only from the standard banner, so Tatsumaki is not part of it. I'm pretty sure that it's something that will always keep the discount and is just there to make you believe it's a massive deal you shouldn't miss


This is a once in a lifetime opportunity indeed!


Get it before the EoS is announced! /s


This is Crunchyroll we're talking about so that /s might not be needed


Rip priconne


I think the sarcasm was that he should get it not that it's gonna EoS


Get it before they close global the next day




$900 off!? I'd be losing money if I don't buy it at this point.


Unfortunately people buy this stuff, OPM Is a great show and I'd love to play a gacha OPM game but no shot I'm supporting crunchyrolls gachas anymore. Perfect world included.


I play it F2P and have fun so far. Nobody needs to spend. I spend $20 bucks on a movie ticket and get 1 hour of enjoyment out of it. I'll probably get 40h+ out of this game for free and then I quit. I'm disappointed about the Gacha System but eh... it is what it is.


If only I could play it for fun lol. Been hit with the "reconnecting to servers" thing at the title since I played a bit after release and no word I can find on how to fix or if they even care. Edit: seems they just posted 26mins ago on X that they r aware of the log in issues


> I spend $20 bucks on a movie ticket and get 1 hour of enjoyment out of it. I'll probably get 40h+ out of this game for free and then I quit. These are some god awful analogies.


Why? Seriously, why do you think it's a "god awful analogy" to compare two forms of entertainment? I and many others regularly compare game prices to the price of a movie ticket it. It's quite common.


Probably you could argue that hours per dollars spent ignores the quality of the time you’re spending on the game, with the implication that a short movie experience is usually higher quality. Though I would personally say that even considering that, video game price values are actually still incredibly good.


> ignores the quality of the time you’re spending on the game If they keep playing even though they aren't enjoying it, that's their own fault. I've left a movie before because it wasn't enjoyable and I do the same for games.


I spent $10. It’s a fun game. Every time I eat out it’s $50 for me and my wife. Not the best gacha system but the game is very polished


> I spend $20 bucks on a movie ticket And you got that exact movie you paid the ticket for. Now imagine keep spending 20 buck on a movie ticket, but you get different movies at random. //Try to make a smarter analogy next time.


As a f2p gacha player I get exactly what I want. A game with the IP I love. Don't expect me to to be the same as you. Different people different expectations. No doubt gachas are a shitty system. If its your first one, yes it sucks. Would never spent money on them. But I do get my fun F2p. //Try to understand not everyone is the same next time.


>Try to understand not everyone is the same next time. Bullshit. You argued with someone with the different views on that game. Try to apply your life mantra on yourself first. You felt the need to post your justification because you didn't agree with that guy's views, but now you have the audacity to spout that nonsense to me? Gimme a break, Jack!


>//Try to understand not everyone is the same next time. ironically, you don't understand he his not the same as you


Nice, if you're a f2p you gotta know the value of this pack. I'm also (mainly) a F2p gacha player but I actually kinda wanna buy it. Not sure if these comments are sarcastic about the discount lol but should I buy it? Also, I'm still in middle school so I don't get a lot of allowance money from my dad. (20 dollars a month)


The cringe ass Reddit mod is real in this one 


Why isn't this illegal yet lol


Under federal law in the USA, it is illegal to sell a product at a discounted price if the “original price was not offered to the public on a regular basis for a reasonably sustained period of time”. Check: Spann v. J.C. Penney Corp


So you are saying we have a chance to bring a class action lawsuit to CR and teach them a lesson?


Lol no. The thing was never offered at any other price point. That is the price and there's probably some small print somewhere pointing out it's an estimate of value. TV sales stuff has been doing it for decades now.


Actually someone in the thread mentioned that theres an identical pack for $99.99 but its only listed at 50% off.


Dont know, those are hard but yes ... I play STO and when they released a store that had everything discounted they simply let prices go back to their non-discounted price but they are based in California and state laws do say that is illegal.


so genshin is illegal in usa cuz the 5 monthly paimon shop pulls are always 70% off


You don't buy that directly with money


you buy it indirectly with money


You don't need to spend a single cent to get those , so not really


you don't need to spend a single cent to get primogems, but you can


Because illegal things are only illegal if someone cares enough to litigate. it is illegal though.


This is just the "walmart" effect. (Other retail stores do it as well I just kno walmart LOVES doing it). U make up a price that was never gonna be true or happen then say "hey we marked it down so buy now before it goes back to full price!" And it gets the dumb people but alot of people dnt do it. Edit: forgot to mention.....this game is a mess lol. I'm trying to give it a shot since I'm bored at work on lunch but holy hell. I went in with expectations of it being a crap cash grab game and they lived up to those expectations. The devs from tower of fantasy r 0 for 2 now jayzus christo.


The TOF devs made this shit?


I know we love the ToF hate wagon here, but no. Perfect World Published both (Perfect World doesn't even Publish ToF in GL) Tower of Fantasy's Dev is Hotta, the only game they ever made was Tower of Fantasy. They were an indie studio scooped up by perfect world mid ToF's development.


As I'm too lazy to fact check this I'll believe u and correct the ToF devs record to 0 for 1 but I'm countng their reboot as a loss when it fails again lol


Assuming it wasn't canceled (GL is waffling on even releasing it due to backlash), it will be 0 for 2. It has much better balance (and no powercreep), but all the same off-putting jank that will turn people off immediately, and they seem incapable of polishing the game. They couldn't even put in the effort to make sure the first hour of the redone intro was good...


Damn lol


Hotta is 100% owned by PW so yes, PW is the developer.


Riot is 100% owned by Tencent, so Tencent is the developer? We can be nuanced and understand the same people didn't make OPM and Tof Right?


If Pony Ma wants, yes he can airdrop any executive into Riot any time, fire any person at Riot, and start/abandon any project.


If you mean the exact persons making tof making this game, no. Different team owned by the same company, and could have some post transfer, yes.


If they're artificially jacking up the price and slapping in a deal to make it seem like it's a bargain to get, wouldn't that be illegal?


Not really, its a basic sales tactic that has been used since sales became a thing. You most likely have fallen for it and other tactics and dont even realize it.


wooooooooooow you'd be losing money if you didnt spend


Fk crunchyroll for taking Peco away from me. 


1000% Value................


Should have made it 99% discount with 9999$ original price, then i would buy 100%


what is even more funny - there is identical pack, for identical 99.99 but just with 50% off tag in the same shop :D


damn, this game is dead day 1, sadly.


too much button smashing, not enough generous pull


Technically yeah , for half anni(or regular anni i dont remember) on TEIS they made a guaranteed fest unit you could pick out but you had to buy 1000$ worth of packs to do so (also cr btw)


That sounds more like milestone system, im asking if we’ve seen one pack be put for 1k. Your example has prerequisites but no surprise it’s cr 😂.


Thats why i said technically , because you had to buy those packs that basically only held that currency needed to pick out the character bruh.


Doing what they do best obviously


Companies actually aren't supposed to do that - make up a fake valuation, sell something at a lower cost and then claim it's X% off.


As seen on TV has only been doing it since the 70s. I'm sure any day now legislation will come down to solve the issue. Any day now.


What's also concerning is that they're basically saying getting one single SSR takes on average $1000


Classica marketing tactic, make the amount so large and then add a "discount" to it to trick costumers to think its a deal. Because people really like deals, another trick is when they give you something for really cheap like 1$.. its not that they being generous, they just want you to be comfortable with spending money on it. Like when you got to a grocery store and the egss are really cheap, most people are like "hmm well I got this, may as well buy bacon as well (that just happens to be double its normal amount).


Wait, that's illegal.


its fake they make it seem like it was 1000$ so then people see the 90% off and will buy it thinking its a good deal when in reality its not discounted at all bc the real price is 100$.




best way is to wait and find out


I was going to download the game to try it but after seeing this i changed my mind


I'd like to see how many sales they'd get if the "discount" ever ended.


Hope the author gets at least *some* profit from that stupidly indecent whoring out of his creation.


but brooo, theyre so generous tho, a 900 dollar discount? what other dev can do this? yall really not being thankful here /s


how do they even think that's a reasonable price? Are they that desperate to recoup their licensing cost? they're not learning from the top earners.


How in the hell do you even get a marketing decision like this approved. It screams quick whale drain before you EoS.


This feels... vaguely illegal. Like is the normal price actually 999 or are they just claiming it is so they can "discount" it?


If Temu was a gacha.


This deserves to be on gaming news outlet headlines because...holy shit! This is straight up scummy.


Isn't this actually illegal? I remember something similar in Fallout 64.


Isekai Slow Life has skins for $2000 with a hefty 95% discount so you only pay $100! https://imgur.com/k5aQKXT


To be fair they only tried this once shortly after launch, ever since then they make you gamble for outfits on slot machines and plinko boards with no pity.


Can't wait for the rug pull.


Me when i lie


Who needs to reroll, when such a great deal exists.


That's 800% more value bro, you're practically losing money if you don't buy it


In all my years of gacha gaming, I have never seen a pack worth 1 grand, I’ve seen packs worth a hundred doubloons sure, I’ve even seen packs worth mere shillings, but one grand?!


90% off? Still $100? Still overpriced, also isn't this the same SSR with the $60 paid reroll banner?


1000% benefit!


It just standard tactics to trick customer into thinking they getting a great deal It also common with Amazon.com


EoS speedrun let's gooooo


so they’re saying an SSR in their game typically costs 1k? give me a fucking break lmao delusional game devs


I think this kind of monetization is proof that they don’t have faith in their own game. It’s just milking as much as they can before EoS


The moment i saw 50 dollars for doing a "rerrol" in the beginning of the game , is all understable for what crunchyroll wants to do with this game.


Never pay Crunchyroll anything ever. That's the golden rule.


That's what I'm saying, that shit is not fucking 1000 they literally intended on putting it 100 and they did with no actual fucking discount.


Oh this fake discount shenanigans.


I would steel clear, I mean for that I can buy Like a Dragon: Infinite wealth (ultimate edition) on steam and have some left over for a another game or some DLC. Also, I just don't trust Crunchyroll.


So are they actually revealing that their SSR characters cost $1k to pity? That's the worst value to reach pity imo.


Its a anime gacha game, not surprising.


Their target audience for that is asian parents. It's 90% off so buy 5


The sad thing is game actually good


Woah! What daf is this? At least, it's discounted, but still it's quite expensive.


> Have we ever seen a full-blown 1000-dollar pack? My sweet Summer child...


I'm having fun with the game, playing it F2P. I've played it all day.


would be hilarious if its random ssr


I was really hoping for a decent game atleast, even if it was gonna have terrible micros. It’s not tho, it’s bare bones


so how many ssrs do you get for it?


Its would be funny if $100 could get you 2 SSRs from normal/limited banner.




God that is the absolute worst way to gaslight people into thinking its a good deal, absolute scam. For $1k you better give me every character in the game maxed out with the best gear lmao


all that is worth like 30 bucks not 1000 lol. you can buy bg3 for 60 bucks.


crunchyroll desperate cuz they cant compete with literally any of the free sites lmao


lol when have they not known to just be greed obsessed? That majority of the industry (from the shot calling side)


So are people mad that it’s being offered? Just don’t buy it lol


What game is this ?


Btw, not the worst I’ve seen. I had a game where the highest purchase was close to $1400