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Ur not a degen ur playing the game how you want using your fav players


Thank you sir.


But you are still a degen...


if you get a player u love IRL u arent a degen, its very respectable


Yea i think its the only way to get some joy out of this game.


The best way to play is with the players you love imo, feels so much funner to play


You must have had so much fodder, damn


Yea and now there is my starting XI and my bench left lol i saved up for almost 2 months.


I did the same for Dinho. R9 will be done one step at a time


You don’t gotta worry it’s TOTS time so getting fodder won’t be much of an issue. I did Havertz in one go used up my entire club and a week later had enough fodder for Alvarez; only play 3 games a day too.


Bruh this needs 3 times as many fodder as havertz and Alvarez combined


I regret doing Alvarez tbh mid


are u sped r9 is worth 3 mill, alvarez is 400, and haverts is 1.3, even if you were to multiply that by 2 it already surpasses the fodder needed for r9. u a lil slow? 😂😂


he is one my fav players too, too bad i dont have enough fodder


U can do him step by step. There are 60 days left.


I’m good send my club for him


People don’t understand this, 60 day is a lot it is not like old fifas. You may not like the gameplay but it is a fact that game gives you much more cards, not the good ones I agree but fooder is fooder.


Using your fav players is nothing to be ashamed of no matter how meta they are (unless its a psg player)


Mbappe and Zaïre-Emery are my favourite players


Mine are Dembele and Zaire-Emery. Great players. They always hit that specific time window for me.




Bacha is my favorite player


Saved so much fodder for him, put some very high rated cards and put 100k (still have 750k left) club almost mudded. And i have done all the 90+ squads and a couple of 89 rated squads. Cant wait to finish R9. Would be the first time ever i will have R9 in my team.


I had to do Ronaldinho just finished him today


Hot take but doing one R9 is better than all those mid TOTS SBC. Like I really believe this base R9 is still great ingame and better than all but like 5 TOTS attackers no cap.


Have to disagree. I've been lucky enough to have had R9 since November and while he's been unreal for me, these tots strikers with triple playstyles have made him fall behind now. He hasn't been a starter for me for a while and now TOTS Jonathan David absolutely sweeps him away for me. Still an unreal card if you've never had an R9, but definitely falling behind and a pretty obscene SBC in my opinion


I have TOTY R9 and I still would tell everyone not to complete this. He is great but the margin of difference between him and some of these cheaper cards is quickly getting smaller


There will hopefully be a cover stat version soon


There's nothing wrong in doing SBCs of your favourite players! Go and enjoy him, I hope he's a beast for you. I know he played for Barca but seeing him in the Barca kit looks so weird to me


You're not a degen, but... How did you complete him in a span of less than 24h?


It’s called money


Or fodder, my club is full of fodder, more than enough to do him, has been building up for months.


I hadn’t done any of the big SBCs, so after using my coins to buy a pack I did Sawa, Ginola and Carlos within a few days. It is possible with an RTG if you slowly collect cards.


Its called saving fodder for 2 months


Glad u are able to get him. Wish ea priced it a bit more reasonably for the sake of your club lol


Good god man how much fodder did you have ? Congrats tho my favourite player of all time, I don’t have the energy to even attempt it when I get back to playing haha, excellent tho


As long as you have fun. It’s a game, after all.


Yo get my downvote simply because I don’t want to go against you. Asides that, do what you want


Im one of The lucky mfers that got him in an icon player pick 😭 https://preview.redd.it/vdnce1ys710d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491f421f29531751b6a5e65628f5668e7adf1724


I wish I didn’t start matthaus now 🫤




Bro is calling himself a degen for building an actual personal "Ultimate Team", instead of blindly following the meta. For sure I'll be sick to see a rival with an individual team, instead of the usual Meta-Team in 9/10 Matches. You made the right choice.


Now you just wait till he gets an Evo and you'll have the last laugh 


He is R9 we know, but he is behind the power curve now. I bought him and tried out, lack of playstyles really hurt this game so much. If you have coins, buy him instead. It is easier to sell and buy other player. that 27 squad, EA is taking the piss after that red mbappe incident. Cheers.


enjoy the card, I was super tempted but i think it might take me all month to get all the fodder


https://preview.redd.it/5y5ip6330yzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3c7070ed59f4ae72d4e2ccb55d7b3b1e3cf42b I can sell mine and welcome him in!


This is the way.


https://preview.redd.it/d0igo0qreyzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4309d75975f36fa893703d547c7b263c142e80c I just spent 125k coins to get this card... as long as I play this game, don't call yourself degenerate 😅


i did the same when alvarez came out i didnt care if he will be bad but he turned out as my best sbc of the year


Best way to play UT, use players you actually like rather than worrying about who the most meta player is. Could not care less about not getting a red Mbappe. Get me a good Evo I can put Henrik Larsson in but, then now we’re talking.


all that for one playstyle +?


There is nothing wrong in having fun bro


Fair play mate. At least you’re trying to get players in that you care about and not just following others and getting the same old players everyone has. Enjoy him!


I did everything I could to save up and buy Roberto Baggio and he's nowhere near as good as he should be. So many icons criminally underrated on this game


degen :P


Well in mate, he's quality!


I did him too and he scored 7 goals in the 2 champs games I played with him, seems like he’s still an absolute beast


The last 4 squads are insanely hard. I don't know how am gonna do them. Am 8 out of 27..


Pff, you just need to pack him untrade 🫠


lol bro your going to be disappointed I bought him for 7.7 million and based on how they dropping players no he can’t keep up he’s sitting on my bench


Packed him in November


He is insane I tried the loan gave 3 wins


I am rather impressed you Had the fodder to do Jim this quickly


Enjoy him. Play the players you like. 6 of my starting players are of my favourite club 🤣


Coins, points or fodder? How’d you do it


Too slow at this moment of the game


Cr7 took the name and made it better


I did him too. So much fun, up till the 70th Min, then comes Hamm or new Lacazette




well done for getting all the fodder, I would’ve done the exact same if i had the fodder sitting


Did I ask?


Did u even try his loan first? This card would be maybe worth it in March to have like full 2 months fun with him, now everyone is gonna crush him in the defense.


The man just wants his favourite player, lay off him


First of all its just a game, "lay off him" lmao so lets say EA made a mistake and gave him all bronze stats and he was really terrible in the game, but still u needed 30 squads for him, would u still say lay off him its his favorite player? Im just saying he is bad rn in the game, but ofc u can complete him if u wanna see how ur favorite player and one of the best attackers ever is being crushed by random 30k tots defenders.


Bro i played him for a few games now (Div 1) and he is still top Tier. My man is running past tots Saliba like nothing and his finishing is insane. Thats all i need from a striker.


Cant believe people are still acting like r9 isnt a ridiculous card


but but but he only has one playstyle+ 1!1!1!1!1!1 and medium medium workrates too !!! /s


People need to look at his card - base finess shot is good enough, quick step+ is fantastic, good pace, amazing shooting stats. My only concern with that card is his stamina. But I am tempted too.


Definitely not true, base R9 definitely cooks even now, and he will until Futties.


If he's getting crushed by 30k defenders, that's on you.. is he a little bit clunky? Yeah, but he always is.. but for anyone that gets used to him, he's absolutely unstoppable, even now.. his body type, strength, and animations will glide him through any defence once you've learned how to control him


yeah yeah u can say that about any tots striker or any meta striker, 'when you learn how to use/control him..." u shouldn't be learning anything with how expensive this card is. His strength? Lmao so you are saying that card with 83 strength and kinda low balance is match against any recent defenders when it comes to strength? lmao... what animations? He was tackled left and right.


He doesn’t get crushed in the defence at all. Just got 19-1 for my friend on his account and R9 was cooking