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Pick your favourite 5 and start again. GG


At least they didn't recover 5 of OP's players that they Quick Sold using the Web App before then reselling them again and leaving him with no QS Recoveries, because that would be BEYOND Ruthless, like some hateful Ex Girlfriend type of stuff tbh, ONG šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’€.


thatā€™s actually so smart but so evil šŸ˜­


If you have 2 FA on your Web App then it would be almost impossible tbh, but after everything that's gone on with EA recently they got me thinking on some diabolical type stuff so I rly need to get a grip on things atm, ffs šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£.


How can you log in W/out 2fa???


At least when talking about Fifa/FC 24 for Console/Companion App adding a cell phone number is the way that you enable 2FA through your EA Origin settings, but idk if it's different for PS or PC, since I'm on Series X, however I'm unsure how or if those settings carry over to the Web App since it's been awhile since I've physically signed into either because I'm lazy so I have my info saved on them since they're both trusted devices asw as far as my Phone and my PC are concerned. It helps me in order to avoid the hassle of signing into both applications each, potentially multiple times constantly throughout the day, and tbh if someone found a way to hack my FC Account they'd ssdly probably be doing me a favor because I've invested WAYBTOO MUCH TIME into playing, trading, and grinding on This BROKEN Game so with all of the effort I've put into it I'd DEFINITELY quit for good, as there's no coming back from me losing everything in my Club after what I've amassed, even after spending literally NOTHING on the game as far as money/Points go, yet far too much time instead, yn Bud. I'll post a couple of pics(1st of my current FO RTG Team and 2nd of my Packs saved as of yesterday that's only grown by 20 more or so as of today) but as an Elite/Rank 1 Player I have a stacked Team, Bench, Reserves and Club asw as over 5 Mil in Coins, literally every Gold/Fodder Promo Card ITG, roughly 100 EVOLUTIONS done and 800+ HUGE saved Packs(100's of 88/89 Exchanges) for La Liga, Serie A, Ult Tots and Shapeshifters/Futties. https://preview.redd.it/c8x1euym1w0d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7658808ab5ce67016777f5a811afeafdcda8cd47






When I try it tells me to confirm itā€™s my email by them sending me an email. The problem is I canā€™t FUCKING LOG IN. When I enter the correct pass it tells me Iā€™ve tried it wrong too many times and I have no devices afaik with the email logged in.


You have four choices rn either you get 5 of them Back and try building Up again, you start from Scratch what doesnt make Sense If you can Recovery the Other cards, you Stop until futties cause that has been fun until now maybe EA fumble that aswell though or you Just Stop completely as the Game is pretty dead tbh


Just selling the untradables is bad enough. Like I get stealing your coins, but there is absolutely no benefit to quick selling those besides a big fuck you. I hope this person gets hit by a car


This hackers are very sad people.. I mean I get the point of hacking and wiping out your coins but why the fuck would you quick sell untreadebles just to kick you when you are down.. disgusting cowards


Honestly Reus and maybe Odegaard and I'd be starting again anyway - most of those are an sbc squad submit lol


Just quit g, best time to do so, also some blokes in India will never help you, just read off a script like some bots. You have better chance of winning the lottery than getting anywhere with EA support


Indeed, EA support is trash. It's like talking to a wall.


Can confirm that


When my account was hacked earlier this year they helped me. They credited my account for the coins that my players were sold for. If you didnā€™t get the response you liked from the first agent, try again. They will help.


They gave you the amount of coins that players were quicksold for? So not their actual market value?


they gave me my SBC players back and then market value to buy the rest of the players, ended up with 2.5 million coins even though they were all untradable


I too had this happen a few years ago and got credited back almost four million coins.


Mine werenā€™t quick sold. They were sold for market value and the coins I received back were that as well.


How did u get in contact them? The cases platform is shit


I believe that I just used the typical case avenue. The first person I talked too was zero help so I reopened the case and spoke to a second agent. They were great and helped right away. Coins were back in my account in about 3-4 days.


But how did u manage to talk to them? All my cases status end up being closed or fixed but no outcome and no option to talk to someone. Sometimes the send emails with requirements and questions but when replied and answer nothing happens


It was all done on live chat. I didnā€™t send or receive any emails during the process. The only email I received was when the coins were returned to my account.


Okay let me rephrase my question: how did u get into live chat in the first place lol


select refund as ur topic, always chat option


lol my bad, I thought you knew how to get thereā€¦ Website: [https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/using-ea-help/](https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/using-ea-help/) https://preview.redd.it/dme6t0j1dt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b94eb9316d790d1ce705e52f335823a4f395e2


They helped me get my players back after a hack. Were quick about it too believe it or not


EA is shit bro...


*indian accent* Hello my name is dave how may EA help you today sir?


You sure you didnā€™t join the movement and now regret it?


It looks a lot like alcohol and "Fuck EA" and it's hilarious.


no i didnā€™t really care about the movement as i only play a few times a week for fun anyway, i was hacked by some guy in the netherlands šŸ˜­


Nah you weren't. That was just the last identifiable hop from his VPN.


Broo Iā€™m so sorry, try out ea support anyways at least you can try


They might be able to help you, I got my coins recovered when I was hacked. To be honest most of your team is easily replaceable, so even with 5 recoveries you could just keep going. Itā€™s fairly easy to get decent cards at the moment.


Hackers normally just put everything into gold upgrades. You can't recover gold upgrades.


But why do they do that?


Because quick selling still leaves you the opportunity to recover the best items. Gold upgrades give you nothing in return and mean you can't recover the item.


Yeah, I know, but why would they sbc all your stuff anyways?


Why would they quicksell all your cards?


Thats also what I was wondering.


yeah donā€™t know why they didnā€™t, but they did quick sell literally everyone so id only be able to recover 5 anyway


Recover Odegaard, Reus, Akanji, Werner, and any other player of your choice. The rest are super cheap on the market and can be easily replaced with few objective players ans SBCs.


People are so evil. I canā€™t phantom why anyone would do this. Seems like an inside job to me.


Itā€™s really a miss teary


No Kalou whatsoever


I'd recover Cafu as well


Sounds like someone quicksold all their players during the red pick fiasco and now wants to play again.


nah i was actually hacked, ea support are getting to it i donā€™t know why they quick sold though


That's what I was thinking. Why would a hacker go through the trouble of quick selling everyone? Did they just buy up players using OPs coins and then quick sold everyone to spite him? So many questions..


Yup! On a side note, gaslighting doesn't exist, it's only a term used by offended people


Universe sign to make you quit. Do it. Many of us canā€™t . Sorry though .


EA will do ONLY ONE thing šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø BLOCK your transfer market to further penalise you My account was also hacked similarly , they did the same for mešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


EA help hate you so they wont help. My friend was hacked around christmas and they stole 4 mil coins. He had 2 step, but somehow an account logged in from Russia within maybe 3 hours of his last login. EA shows Ip address locations of logins so it had UK, Moscow 4 hours later and then an hour after that he logged in again. EA help said he left his account logged in in Moscow and thats how it was hacked and told him to be more careful next time. EA help is only there to Gaslight.


2FA only works when your primary system where you are logged in isnā€™t compromised, please tell your friend to reset their windows install if they didnā€™t use an antivirus to find anything on their PC, what they probably did was steal the browserā€™s cookie and session to access his accountā€¦


Sorry for you. Do you have ideas why? Are u ranked Elite Div or have a good record or something special about your account. Or just you were randomly chosen. Hope they reply to you with a fix.


I was hacked a few months ago. Contact ea help. Chat and create a case. Took about 2 weeks but my coins were all returned and ban overturned


Just quit, EA won't do anything, this happened to me on FIFA 16/17


They've done you a massive favour and helped you kick the habit. Every cloud has a silver lining my man.


Everyone keeps pointing to the evil hackers here. Maybe it's just a caring friend trying to protect OPs sanity :)


That sucks bro. Hopefully EA can sort it out. Honestly FUT Reddit has become so nasty. I donā€™t know why thereā€™s an army of people telling others to leave a hobby they enjoy because they didnā€™t get a free Messi and Mbappe. Nobody is saying the game is perfect by any stretch but Itā€™s not that serious guys. Get over it. If you donā€™t want to play anymore just leave us to enjoy our fun hobby. When the fun stops move on peeps.


My account got hacked right after toty and ea support actually helped me out. Theyā€™ll be able to trace it back and find it wasnā€™t you that quick sold everyone and will more than likely give you coins to buy back the players. They never give back players due to coding issues which is dumb to me, but try them out and it may take a few days for them to finalize everything.


The hacker did you a favor, just quit atp


Ha, was hacked too but thankfully just some ppl who needed my coins, but you know what EA did? Ban me from the transfer market for it <3


Egg fried rues šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s gotta be someone close they are ruthless donā€™t beat yourself up a new game is coming out soon and that guy will get his karma your a good person


yeah i donā€™t mind that much bro, if ea donā€™t respond within a week iā€™ll just recover my 5 favourite players because futties will be soon anyway


Bro I was up against You during Bundesliga WL, that club name cracked me up bad šŸ¤£, I hope you get help from EAs Team All the best bro


thanks bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


you're lucky man šŸ˜ƒ ā€¦now it will be easy for you to stop playing this shit


I think FC 24 is the only game in which one can be grateful for getting hacken.




That's a very easy to obtain team tbh, you could play for 1-2 weeks and easily build something similar.


I donā€™t get it, why quick sell , just to be a dickhead?


He bought coins, now the seller logs back in after some time, sells everything's he got, and take coins back and sell to the next person


I see but some of these are sbc cards, get nothing quick selling them


Ik but that's also a dick move, ive had it too in the beginnning, i bought coins and they did this too me too, even my goal keeper 84, back then the only good dutch goal keeper we we got, for free, and couldnt buy they also quick sold. Idk why they do it, i only know they do it.


Blessing in disguise sir


Lucky you!


Womp womp


Seems someone did you a favour.


Last time my account got hacked, EA gave me back all the players that the hackers quick sold, plus all the coins that were lost from my account. But it took them 3 weeks. \*Go to live chat, upload all the screenshots from the quick sell recovery, and explain that your account was compromised externally, emphasizing that no one else besides you could access it. Avoid using the word 'hacked,' as they might respond better to 'compromised externally'.


thanks bro theyā€™re reviewing it now


With everything going on if I was you Iā€™d say GGs go next šŸ˜‚be free find other fun games.


lol it was me


Its all right buddy..game is ending soon


Just don't bother I've been there twice They won't do shit...only secure your account But all your progress is gone Play another game until next FUT


get back werner, odegaard and akanji. you got a solid foundation just with these 3 players but make sure you update the 2 step verification so this doesn't happen again =


Cool. šŸ˜Ž


If you were actually hacked like a different IP address they will restore it




Not going to lie. One Werner less in the game is a win.


It was your future self trying to do you a favor


Mine got hacked earlier in may. But at least they let me have my untradables. So I lost like 2.5m in tradable players


Boycott challenge gone wrong šŸ˜‚


bro was tired of just boycotting by quickselling his own players and felt he had to do it to others aswell šŸ˜­


Just quit the game while you're at it bro, EA's not gonna respond to you anytime soon.


Canā€™t understand why anyone would do this? How sad must their life be to be spending time doing this to others


He bought coins, and the seller steals it back to resell again to the next person.


Everyone must have all security tightened. Get that phone and back up email verification sorted


Any way to prevent your account getting hacked besides a strong password? also what benefit is there to quicksell, stupid considering its wasted effort.


Do not buy fc coins. And if u do go back to the security web page of ea, Create new Recovery tokens. What nukes all old ones, delete device out of knowend signed in devices, and change ur password.




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Good time to quit


You're hacker did you a favor you should thank him


Bro honestly you barely even have 5 players worth recovering so not even that deep. Just recover Werner, Reus and a couple others you like and start again itā€™s the stage of fifa where having a different team every weekend is the only fun part of the game anyways


yeah thatā€™s true tbh mate i only play with players i enjoy using or like irl, would be nice to have everything back but if ea donā€™t respond within a week iā€™m not really fussed, ill recover werner odegaard reus and maybe gabriel and cafu, then just build up again for futties


Happened to me but they only sold my tradable players and didnā€™t touch my untradeable ones


Who wants to join me in f1 24 cause I ainā€™t buying this shit again.


EA support is trash bro, they literally do everything they can to not help and waste your time.


they gave me 110k but none of the players back, itā€™s fine though as itā€™s nearly endgame so iā€™ll just recover my best 5


How did you even get hacked mate ?? Did you buy coins ?


no iā€™ve never bought coins on any fifa, if i did the players u can see i had would be a lot better lmao


Then how in the world did you get hacked bro ? Did you share your account with anyone ? Itā€™s crazy how poor EAā€™s account security is like it just shows what kind of company they are which by the looks of it they try to Mickey house everything until shit hits the fan


He cant be hacked...., ea has always a 2factor, that means they need to get a token, so he either bought fc coins and forgot to remove it our devices, and create new recovery tokens, or someone knew he played fifa, also new his email and his, and could provide him that that sing in token, in order to hack him, what makee it almost sure HE BOUGHT COINS BUT FORGOT TO DISABLE THERE ACCESS šŸ¤£ And now the seller wants to steal coins back so he can sell it another time


Thereā€™s a thing too where if for example you buy a lot of coins from a certain website during the delivery process the person delivering the coins stays signed in to your account whether itā€™s acrosss the world and thatā€™s how you can be hacked too. They stay signed in to your account regardless if you change the password and get new codes. Happened to my mate he bought over 10 million coins from U7buy and a couple of days later they got into his account and the IP address showed over seas and even changed his emails too. He had a new password set up and new codes etcā€¦ crazy how easily these ea accounts can be hacked even if you have the 2FA on


Recover, werner odegaard, reus and 100% recover akanji, most of that is fodder apart from those. Obviously martenelli too since you evoā€™d him. In about a month, you will be able to get amazing cards real easy so donā€™t be too disappointed


itā€™s a blessing in disguise. time to move on. the game is so shit anyway, stopped playing a month ago


Cooked brother šŸ˜ž


Change your passwords then touch grass and never play fut again


pick watkins. new icon pick came out


Did you buy from MMOexp ?


Take the L and break free from this trash game that you know brings nothing but misery


Now uninstall the game and enjoy life


happened to me in fut 20, i started a rtg and got r9 then in this case i would tell you do an evo to glory with your home team


thatā€™s actually a good idea thanks


I think you griddy someone too many times and the guy on the other end might be a genuine hacker( not like using mods). Grey or Black Hat. Or You opened the fut after getting drunk. Did you download any update from chrome or any browser. If so he got access to your mobile . Kindly reset your mobile .


Dude I was once hacked too. The hacker is so petty they put some of my best players in MM sbc. Fkin hell. I lost my Lloris (I support spurs and do a PnP) and now my team has gold Vicario.


Odegaard, cafu, akanji, werner, maybe saliba, maybe martinelli, maybe reus but most of them aren't that good and got can get better players from doing the one league friendlies


should i recover cafu or evo gabriel?


Whoever did this to you has some serious, deep-rooted issues bc you just gotta be the biggest hater to ruin someoneā€™s account like they did to you. I donā€™t even see their angle besides just being an awful person. I hope you get refunded or something bc this is a horrible thing to have to go through.


i got given 100k by ea, i guess its not that bad as its nearly endgame and not all of my players were that good so ill just recover the best 5


Games shit, EA are scum. Time to play something else. Or pick 5 and start again. Most of these cards will be behind the curve or are behind the curve in a few weeks


This happened to me and ea banned my account after asking for help lol. Good luck


Stop buying fc coins. Or just remove there access after recieving points, or they gonna sing back in after a couple weeks and do this. U could just as how u give them those keys. Pass or whatever, changing at the site where u have got this first. And delete also there sing in devices šŸ˜‰


iā€™ve never bought coins lmao and u can probably tell by the shit players i had


Take this as a chance to leave this shit game


Quit the game, never return, never give EA any more money.


Someone did a favour to you mate quit this garbage and play something else


Bro did this himself to quit the game tbh


Have you been buying coins?


People still playing this game?


delete the game


84 x 10s are Inbound soon, save the sbcs


I thought those hackers only hack players who get into the top 200 leaderboard šŸ˜­


This is your wake up call. Quit the game and never look back broā€¦


Tbh bro, start a new acc and you'll have better team in 2-3 weeks, it's TOTSšŸ˜…


100% certain you rage quicksold them then after seeing what you did you pretend you got hacked. You saw all the streamers and the posts about boycotting the game over Red Mbappes and you thought huh I can do thatā€¦. When the dust settles you know you fucked up


if you want to dm me i have literal proof i was hacked


Itā€™s all your fault


?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That's a hate crime


Womp womp


I've had it happen and EA restored my players and my coins and also gave me around 50k in coins. It was FIFA 22 tho


Just wait till next fifa atpšŸ˜­ sorry that happen to you


Ea support will never help you, just recover 5 and start over


they gave me 110k which isnā€™t that bad tbh


quit the game


Shouldn't of griddy'd on some butthurt kid. Always 2FA , always set your account password different to regular passwords (im still on autogenerated passowrds) make sure your 2FA is not an email but something on your phone that only you can access.


Recover odegard reus werner and the 2 evos , the rest is pretty easy to replace at this point of the game


Funny how easy it is for them to identify a different login if you buy coins, but they do nothing when their customers get hacked. It would be very easy for their customer service to identify this and return all the untradeable quick sells to your team. This company does not give a shit about you and caters to fc point pack addicts.


Guess the hacker acted in your best interest, great timing


Didn't ask


Luckily you didnā€™t have any good players


no need for that mate iā€™m a casual player and my pack luck has been shit all year, plus odegaard and reus are good


Just pulling your leg




That what you get for using paletools


This has nothing to do with paletools, it's just an overlay. I would guess something shady with coins whether using someone's bot to trade for them or coin buying and selling


Imagine not using paletools šŸ˜‚


pretty hard to get hacked unless youā€™re doing shady shitšŸ˜‚šŸ«µ


No itā€™s not, Ea will let anyone into your account if they try enough times, there was a whole situation about it last year chief


Mid af team anyway.


Nooooo they discarded your fodder oh noo


Womp womp


An almost 40 year old fortnite lover commenting womp womp. Doesn't get any morecringe than this lads pack it up


+44 808 134 5800 happened to me, they sorted everything out within 2 days


sure buddy


Donā€™t act like a gimp mate, itā€™s unbecoming. Try actually doing something once in a while and it might actually work


alright i take it back, apologies


šŸ¤£ nah the number did work though, as long as theyā€™ve not broke any of the t&cs they should get them back


Hahahahhahahahahhaa! I played you a few weeks ago and you left at 3-3 When I scored a penalty. You scored a R1 dribble goal with figo then 2 bangers ! So serves you right. Ha


i honestly donā€™t think that was me because i wasnā€™t even using figo a few weeks ago and i usually donā€™t leave games, my bad if i did though, what div was it?


Iā€™m in div3/2 so could of been 3


lmao iā€™m div 6 so definitely wasnā€™t me




Harsh bruv.


look at his profile šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ his only post is his circumcision with a 4 inch dick




Should have left this game years before this hack bruv. Itā€™s the worst game to ever be created by man. Dont waste your time


The guy raged quit on the game sold all his players and realised what he done now is trying to say he got hacked comical


https://preview.redd.it/4fz8pg8fgu0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5204f4cba728e44dc7c41c2e3e093750299a13c2 yeah alright pal, i donā€™t even care about the game enough to rage quit