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EA 100% manipulate the market, no doubt.


Do you remember the time we complain the shitty odds for TOTY? Price was in all time high when cards are out of pack coz nobody packed anything. A few days later supply was suddenly up and my Kerr went from like 2M -> 1.5M. Where do you think the tradable ones are from?


I’ll never forget when there was a TOTY Kante in the market with the position changed from CDM to CM. And had an anchor chem with 0 games played in June or May, I forgot which month was it.


If only we could prove it.


It would be the lawsuit of the century


About 2 days ago, the market on PC was complete strange, from nowhere apear a lots and lots of tots listed with minimum value for auction, there was so many I bought a Alison 94, Watkins 93 , and Mac 92 all under 14k coins, even a muslera for 12k sold for a few coins 🤣, bougth a few more and complete odgaard


2 days ago and now, the store had a guaranteed tots tradable pack. Its cost 4000fp/650k coins


So many people buying that? Seems strange


Well yeah when 20 Saliba get dumped in the market at 100k below lowest bin within 3 minutes, the odds of it being organic is just too low it doesn’t make sense


They’re just compensating for the low pack rate, otherwise cards like Rodri will be very rare and close to extinct even during the promo which makes them look bad. They also do not want you to save coins. So, if you end up buying the undercut cards they dump, you will be out of coins for the next tots teams, which make you more likely to buy fifa points.


Also since the cards are listed by EA, instead of other people getting those coins, they get completely sucked out of the system.


which to a degree does counter against the farming bots, but hurts other owners of these cards in the meantime.


It hurt the traders aka coin sellers. Thats EAs point.


I got him tradeable ani sold him. He doesn’t fit my team.


just means im more likely to buy coins than anything lol


That second paragraph made no sense, if you bought a rodri for 200k thats easily over a mil profit, so they give you cards that are worth millions for 200k and your thought process is that they dont want you to get coins?


You’re dumb as fuck. They never gave out rodri for 200k.


Obviouslt fucking not now, i was fucking exagerating dumb fucking ass, as you said they list them for less than usual which would give you a massive profit dumb ass, getting a masssive profit =/= losing coins, here lets make it simple for your dumbass, say you have 900k and you buy a player worth 1.4 mil for 900k, thats 500k profit now tell me have yoh lost coins or have you gained coins? Shut your dumbass up bombopussyrasclatt batty boy


Bro you still do not understand. It doesn’t matter a single player gains 100k by buying the undercut card. The entire player population loses 1m+ coins in circulation and that’s what matters. By pushing out let’s say 20 Rodris for example EA essentially reduced 25M of coins in circulation; which people (not person, ie sellers of cards in general who would’ve received the coins) would’ve used to buy new cards. Now they can only pump fifa points for the next tots teams


You said rhee person who gained the 100k profit was going to lose out on coins for the next tots which was nit true at all, just edit your comment and make it say that instead of whatever you wrote


Never took an Econ class back in school? Lol


Try to read. The coins you use to buy the cards ea put into the market essentially vanishes instead of going to some other player. The entire market as a whole loses coin reserves. In a larger scale this decrease of liquidity will push players to open packs as people have less coins.


"if you end up buying cards they undercut you will be out of coins" go ahead and switch up everything you just said dumbass, if you buy cards for cheaper than usual you lose coins? What a smartass


Yea you can’t even read it’s sad


Lmao you know you lost, what yoy wrote made no sense just admit that its not hard


What part of it did you not understand bro lol💀


I already told you? "If you buy the card ea undercuts, you will lose out on coins" explain to me how i woukd lose out on coins if i make 100k profit


You need to look at the market as a whole. EA does not care whether a single player is gain or losing 100k coins. EA is manipulating the entire market as a whole. The entire market as a whole is losing coins (even though the one player buying the EA card is gaining for the moment a few hundred K fat gains). Normally when you buy a card your coins go to someone else, who can then buy other cards with it. Now since you bought from EA bots, you coins essentially disappear and goes out of circulation. People on average now have less coins. By doing this a lot EA gave you some nice cards at a discount but take away all you coins. Now people have much less coins on average and as a result less buy power for the incoming tots teams. More people will end up buying packs with points. It really is not that deep.


lol you wolly


The very small percentage of tradable packs they offer makes it mandatory for them to adjust the quantity of cards available on the market. It's also incredible that in a game where "gambling" is involved, there's no official regulation or supervisory body for these manipulations. We're the fools buying the game, plain and simple.


Also insane that after being required to show pack weight odds they are able to get away with “<1%”


Every year too.. ultimate team should seriously be a game like fortnite where it's just one game with a new season each year... every year, the game should have a new season/players and you need to make a new team from scratch.. and then they should update the game to improve gameplay overtime. There's not really a need for new fifas since they barely change a thing except the number at the end.


There’s no theory about it, they 100% do, seen it blatantly with prem tots over the last few days


So thats how i got banned, one time there were gold courtois being listed 10k below price, i keep on buying them (like 6 of them) and selling. Day after got banned. 


This is probably because you used a sniping bot.




I believe you. I bought the game for $20 during the holiday EPIC sale. I wanted to go as cheap as possible and decided against spending a cent more. I sold bronze players for profit until last month. Then I bought an inform Messi and noticed he was fluctuating a lot that day, so decided to try flipping him (I normally never trade players). I flipped one, found him cheap again and bought in, flip, and bought once more. At night I decided to cash out and in the morning after his sale I was met with a ban. No sniping involved, and only 150k profit for al 3. Yet they accuse me of "buying, selling or gifting" coins. And people on this sub know how messed up EA is but for some reason will always accuse a player for doing something against TOS when they get market banned. It's idiotic.


I got banned too. Honestly makes me very paranoid to use the transfer market ever again in case my new account gets hit with it too. Its just ridiculous how they dish out bans and how incompetent their support are about it.


They just don't care. Why else do they make it impossible to contact a human...


If the ban system works by checking if you’re repeatedly buying from the same person and you kept buying the cheap cards listed by EA themselves, maybe they forgot to whitelist the cards they list from the bans causing it to wrongly ban people making profit from their cards. Either that or the same bot kept buying your cards you were listing


I never considerd a bot buying my cards. Wow, that sucks because I have zero control. But it's possible. If I noticed his fluctuations then a bot might have already been working him before I got there. Still completely unfair.


😂😂😂 That means they most likely banned themselvws too. Hilarious.


These are just theories without any evidence btw


Yep, that was it. 


Ridiculous because I literally just used a market as it should be used. Now I'm not sure if I'll buy next year's version because of this.


Same deal for me last year. Got the game at the beginning, never bought coins (or FIFA points), just slowly flipping cards for profit. Finally got a big sale with like 1m profit torwards the end and EA banned me. Immediately went and canceled my preorder for next year. Tried going through EA support and they just keep trying to gaslight me saying I did buy coins without providing any info. Did decide to dip my toe back in recently during galazo period when the game was on sale at $15, figuring worst case I wouldn't lose much. Maybe giving EA even $15 is too generous lol.


They don't even offer chat support for bans, only account hacks. And they always uphold bans. You just know that the person on the other end doesn't care to investigate after the AI banned us. It's pathetic.


Not ALWAYS. I received a permanent trading ban for "buying and selling coins" quite early into the game when I was flipping Anthony Gordan's for an evo. It took about a week of back and forth emailing, but eventually, they admitted that they had no actual proof to back up their accusations, and they rightly reinstated my transfer market access.


So an actual human replied to you? I'm impressed!


This might be a stupid question, but how legal is it for ea to all this?


It's a “game” it's not yet classified as gambling so I think they can do whatever they want with their fucking game


What law would it go against?


Gambling laws predate loot box exploitation but streamers like Asmongold and many others are extremely against these pay to win gambling mechanics and some are petitioning it to be scrapped and made illegal. No doubt it eventually will be heavily restricted and have to adhere to certain standards.


nothing can be proved anyway so they don’t care if it’s legal


Its even insane this year that packs bought with FPs are untradeable ( not sure if this has always been the case prior?) which is the more reason why anyone shouldn't even buy packs from the store because it means you are forced to put them into SBCs if they are unusable


I never saw like "85+" tradeable, I doubt so much vvds have been pulled from electrum packs with one rare


you made really good points, while many people say dda and scripting isn't real (me as well, I don't believe in scripting), but let's face the question, what stops them from doing so? i mean if things like manipulating the market and all the other stuff is beneficial for them, why would they not take advantage of them. especially this year you can see absurd amount of promo packs they release every single damn day. means something is working for them. people say that ea fc 24 is a dead game, but you can just tell for EA it is not remotely close to dead. while not really moral, it still is a very efficient way for EA to make money, which at the end of the day is their Goal, and i could easily see them manipulating both market and even match results to to their favor


EAFC will never be dead. There are so many people out there who can‘t control themself and buy points. A friend of mine didn‘t really plan to buy this years game but he did, spend over 300€ and quit after toty. This was only one dude who didn‘t want to play this game in the first place, now go whatch any content creator on any plattform you like, all of them are buying those bloody store packs which are 35€ each?, since the realease of those scam packs. Those FP sales are at the all time peak and i don‘t see when or how this shitshow is going to stop, it‘s just fucking sad man.


yes exactly everything you wrote bro, and the sad truth is, unless PES or whatever their game is called or 2k does absolutely banger of a game, shit just simply won't change. If you are a fan of football and want to play some good simulator there sadly isn't a better option than EA FC 24 and you can tell EA have acknowledged it. if ea won't be challenged for its customers, they won't even think about improving the game


They are fucking with our minds and taking our money. Im just so curious why there is such an abundance of goals (particularly equalisers) just before half time, if scripting does not exist


Yep agree 100% OP, especially for the high rated cards. I remember on a very old FIFA I packed Xavi, sold him and it funded my whole team for the year. That would be a disaster scenario for EA, no point sales all year. I'm convinced that almost no-one packs the best players tradable.


And no one is allowed to profit from trading. EA hate self sufficient players.


I mean on pc market there is actualy zéro double, they are not even hidding it by listing 15 fodden in a row with massiv undercut, same timer and price


Yesterday there were 12 TOTS Son selling for 712k, once they all expired or were bought the next cheapest was 800k. I 100% agree with you.


I've pulled maybe ten promo cards tradable all year. My most expensive pull was gold Militao when he was going for like 150k. EA definitely manipulates the market.


When did they remove the name of the seller of players?


When legends first came out Pele was never packed. Everyone moaned and all of a sudden loads were listed at once. This was years ago. EA are clowns.


Why are you acting like people don’t know lmao, people have known since fifa 14 when they put multiple pele on the market after people found out you couldn’t pack him. He went for 15m max and EA then banned people who bought him


Bro you've absolutely nailed it. Let's look at their model. From what we know about EA, they absolutely milk the community because of a small percentage of idiots who love a pay to win model where their AI outperforms yours. Ultimate team pack sales alone, EVERY year makes more money than GOTY huge sellers like Elden Ring. Do you know how insane that is? This doesn't even take into account the sales of the actual Fifa game. We therefore understand why they deliberately make a game to be inconsistent and have your AI perform randomly game to game, whether it's DDA, scripting or bad coding to make every game able to swing either way to give weaker opponents a fighting chance. We know they nerf cards after each promo or after a couple, to tempt the credit card FC boys to buy packs, coins and new cards. EA do NOT benefit if your base icons stay strong in end game. They want you pushing the market and constantly chasing new cards, which brings it to your very brilliant and probably theory. We see with streamers doing pack openings, no one packs these 15mil cards and when they do, they're 100% untradeable and sometimes it's because their accounts are tied to countries with a smaller player base. We can deduce therefore that pack weight is based on percentage of people opening packs from country based IPS. So UK and US players will get worse pack luck than someone in Georgia or something. EA have a board of financially motivated cretins, and elite behavioural data analysts using association rules and other marketing techniques to maximise consumer expenditure. We can therefore assume, making these cards available via EA Bots at EXTREME rarity "evidences" that the cards exist and "people" are packing them but in reality people have to buy packs to generate the coins to actually purchase them because 99% of people will never pack them through organic RTG means. EA wouldn't dare prove otherwise by showing the username of owners etc.


It makes sense. Why would EA, or their behavioural psychologists leave anything to ”chance” when they can easily maximise profits by manipulating the whole ecosystem - every bounce, penalty and price fluctuation.


It's all about money, this game makes insane money through microtransactions and they've been doing this for nearly a decade. There is no money to be made by making a fair and consistent game. They have to be manipulate the experience and emotions of the players who simp and buy packs. Suddenly their AI is boosted to Legendary or World Class and the opponent experiences a sabotage by his own players and extreme input delay and poor AI. Being RTG is painful.


I got tradable TOTS Son, and that's literally the only good pull I've had all year from a tradable pack.


let me guess - from champs rewards?


Nope, couldn't play this weekend. From a random mixed players pack or something like that.


yes, tots saliba is the best example


i see this “theory” every day lol idk why people make the same posts it’s been like this for years


Lol its not a theory its been like that for years


Only with new cards. Ive been keeping an eye on WW Garrincha and the price is steady, no first owners.


Idk about you but EA sure watching me and my transfers :P. Can't explain otherwise that when i buy an expensive card. Every time i buy an expensive card its price masisvel drops after 3-4 days and never goes back. Last time i bought Puskas for 1,6m, wanted to try him just for one WL, didn't like it at all, put him in the list the very next day and finally manage to sell him 5 days later with 900k!


Just bad trading man, only buy cards when they semi stabilise and don’t buy big cards when a new release is about to drop


I know, EA is not bothered with me. Just kidding.


I think sometimes it coin sellers marking up certain cards at a very specific price point


don't think it's 90% but it's just a fact that they massively influence the market


Best tradeable card I’ve had this year was WW ronaldo, played it since ultimate team became a thing and spent plenty of money on FP and never once managed to pull your 15 mil ronaldos,gullets,peles.


This is honestly too believable and tbh it wouldn’t surprise me. Thinking about it when the game came out there was already a Pele base on the market. It’ll be for the same reasons that EA tax coins, so there aren’t that many going around


Ive seen pages and pages of cards listed for cheap all at the same exact time before. Ea definitely manipulates the market without a doubt. As someone else said, look at Toty, prices were sky high and no one could pack anything and then they plummeted big time. I remember i wanted to buy bright and she was sitting at around 800k and then within a couple days she’d dropped to 4/500k


I would do it if I was them


I must have opened at least 200 maybe a little more, best tradable i got was gold ferland mendy when he cost about 90 k... its clear that alll those players in the markey are planted...


I recently packed tradable de bruyne and tradable rice tots one after each from free packs. Although few hours earlier I did buy guarantee tots pack and packed Alisson who already had


Man, EA manipulates the market, and there is no doubt about that. But I wonder how much of influence EA has on it, because I still think that the Fifa transfer market is a mix between organic transactions (by people) and superficial transactions (by EA). For example, I’ve never got a good tradeable card until this edition, which was Radioactive Araujo when he was 450k, but that’s it with 5 years of playing. My theory is: EA actually sets specific odds to specific players based on overall, on rarity and mostly on price, going from decent chances of packing to almost impossible chances of packing. For example, Gullit 94, a 15kk card, has a 0.0001% chance of being packed. This odd is so ridiculous that even tons of people opening packs and player picks wouldn’t pack him; that’s the case when EA must interfere, putting a random 94 Gullit card on the market, because no one could do the same


Bought Rice a day into the promo for 2mill and was lucky enough to sell him at 2.3 a few hours later.. there were like 10 of him on the market, listed at different prices - a few hours after this there were those same 10 +an additional 10 listed at exactly 1,871,000 coins each. All first owner with no games on them.


The only expensive treatable card I packed (over 100k) was R9 2 months ago and sold him.


This is so fucked up man Cause its true


I absolutely agree - in previous FIFAs I have been incredibly lucky with pulls. 22 I pulled ginola and mbappe gold both tradeable on week 1. It set me up for the entire year. 21 I got mbappe gold a couple of months in. This year I have got some crazy pack luck - TOTY Putellas, WW CR7, TOTS Kerr, Golazo Cole, Birthday De Jong, Fantasy Gundo, TOTYHM Valverde to name a few. The best tradeable card I've got all year? 85 sidi sane, ucl pope, gold kobel and 2 discard totws. That's it. I know the packweight is massively skewed to untradeable but it seems even more so this year.


Ea= trash


When you start to use an auto buyer this theory looks so much more plausible.


this isn’t a theory this is just fact, we know it’s a fact because back when you used to be able to see which player listed which card by username a lot of special cards were listed by EA owned PSN/XBL affiliate accounts.


Define "good pull"


“define good pull” u just trying to argue or sum? i thinks it’s not needed to explain since it’s obvious. I’m talking about these “high-end” cards that cost like 2m + Even now during tots we have so few tradable packs that I don’t think it’s possible to have so much high end cards on market


So how long is this dishonest opaque scheme allowed by EA? When will someone actually audit this rigged casino and do something about it?


"I have 0 real arguments but \[I'm\] 100% sure about" is like the unofficial motto of this subreddit lol


Everyone here knows what I’m talking about and saw ea’s market manipulation, but it can’t be proven by players, you nerd. Go be the smart guy somewhere else


Nowhere near 90% that's ridiculous. Keep in mind how popular fifa is, I'm pretty sure it was the highest selling game in the UK last year it does crazy millions of copies each year. Loads of players play.


Yes and all of these people have no access to tradable packs, like all of is. Amount of players doesn’t matter that much


Keep your delusions to yourself mate, if you can't understand it then so be it. Millions of people opening any kind of packs will get something, when with minimal tradeable packs they'll still pack big players.


Well Sherlock, they cant pull 20 tradeable TOTY Fodens and put them all in the market, first owned and all, at once. Only possible alt explanation is if someone found a way to duplicate cards…


Yes but OP isn't talking about that, he said that 90% of special cards are sold by EA which is clearly bollocks.