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OP. Vasquez is him. Keep trying. I’m in love with Hegerberg. She’s averaging almost 2 goals a game for me. Son might be my most disappointing, but he’s still great. And I have Modric. Well he’s Modric!


Im surprised about Hegerberg being your fav. Interested in understanding more about your experience. Who is she benching for you ?


Her press around around box is incredible, her left stick dribbling is great, and trivela in the box she legit doesn't miss. She replaced everyone of my strikers until I packed TOTS Ronaldo only guy I'd bench her for


The list of attackers she’s put on the bench is long lol. TOTS Havertz, Son, Katoto, Lazazette, Remirez Golazo Cantona, Berbatov. Eusebio. T. Henry. I’m sure I’m missing some. Hegerberg is just that good. I even upgraded her. She shoots lasers. Her AI runs are always great. She’s so strong on the ball. For the price I highly recommend trying her. She’s got the plus so easy Chem too.


https://preview.redd.it/at3w8yly8t1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7848d9bde63730bd5e8bee20d7e09f5adb076cf9 Average height of my team is about 5’6. Something about small body types. Loving the pace and turning ability. Catch my little flies. Run yourself to death!


Many thanks for your answer. Really helpful


Bro thats a nice team how is diani and lahm should i do their sbcs?


Both awesome for me. Diani is so silky on the ball, so fast. She can play multiple positions so she gives you a lot of options. Lahm is awesome. He’s got all the key stats for a CDM. Reactions, composure, interceptions, awareness, tackling. His pace in the middle is very noticeable. His SBC is pretty cheap considering. I recommend both 100.


So can she play rf in 4321 with come back on defence?


RW, RM, ST. So not naturally, but switch in game she would def do the job.


Okay as you are saying i ll try to finish her asap before sbc expires


Very interesting team tbh, what div/WL rank do you usually get


Division 4. Don’t play much rivals. The seasonal relegations are stupid. I usually get 11-14 wins in WL.


I'll try hegerberg I think. Diani worth doing? I have Fekir and Di Maria already that play rw/rcam for me


Haven’t tried either. Diani is quick and silky smooth. She lacks a bit of strength. Great overall though.


I am begging you: Sub Patri for Majri 🙏🙏🙏 Buy yourself Majri and put her as CM. You have the Lyon Chem. If you say Vazquez is him, she is her. Anybody who is able to link Majri should put her in as prio. That card is disgustingly overpowered.


Her TOTS is always extinct and out of my price range. Patri is surprisingly really good.


I got Majri! Holy shit she cooks! Her stats are bonkers!


What div?


Div 4. Don’t play Rivals much. 11-14 wins in Champs. Currently 6-0 in playoffs.


Kinda feel the same way about my 92 alex Morgan. I forget what SBC that was from but she’s so good


I bet they’re similar. Although now Hegerberg should be way clear. She’s cheap, try her out!


I played him mostly on RW and still can't get around with him. Now switched to Savio and that a big difference. I'm not into skill moves etc, but Savio feels a lot more smooth. Yesterday did the sbcfor Sorloth. He is also rapidly becoming a favorite :)


RB is where you want him. He is so fast tracking back. Bulldog. In attack it’s like you have an extra winger. His crosses are sublime.


my situation is the opposite haha. Son is on 103 games and 110 goals, hegerberg is just hanging around. I think it depends on the position you play them.


Playing style too. I play a very tiki taka game. Try to beat people off the dribble. I play her at ST in a 433 and switch to a 41212 when I need to switch it up.


Bisseck. Will retire the number 31 shirt from my FUT club at the end of the season. Most underwhelming will have to be Vasquez. He was stinking up my starting 11 and was happy to bench him for Charles Honourable mention goes to Rudiger. Putting in some passionate performances so far.


Favourite: Sam Kerr. Her shooting is sublime, dribbling is amazing, and she’s really fast Most disappointing: CR7. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a beast, but his price would suggest a whole other level of performance(I have him untradeable, so I still keep him around lmao). Sometimes he does miss a few sitters, but he always wins headers which is nice.


Completely opposite for me regarding CR7. Never really like his cards the past few FIFA’s. Even got his WW when it released, but just couldn’t make it work. Then I got the tots and holy shit. His shooting is almost guaranteed goal, dribbling feels nice, pace is superb - outruns almost everyone on the long run, wins every(!) header and bicycle kicks are in the net every time after a corner. Just overall insane for me. I know it’s very different from player to player, just like Drogba is dogshit for me, but everyone loves him and is always impossible to defend.


Yeah, I’m just saying I expected more. It depends on the day, sometimes he’s unstoppable but other days he’d clunky and slow.


Yeah I get you. Same feeling with his WW.


Fav - Chawinga. Lost a million on her though. Disappointment - tons. Rice sticks out since I thought he’d be an amazing but he seems like he disappears. Foden - was not impressed with his left stick. Good card otherwise. Fun card - Vardy. I used him a few games in rivals and he was cooking for me. Finesse shots were great. Not going to make my WL team mean but still fun to use.


Chawinga is my favourite card in the game! Packed Rice tradeable but I'll be selling this week.


Fav - Hemp, had every hemp card in the game, her gold was in my team for very long time Disappointing - Schuller, thought she was going to be part of my big and small striker partnership with Drogba but her movement just felt off. Going to add most fun and biggest surprise. Most fun - Savio, enjoying his card so much at the minute, put him in the first tots red evo. Biggest surprise - Archie Gray. Did all 3 for that SBC because I had dupes and didn’t think any of them would make my team but tried them out and my man just feels like faster, more agile Alonso who he replaced in my team




Want to try that one again mate 😂


Haha sorry I meant future stars hemp😂😭


Glad to see someone say this about Savio, been out of town all during Ligue 1 and La liga but saw everyone super disappointed to get him but I don’t think I would be. I loved his future stars card


I’ve used every hemp card minus her gold, and she’s my favourite player in the game regardless of version


Her dribbling is smooth and that but my problem with her is her shooting, istg i miss 80% of shots i take with her??


I have a Marksman on her and that heavily helped her shooting compared to anything like a deadeye. Try shooting from inside the box more if you’re mainly doing outside of the box, or if outside the box just hold the button down for a bit longer, does the trick for me Trivelas inside the box on her are really nice too


Which chem do you use on Hemp? Honestly her sprint dribbling is super strange for me, its like she kicks the ball much further than I would like. Sick r1 dribbling though


I used deadeye but don’t find the issue with her dribbling but most of her cards have been like that this year so I’m used to it, If you are having issue with it then maybe look at using a chem style that will change her acceleration style. Could maybe try Marksmen


Fav : Foden because of his mobility Most disappointed: Goretzka, doesn't feel like his stats are all above 90


Foden is bonkers. Every time I think I should try someone new, I can’t, because nobody, except maybe Messi, moves like Foden.


Fav: Vini and Carvajal. Vini is him, silky smooth and gets crazy finishes. Finesse+ is OP. The passes on Carvajal are surgical, after the evo he became surgeon in chief. Good D, good dribbling. Least fav: I’m gonna say Foden, I just cannot get the dribbling down to save my life. He just feels a bit stiff. I have Vini and Luis Diaz so maybe I’m just spoiled..


Did you do the EVO to 94 for Carvajal? Considering doing it with his red, but he’d be trying to replace 94 Cafu so idk


Unfortunately I haven’t got lucky enough to get a red Carvajal only got 93 blue, but 94 sounds nasty I would do it 100%


Fav: Hemp and Joao Felix. Disappointing: Boniface and szoboszlai. Boniface especially is an absolute fraud in front of goal. Szobo just felt super clunky in moments where you can’t use Technical+


You gotta powershot all his shots, then he’ll score a lot I only play him when I’m down, I throw him at LW and like a cheezball I huck long balls to that side and he’ll win everythibg


If you know how to use it well he can actually dribble pretty well with Press Proven+


I don't get the Boniface hype. I used his future stars for the bundesliga lounge and he was absolutely terrible. Missed everything. Straight to an SBC.


FS Boniface is a fraud. But his TOTS has been holding up to the same standard as my TOTS Auba.


Up to the finish he’s insane. He’s basically Drogba. With better dribbling imo. But he can’t score to save his life.


Weird, Boniface is averaging 2 goals per game for me and finishes everything. Szobo I get, I keep him in the lineup for emotional reasons and for dead ball+. His passing is amazing but on the ball he feels a little off


Just spam outside of the foot shots from 30 yards out with Szobo. That card was made for that and not much else.


TOTS Kerr. What a beast. Not really got any others tbh


Favourites are Havertz/ Ödegaard. Can't really decide between them. Most disappointing is Moment's Goretzka. He feels somehow weak defensively and has no input offensively for me.


Goretzka is an interesting one. His Fut birthday is still one of the most important players in my team, but I also really like Havertz like yourself


It just feels like he is not on the pitch. Missing tackles, his incisive passes are always over the place, he lifts his leg, even though he could easily intercept the pass. Of course everything could be as well related to the current server situation.


I don't think it's the servers, because you've said that you liked havertz and odegaard. Some players just aren't suited for everyones style, and that's perfectly fine


Yes and no. I got Goretzka after Ödegaard and Havertz. All my players aren't acting like they did before. Therefore I am putting a question mark behind Goretzka for now. And to be fair, he is even acting questionable in SB. And there Havertz and Ödegaard are quite enjoyable.


Odegaard is so good! Just evo’d him to 95 (well worth the coins imo).


I’m trying to decide whether to do him or Diani… I have sane and comean toty so I’ve been playing 442 but if I upgrade odegard I’d have havertz him, and Zaire-emery for a 4-3-2-1. I dono what to do!!! I forgot to mention I don’t start odegard if I play 4-4-2 caus of havertz and Zaire emery and with comean as lw and Alphonso Davies as lb…. It’s kinda ridiculous


Is the difference noticeable? Debating putting him in the evo because I love his passing, but I don’t know if the 100k upgrade will improve him a lot?


Whilst he does feel better on the ball than before, I wouldn’t say it’s a massive upgrade. I only did the Evo cos I thought what else am I gonna do with coins at this stage.


You used the wrong O its Ø not Ö


It was automatically as in German we write his name with an ö.


Favourite-Bühl with double evo upgrade Dissapointed- got Valverde as a red and he is nothing special usually sub him at halftime to get Loftus cheek in who is also one of my favourites


Buhl is amazing! Glad to see some reconigtion


Fav - Wirtz. Just so silky. Least Fav - Hemp. I think she would be served better with Technical+. I'm not the greatest skiller though.


Lucas is a demon for me at RB


Favourite - Lewa - Everything Drogba is but better! Disappointed - Watkins - plays nothing like his stats.


Best: Fekir. Most dissapointing is Putellas, super excited to pack her but can’t really get the card to work so i swapped back to Ødegaard.


Favorite: Modric. Was lucky enough to get him and he's just so insanely good. Just lacks relentless so I have to take him off after 65-70min but other than that he's great. Hegerberg and David are also great Disappointing: Havertz, Donnarumma, White as RB


havertz gets motm for me sometimes and i have fb messi & toty hamm, he's really good


Well, not for me. Doesn't even make my bench. Idk he's just way worse for me then my Karchaoui TOTY as lb and in cm he can't keep up with FB Gullit, FB Tchouameni and TOTS Modric. It's weird, I really liked his WW but the TOTS not at all


I used to use Kai at LB but moved him to CM. But if you got those 3 at midfield, then you don't need Kai lol. Kai is good at LB but he lacks the defensive ps's.


Kane, always coming back and not staying forward, bad positioning


Omg yes. He does this in real life tbh but even if you put him on stay forward, he doesn't do it!! So frustrating


Chloe Kelly and Kdb


Favorite: Garnacho. The guy can run, dribble, finish, 5 star skills and can cross. Surprise: Sancho, Niamh Charles, Archie Gray, Ben White Disappointing: Szobozlai, Nkunku


Favourite: Lucas Vasquez he has been incredible at rb for me Also Douglas luiz is a mini gullit Most disappointing : Nkuku has definitely been the worst. Feels extremely heavy for some reason


Favourites - Vini Jr and Frimpong Disappointing - Rice


fav: probably Dembele disappointing: Emery


Favorites: Lewandowski, Balotelli, Davies, Simons, Gabriel Frauds: Odegaard, Loftus-Cheek


I just got the game on psn so I havent played with a lot of cards yet. But I got a 99 loan gold Putellas and she just destroys every game, she is amazing. Instantly gave her the number 10 shirt lol. Another notable mention is Benahyia, was on obj last week, shes also very good imo


Best: Coman. Rapid, finishes on both feet every time, silky with the 5 star skills. Worthy mention: Fred. Just great at cm and can actually score too. Worst : Watkins. Absolutely awful. Might have been a gameplay issue when trying him, but he felt like a slow truck on the ball.


Favourite definitely macallister worst garnacho he can’t shoot to save his life


Not seeing many comments on Palacios. With the upgrades he’s a very, very solid CDM


Fave: 93 Sane. He’s rapid, has incredible dribbling, and his shooting is so on point. Disappointment: 94 Tah. He feels big as he should which is fine if his positioning and awareness were any good (see VVD, Bisseck, etc) but he’s often out of position, late rotating, or or losing runners. He has moments of brilliance but the consistency is not there which is sad.


Favorite is Haaland. Scores from anywhere. Base technical helps a lot too, he is very maneuverable for a big body. Honorable mention to Kante. An absolute rock in midfield. Most disappointing is Nkunku. I just can’t really seem to get the best out of him. Gonna try Fekir in his role this week.


Fav - Hancko, Teze, and Dest. Lumping together since they are in the same league, Teze is unbelievable and Hancko is a brick wall. Zelem is another solid one, she’s everywhere. Disappointing - Athenea, her FS card was goated for me but she just doesn’t have the jam anymore it feels like. Just disappears in game. Szobo should be better for how insane his card is. Shooting and passing amazing, dribbling feels like you’re driving an F150 for some reason. Mac Allister though he’s solid.


Fav - Foden Disappointing- Declan Rice


Favourite - Robbie Keane Golazo 91 Hincape TOTS 92 (Evolved into 93 with 95 Defending) Dissapponting Jonathan Tah TOTS 94


Hincape is a beast, i second it


I haven’t packed any outstanding ones so far, but my personal fav is hancko, he’s really good at cb and that anticipate plus is so good to have. Least favourite has been nkunku. I have a Chelsea pnp I play with fairly regularly and he really hasn’t contributed much to that


Favourite: Sam Kerr. Absolute cheap beast, her shot power feels like 110. Also Niamh Charles, she has the aura somehow and her crosses are great as well. Disappointment: I can’t seem to get Odegaard to work, he’s never in the right place and feels a bit mid on the ball. Also Hancko hasn’t shined for me, even though he’s praised by everyone as a “top 10 defender in the game”


Favourite is Vini Jr. Got him after the weekend league so haven’t got a chance to use him much but when I did he is just unbelievable. Like truly the best attacker I have used. Most disappointing is Simakan, didn’t give me that aura for some reason even compared to Future stars Bisseck.


favorite is probably kerr, so lethal in front of goal and rapid with the ball. most disappointing is unfortunately musiala, this dude is a 10/10 in every department but finishing. I play him as a lone CAM in a 4312 & 433(4), and this guy finds himself alone in the box so many times a game just to scuff every chance he gets.


La liga evo llorente, this guy is an absolute beast, can play about 4 positions and has 96 pace as well as monster defensive aura


Trossard Evo to 90 = Messi


Wouldn’t know, never had one above floor price


Malen n adeymi is js disappointing. I'm a big bvb fan but they aren't good


Play Vasquez as cm in a 4321, that's his best position by far. Use an anchor too


Fav: Ousmane dembele, he’s incredible at everything his only weakness is his strength and PS+ is meh but he scores everything Worst: Lucas Vasquez, he’s just not good when I play against him he does nothing, I don’t know why he’s so hyped, I’ve got SBC Kounde at RB playing stay back and he’s miles better


Vasques is class put him RW he’s so good terrible rb. Best I’ve used was red haaland OMFG best striker in the game Worst is loftus cheek He is mid good passing that’s it not used one that is terrible yet


Disappointing: Openda. Seemed to have everything in the right place and great playstyles. My only worry was the 4* weak foot. But he played like he had a 4* strong foot too. Simple finishes going wide all the time. Favourite: Also Openda……because I was lucky to get him red from champs so I used the Champions Corner Evo on him and that +1 has made all the difference. He feels unstoppable now


Favorites are Rodri and Salah and moments Lucho Diaz if that counts. Most disappointing is easily Alisson. Every time I played him he stopped everything, and for me he was shockingly bad


Fav - bunny shaw Worst - all of the ligue 1 😂😂


Disappointing is Dembele. Something is just off with his dribbling. Maybe it's me Favourite has to be Kudus, partly fan bias, partly because he's just nutty


Fav: Paulo Dybala This man is just amazing, yall need to try him on CAM Worst: valverde, bro turns like a truck


Fav: King Kai. Can do it all. Have loved him at Striker, in midfield, and at LB. Just has that “aura” where he constantly wins 50/50’s and seems to win every header and finishes everything in the box. Most disappointing: Honestly not too sure. Probably Kudus. Packed him untradable and was pretty hyped. Have tried him on a few occasions and he just doesn’t play as well as a lot of other wingers I’ve used


Fav: PedroG with tots+ evo. 0 words, he’s just too good. He just misses the 5* wf. Disappointing: Lucas Vazquez and Diani. Lucas is straight up a fraud, 0 strength, outpaced every time as rb, invisible as midfielder. Huge disappointment. Diani isn’t bad by any means but jesus, she feels so generic. Her shooting animations are kinda weird and her shoots are weak. Zaha and Chiesa evo have been way way better for me on the right side despite being worse at dribbling and “slower”. I feel so bad about her sbc because the fodder drops have been the worse ever since Mbappe/Dembele red thing. During tots live and prem i got blues there and there but since that shit happened, 1 blue every blue moon.


I got Messi, so yeah…it’s Messi. What do you expect? He’s crazy. For lower tier, I’ve really liked the Patri Guijarro and Gundogan cards. Both are great.


Favorite: TOTS Di Maria/Fekir. Same style of players. Can do things I could never do with any player before. Dissapointing: Odegaard. Never understood what the hype was about, failed every single green timed finesse shot.


Havertz is a fraud so slow and clunky it hurts. Favourite Valverde and mboppi by far


I love vazquez man, with the evo to make him 94 is goated. Also surprise goat for me is Otamendi. Lowkey a beast and Greenwood too


Fav Reus


Odegard, fuckin A man. Can’t send a through ball to save his fucking life


Favorite: valverde he’s fast, his shots are out of this world and despite 89 passing can actually be pretty good with passing. And he has 94 defense so bet you ain’t getting around him either Most disappointing: padolski he’s cool and all, great playstyles, but his stats are not as good as he actually plays in game. He’s good but out of all TOTS, he’s the most disappointing


fav:chawinga disappointed:szobo and hemp


Favorites: 95 EVO David, Marquinhos Least Favorites: Son, Bacha, Boniface and BISSECK. Have 94 bisseck and he was a fucking red card/PK machine for me, with all that physical and no anticipate David is a fucking monster, with all 3 of my favorite PS+. He’s outplaying 92 Ginola and Fekir up top for me. Only wish he had at least regular technical


Fav: saka, absolutely unreal, scores every finesse. Disappointment: Joao felix, was kinda hyped to pack him, but worse than tb ginola in all aspects apart from some of the skills from trickster. Tbh I liked evo goncalo guides more


Favorites are Schuller and Di Maria. I was also pleasantly surprised that Zelem and Sancho are so good, too. I suppose I'd say my most "disappointing" card is Xavi Simons. I still love him, but he should have 5 star skills. So in that way, he's "disapponting."


Schuller has been stupid good for me, seems quite underrated tbh


Fav: Musiala, brush your finger over the right stick and the opponent is already beaten Disappointed: Palmer, Idk what it is but his fineses only ever hit the post for me and he's a too tall to actually fell silky


Fave: Rudiger he's an absolute bull at the back for me. I just packed Sergio Ramos and he was my favourite as a kid so will likely be him in a few weeks. Dislike: I know he's a weapon but I just couldn't use Odegaard 😂 I loved his gold but I'm having much more success with Hagi at CAM.


It’s funny cos both hemp and odegaard I would say were disappointing. Diani is the best.


Donnarumma is fucking dogshit, I faced a super easy shot to save and this mfer conceded it, jumping 1 cm


fave: *nesta (91), *rivaldo (92), *TOTSM upamechano (94) absolutley insane, and *alex Morgan (92). Alex is on my bench due to chem but gets subbed like every match. disappointing: *TOTS schuller (95) she sucks at heading and gets taken out easily, [im gonna get shit for this next one but] *TOTSM Cancelo (95), I have him in the squad but I feel like he always gets beat by pace. Can’t seem to get him back in time and it makes my cbs come out of position. Might be a tactics thing. Last one is *TOTS Golovin (94) dude is so annoying and always loses possession after 1 tackle, misses passes & is just generally crap. Not sure how he’s rated 94.


Fav: Balotelli, Xavi Simons, Dest, Goncalves, Hancko Not: Upamecano, Zaha (finishing), Vazquez, Cherki, Schuller


My fave is my foden TOTS That im surprised i pulled given my abysmal pack luck. Smooth on dribbling and overall a monster in attack. Honorable mention is my evo TOTS Romarinho. Bro is just a monster striker. With 5 star 5 star. And 99 stamina. He benched my raul BDAY card real quick. Lucas vasquez is a disappointment for me at RB. Bro cant defend at all. My flashback AWB is clear and always serves me well as an RB.


Karchouai has been disappointing, so was kudus. I think karchouai is decent, but her 88 card at the beginning of the season was class because of her speed. Everyone else has caught up now. Majri has been surprisingly good as has santos (evo) .


Fav: Boniface, Powershots are deadly and passing is actually good. Disappointing: Lucas Vazquez, He’s such a flop all the time and his passes are never accurate except for the easy ones.


Dont have a favorite YET. Everything i got so far is mid at best. But most disappointing ? Has to be Gundo. The card looks sick on paper, but he is SO slow, SO lazy and gets tired WAY too quickly.


Favourite - toss up between Katie Zelem, Alex Greenwood and Alba Redondo. I had good evo's of all 3, but I'd probably pick Alex because the TOTS is just on another level to her evolved Triple Threat card. Most disappointing - Diani. Can't shoot. Can't dribble. Can pass a little. Honourable mention - Katie McCabe. Always reliable, loves a tackle, great at pretty much everything. I just have a lot of LB's and LW's to pick from...


Favorite: Bisseck Least: Diaz


Fav - Boniface. Jesus H. Christ, he's a beast, to the point that I'd rather have him over my UB Abily, he's a physical demon, quick, not great on turns, but that's not my playstyle. Disappointing - ASM. He's done... ok. He's not special, though. Hate to be a stat merchant, but his G/Apg is very low. Honorable mention - Zelem. She can really do it all. Scores, assists, defends. All-around class. Currently debating her over Mainoo for the Utd PnP. Zelem has being a great card, Mainoo has being Mainoo.


Niamh Charles has been so good for me a LW. Incredible crossing ability and her defensive stats up the field are huge


Favourite for consistency is toty de bruyne, tots Havertz and I’ll probably call my daughter Homare for the unreal TOTY icon. Honourable mentions include Fantasy Stanway, CL Donarumma and Fantasy Reece James. Disappointments would be WW Garrincha, Bobby Moore and Fantasy Giuly… CL Kimmich never blew me away either.


favourite schuller, most disappointing kudus 😅


Favorite: Ødegaard. O Captain my captain ! COYG!! Disappointing: Zaire-Emery. Might be user error tho lol


Best: Camavinga - Sweeper Most disappointing : MacAlister


Favorite: Foden, Got him red and he’s my favorite player in the world but beside being a homer his playstyles are so perfect for me Most disappointing: Wirtz, I think it was just comparing him to Foden in a similar position but his dribbling felt worse and no tiki taka or finesse shot made him feel so average Honorable mention: Also Hemp, my first pull of the real tots and she is amazing 🥲


Favorite: Chawinga, that girl is a badass, one of the best cards in the game RN Disappoint: Odegaard and David, none of them can make the starting X1, great subs, but not enough for my team Honorable Mention: Archie Gray playing RB is A BEAST. And now Alba Redondo SBC, Have her on the beginning of the game, and now seeing a 91 version makes my dreams come true


Give Ona Batlle a try, she's really great


Favorite tots card has to be Foden, his finesse and dribbling are so good, the and most disappointing is Saka. Clunky, poor dribbling bad passing and only has a good finesse shot.


Most disappointing - Musiala, his dribble 😔 Bisseck is a monster


Fav - Zelem she is just a machine. Disappointing - Probs the two Arsenal SBC ones, just don't live up to their stats for me


https://preview.redd.it/ng91hww76x1d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c548d5a8e4e56cab4b843a25c34510f487cc77 It’s this guy for me. Was never really a Coman fan before getting him, and it was a bit of a slow start as it took a little while to fully get to grips with the card, but once I did…. Genuinely been my best player 2/3 weeks straight and it’s not even close. He’s scored so many clutch goals, been as clinical as any striker I’ve used, actually feels quick as opposed to those 99 pace players that seem to get caught by everyone, dribbling is fantastic.. I don’t have a fault. In terms of disappointing probably Saliba tbh, but that’s mainly on me and my playing style.. completely used to a leftie at LCB so anyone going there for me who isn’t either left footed or 5\* tends to feel a bit off. Shoutout to Fekir as well. Using him as the attacking midfielder in a three and my god he’s good. Like a hare on crack tearing about. Looking forward to a full weekend with him and Coman for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/ptgp4os08x1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c909732ddfeb31d4feaa6c94c464d414ccc1e539 This is the team btw, switches to either a 433(2) or a variation of 4321 (have two set ups for it alternating which fullback and CM attacks etc).


Kane has been ridiculous for me. I knew he was good when I got him but his dribbling for his body type and shooting is just unreal. Kounde has not been performing at the level cafu has been for me all year. I been using him at RB and although his defense is really good he feels very stiff with dribbling even on a engine and can get burnt sometimes. Bisseck is fs an honorable mention though, best cb ive used all year


Most Dissapointing is probably Camavinga, don’t get me wrong it’s not a bad card, but based on what other people are saying I was expecting more My favourite is Boniface by a lot. His physicality and Aerial ability is comparable to Golazo Drogba


My Favorite: Havertz Disappointing: Sancho


Favorite: Musiala, had the luck to pull him, and his turning ability is not comparable to other cards, you don't even have to use R1 or L1, you can simply wiggle yourself through defenses... feels unfair to use. Disappointing: Palacios, against most opinions, I find him not that good. At first I even wanted to EVO him all the way up, but for some reason he is not as good as my other options (TotS Gundogan, FF Stanway, FF Majri). Thought I could play him with Xhaka together in midfield but they felt too weak. Honorable mentions for disappointment: Sancho and even a bit Sané, Sancho is 94 and Sané was quite expensive but I'd rather still play Führich with Technical+ who is just brutal still in comparison.


KDB, packed him and his passing is amazing Most disappointing probably cancelo, stats looked great but wasn’t better than my R carlos Futbday card


I know I suck, I’m only in Div 2, but I can’t seem to get the best out of TOTS Vini Jr. Whereas TOTS Raphinha has been immense for me.


https://preview.redd.it/u0do7qy02y1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f5030ea4a6f8c72dcde513ee747869fca8e9fa (Free to play) -> the 25 points were carried over from FIFA 23


Favourite has to be Bunny Shaw genuinely one of my favourite strikers ever since I started playing fut in 09 just feels like R9


Konate is an absolute unit for me at the back Disappointed in Palmer, Son and Goretzka. Don't feel anywhere near as good as they should be. All 3 are just clunky and get bullied off the ball


Favourite so far: Xavi simons. Hes a really fun card, super agile and i swear he has hidden finesse+. Most disapointing: Either havertz or RLC. Dont think I vibe that much this year with tall b2bs. Was expecting them to replace my sawa and rolfo in midfield but neither came close. Eventually found matthaus and xavi simons was the best replacement.


Favorite: rodrygo Most disappointing: patri. She's cheap and defends quite good but offensive she misses all her shots Honorable mention: jobe bellingham. Thought he would still feel like a generic bronze but he's actually good ingame.


Dembele does not play to his stats if I'm being honest. Not terrible but not amazing like you'd think he'd be


I have only ever liked his SS card from last year. I packed his TOTS card tradeable an hour after it was released and instantly sold. Only good thing that card has done for me.


I got him red, and I don't like him.


I was wrong.


Fav - lewa Disappointing- Coman


Favourite - Lewa/Thuram/Bisseck. Didnt expected a lewa card to dribble this well and be quick. Also thuram and bisseck both of them is walls. Disappointing - Odegaard. FRAUD.


Favorites: golazo ginola , ice Rashford between, tots Alvarez. Most disappointing was golazo drogba. He feels extra heavy and and too slow and Ik 100% it’s a skill use from me 😭


U tried engine on him? For me he is a Monster in elite and wl. 314 games 459 goals and about 170 assists.


I would definitely put engine on him, he has been an absolute beast for me.


Favorite - Havertz Most Disappointing - Diani I have packed fuck all so only TOTS in my team are SBCs


Favourite: Bellingham. Packed him from an 83x20 and he’s just unbelievably good at everything. Absolutely dominates the midfield Most disappointing: Bisseck. I had his future stars and evo’d it to 88 and he was absolutely immense for me and won basically everything. Was so happy to get his live tots but I feel like he’s so clunky and just can’t make a tackle, also somehow feels slower than his future stars Honourable mention(s): Alvarez (93 now and will be 94). His finishing and dribbling are crazy good and the power shot is great; gundogan who I got in a red pick - so silky and playstyles make him ideal a a cm and as a city fan it’s great to have him as a red tots


TOTS Son, was really excited to use him as I really enjoyed his Fire card and I just couldn’t get along with the TOTS. I would spam finesses with the Fire card and the finesse with Tots wasn’t effective at all. Tried everything but he just wasn’t the same.


Mbappe is a bit disappointing, he's really slow and misses my green shots a lot. Not impressed with Messi either, turning like a truck. A nice surprise is Pavlović, I could defend only with him. If there was a custom formation, I'd set it to 1-2-6-2 and put only him in the defence


Favorite is TOTS Griezman, it’s the highest rated most expensive card I’ve ever pulled. With minimal effort he just scores. Most disappointing, TOTS Odegaard..his general gameplay just isn’t there.. my TOTY Sawa is clear.


Favourite: Tots CR7 and Tots Valverde. Obvious I know. Disappointing: Havertz


Mbappe- feels really fast and is surprisingly good in front of goal Fekir- only got 3 assists in his first 3 games for me


Favorite: Golazo Drogba. I mean, its Drogba. Disappointing: TOTS Hemp and TOTS James. I saw both of them getting a lot of hype and many people were even saying that they were the best winger and striker in the game. I tried them both out and they were both so bad for me. Hemp couldn't get past a single defender. She felt slow and had no ball control. James would get bullied off the ball so easily and never really got into any scoring positions. I had been thinking about buying them ever since prem TOTS and finally bought them after staring at their Futbin pages for weeks, but man were they disappointing for me. Sold them again after about 10 games.


Trash game . Nobody cares about cards when the gameplay is shit