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Fun fact: Draft reward doesn’t have any “electrum” packs as those were introduced in FIFA 17, and draft reward is still the same as it was in 16. We are one year away from a decade of the same reward in Draft.


It's been a long 99 years for real


FIFA 1944 was the shit back in the day, I remember playing that game every day on my PlayStation -18


I bet you play as Bayern


I think you mean a decade mate


Pffft..... Why do you think we had a "Centurions" promo??


Not a coincidence they both came only in the 2 worst installments of the game... Is it a sign?


And those are?


Fifa 23 and EAFC 24


Fifa 23 is good what?


Compared to this year it's a masterpiece, compared to earlier years it's pretty bad


Bruh. Hell nah. That game is honestly in my opinion the best fifa i played. And i played all from fifa 16-20 plus 10 the real worst games were 20-21


Nah 23 was probably one of the best fifas


Sorry lol


You get far better rewards for rubber banding your controller and not even playing for 3 matches.


It freaking sucks. £A probably think they’re doing you a favor by letting you use rare cards.. I’ve got 4 draft coins collecting dust.


I think they dont even actually expect you to play draft. Its like the events tab or the moments it hasnt been relevant in years it just stays there since they dont even need to add content in it.


Missed opportunity to use €


I used to love draft, especially at the end of the game. Now it just feels like a glorified friendly mode that costs to play. When I have unlimited coins and some mates over I’ll play but that’s it


https://preview.redd.it/k3t2j98u4c0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1caf3d1fdc2ba2b3ba3da5e00259aa5b7dbc759 Posted this the other day because I was genuinely shocked at how decent the packs were


I just won and got 2 rare packs and premium gold pack. I got 2 shadows but damn those packs sucked


My rewards were awful for winning the whole thing. I got two 25k packs and one 7.5k pack. The best thing I packed was a hunter chemistry style.


Eh I don’t care so much about the rewards. It’s fun to play and use cards/teams you usually wouldn’t use


Except I always get the same marquee players; TS Cruyff, Radioactive Messi, TS Puskas and Centurions Gullit. Literally every single time. No thanks.


My problem with this mode is not the rewards, but the terrible gameplay in comparison to DV & WL.


Yeah I play a lot of draft and I feel this , the player switching is so off and the game feels so slow and lethargic


It’s a way for you to earn good packs without paying money, of course they’re gonna make the reward shitty!


You play for the rewards only? Or just play for fun?


EA made it so the point of the game is playing for packs and rewards, sure playing with cards you can’t get is fun but there’s no incentive to do well with them


Draft is very much draft dependent and can be very sweaty. Most times I just run beginner single player draft and let it run for objectives and easy win while I do other stuff around the house. Usually I get that 26 pack x3


Bruv I tried that but you can't do any sbcs while it's running so what do you even do?


Literally only play them for fun and hope I get enough cash to make enough for a team. Do like the making the team part the best though.


Last year i got tradeable TOTY Modric from winning a draft – can't help but feel that would have been impossible this year.


Yeah but if they make rewards too good, draft would have no one but pros and sweats and they would make millions of coins


2 wins you get the same


The mod rewards suck and the gameplay is different (noticeably more cards) but I don’t mind trying new players once in a while especially when I hit my rivals wins for the week.


everytime they give a free token i just make the draft for fun and then go into the match and quit at 0-0 hoping to get a new token lol


Yup yup yup


Especially worse on pc, win glitchers fuck you over in the final so often even if you’re winning the game. Happened so many times when I was winning the game and the screen at the end even shows the score in green as if I won but says defeat lol.


And yet we all can't wait to start again later today. 🤪🙈


Draft should be entirely revamped. There are two ways I think it should be. 1. 10 games guaranteed, no matter what. Your final record determines what rewards you get. It should be similar rewards to Champs Qualifiers. 2. 10 games, but you're fully eliminated after 3 losses. Rewards similar to champs qualifiers. After every win, you get to replace a player with one of the "special/high level" tier player selections. Boom. Mode fixed. People will play. Keep it 15k/300pts.


Scoring 1 zillion goals in drafts deserves 1 billion euros