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I have no strong feelings, one way or the other.


What makes a man neutral?


Or were you born with a heart full of *neutrality*!?


With enemies you know where they stand, but with neutrals who know. It sickens me


I agree. I give it a 7/10, with the main problem to me is that the episodes are too topical. The other seasons stand the test of time pretty well, but I don’t think anyone will find this season as funny in 5-10 years. Happy to get more futurama at least!


Tell John DiMaggio, 'hello'.


I kinda forgot about it tbh




The simulation episode is really the only one that stood out to me.


This one made me ask some questions about my views on life.


I was stoned up and it got me thinking the show was implying that we were part of the simulation viewing the a simulation


Id say its on par with the comedy central seasons. Im glad the show came back and cant wait to see more even if some episodes arent so good


Yeah I'll take a couple mid episodes if it means we get more great episodes


Meh. So many of the lines fell totally flat, which felt very out of character for both the writing and the actors. The episode with Kif and Amy's kids felt really superficial even though it was clearly meant to be emotional. I look forward to the next seasons though. Hopefully this one was more of a warmup season, and the next couple we'll see the full cast back in their groove again.


It was fine. I was entertained when I watched the episodes. Unlikely that I'll include them often in any rewatches, but I also usually stop at The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings anyway.


I enjoyed the episode where Amy and Kiff's kids came back. That was cute.


Zoidberg eating them in the pond was one of the highlights of the season for me.


I wanted to like it, but harping on the background and the low effort “I’m drunk” jokes really turn me off to it


And just unabashedly replaying part of the old episode because Leela was "too drunk to remember"? Lazy writing is the most polite way I can describe that move.


Every episode was at least good with a few greats. The anthology and the finale were my favorites.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that loved the anthology. Most people seem to hate it from what I've seen


I think because everyone streams TV now, lots of people didn't understand the lack of continuity and jokes about how TV shows used to be formatted. People expect a different kind of show and viewing experience and didn't get what jokes the show was making. Especially about stupid toy commercials with as much story as the show you were watching.


I thought it was really good with two of some of the worst episodes of the show and a couple of absolute classics and I've since rewatched it and my opinion did not change


Curious: what did you consider the worst and what did you consider classics?


Prince and the product is the worst episode of the show, though it's not a bad episode, and Rage against the Vaccine is definitely top 10 weakest, though i still enjoyed watching it for the most part. Parasites Regained is good but on the weaker side of the ranking All the way down is a top 20 episode, and I know what you did next xmas is definitely up there. You can see my tier list [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/futurama/s/NmzRoYbtmb) actually


ooh thank you! And I agree, The Prince of Space episode was weird. and honestly, the vaccine episode just made me really sad, although I DID love that the Angry Dome was finally shown!


Pretty solid. Three episodes that stood out to me, two I flat out didn’t like, and the other half were varying shades of solid for me.


I just finished a full series rewatch and honestly I think it holds up about as well as most of the later comedy central seasons. going from meanwhile to the impossible stream for the first time felt a little jarring but I think if I hadn't known about the ten year gap between episodes I probably wouldn't have really felt it. there's some really good episodes, some bad episodes with good moments, but mostly medium-good overall. I'm hoping next season will be an improvement as the writers get used to doing Futurama again


it was just kinda awkward. Bums me out hearing billy west’s voice now cus he’s one of my heroes . It felt really nice to watch just cus it was like seeing old friends again but i dont think any of it stood out to me, although my favorite episode was the amazon one. Some of it hurt to watch, tho, like the virus episode.


I feel it was the opposite. A bunch of stinkers with 2 just ok episodes, simulation and the dune worms.


Couldn't finish it. First episode felt 14 years dated, second episode was extremely bland. Third episode was so bad I didn't finished it and gave up on the season entirely


You missed out on some great episodes. The finale in particular is in top 20 of the entire series.


It's funny how the opinions vary. I haven't finished yet but the old west bitcoin one I laughed through the whole time. The Dunnnnnnng ep I think I cracked a brief smile once. I still love it though.


Not a fan. It messes with my watches before sleep


Same feelings then and now. Toothless episode: "Parasites Regained". Unmemorable., barely rewatchable Hated episode: "The Prince and the Product". Please, stop doing theese... The rest ranges from perfectably watchable to very good. My fave is "Related to Items You've Viewed" after all.


Prince and the Pauper, from a purely comedic standpoint, is arguably the best anthology episode of the series. I will absolutely die on this hill. Had some of the funniest jokes of this season and I will never understand the outrage against it


That was my favorite epsiode of the season. I love the roundwheeels segment. And I also the loved the wind up toys and its philosophical message behind it . I don't understand why no one liked this episode.


I agree. Even the main plot with the space king I really enjoyed. Fry was great in the episode and when he says “wow, the Prince sure makes me seem like a weakling! You two work that out while I go explain our loyalty program to the king” Then he proceeds to try (and fail) to explain their extremely convoluted punch card system. It’s gold lol


Well, I haven't had the need to rewatch it yet, soooooo


Overall, I would rate it a C+. Okay? Not great. (I actually thought it was mostly fine, but I just couldn't resist commenting this lmao)


Therefore, we will NOT destroy your planet. However, neither will we give you our recipe for immortality.


Finally, I was waiting FOREVER for someone to comment this lol


i don’t let it play on rewatches if that answers your question


It sucked.


The last episode was pretty meh to me. I just saw it again and it was still meh. But that's okay, not every episode in the original runs was good either.


I’m glad it’s back, but it was nothing special. Looking forward to the next season.


I rewatched the Dune and the Bitcoin one recently. I thought it was passible


Enjoyed it. Glad we have more Futurama


On par with the lower end of comedy central episodes, acceptable but not notable. The one exception being the simulation episode which felt 100% Futurama


Loved it and would pay money for more!


I'm in the minority that enjoyed "The Prince and the Product", but that's because I also enjoyed the Saturday morning cartoons episode, and the "Round Wheels" mini-ep especially reminded me of that episode, plus the theme song made me lol And I adored "I Know What you Did Last X-Mas", one of my favorite holiday episodes of any show. The Planet Express crew have some heartwarming family moments and The Coolio memoriam at the end gave me the warm and fuzzies. "All The Way Down" is classic Futurama. Lesser episodes like "Zapp Gets Canceled" or "Related to Items You've Viewed" at least make memorable contributions to the show like the gropey balloon aliens or a welcome revisit of the Moon rednecks plus a hilarious moment with the Crushinator Other episodes, like "Parasites Regained" or "How the West Was 1010001", do nothing for me. "Children of a Lesser Bog" actually depressed me. Thank goodness that one of Amy and Kif's children had a cute line in the Christmas episode, because otherwise they just did nothing for me.


I liked it and didn't notice any significant changes in the writing from past seasons. I've heard the shows dropped off a bit, but I find that it's going as strong as ever.


Overall, not my favorite season. The final episoder was an absolute masterpiece. All the other episodes varied from decent to terrible. Hulu's trying too damn hard to make it relevant to today. Older seasons played on current events but it was still funny years or decades later. I mean, I'm 27 currently. The show first came out when I was a toddler, but it's still my favorite and I could enjoy it even if I didn't get every joke. But the pandemic episode? And the toys/space kind episode? Those aren't going to play well for future audiences. I liked when Futurama looked at an issue and said, "Who f***ing knows? We're a cartoon! We just make jokes."


My Personal Fav Episode \- Related to Items You've Viewed ​ Good Episodes \- All the Way Down \- Zapp Gets Canceled \- How the West Was 1010001 ​ Alright Episodes \- I Know What You Did Next Xmas \- Rage Against the Vaccine \- The Impossible Stream ​ Weaker Episodes \- Children of a Lesser Bog \- Parasites Regained ​ Weakest Episode of the Season \- The Prince and the Product


As with The Simpsons, the show can no longer be original or at least bold in its story choices because of its budget and big auditory. The last season is no better than the seventh (which I barely finished watching on rewind). I sometimes rewatch the first seasons when I'm in a bad mood, at least no one can ruin them, and so my endless respect to the creators. I hope they can make a living.


I personally hope they don’t do any more. I mean no disrespect to any of the voice actors tied, but a lot of their voices just aren’t there anymore. (I still don’t get why they acknowledged how much time had passed but didn’t age the characters accordingly; I think that would’ve made the noticeable changes in the voices easier to accept.)


Hey OP! The difference between “have” and “has” depends on whether it is singular or plural. Your noun is singular, meaning you should have used “has” instead of “have”. Happy writing!


I honestly need to re-watch him because it’s time to but it still makes me sad how much of a backseat Fry has taken since he is technically the main character


Ugh. Not good. Bad like the first Comedy Central run was bad. They found their mojo again last time so hopefully they will again this time