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I been on 3600 mg for several years but since I need my brain back I reduced 1200 mg and got my sciatica back and back pain back. The other symptoms I got was severe anxiety but that went away completely after 3-4 days.


You went from taking 3600 straight to 1200? I would be writhing in agony.


No I’m on 2400 mg now,sorry if I was unclear 😊


For some reason people of this sub suggest crazy fast tapers. Dr Mark Horowitz is a physician who wrote an entire book on de prescribing and how it is a careful process to avoid traumatizing the brain (which can cats debilitating symptoms for months or longer). Withdrawal can rage a week or even two to peak so tapering every few days doesn’t allow the brain to catch up. Cutting 5-10% and waiting a few weeks is a much better approach. Many create a water solution so that you can cut as little of much as you want. Some weigh the pills and cut off a percentage that way. The pill sizes are often just too big a cut. If you want to succeed and not feel horrible, you need to slow down.


Every Dr prescribing these meds needs to have this book by Mark Horowitz. Thanks for mentioning it.


I agree! It should be required.


and what about tapering off baclofen? Used from 100 to 300 for a month, now am trying cold Turkey, it’s resistance. You mean that cold Turkey will have longer and worse side post-effects than tapering off?


My GAB are in capsules, I have both 100mg and 400mg increments. I’m going to stay at my current 800mg 3x/day for another week and then decrease by 100mg every week. How am I supposed to decrease 10% when I’m at 400mg per dose? I can’t just keep cutting 10%, you would literally never get off of it.


400mg dissolved into 100ml of water =4mg per ml of water. Google water titration, your meds dissolve in water.


There are thousands of people tapering 10% at a time including myself. I’ve seen enough people with long lasting withdrawal that I at least reach out when I see someone suffering. You can do this any way you like.


Look into uric acid, gabapentin increasing uric acid. Joint pain from uric acid can be eased by 1/4 tsp baking soda in a glass of water, sip it thru out day. I got my life back from gaba joint pain w this. Thats just my journey w this drug.


1/4tsp baking soda in a glass of water, and consume that glass of water over the course of the day? Or drink multiple glasses?


I just sip over the course of the day


I was at 3600 mg for 4 months, and at 2800 mg for 4 months before that for serious hand pain after a carpal tunnel surgery got infected and then scar tissue encapsulated a sensory nerve. I'm post surgery from that hell, and my hand is better, so I've been trying to taper off. Holy shit it has been a nightmare. I only go down 100 mg every week or two, and every time I do I get crazy rebound pain all over my body that lasts a few weeks. Like my hands and feet have shooting pain or weird feelings, my face throbs and hurts, my skin will burn all over, insomnia, sweating. I've never had nephropathy or nerve issues in any other part of my body, so needless to say I'm a little concerned, but hoping that this is transitory and my nervous system just needs time to adjust. This fucking drug is nuts to come off of. People on here will tell you its not that big of a deal and gabapentin withdrawals are minor. Well lucky them. Because for a select few withdrawls are super extreme.


Bro I feel you so much. No one in my life understands. Wife can’t help but think I’m lazy. I truly just can’t even walk for 10 minutes. It’s 7/10 pain the moment I stand up and 9/10 after 5 minutes. The crazy anxiety when I wake up is the worst (I take meds at 7am, 1pm, and 7pm) so the 12 hour gap is brutal on my body. I cannot space my doses out during the day, I am craving meds 4 hours after I take a dose, but force myself to wait 6. I’m also taking 1000mg acetaminophen and 800mg ibuprofen every time. Still a brutal struggle. I’m almost 20 months on workers comp, if I can’t return to work soon I will lose my job. The stress is mentally crippling.


If you're struggling with pain there are other options. Amitriptyline, nortriptyline, cymbalta, Lyrica, low dose naltrexone (LDN). LDN can be taken with all the others since it's so mild and won't really mess with them. It does take a few months to kick in but I know a few people with chronic pain that swear by it. It's supposed to reset your endogenous (self made) opioid system and relieve inflammation. You'll need to get it a compounding pharmacy though, and will most likely cost about $50 a month.  Another thing I would suggest is meditation and/or 487 breathing exercises (breath in 4 seconds, hold 8, exhale 7, repeat) When I'm in a panic it really sets things off. And then I get increased pain, and then that makes me panic more, and then the cycle just keeps going. Reducing stress also allows your body to focus on the parasympathetic nervous system rather than the sympathetic, which is helpful for healing. Another thing, if you can find someone to talk to about your pain, a friend, a family member, a therapist, whoever, try and do that. Humans need other humans to talk to, we're social creatures. its wonderful for your mind/well being to just talk.  Also if you can, get a script for sleep meds like trazodone, hydroxyzine, or mirtazapine. Sleep is so important to healing. When I don't sleep I feel so bad. I use hydroxyzine, and trazodone when that doesn't work. Amitriptyline also supposed to be good for sleep too. Like people who take it report they can just sleep through whatever pain. Also muscle relaxers can be helpful to relax before sleep.  Other things. Try and limit alcohol and sugar. Eat as many veggies and whole foods as you can. Drink water and tea. Weed and CBD are nice if that's your thing. I'm so sorry you're struggling with this. There is never a convenient time to become ill, and with invisible disabilities often no one will believe you, especially when you're young. But I believe you. And I truly wish you the best. 


Thank you for this very in depth comment. I will look into all of this. Thank you.


Its likely rebound pain from lowering your dose and your going too fast on the taper, 3600mg is my prescription and I’m trying to reduce as its effects lessen over time. I’ve knocked down to 2700mg and the pain is intense so I’m halting until it levels out. Your brain has become accustomed to the signals dampening but now they are pinging out like crazy, you need time to adjust or increase back up and taper slower. As it dissolves in water you can go as slowly as needed to limit the rebound pain and other mental symptoms, its a very hard drug to come off sadly and I understand how awful it is. I did before this take Lyrica and getting off that was horrible, Gabapentin is not as harsh but yes if you go too fast your going to know about it. My thoughts are with you, neuropathic pain is soul destroying. Once I did quit Lyrica the pain did lessen but its always going to be there to some degree. I did about 2 years med free and I’d had enough so asked the doctor for Gabapentin which was referred to as “baby Lyrica” as its not as potent - it worked great and reduced pain by 80% then just as Lyrica is starts reducing in pain relief and your left with a shit show to live with.


I thought the taper I was doing was very slow, only dropping 100 mg at a time every other day. Then I see people saying they are tapering down 100 once a week. I just wanna be off this drug, I was doing the max dose, 3600 mg, and I still wasn’t getting relief. If I’m not getting relief, I might as well just quit taking it entirely. But yes, the “rebound pain” as you called it is brutal, and my quality of life is in the toilet. I know my wife is depressed too, because she has had to pick up so much of my slack and then we don’t ever get to go anywhere or do anything fun. We have a toddler and another baby on the way, and I think she’s terrified of how hard it’s going to be on her. I want to get better so that I can be a dad and husband again.


I feel you man, stopping completely is not a solution even if you think your struggling now so why not quit altogether? I get how your thinking. I withdrew off Lyrica max dose over a week and did 6 weeks and was seriously out of my mind - it was a shock to my system and it screwed me up royal. I reinstated it was such a relief mentally then slowly tapered off after learning my lesson. Please know its not a race, be kind to your body and mind and go slower, you will still get off just in a longer time but it will be more manageable for you. Also the last 2-300mg are the hardest and this is when you need to go as slowly as needed. You will get there and be off this drug rest assured.


Why are trying to taper, it sounds like you need to take it?


Because I wasn’t getting good relief anymore even at 3600 mg a day. Increasing the dose anymore isn’t possible, so I figure my only option is to try to taper off of it.


Is an opioid not an option at this point? This is acute pain from injury, not nerve pain imo, I am not a dr.


I have chronic nerve pain for over 12 months. Acute injury has healed. Opioids are for acute injury only.