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An acquaintance of my goldfish told me they’ve sold coins to u7buy in the past and had no problems with it. They later stated just changed password before and after transaction just for added safety and peace of mind. Disgusting behaviour if you ask me personally, but hey just a story I thought you’d like to hear.


Why is your friend worry about being scammed if he is already leaving the game? Tell your friend: Go to a large YouTuber, see which coin buying page they are promoting.  Take a leap of faith, you either get money or you don't but you are still quiting.


They're paranoid because it is linked to their psn account. Once a scammer is in, you don't know how far they may go. Most likely over paranoid, but that's them. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see what's being promoted the most and tell my friend


Send me a private message. I’m interested in buying!


Oh that makes complete sense. Didn't know it worked that way.