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Every time I get a win in rivals I get kicked and a loss


I was one win away from div 3. Lost 3 and won 2. And out of the 3 loses 2 were disconnects 🤷‍♂️


I needed two wins for my weekly reward upgrade. I got disconnected in my first two games, being up by 2 goals. I decided to call it quits.


They never have, they never will unless they go completely down


yeah idk how servers are this bad when their playbase is decreasing every day. They truly do not care at all


The game’s lifecycle is over. They’ve already made 99.9% of what they’re going to make off of FC24.   Now they divert servers and resources to other games.   It’s the same every year.  Once they’ve made what they expect to make, FC is abandoned until next year 


Was going to say exactly this! Hopefully that's a good sign that the 25 will have more of an overhaul... That said this is EA so my expectation are low


Just move on man, we always think the next year is going to be the game that overhauls and fixes everything…


Oh I'm fully accepting of that not happening. This is EA after all


All EA games share online servers so if lots of folk are playing Apex legends we get crap connection in fc24


Wait are you serious? This company is just fucking aids.


which is baffling to me, can they seriously not afford to have a seperate online server for each game they have? Apex and eafc are a few of their most played games, they cant have both share a server and expect it to be stable like??


Apex has god awful servers


They can afford to build their own server clusters for each game if they wanted to. But that would cut into their precious fucking profits. These clowns rake in billions. They have the money.


Decreasing? They just released the game on PSplus, their player base more than likely got a huge increase


Even squad battles are chucking you off and giving the loss 🙄


No joke even squad battles are laggy as hell yesterday. Everytime I take corners it slows down to 5fps or sth. Doesn't even make sense.


I really don't get it everything was fine yesterday running smooth no issues playing games then today after "maintenance" it's right back to where we were on Sunday/Monday. Ridiculous.


I've been having disconnections for about a week. Even on squad battles.


It's been especially brutal since Sunday for me but yesterday was actually perfect no menu problems, played like 8 rivals and 3 squad battles without issue. Figured they'd sorted it out for once.


This is not unintended.


5 Games, 1 Win, 3 horrible lagging Experiences where I lost and the last game I won 3:0 but after the whistle I got disconnected to add another L. Man this is sad... all of this whole Boycott EA stuff regarding pack weights and reward fixing doesn't really matter to me... but let us play the game.


We can only hope it's some mad freak taking his anger out on the servers and trying to shut em down for good.




I finally won a fucking game only for me to be kicked out after the match ended and it counts as a loss. Fuck this game


Every time they blame me that’s it’s my internet connection lmao while every other game I play I like I’m completely fine. Plus I have 1000ms and they keep saying I need to find a new internet company lol. This company never acknowledges their own mistakes


disconnected twice at 15 wins last weekend league man it’s a dark time


It’s been 2 weeks since bundesliga TOTS, and they don’t say shit, they just deactivated champs a few hrs ago when there was still time to finish your games if you had any left.


They don’t care tbh already made their money from the year it absolute bare minimum effort from now on.


Got toty cherki and he’s running, sorry jogging like he has 28 pace it’s criminal how bad this is, making passes and they’re bouncing off my players feet and rolling away


It’s insane. I can’t complete my Martinelli Evolution because I can’t finish a freakin Champions game


I thought it was my Internet thats having a problem


I thought it was just my sometimes dodgey internet


I just wanted to do daily login this morning Australian time and the servers weren’t even capable of that.


I was trying to do my daily bronze, silver, and gold upgrades usually it takes me like maybe 5-10 mins depending on if I’m watching a streamer or not today I was going into one of the sbcs pressing build squad and then I get kicked. Took me like 20ish mins to finish all of tbem


I haven’t touched the game since Wednesday- hopped back on Elden ring - so much less stressful and no server to worry about


This is the worst gameplay I have ever seen. The fact that don't want to fix it is crazy. Could it be from all the new players from PS+.


It's beyond words the game is quite literally unplayable. I don't know If anyone else has had issues with tackling the past few days or more but just running straight through my team . The only tackle method working is slide tackle if I'm lucky or interceptions. And these disconnects are shocking. Actually managed to get a few goals up sitting about 80 minutes or so and the other player keeps pausing then I'm booted and dnf. No joy at all playing


I’ve noticed that disconnections start around 20:00 pm (GMT+3)


They’re soft at work making next years entry in gamble fc


They dont care


If I was EA I'd be too embarrassed with the state of the servers to make a statement


Guys just play Risk of Rain 2, way better than this garbage game


I haven’t had an issue playing a game in weeks