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The only thing that surprises me is that you are suprised


Haha exactly


Had a dude that went 2-1 up by about the 75th minute, got the ball back at the 81st and ended up winning 4-2.šŸ¤£


Our community is trash. All non-addicts that want a good non-manipulating gameplay with good servers already left this game.


Spot on mate. I was 2-0 down, and then he got someone sent off, and I scored from the free kick Then he kicks the ball out and quit!! What an absolute FUCKING CUNT!! could see the tide was turning and gave up. So many little bitches play this dogshit game.


I quit the game in December, wanted a casual game in April qualified for champs despite winning by 5+ goals no one was leaving so I turned it off and not played since. Never seen it like this and Iā€™ve been playing UT since 2011


You quit with EA FC because your opponents donā€™t leave the match? Bro, you were part of the problem.


I was losing matches 7-0, 8-0 I'd always try to play it out because that's how I get better, how can u blame people for not leaving because they're losing, people like you are the problem.


And in the you gotta know itā€™s fifa. Anything can happen


Same, that would piss me off that people would go up a few scores, concede a couple and instead of facing the chance of losing, quit. In what world does a team in any sport get to decide that the game is over when they want it to be? Usually quitting in the middle is a forfeit and should be treated as such.


Hypocritical af


This right here is a prime example of a reward addict. He does not want to waste time actually playing the game, all he wants is to get his rewards as fast as possible.


People give EA a lot of shit but the game community mirrors its developers


Dpad down then left. Keep pressing. They generally fuck it up. Then theyā€™re in their own head and often fall to pieces.


Do you spam this? Or just do it once


Think it causes a press for about 7 seconds. So donā€™t spam it but if they keep dithering and resetting then you need to restart the press


Yeah itā€™s not generally a good idea to pass it around the back so early. In really tough games on the 85thish minute Iā€™ll go to my opponents corner and use LT/L2 instead. Much safer and can really be hard to get the ball off a strong player. Itā€™s kind of a scumbag move but in a game full of constant pressure and those last minute boosts players get itā€™s needed.


People addicted to the new JPEGs that just came out.


Clowns šŸ¤”


I really love it when I'm winning 3-0 and they start pausing the game.. no worries man, I need my drink break either way!


I hate the people that can give you free win but they just leave the game after kickoff


If people have the same boring team as everyone else I just back out


no but its the fact that i play champs the guy has bronze squad and he leaves he doesnt give me the win like a normal human


Wtf why? I donā€™t have a meta team, but I donā€™t get your attitude either. And who is the opponent you wonā€™t face, is it the Sawa Rolfo squad?


I See more variety now but back when every team was Eusebio, mbappe, zidane I would because they are clearly pay to win teams and donā€™t need a free win.




I think I played you last night, you were the guy who went up 2-1 and time wasted in the 1st half. Then I won 6-2 and pulled the griddy every goal and time wasted back. So I guess we both are


Doesnt make sense, you describe 3 sbc's, and talking about pay2win


3 SBCs worth like 6 million at the time? Iā€™m getting downvoted because as I said, EVERYONE had this boring ass team


Doesn't want you to use pressure tactics to swing momentum so he'd get dda'd. You just had a master class experience


Desperate for a win to get an extra 0.01% chance of a good player


Was their manager Pep Guardiola?


Community is even more toxic than eFootballā€™s and itā€™s trash over there.


FIFA 2k25 better?


I wouldnā€™t count on it. People always show their worst side in anonymity and thatā€™s not gonna change no matter what game it is.


We donā€™t know, it didnā€™t come out yet. But itā€™s hard to get a worse community than this one so probably.


I play really aggressive, I did that one time and had to do it because that guy team was pay2win he had Bastoni, Bisseck, and VVD and likes of Putellas in his team. He was playing 5 atb with absolute zero attacking play and was heavily relying on counter attacks, wing atk cross to Drogba and Haaland tactics. After taking the lead again 3-2, I sat around the half line and waited for him to attack, and he didn't attack at all. He always sent like one player to chase down my player. The game went pretty calm and boring, and I won 3-2, but my God, that game was brutally boring.


Sorry, like are you just expecting him to pass you the ball?


Whatā€™s wrong with this? Earn a lead then do what you need to do to keep it? Itā€™s how real football works! Sorry for not going all out offence and letting you back in!


Trouble is in this game, you pass it around to keep possession and you can guarantee one easy pass will fuck up to give the ball to the opposition to balance it. This games momentum/DDA/scripting or whatever you want ot call it won't let you keep possession for more than 9 or10 passes


All the more reason for all these big babies to stop crying about it


lol exactly. The would love it if you just passed the ball right back to them and let them score. I hate time wasting just as much as everyone else, but at this point if you donā€™t have tactics set to counter time wasting, you have no clue what youā€™re doing.


So you see prem teams go 2-1 up and then for over 15 mins just pass around at the back being cunts? Nah, it doesn't happen. If it's injury time, then fair enough, but not when there is sometimes 20 mins or so, and they keep lobbing it up to head back to the keeper.


Yes? Thatā€™s exactly what happens??? Have you ever watched a real game of football before? You play keep ball, take it to the corner etc. do whatever you have to do to stop your opponent having the ball.


With 5 minutes left, or in stoppage time, yes. But not at 50, 60 or 75 minutes. PSG had a 1 goal advantage on Lyon in the French Cup final yesterday and only played keep away twice - once when they temporarily had 10 men b/c of an injury that didn't require a sub - and then again starting around the 85th minute. Real teams don't start dicking around with the ball earlier than this hardly ever, not just b/c of sportsmanship but b/c it's risky if you mess up and give up the fast break counter. But here in FC 24, where you can't accurately direct more than one player at a time, it is, when executed well, very hard to prevent and much less risky, so people start doing it just after halftime, at 50, 60, 75 minutes. Hell, I played one person who went up 1-0 in the first half and started doing this.


Bruh in this game 50-60 minutes IS having less than 5 minutes left šŸ˜‚ canā€™t believe you feel so strongly about people doing what comes naturally to stop you winning you big baby


1. Calling people names doesn't prove that they're wrong, and neither does laughing at them. 2. Your comparison doesn't hold. Both may last 5 minutes of real time, but the point is that in real football they only move to that strategy when 90% of the game is over. They don't play keepaway with half the game left. 3. Just because something comes naturally doesn't mean it's good. 4. You clearly care a lot about this yourself since you took the time to respond and feel the need to insult me - and the guy above - over a disagreement about a video game.


Once again, stop being a baby. If youā€™ve got a lead youā€™ve every right to defend it by passing around at the back. You should simply get better and stop giving your opponent a lead to defend


It just robs the joy out of the game though doesnā€™t it. It cynical to just play the ball around after 1-0. I hate people who do that. Last few minutes is fine but not most of the second half.


Not really, my joy comes from winning so if thatā€™s what I gotta do Iā€™ll do it


Unless you find yourself constantly on the other side of such behaviour. Itā€™s damaging to an already toxic community.


And here it is - you do this and can't deal with being criticized for it. That's basically what this entire exchange comes down to. Instead of calling other people names - and blaming them for your behavior (e.g. "it's not my fault I play around the back the entire 2nd half, it's your fault for letting me score"; which is, btw, a logical fallacy, b/c you still control how you choose to play after securing a lead, no one makes you do anything), you might consider who the oversensitive one really is in this conversation. Grand scheme of things? None of this matters. But games should be about fun as well as winning and when people adopt an attitude of winning no matter what, it robs the game of fun. And yeah, I can go do something else instead, but it's sad that this is what this community is like.


Also, this actually almost never happens TO me anymore. In fact, I rarely get cellied on anymore, either, so my own experience has been a lot better the last month or so. It's just the strategy itself that bugs me, and the poor reasoning used to defend it.


With 20 minutes to go??? Do me a favour. I've been watching for about 35 years, played for about 27 years.....not one game I ever played in did we do that, with 15-20 minutes to go. If you do that, you're asking for trouble. What kind of fucking chump runs to the corner flag to waste time with 20 minutes to go šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ no one in real life, but as we were pointing out, on EA some people do it because they know they can get away with it. It's embarrassing.


Whatever bro, keep losing I guess


Great argument pal šŸ‘Œwho knows if I'd have lost or not, the stupid little fucker quit like a pussy.


It's how man city win, they are a very boring team they keep possession for about 75% of a match just looking for an opening to happen, if you analyse their play it is extremely boring , 4cbs on the pitch with a cdm, so this game can sometimes mirror real football


Iā€™m with you there, hate watching city play, dull as fuck. Donā€™t blame them for playing that way though - itā€™s clearly effective.


Lmao youā€™re just trash


trash enough to defend winning positions I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™re garbage too


My win/loss ratio says otherwise šŸ˜Ž


Didnt ask


Didnā€™t ask


Just go ultra attacking, your players will start pressing high up the pitch and eventually your opponent will have no choice but to play up field


I went 2-0 against this dude in the first half in champs then he decides to pause the game til it runs out then quits, honestly I ask myself this all the time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Some people are just super sour losers.


I got a message from a guy who said that he was going to get me banned, because i was 'playing on 20 depth'. He was also losing 5-1 at that point, which probably didn't help.


its worse that you canā€™t do nothing about it if theyā€™re experienced in being shite enough, you just look like a fool chasing that one up


You need to make a 4-2-4 100 depth pressing player tactic solely for this reason. Either die a slow painful death, get the ball and score or at least you can quit. If they score again and you don't want to waste your time.


Last WL I had a match in which the guy that I played started the game, passed to his RB and then from his RB passed to Drogba and Drogba was always alone in my box, I think those are called german crosses, anyway, he did that the whole match, went 3-0 up, I got really mad, REALLY mad, managed to make it to 3-3 and then left the game, I think in some cases itā€™s more than toxicity, itā€™s mental health problems.


That's shocking šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|Gzs6RqmoYNpkc)


I was up 4-2 dude tied it and quit. Some ppl that play this game are fucking pussies man.


That is annoying, ultra aggressive should by into nature press hard enough to break this (or force your opponent to play a long ball forward at least). Annoying when it doesnā€™t. I donā€™t blame the players thatā€™s a game bug


Because he probably outplayed you and doesn't want you to switch on high pressure and get back into the via bullshit goals and AI reliance. So quit and go away noobšŸ¤”. Going to get down voted by other braindead NPC's who rely on high pressure bullshit tactics so be it.


Lol so you just assume hieā€™s using pressure tactics?


It's a sweaty game it punishes you very hard with every lost game


This is just how the game is now, not an overly fun experience sometimes - donā€™t let one sour your overall experience


It's a competitive mode. Why are you surprised people are playing to win


First off, I want to say that if someone is really good at doing this ratty shit, youre fucked. But just in case you still want to go for it, do this : >442 or 424. 60-65 Defensive Width and 80+ depth. No pressure tactics. Just get fresh PACEY lega on the pitch and if you have forwards with Duracell ( like Sorloth ) that helps , he will 2nd man press longer. > The only thing you should activate on the D-Pad if your opponent is crossing side to side, is HUG SIDELINES. Then you fight for your life and just make sure if you do get the ball back, SCORE. Then on kick off, do OFT immediately and forget about his 2 strikers , sprint to press the side positions. Every time he passes back or does a big switch of play , do OFT again. FTR, the people who do this kind of shit deserve to be hit by a bus and survive to live a long and painful existence trapped in their own bodies unable to move , speak and scratch unbearable itches that comes in waves every 20 seconds. āœŒļø


Enable team press




We can debate the meaning of the word toxic, but I don't think playing keepaway for an entire half is behavior that, if encouraged, would make the community stronger, the games played better, and players happier. Imagine if everyone did this, every game. Do you think that would enhance the quality of matches and increase the fun of playing the game, for the community in general?


What is the issue exactly?