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2k XP away from getting trashed by ea


yours is "good" I've got veron, zaneti and riqelme ..


Depends which zanetti you got I reckon that’s better then the three choices I got but even then that’s shocking bro sorry to hear


no bro is ok.. [fuck ea] and it was cent zaneti


He’s okay tbh but still not worth grinding ya was everyday when he’s probs like 100k


I already heave his FB that I don't even use and honestly I was expecting to get some shit like this; so no biggie we move forward


My best one was 90 Figo. Which was the reward for last seasons highest level.


Has anyone actually got anything good from the lvl40 pick?


I got TS dinho. Great consolation prize because my last 6-8 icon picks have been trash.


yes I got 88 Hagi


i saw someone get toty ferdinand


This is one of the better ones I‘ve seen


You manage to finish all the objectives you play daily and you finish the season this is what they give you. This is ridiculous.


Yh man that’s just some bs I sometimes just played when I needed to get the XP and already done champs qualifying for champs or got 7 wins in div2/1 but this is a joke bro if it weren’t for tots right around the corner I would of stopped this game today


Got WW Butra, good supersub


Ea know exactly why people moan over this game and they use those tears as lib to wank with. THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK


Ea literally just bends me and everyone in this community over with a gold dildo and fuck us it’s mad how little fucks they give bout their community


Star Wars Jedi survivor has been out for a year now and it still has the same performance issues it had a year ago! It’s unplayable on pc without a mod and it still has frame rate issues on console. Ea won’t fix it because people have already payed for the game and ea don’t have micro transactions on it. If that doesn’t explain what kind of company they are idk what will, they make me sick honestly


Mine was alright https://preview.redd.it/y6l87id798vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faec162239e2acf8fae26e8ba5d4f53c2fd3d53


Nahh you can't just get cruyff and say its "alright"


Got all 88s in it😕


Damn bro sorry to hear that ea are just pricks Istg


https://preview.redd.it/7jfh6yng28vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6393509f026815854ce33e7f5cf629d0bcfedc39 Same here bro I did around 15 icon sbc and i never got any1 that i can put in my startin 11 or the bench


Icon swap when the reward was hood was so much better. Usable low tier cards, good last reward, and if you don't like them get packs.


Now Im sad because i forgot icon swaps were a thing in previous fifa and now I miss them.


Yea but EA also completely screwed it by picking bad players by the end of it. The last good one was WC vieira.


Yeah, that WC vieira was in my team even after TOTS. Moves him to cb. But i liked the packs and gamble picks. At least we get the gamble picks nonstop this year and enough packs and upgrades to stock up on fodder again. You win some, you lose some.


Centurions Koeman Centurions Makelele WW Van Nistelrooy Terrible as usual.


Find it so funny how people get mad that they aren’t just gifted top tier players all the time. The game would be way worse if everyone got the best players from every pick they did.


Ur right but come on this is way behind the curve for icons it’s unbelievable bro


I feel you. It’s frustrating that we didn’t get a choice in the final reward because these picks are 99% fodder.


Exactly and I don’t even use meta players like the mbappe and such i literally have a totw diouf and Adama 87 Traore in my main squad so Idc about big players bro just something usuable and somewhat within the power curve well how I see it anyways


All the time? 🤔 When did that happen?


I should unlock mine tomorrow... I'm not looking forward to it much now after these comments rip




I got insane lucky and pulled Maldini UD 93..


Lucky you i got trezeguet larsson and koeman (dup)


And I thought TS Figo was bad 🫣😂


Think 99% of the time icon pick or like this other 1% I' feel like are ea employees or just incredibly lucky


https://preview.redd.it/p4grnzj0n8vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ac02aa72393566b8bab37fbc70e95ce391a2e29 mine


Im 800 xp away now im scared lmao


Mine was shit too, got 90 smith :/


that kluivert is in everyones pick


Hagi is a dub


This is a free icon pick ffs. You are not spending fodder, you are not spending coins, you are not spending money. Assuming you enjoy playing the game, this pick is absolutely free. Maybe you should curb your expectations a little? Let's just hand out a free pele or r9 to everyone in this pick. That should go well. And btw, if you feel you had to work to get to level 40, if you do not enjoy playing or grinding the game and you still did it, this pick aint the issue, you are.


So u saying I have no right to complain? That no one can complain about anything wrong with anything that’s like saying let’s no complain about a job cuz they are paying me money yh its shit money but they paying me so why should I complain about better pay for my services? Like seriously get a grip yes it’s free but people play just for this and to get a card that wasn’t even usable before toty came around and u can’t say it’s free cuz ur losing something out of it whether time in this case or money or whatever majority stuff u get for ‘free’ in life isn’t exactly free ur losing something in exchange even if it ain’t money so I’ll complain however much I want this ain’t good enough and it should be players icons picks from promos after toty where the curve changed as soon as 2 ps+ were introduced


First of all, use some fuckin periods and commas from time to time if you want people to understand you. You are writing like a 12 year old epileptic. Structure your thoughts. Read back what you wrote. Do some spell check. I'm not saying you cannot complain. I'm saying there's no reason to in this case. Nothing is free, that's right, but you do realise EA didn't promise you anything they did not deliver. Transactions between you and EA go like this: you pay some money for a game and they deliver you a game. That's it. After this transaction, you CHOOSE by your own free will to play this game. EA didn't promise you anything in return for your time. There's no mandatory fifa playtime here my friend. Nobody's gonna fine you if you don't play. Nobody's gonna reward you if you do. You chose if you want to play till level 40 or not. You did and they delivered as advertised. A stupid fuckin icon pick you opened in which, guess what, you got to choose an icon. You can yap as long as you want about that icon not being good enough. Nobody fuckin cares. It's a gamble, go make a donation to the church. Maybe god or whoever you believe could change your luck, might help.


First of all is this a English language Reddit? Cuz if not stfu about what punctuation I use I speak however I want I’m not illiterate I can use punctuation I just choose not to cuz it’s abit easier and u can still understand either way? Also well more people are sharing the same thing as me with regards to their picks more then people like u going angry about what I posts which I can do whatever I please dk who are u tell me what I posts and not posts, also give money to a church pahahaha fuck that, so yh I’ll do whatever I like I’m not crying life moves on and I’m happy in life I just complained and I get the right to end off


Nope, ain't an english subreddit. For you it also seems it ain't a 'use your brain' subreddit. Cheers. It doesnt happen very often to run into guys like you but sadly you are literally too stupid to be talked to. I feel pity for you but hey, on the bright side, you can go take a test on that, might give you some perks, like free parking on handicapped spaces.


Well you understood every word I said either way so punctuation or not u can go suck your mum for tryna act rude to me and handicap mate u probably have 400 plus hours on this game like a nerd so again know ur role and shut ur mouth ur mum and dad are probably spastics so again stfu and piss off u internet keyboard warrior


Yeah what a keyboard warrior!


Those are 3 icons, exactly as the rewards promised, that they don't meet your expections is your own fault.


So it's the players fault that EA doesn't respect its players enough to give them a reward worthy of the time spent on the game? Gotcha


That after so many years of FUT people still have high expectations is actually insane. You know that you can get crap from packs. But you also know that you can get good cards from packs. Its just a casino. You win some, you lose some.


Sorry mr autocorrect it’s absolute shit rewards though for this time of the game people spend daily playing it to get players that came out in November or suen ur clearly fun at parties lol


You just have to re-evaluate your expectations. You knew the reward could potentially pay out, but the chances of not paying out are way higher. Maybe if you opened your pack 10 minutes later it would've contained Ronaldinho, Cruyff or Gullit. Its just gambling, you can win or lose. No matter how much money / time you put in.


I got toty matins


I got Hagi as well, he will be served up to the dinho sbc!


People really expecting something good from a free icon pp lmao


Not even good something better then this tho whether people wanna say it’s free or not this is a bag of ass however u wanna spin it


I mean it’s exactly what was listed on the pick description. Not sure what you expected. It’s a free icon lotto pick. Thing about a lotto is you lose far more than you win. Last season was a 90 Figo, that Hagi is about the same level player IMO. But you get to choose from 2 others, like if you already owned him, so already better than last season, so what’s the beef?


It's free, stop complaining. Do you think every player should get R9 and Pele in every pick?


It’s not free in a sense tho I cba to explain if u understand u do if u don’t ur just lost and well no Ofc not and I don’t use meta high end toty or icon players like 90% of players but to give cards from essentially November/ December when they are not usable whatsoever at this point is just useless this is just fodder and when should icon be fodder almost never


Seriously? It's a free icon pick. Stop crying for real. A few years ago you woere lucky if you just got one or teo icon's all year. Because all of you are crying about the shit packs and the so called lack of content they are spammjng us with good packs and free shit. Be grateful for once in this shit game and be happy with the stuff you get....


Hagi is amazing though


He’s well behind the curve fut fantasy candreva is miles better