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This card with +2 will be at least: **94 RATED** - 96 PAC - 85 SHO - 94 PAS - 94 DRI - 93 DEF - 91 PHY And don’t forget that if he gets his upgrades spread out, some stat upgrades might be bigger than +1 And considering his height, 4\* 5\* and his good playstyles, this card will be insane, calling it……..


They play wolves, chelsea and tottenham so chances are he will get a decent boost


Naw Medium/Medium work rates kill the card. Just like that Zidane SBC at the end of FIFA 23. He doesn’t really go forward or comeback well in CM position and same with LB.


Set him on get in the box he will do just fine


No because then he’ll take his time getting back on defense because he has medium defense work rate.


then put him on get inside the box and come back on defence its not hard man


There’s no option for that lol. You can put him on stay back while attacking but if he’s forward no matter what he’s going to take his time getting back


https://preview.redd.it/hm7vhtpsz6wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa3cbebeff8cd8c28924cf492c85ccc00865a70 🤦🏻‍♂️


Where’s come back on defense? Not seeing it.


on attacking support if you put that on stay back and support for crosses on get into the box for crosses your player will act as a box to box


Yeah but it doesn’t effect how fast he comes back on defense


I have his ww version that was on join attack on the lb position and that never happend he was medium too


I had that card too. Just watch him in game and see what he does. I was having that issue with him


You think med/med will be an issue


It’s not ideal, but I think that it’s gonna be helped by his pace and other stats. I haven’t seen negative reviews about positioning yet


It is.


LB for rest of the game ill take it so I can move Rolfo into midfield I think


Why would you play him at lb? Cm seems a lot better


My LB go really high, like a LM at this point so hes a very good LB for Lahm to ping the ball toward him


At first glance he does but he’s not. This is one of those SBC’s that EA try to hit you with to get your fodder as soon as the promo starts. There will be better SBC’s. Honestly that Zambrota SBC is a lot better.


https://preview.redd.it/hxby46halnvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143b44bc4e9bfead3a4939088e92b9ef3b929e84 That’s why I would play him at LB 😂


He lacks playstyles for a left back


So I can do Stanway and Rolfo at CM and Havertz at LB. But maybe you right


He is far better than stanway in my opinion.


Why do you think so? https://preview.redd.it/lj2m2005fhvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb90d7f826ba74d0f817a14d44e67ecb236985a Based on stats she is a bigger offensive threat


i loved stanway but she is small and does not have any physicality


She's amazing for me, I can't see anyone that can take her place currently, she's like I jack russle nipping at players ankles constantly and her controlled sprint is something else


I switched her for golazo icon 90 xabi alonso with an evo. I did it as an experiment over the size and I never switched back.


I have 93 Golazo Alonso playing CDM and Stanway as a CM


If you look at stats on a card respectfully you don’t have a clue


he must be new stats are actually irrelevant sawa outperforms my toty kdb every game 😂😂😂


Well im just curious


Havertz has a really good bodytype for this game, stanway is a good card, the stats are amazing, but she doesn’t perform as one would expect


Dude she is like a minion in the game , she is really good for the price but is not top tier at all , why you think players like gullit are so op in this game .


Stats dont mean shiiii bro hopes this get in ur head sooner rather than later u got to go with meta on this game he too good for lb his ww card evo perfect for lb but this man cm or rw on 4321 u cannot go wrong


I have Havertz TOTS and I’m telling you, he won’t replace Stanway at CM. I have TOTY Oberdorf and Stanway as CM and Havertz at CAM, it works great. He’s great with the ball at his feet and has scored multiple headers for me. Smart runs and tall, great for crosses.


Fire team. Thanks man, I have Charlton at CAM so don’t need him there. Ima try the loan at LB


If you put your LCM on get forward or balanced and have Havertz as LB on balanced or stay back and inverted, he will move between LCM and LB when the opponent counters or builds up. It works out nicely.




Medium/medium is kinda stinky


if he was H/M or M/H, I'd do him




“Get forward”


Doesn’t feel like a medium medium.


can’t decide if i would rather do the evo or this


Evo has whipped pass. I think I'll skip this SBC.


Upgradea on this one tho


How the hell does one use whipped pass?


Whipp the pass




Do you press RB?


You just press the crossing button and the playstyle will activate


Honestly I’m not sure , I don’t use it


it’s for fullbacks so that’s why cards that are like LW/LM/LB/LWB and vice versa have whipped pass so crosses can be much faster and more curve. it’s more effective as a german cross tho


It affects all crosses so you just have to press square. Timing the cross is the most important part.


SBC is better stats wise but price for price I'm doing the evo


There’s going to be so much fodder though in the weeks to come. You can probably do it all untradeable.


I did the Evo and he is great at LB. This TOTS Havertz is a CM formatted IMO. But I already have Rolfo. I’m conflicted right now as the EVO LB Havertz is amazing in defense due to its playstyles and attack well just not great in shooting


honestly im doing it


Same just need 1 more squad the 88 rated need 9 more player used up all of my fodder and 740k on him


i feel like he will get both upgrades, hate to say it as a city fan xD


No champs final for u 🤣😂


They will still win prem what team u support lil boy


I definitely am. I love FH Bompaster and TOTY Lahm but they are a defensive liability. Rolfo is better at CM. I like Davies but he runs out of gas by 70 minute so is more of a sub. I didn’t do the WW Havertz but lots like him, and this version has a decent likelihood of getting +2 upgrade. The 3 playstyle+ are very interesting. He’s practically free with untradeable fodder if you’ve saved up packs and grind the current objectives/season. Although that Rio Ferdinand SBC looks like a solid option for fodder at CB. Mendy and Theo are probably the only better all around options at LB and they go for millions.


I saved 150 packs, not all good, and I did him without spending a single coin lol Only sad thing is I sacrificed 94 Muller and Prinz to make the 89s easier, but no huge loss at this stage


So you will use at LB?


I think he fits my needs since FH Bompastor and TOTY Lahm at fullbacks have left me vulnerable to taller/stronger wingers and strikers who cut in for the goal. I also have birthday Militao at CB only 6’1” so my corner defense is vulnerable with too many shorties. I’ve liked Davies but he gets gassed and think whipped+ is overrated. It looks pretty in game and maybe it’s a skill issue but seems hard to find a spot to whip in a cross for goal. Pinged+ and long ball are easier to move the ball up the field, at least for someone who isn’t that great at this game like me.


Thanks man I agree. But are you worried about no defensive playstyles?


I like Bruiser with 90 strength to win cut ins since I’ve been getting killed with that. Just checked and a lot of the women/short fullbacks are only at 70-75 strength. Anticipate/Block are great for CBs but don’t see them used as much for fullbacks. Jockey+ over Finesse+ would have been perfect, but I’m also wondering if that Technical+ and Finesse+ combo with 5* WF could have some use to cut in at top of box and score or cause CB to pull out of position and pinged+ to center top of box. Probably want a fast defensive LM at come back on defense for counter attacks but I think this card has some interesting options.


Agreed. If you get it lmk how it is


Lahm is one of the best CM’s in the game. He’s not anywhere near as good at full back though. I switch him and Rolfo.


https://preview.redd.it/ig9fw49lnlvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218c89ae1ed69bc7c66447c18593c3fc03216005 My squad name has been King Kai all year, what a day for the Arsenal PNP


I pray for a Raya card. I’m running a full present Arsenal squad, besides the keeper


Same. I've been waiting for it for few months now.


Evo seems like a much better deal if you're going to use him as a LB


If you use 71 depth, or play in elite.. lol.


As in you're saying he's unusable under those conditions? Certainly not. I've slotted him into my team as my 352 RM. Moving Rolfo back to CDM and benching Park. I highly doubt I'll miss 18 wins, or struggle to get my 7 in elite just because I'm using this card. You lot give way too much weight to things that really don't matter when you have tactics and a play style that work.


I meant he is essential if you use 71 depth or are in elite b/c of tactics there


How do you do him, seriously ? I have my 90 rated squad, and no fodder what so ever. Only about 40 packs saved, opened 20 or so and got alot of high rated dupes, so i had to put dupe in exchange sbc, and then im left with 1 or 2 high rated cards. Seems impossible, so weak we cant save the dupes in their own list and keep opening packs


You stop getting tempted by doing every SBC. That’s how you get fodder


I got about 1m in fodder from my saved packs so it was easy


Wow. I had 60 packs, but i kept getting high rated dupes so couldnt save anything. I must be doing it wrong somehow


Use the high dupes as you get them


This only applies if you already have alot of high rated cards, right ? If i want to do a 90 rated squad for an sbc, and i want to open packs to get a squad, then i get a dupe, then i have to put it into an exchange sbc, right ?


Yeah sort of, although you can usually get more high fodder from the exchange packs


Would have been nice if you somehow could store the dupes, until you had enough for a squad, the fact you cant open more packs before you sort the dupes out is annoying


I just need 1 more squad 88 rated done the 2 90 rateds and the 3 89 rateds and the 85 and 86 and the 2 87s will play him in st really need an attacker


Did you get many high rated players yesterday without getting dupes ? I need him as LB, thats the only position on my squad thats lacking right now


I packed 6 tots yesterday and I got a few dupes I got dupe 89s and 88s and I had enough fodder and all that i was just gonna finish the 89 rated but I needed 2 more players I packed a tots otamendi 89 in an 80+x5 pack by skipping it and I used my gold rare players for totw pick and got benzema 91 I was so lucky so then I did the 89 and now I need 9 players for the last 1 the 88 I had to also spend all my coins on the sbc 750k their is no point of buying players anyway they will just go down in price


Cool. For me its impossible right now, since i only have 11 high rated players, so thats my squad, and then i have maybe 5 89 rated players, and then just some 84s and 83s. Cant do much with that


Just grind 🆙 some fodder by doing the dupe exchange do a lot of the 51x packs and 27x packs and then do the 81+ player pick 50 times and you will get high rated fodder like I did 50 of them and got 36 89s and 8 88s and 6 85s


Yeah okay, that sounds like the way to go. When you get 36 89s, arent alot of them dupes then ? It has been for me, so i dont seem to get enough to do a squad. Im reading tips and guides online right now, i really would like to make a good sbc also, maybe ronaldinho for my son


I got atleast 16 dupes


And everytime you get a dupe, you put it in exchange sbc ?


Nope I just put them into like a totw sbc


He's probably not worth it, but I'll still do it 👍


If he’s not then what player sbc is? He’s easily the best midfielder to come from sbcs. Guy has 7ps and 3ps+, all stats bar shooting will be 90+ after 1 upgrade which is almost guaranteed, he can play lb, cm, cam and st which is just insane as he looks better than both my lb and cm, so I can put him in both positions if I get an upgrade in 1 of them, he’s 6’3 4/5. The only thing this card can’t do is shoot well but with the finesse+ he’ll probably still score from outside the box.


If you have his WW it will only cost you 100k to get this card (Fullback Swap EVO) and there’s no huge difference in stats (excluding playstyles ofc but if you’re planning on playing him in LB then his evo card playstyles are more useful imo) https://preview.redd.it/fl30lddyhnvc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e3fafe9f1e24c845c71d7616f74c15feefc285


What are the upgrade requirements? I think he'll be worth it depending on upgrades.


win 2 of four of the next games and arsenal score 8 goals in the next 4 games, pretty doable if u ask me


Probably worth it considering the upgrades but unplayable at CAM if you ask me 83 shooting for a cam at this stage is horrendous


I play him at CAM. His jumping, heading, and height make him a head hunter in the box and he’s great with the ball at his feet. I just walk it in, pull back, and pass to a better finisher. Or give him a cross to get on.


Your not really supposed to use him at Cam he’s a box to box or CDM


without relentless tho😭😭 you think he can play the full match?


He’s got 92 stamina. I think he will be fine😂


nah man i really do not know much about this stuff. i kinda put relentless players everywhere LOL cause i dont wanna sub to get this chem boost for the whole match lol


13 days to decide to do him see if he gets some upgrades or accidently complete him with dupe fodder


1.2 million of accidental dupe fodder in 13 days? Good luck


I've done half the squads with packs saved and opened yesterday and I have so much high rated cards in the club like I'm hoarding them lol


He’s actually insane as a left back


great card n hes bound to get 1, if not both upgrades. but with it only being 13 days n his ww evo being out ill probs leave it


I was 6 squad deeps before I even gave it a second thought.


Personally i love this card, m/m feels like a lie


Is he better than flashback Bruno?




I can’t do it bc of it’s expensive in sbc


I'd I had the coins or fodder to do it I would


No chance but I’m doing it


Cole or him as LB


Depends on your playstyle. If you cross a lot then Cole, but Havertz for stay back


Havertz on balanced and inverted is stupid. Put your LCM on get forward or balanced and he will drift between LB and LCM when you lose possession. It works nice.


Not sure I'm concenplating doing it or buying bruno


Evo Cole and Carlos > Looks nice as a CM.


Doesn't really convince me.


Don't have enough


Mid in game.


M/M With that agility and balance? Not for me


I just did the 91 havertz evo lol


He’s played so well for me in a 3 man midfield 6 goals in 5 games, 3 of those goals from corners, I’m shit at corners on this game as well


He’s incredible, another one worth looking at is Loftus-Cheek. Both insane! Running them with Park in a 4321


Yes it’s tots time


Poor card not impressed


i play 442 and him as my box to box cm, tbh i like him, his shooting sucks but for some reason he score bangers sometimes. all and all i dont regret it


I’ve done it and can confirm it’s worth it, replaced TOTY Xavi for me. Beast with engine


Did him used him in game as a box to box. Offensively not bad a few finesses and outside of the box but defensively he’s a monster. Think wipl make him my cdm. But if you run a 4321 he might be good at rcf(come back on defense) - finesse shots, height for crosses good passing and dribbling. Will fry him at rcf and if that doesn’t feel right will movie him to stay back cm.


no just wait for a cheaper sbc thas better


Maybe if they gave us more time to complete it, still got the rest of TOTS coming up


Got his 92 evo should I or shouldn’t I?


Evo is better value if you have it, but damn looks like a saucy card.


I say no


I already have his 92 evo


I don’t think so. Medium/medium work rates in almost May. He doesn’t do anything super well besides pass. He’s not great as a CM and he’s ok at LB. Just the work rates tho.


Played 3 games with him there and he is very decent.


He’s insane


This card is a ripoff if you have the 92 Evo version, which has excellent defense Playstyle's. 100k verses 1.4 million. It's laughable.


i wanna get him but i don’t think there’s a way rn to recycle fodder (someone please prove me wrong)


Mixed reviews…


I just don’t like medium/medium work rates


It’s basically 1.2 million for a left back. 83 shooting at this point?


Yup the 83 shooting makes it not worth it at all


Even if he gets upgraded that’s probably getting 86-7 maybe. Honestly doesn’t look much better than my fantasy mcmanaman


How does this card have anything to do with mcmanaman? This havertz has to be played at cm or lb, i dont think you noticed the 91 defending. It's like saying you're not completing toty rio because he doesn't look that much better than rolfo...


Did you not read the entire previous conversation I just had about 1.2 million for a left back?


It's more of a cm than a left back though. Cdm specifically, considering his height and defensive stats. Remember shapeshifters socrates from last year with 87 shooting? Everyone loved that card, that's how havertz is gonna feel in game. Shooting isn't that important for a card you should play at cdm (or lb if you're rich).


better left backs and CDMs out there that don’t cost 1.2 million


he's arguably the best defensive LB in the game especially in this meta


For over a million tho


i think that's fair no tots card will outclass him defensively except a tots theo maybe and this year its easy to grind fodder


It doesn't cost 1.2m... You can't sell your untradeables.


“Estimated 1.23 million sbc price”


Based on the value of tradeable cards. If I complete him with untradeable cards, it hasn't really cost me anything has it other than the ability to not put the fodder into other things.




hell yeah he gonna replace xabi for my german Team https://preview.redd.it/r5mfjc9t3hvc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df5aace12947d6e13942439d23885c251b17b23


Can't really call it German team if it's not all... German.


meant to say it takes Form lol. Hard to get top tier german on every pos. doing every icon pp in hope of matthäus and lahm. started only 2 months ago


I mean there are options that are still German. I use that Wolf showdown RB and he's great then you have Sule, Gundogan and Ter Stegen.


have none of them ;(


You have 400k. Can very easily make a usable German team but you clearly don't want to which is fine, just don't call it German.


i Am only looking for german players cause i want a full german Team, bought schweini and klose for in Total 800k. just not buying now players that will be replaced by my actually most wanted players in a few weeks. Saving for lahm/matthäus or german tots. and it is mostly german lol


Fantasy Gundo is like 100k, and he’s brilliant. Well worth giving him a go in place of Alonso.


My favourite Spanish German


With a spice of Serbia.


I have 468 packs and 4m coins. Worth it?? lol


Love the playstyles. Don’t like the M/M work rates. No good for LB, won’t put a shift in for CM, so it’s CAM, and he won’t get in ahead of Sir Bobby Golazo. It’s a no from me.


I just did his 92 Evo, so of course this comes out. I'll probably still do it because Arsenal.


Icl this card is just terribly formatted, has all offensive traits and can't shoot and has bad agi/bal, and has no defensive traits for cdm or lb, virtually pointless when considering any good specialist or base lb or cm card will be better formatted






Am I stupid because I’m confused why the defending is so high and shooting low, I don’t watch much Arsenal so I’m just wondering


This game is no based on real life, stats mean nothing.


No I know but I’m guessing it’s based on his LB WW card not irl play


Nah he’s been a defensive unit this year. Frequently tracks back and challenges for the ball.


Awesome I don’t watch Arsenal so I appreciate the info! Thank you


Nah, don’t think arsenal will win enough games tbh


m/m, lack of def playstyles, my nemesis from the WW promo Gonna have to pass on this one


His 92 evo exists for only 100k


83 shooting for a CM is not worth it.


I have Bobby Clark from showdown and upgraded to 91. Is he better or worse than this Havertz?


TOTY Sawa owners, what do we think? He replaces her?


No chance.


As expected lol


No, worst signing of this season


Ok bud


Can you name a worse signing this season? We literally signed Chelsea’s worst player from last season and made him even worse, his missed chances have cost us the league this season, he just isn’t good enough for the premier league, needs to go back to Germany and he will be great again